The Art Of Charm | High Performance Techniques| Cognitive Development | Relationship Advice | Mastery Of Human Dynamics

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 780:12:32
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The Art of Charm is where self-motivated people, just like you, come to learn from the companys coaches about to how to master human dynamics, relationships, and becoming your best self with the help of Johnny and AJ, the companys founders.Johnny and AJ bring their 11 years of coaching experience from their famous Bootcamps, where they host clients in Los Angeles from all over the world and they share their stories, best practices and themselves on this weekly podcast.Not only does The Art of Charm help everyday people, including active members of the military, learn how to become higher performers, better spouses, partners, and coworkers, they dig deep into human behavior, the science behind it, and demystify what we do and why we do it.


  • 509: Duana Welch | The Evolution of Love

    02/05/2016 Duração: 01h39s

    Dr. Duana Welch (@duanawelch), author of Love Factually: 10Proven Steps from I Wish to I Do, rejoins us to discuss theevolution of love.The Cheat Sheet:What are some of the core differences between men andwomen?Learn how men and women have shaped each otherpsychologically and biologically over the course of humanevolution.What do women and men lie about?Why do men tend to be more ambitious thanwomen?How does jealousy differ between women andmen?And so much more...Show notes at US SPREAD THE WORD!If you dig the show, please subscribe in iTunes and writeus a review! This is what helps us stand out from the crowd andhelp people find the credible advice they need.Review the show in iTunes! We rely on it! Charming! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Fan Mail Friday #60 | Scent of Single

    29/04/2016 Duração: 18min

    Time for Fan Mail Fridays, where we'll be answering yourquestions and dropping some knowledge and feedback to help you kickthe weekend off right.In this episode:Your overall confidence is low and your desperationrises as you seek a new job in a new town with no luck yet -- andany hope of dating seems to be following the same pattern. What doyou do?You're in your twenties and it's the first long-termrelationship for both of you. Hesitation over a proposal leads to abreakup, though you stay in touch and hope remains that thingsmight still work out between you. Is it okay if you don't haveeverything figured out yet?How do you show your older siblings you've come a longway since you were the "dumb" kid in the family?You got drunk to counter the anxiety you feel in socialsituations and said some things to your friends for which you maynever be forgiven. How do you approach them to express regret andtry to make things right (while cutting back on the drinking sothis doesn't become a common occurance)?Are women more

  • 508: Dan Millman | The Four Purposes of Life

    27/04/2016 Duração: 55min

    Dan Millman (@pwdan) revisits the show to talk about his newlyupdated book The Four Purposes of Life: Finding Meaning andDirection in a Changing World.The Cheat Sheet:Earth/life is a school and daily life is yourclassroom.Career and calling are two different things (and don'tnecessarily need to be merged).Learn why we're here to fulfill four fundamentalpurposes in life -- and what they are).Find direction in life when faced with seeminglydifficult challenges.Clarify your hidden calling with Dan's Life PurposeCalculator.And so much more...Show notes at US SPREAD THE WORD!If you dig the show, please subscribe in iTunes and writeus a review! This is what helps us stand out from the crowd andhelp people find the credible advice they need.Review the show in iTunes! We rely on it! Charming! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • 507: Kimberly Seltzer | Body Image and Confidence

    25/04/2016 Duração: 42min

    Kimberly Seltzer (@SeltzerKimberly) returns to the show to share her formula for creating and maintaining a confident body image based on the body we have over the body we might wish we had. This pertains to women and men, so there should be something here for everyone!The Cheat Sheet:What is the definition of confidence, and why are some of us more confident than others?Why is it that so many of us don't love our bodies?Pinpoint your current body type and the options it gives you.Discover the clothes that flatter your figure and enhance your confidence versus ones that deplete it.Kimberly shares exercises for shedding old thought processes about body image and confidence and replacing them with newer, healthier ones.And so much more...Show notes at US SPREAD THE WORD!If you dig the show, please subscribe in iTunes and write us a review! This is what helps us stand out from the crowd and help people find the cred

  • Fan Mail Friday #59 | The Peer Pressure of Wall Street and Drugs

    22/04/2016 Duração: 25min

    Time for Fan Mail Fridays, where we'll be answering your questions and dropping some knowledge and feedback to help you kick the weekend off right.In this episode:If you're going through the trouble of enduring so-called "networking events," should you suffer the fools you meet there gladly in hopes their business sense outweighs their social sense?Is pursuing a career on Wall Street a no-brainer? Come on! All your friends are doing it...When you're experiencing a new career and the benefit of discretionary income for the first time in your life, how do you handle the divide it's causing between you and your longtime -- but less fortunate -- friends?Is recreational drug use as a college student a no-brainer? Come on! All your friends are doing it...Two-time (but not two-timing) AoC guest Duana Welch weighs in on why science tells us men are more emotional than women.How can people in a long-distance relationship build trust that overrides concern the other party might cheat?Why is playing Devil's Advocate a b

