Dr Brett Hill (Chiropractor) is passionate about helping people get healthy naturally and believes that your body needs no help to perform at its best, just no interference. This show will help you get back to basics and redefine the way you eat, think, and move in order to maximise your innate potential.
TPS 105: Ways To Get Active And Have Fun Outside Of A Conventional Exercise Environment
19/02/2015 Duração: 32minPerhaps you’re struggling with ideas for getting active or the thought of hitting the gym makes you want to crawl back into bed. This week we’re talking about ways you can sneak in some exercise by getting moving outside of a conventional movement environment. Hear Dr. Brett’s tips on how he gets active with his kids and the activities he enjoys to manage stress but get a workout at the same time. Sarah shares a great message of reassurance with regards to where you are at with your journey and how to work with your current position rather than fight against it and Steve talks about some out of the box ideas and shares some resources for getting active in your community, getting in touch with your inner humanitarian and getting in some incidental exercise at the same time. Links to the good stuff Find a Rotary Club near you The post TPS 105: Ways To Get Active And Have Fun Outside Of A Conventional Exercise Enviro
TPS 104: Holistic Lifestyler – Jeremy Princi On Whole Of Life Wellness, Organic Threads And Monster Vegetables
12/02/2015 Duração: 29minWe have an absolute cracker for you this week as we are joined by one of the most holistic and well rounded practitioners out there. He first popped up on our Instagram feed a few years ago showing off his massive and vibrant homegrown veggies, his fancy homemade fermented creations and giving demonstrations of unconventional movement patterns to increase flexibility and strength. His vision is to re-connect food, farming, fitness and healing into one holistic model of health which supports, honours and respects Mother Earth. Links to the good stuff: The post TPS 104: Holistic Lifestyler – Jeremy Princi On Whole Of Life Wellness, Organic Threads And Monster Vegetables appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
TPS 103: Dr. Terry Wahls – The Wahls Protocol, Seasonal Ketosis And Functional Testing
05/02/2015 Duração: 31minThis week we are privileged to be chatting with Dr Terry Wahls once again. Last time we had her on the show we heard about her own very personal story and how Dr Terry adopted the nutrient-rich paleo diet, and used this as the base to develop her own approach to healing chronic auto-immune conditions. Since we last spoke she has revised her book and created a groundswell of discussion via social media. Here to give us an update is well known TED talk presenter and author of The Wahls Protocol- how to beat progressive MS using Paleo Principles and Functional Medicine, Dr Terry Wahls, welcome to the show. Links to the good stuff: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Ted Talk – “Minding your Mitochondria”: The post TPS 103: Dr. Terry Wahls – The Wahls Protocol, Seasonal Ketosis And Functional Testing appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
TPS 102: Christopher Kelly Of NourishBalanceThrive
29/01/2015 Duração: 34minSo you’re living a Paleo Lifestyle and have experienced some great improvements in your health but you still know things could be better? Get ready because today’s show is for you. Our guest was no stranger to a myriad of common symptoms that many of us know a little too well including painful bloating, mild depression, caffeine dependency chronic fatigue and nagging injuries. We know that the solution always starts with food, but as it turned out that was only half the solution. Inspired by the huge improvement in the way he felt eating in line with the Auto Immune Protocol Christopher developed a voracious appetite for research and was empowered learning that contrary to what many doctors told him, genetics were not the only underlying root cause to his health concerns, and that the answers were really out there waiting to be discovered. Through management of diet, rest, exercise, stress reduction and supplementation Christopher has successfully achieved a new optimal level of health and fitness and was abl
TPS 101: Irena Macri – Eat Drink Paleo
22/01/2015 Duração: 36minSkip the diet, just eat healthy- we like the sound of that! Today we are chatting to Paleo-enthusiast, Irena Macri, who is renowned for her popular Paleo blog, Eat Drink Paleo. Irena embraced the Paleo lifestyle a few years ago when she watched her mum, a seemingly healthy and active woman, go through two cancers. Irena became more aware of her own health, attempted various trends and discovered Paleo in late 2011. Through her own research Irena realised Paleo is not a diet in the way we think of diet, but a lifestyle philosophy. Besides switching to a Paleo way of eating, Irena also left her stressful job, became more active, and decided to improve her sleep. As a result she feels much happier and healthier, and has lots of energy throughout the day. Currently based in London Irena brings a youthful, fresh & accessible 80/20 approach on her quest for great health and great tasting food and will bring out her first cookbook, originally self-published, on the 28th of January, with a second Paleo cookbook d
TPS 100: Happy 100th Episode!
15/01/2015 Duração: 38minWell as you may have heard we are celebrating our 100th Episode of That Paleo Show which is super exciting stuff so HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US! We are hugely privileged to work with the caliber of knowledgeable, informative, genuine and entertaining guests each and every week that we do and are proud to have such amazing, wonderful, supportive, funny and insightful listeners that put up with our antics and encourage us to keep sharing every week. We’d like to thank each and every one of you for being a part of our journey on That Paleo Show. Today we are seizing the opportunity to reflect on some of our favourite moments and talk about what we have learned doing the show but before we do that I think a great starting point is to consider how it all began. Brett you’ve been here since conception and have worked with the witty and vivacious Steph and Janah who put in the hard yards getting us up and running allowing us to be where we are today, how did the show all start can you take us on a trip down memory lane? Li
TPS 99B : hugs and bacon with our very own civilized caveman George Bryant
08/01/2015 Duração: 35minJoin us again as we revisit one of fun to record episodes in the history of That Paleo Show. Everybody, we give you the master of hugs and bacon, George Bryant. Get ready to smile wherever you are because this week we have the pleasure of interviewing one of the most humble, happy and hilarious personalities in the Paleo scene. George Bryant of Civilized Caveman Cooking Creations takes us on a journey through his epic personal story and how discovering a Paleo lifestyle helped him overcome a massive amount of adversity in his life including his battle with an eating disorder for 12 years and his injuries that came with excessive weight gain. George will leave you feeling inspired, light hearted with his infectious enthusiasm for life, and with a strange hankering for bacon. Because after all, there isn’t too much in life that can’t be fixed with hugs and bacon! The post TPS 99B : hugs and bacon with our very own civilized caveman George Bryant appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
TPS 99A: Pete Evans on living healthy everyday
01/01/2015 Duração: 44minEnjoy a trip with us down memory lane as we revisit our cracker episode with luminary and agent of change, Pete Evans. Today’s guest is an inspiration, motivator and an agent for positive change in food education. He has exploded onto the Paleo scene with a sincere passion and integrity for what he does. He has just released his eighth cookbook, “Healthy Every Day” and is one of Australia’s most loved and popular chefs, he also boasts health coach, media personality and author in his list of credentials and we could probably write a ninth publication for him based on his achievements alone. We are so excited and proud that one of Australia’s own is helping us to reshape the way we think about food and are thrilled about the great work and publicity he is generating for the Paleo way of living. The post TPS 99A: Pete Evans on living healthy everyday appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
TPS 99: Real Life Paleo – An Easy 3 Phased Approach To Lose Weight & Gain Health With Stacy Toth From Paleo Parents
25/12/2014 Duração: 31minToday’s guest wowed our audience last time we spoke telling us all about her families personal journey experiencing health changes they never thought were even possible including losing over a total of 200 pounds, that’s over 90kg for our Aussie listeners. We loved having her on the show so much that we’ve brought her back for another round of awesome. So whether you’ve been paleo for years and struggling with how to heal, or perhaps you want to know how to get the kids on board, or maybe you are ready to start from the beginning and change your lifestyle from a sedentary, bread, pizza, and junk food existence to a full paleo one, todays guest Stacy has done all of the hard work for us and can help you to transition your family in 3 easy steps. Here to guide us through the process, one step at a time and answer that illusive question, “how did you do it?” We would like to welcome back to the show one half of the Paleo Parents, blogger, pod caster, author, strong woman, athlete and all round super mum, the ins
TPS 98: The Paleo Lifestyle – Blokes Edition
18/12/2014 Duração: 30minThis week Brett and Steve are without the adjective popping queen Sarah and we are taking advantage by dedicating an episode just to the Paleo lifestyle for blokes. Among the topics discussed are how to survive at a BBQ with your masculinity in tact, why looking after your nutrition is important to keeping you pain free and full of energy, how to keep your performance optimal in all areas of life and match it with the “youngies”, and Dr. Brett reveals his true age and explains how he still looks and feels so young despite being so old. The post TPS 98: The Paleo Lifestyle – Blokes Edition appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