  • 506: Neil Pasricha | The Happiness Equation

    20/04/2016 Duração: 48min

    Neil Pasricha (@1000Awesome), author of The Happiness Equation, shares counterintuitive and practical happiness hacks to help us elevate ourselves into greater positivity and productivity every day using real action-oriented models and frameworks to think about how we do the things we do. The Cheat Sheet: The happiness model we're taught from a young age is backwards -- we should lead with happiness instead of regarding it as some kind of end-game reward for enduring the burdens of life. Happiness is a learnable, teachable skill -- there are specific exercises you can do in just 20 minutes a day to train your brain to be happy. Keep just three simple goals in mind to ensure happiness. No matter what your pessimistic and optimistic friends tell you, the glass isn't half-empty or half-full -- it's refillable. Don't let comparison kill your joy -- you'll never be number one out of seven billion in the world at anything. Let that be a relief to you! And so much more... Show notes at

  • 505: Karen Baetzel | BattleAxe Consulting

    18/04/2016 Duração: 53min

    Karen Baetzel (@BattleAxe57) started BattleAxe Consulting to sharpen leaders -- for work and for life -- through experiential and multi-channel training using military aviation principles. She insists they have fun doing it, too!The Cheat Sheet:Learn about military aviation culture and what helpful tips it can teach us about attention and respect. Understand the crucial difference between procedure and technique.Why are precision language habits necessary?If you aren't doing your leadership "dirty work," then who is?Find out what this self-described "battleaxe" wishes civilians knew about leadership and service.And so much more...Show notes at US SPREAD THE WORD!If you dig the show, please subscribe in iTunes and write us a review! This is what helps us stand out from the crowd and help people find the credible advice they need.Review the show in iTunes! We rely on it! Ch

  • Fan Mail Friday #58 | Take a Chance on You

    15/04/2016 Duração: 22min

    Time for Fan Mail Fridays, where we'll be answering your questions and dropping some knowledge and feedback to help you kick the weekend off right.In this episode:How do you meet new people for platonic relationships while making it clear that you're not available for anything romantic or sexual (while avoiding coming across as presumptuous)?How can you overcome your own self-limitations to start living life for yourself instead of catering to the whims and validation of others?You're a divorced parent of two in your forties and stuck in suburbia for custody reasons until the kids go to college. What dating prospects can you expect?You've placed your own college education on hold under the condition you'd return once your spouse graduated. Four days after they got their degree, you separated. Now what?For the sake of your own relationship's balance, how do you encourage your significant other to develop outside friendships?We spend a lot of time worrying about what other people think about us. But what do you

  • 504: Kira Asatryan | Stop Being Lonely

    13/04/2016 Duração: 44min

    Kira Asatryan (@KiraAsatryan) discusses the epidemic of loneliness felt by modern Americans -- millennials in particular -- and how it can be countered by closeness, the foundation of all happy and long-lasting relationships. She is the author of Stop Being Lonely: Three Simple Steps to Developing Close Friendships and Deep Relationships.The Cheat Sheet:One in five Americans suffers from chronic loneliness (and among millennials, the percentage is even higher). Time Magazine slates it as the next big public health crisis.Because loneliness isn't as readily identifiable as depression, many -- especially men -- choose to suffer it in silence.Cultivating close relationships with others counters this loneliness, and it's a skill that can be learned rather than an inherent quality that only the lucky few possess.What is loneliness? What is closeness?How does social media -- in spite of keeping us in touch with possibly hundreds or thousands of people -- exacerbate loneliness for many?And so much more...Show notes

  • 503: Kimberly Seltzer | Top 5 Mistakes Women Make When Trying to Attract a Man

    11/04/2016 Duração: 30min

    Kimberly Seltzer (@SeltzerKimberly) is a dating and makeover expert who draws upon her experience as a therapist for an inside-out approach to helping people look and feel their best. We welcome her back to the show to share the top five mistakes women make when trying to attract a man.The Cheat Sheet:Is it really true that "there are no good men out there?"Do you feel like the one who never gets approached or, if you do the approaching, you never get the response you're looking for?Body language, first impressions, messaging, social confidence, and your image play a huge role in how you come across to potential romantic partners.With which of the five archetypes of women do you most strongly identify -- and which mistakes are you most prone to make when trying to attract a man?What's the secret weapon that will help you overcome the mistakes commonly made by your prevailing archetype?And so much more...Show notes at

  • Fan Mail Friday #57 | Social Performance Anxiety

    08/04/2016 Duração: 21min

    Time for Fan Mail Fridays, where we'll be answering your questions and dropping some knowledge and feedback to help you kick the weekend off right.In this episode:What do you do for the friend who seems to need you as a cheerleader to pursue their life goals, but won't make any progress toward those goals on their own?You used to be the life of the party, but now social situations leave you feeling drained. Is there a way to regain emotional and mental endurance?An advanced degree doesn't have to come from an Ivy League school to demonstrate that you're serious about improving yourself."Getting drunk and high used to help lower my inhibitions so I could enjoy things, but now I've found that, when I'm in a good place spiritually, I'm simply not so inhibited any more."The idea of a "covert contract" applies just as much to places and things as it does to people, and sometimes we even make these contracts with ourselves. Does your current romantic interest really need to know how inexperienced you are at this st

  • 502: Bert Jacobs | Life is Good

    06/04/2016 Duração: 44min

    Bert Jacobs (@Lifeisgood) is co-founder and CEO (Chief Executive Optimist) of The Life is Good Company, which spreads the power of optimism through inspiring art, a passionate community, and groundbreaking nonprofit work. He's also the co-author of the recently published Life is Good: The Book.The Cheat Sheet:Why is optimism so important?How did Bert Jacobs and his brother John turn a t-shirt company that operated from a van into a multi-million dollar business celebrating optimism?Gratitude is just one "superpower" unlocked by practicing optimism -- we talk about nine more.Learn how these superpowers allow you to overcome obstacles and embrace opportunities.Less is more: why do simple things often resonate more than the complex?And so much more...Show notes at US SPREAD THE WORD!If you dig the show, please subscribe in iTunes and write us a review! This is what helps us stand out from the crowd and help people find the credible

  • 501: Chris Guillebeau | Born for This

    04/04/2016 Duração: 52min

    Chris Guillebeau (@chrisguillebeau) is a bestselling author and host of the annual World Domination Summit. He's here to tell us how his new book Born for This will help you find the work you were meant to do.The Cheat Sheet:Why don't more people pursue a life of freedom/independence?The actual lottery isn't hackable, but the career lottery is.A side hustle isn't just "nice," it's a necessity.Learn the difference between hard and soft skills (and which are more valuable in the long run).Don't think like a CEO -- think like a janitor.And so much more...Show notes at US SPREAD THE WORD!If you dig the show, please subscribe in iTunes and write us a review! This is what helps us stand out from the crowd and help people find the credible advice they need.Review the show in iTunes! We rely on it! Charming! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Fan Mail Friday #56 | Becoming a Better Role Model

    01/04/2016 Duração: 17min

    Time for Fan Mail Fridays, where we'll be answering your questions and dropping some knowledge and feedback to help you kick the weekend off right.AJ fills in for Jordan this time around, so let's cut to it!In this episode:The cold shoulder is a poor way to communicate. How do you react when you're on the receiving end of this faulty connection?As complicated as all other factors in your younger sibling's life seem to be, they'll better fall into place if you set the example of positive role model first.These are the narcissists in your neighborhood. But do they really think they're better than you, or is it the other way around?How do you work yourself out of the funk caused by the worries of "real" life when it's ruining the drive you used to have for pursuing regular exercise and a vibrant social life?Can a long-distance relationship based more on intellect and reason rather than passion survive?Have any questions, comments, or stories you'd like to share with us? Drop us a line at

  • 500: Dan Harris | 10% Happier

    30/03/2016 Duração: 01h07min

    Dan Harris (@danbharris) is a co-anchor of Nightline and the weekend edition of Good Morning America on ABC News. He's the author of 10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works -- A True Story, about a fidgety, skeptical newsman who reluctantly became a meditator.The Cheat Sheet:If you're like most people, your deceptive inner voice acts as a malevolent puppeteer -- and it doesn't have your best interests at heart.When trying to come to terms with this malevolent puppeteer, meditation is more effective (and much easier) than you probably think.Contrary to popular misconception, meditation is more than just thinking about nothing (that's reserved for Zen masters and dead people).Even those of us with short attention spans (like Dan Harris) can learn to focus for the nanoseconds it takes to meditate and use it to come to terms with our malevolent puppeteer.The mindfulness found through meditation is a way to view the contents of o

  • 499: Kimberly Seltzer | How to Set Boundaries

    28/03/2016 Duração: 44min

    Kimberly Seltzer (@SeltzerKimberly) is a dating and makeover expert who draws upon her experience as a therapist for an inside-out approach to helping people look and feel their best. We welcome her back to the show to give us a woman's perspective on setting boundaries and cracking the Narcissist Code.The Cheat Sheet:Women often fall into the role of the caretaker -- but how can they avoid becoming overcaretakers who habitually attract jerks, narcissists, and man children?Understand what it takes to set boundaries and how this filters out the wrong type of partner.Learn how to crack the Narcissist Code from the minute you say "hello."Get rid of old, harmful patterns of behavior with the Old Tape exercise.Discover what it takes for people to stop accusing you of being "too nice."And so much more...Show notes at US SPREAD THE WORD!If you dig the show, please subscribe in iTunes and write us a review! This is what

  • Fan Mail Friday #55 | Fear of a Millennial Planet

    25/03/2016 Duração: 33min

    Time for Fan Mail Fridays, where we'll be answering your questions and dropping some knowledge and feedback to help you kick the weekend off right.If you're new to The Art of Charm Podcast, this isn't a great place to start. Most of our content is more in-depth and longer format, so check out our Best Of picks or the Fundamentals Toolbox episodes. There, we've got the fundamentals of body language and nonverbal communication, attraction, negotiation, networking, and everything else we teach here at The Art of Charm.We'll send all of this to your inbox if you text CHARMED to 33444.And if you want to ask us a question by phone to possibly be featured in a future Fan Mail Friday, drop us a line at (415) 429-1915!In this episode:Should you be content with a so-called "good" career at a good company and stop complaining just because you're not using the skills and natural talents that make you feel alive?Do millennials really deserve most of the bashing they get from their supposedly wiser elders? As discussed rec

  • 498: Dr. Jeff Spencer | Champion's Blueprint

    23/03/2016 Duração: 01h06min

    Dr. Jeff Spencer (@jeffspencer) is here to tell us how he enables the impossible when everything's on the line. He's helped Olympic athletes win gold medals, he's helped businessmen make millions of dollars, and he's helped thought leaders move to the next level with his Champion's Blueprint program. "I'm the red telephone!" -Dr. Jeff Spencer The Cheat Sheet: Learn how to create a life that's in alignment with your talents. Hear Dr. Spencer's personal account of the 1972 Munich Summer Olympics tragedy. Decide how you're going to show up every day -- because how you act reflects on other people's performance. What's your legacy statement? (If you don't have one, you'll learn how to create it.) Why can't you outrun your blind spots? And so much more... Show notes at HELP US SPREAD THE WORD! If you dig the show, please subscribe in iTunes and write us a review! This is what helps us stand out from the crowd and help peo

  • 497: Kimberly Seltzer | Flirting for Women

    21/03/2016 Duração: 47min

    Kimberly Seltzer (@SeltzerKimberly) is a dating and makeover expert who draws upon her experience as a therapist for an inside-out approach to helping people look and feel their best. We welcome her back to the show to give us a woman's perspective on flirting.The Cheat Sheet:What is the definition of flirting -- and how does it differ between women and men?Learn the top five excuses why women don't flirt or use femininity in dating and in the work force.Discover three practical ways to flirt that will attract what you want.Use Kimberly's magic formula for attraction (The Three Fs: have Fun, pay attention to Fashion, and tap into your Flirty femininity).Tune in to Kimberly's Dating GPS.And so much more...Show notes at US SPREAD THE WORD!If you dig the show, please subscribe in iTunes and write us a review! This is what helps us stand out from the crowd and help people find the credible advice they need.Review the sh

  • Fan Mail Friday #54 | Long Hair, Don't Care

    18/03/2016 Duração: 20min

    Time for Fan Mail Fridays, where we'll be answering your questions and dropping some knowledge and feedback to help you kick the weekend off right.And if you want to ask us a question by phone to possibly be featured in a future Fan Mail Friday, drop us a line at (415) 429-1915!AJ fills in for Jordan this time around, so let's cut to it!In this episode:No matter how confident you are, presentations take preparation. Don't let one bombed presentation knock you off a confident course. Have you checked out Toastmasters?Is it ever too soon to tell a romantic interest that you'll be moving to a new town (or a new country)?As a man, are you ever too old to rock the long hair?What do you do when your significant other seemingly stops caring about their appearance?Can a remorseful emotional cheater restore trust and mend the relationship they broke?Do you have to be hard wired to be an entrepreneur -- and if you're not, can you change your programming?Ever wondered how to anticipate someone's thought patterns?Have an

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