TPS 97: Our Top Tips To Help You Thrive This Holiday Season
11/12/2014 Duração: 30minThis week we bring you our top tips to help you not only survive but thrive this holiday season. In typical That Paleo Show fashion we discuss tips for keeping active and incorporating physical play into your family time, we share top tips for alleviating stress and anxiety when it comes to interacting with difficult family members, and we discuss our favourite yummy Paleo food options and resources to help you bring your own super popular dishes to your shindig. From Brett, Sarah and Steve, we would like to wish you an amazing merry and healthy Christmas. The post TPS 97: Our Top Tips To Help You Thrive This Holiday Season appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
TPS 96: The Baobab Superfood With Clive And Jenny Of Rawsome Foods
04/12/2014 Duração: 29minToday we are chatting with the founders of Rawsome Foods, Clive a full time engineer and chocolate enthusiast along with his partner Jenny, a qualified pharmacist and health coach. They have a pretty interesting story which all started when they set off on a wild adventure into the warm heart of Africa during 2014. This is where they discovered the hunter gatherer way of eating and living. As a brand committed to wellbeing, Rawsome Foods are proud to provide a natural, unprocessed, organic raw whole food direct from the Baobab tree. They are happy that this product supports a local social enterprise in Australia and will also encourage harvesters in Africa to thrive. The post TPS 96: The Baobab Superfood With Clive And Jenny Of Rawsome Foods appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
TPS 95: Tony Federico – How To Take Your BBQ Skills To The Next Level
27/11/2014 Duração: 31minNothing says primal like cooking with fire and we agree, getting back to basics and eating food in its most simple unprocessed form underpins the Paleo lifestyle, but we still want our food to taste amazing right? In their new cook book Tony Federico and Chef James Phelan teach us all about sourcing food and cooking from nose to tail while also sharing with us recipes to delight even the fussiest of cavemen. It is simply written with beautiful photos and step by step instructions ensuring that we can all have success in the kitchen (or around the camp fire). From delicious rubs and marinades, condiments, sides and desserts they certainly can help any Grok whip up a Paleo Feast. Here to tell us more is Personal Trainer, Author, Blogger and Meat Enthusiast Tony Federico. The post TPS 95: Tony Federico – How To Take Your BBQ Skills To The Next Level appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
TPS 94: Bumi And Friends With Jen Richards Of Rumbles Paleo
20/11/2014 Duração: 32minThis week we are thrilled to have our good mate Jen from Rumbles Paleo here to talk about her very exciting project which she will share more about shortly. Most of us know Jen as one part of the Rumbles crew- the amazing peeps that make delectable paleo treats that are totally drool worthy as well as good for you but that’s not all that this busy lady has been up to! Jen is on a mission is to create a world-wide epidemic of conscious minded children who live in a realm of their higher-actualised selves and who take over the universe and transform it into a wonderland of love, light and spectacularity! Wow- here to tell us more is the beautiful Jen, welcome back! The post TPS 94: Bumi And Friends With Jen Richards Of Rumbles Paleo appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
TPS 93: Ben Dutton From The Stock Merchant On Stock And Sauces Made The Traditional Way
13/11/2014 Duração: 29minToday we are talking to Ben Dutton from The Stock Merchant and they are responsible for Australia’s first range of free range and sustainable stocks and sauces. Ben’s company work with local small-scale producers who provide him with free range chicken, grass fed cattle, sustainably harvested shellfish and pristine vegetables and herbs to use in their products. Ben’s stocks and sauces are made the traditional way – meaning no nasties because he doesn’t add salt, flavour enhancers, gluten, preservatives or additives. It’s real food made from real ingredients and we think that’s something worth having a chat about so welcome to the show Ben Dutton from The Stock Merchant. Links to the good stuff: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: The post TPS 93: Ben Dutton From The Stock Merchant On Stock And Sauces Made The Traditional Way appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
TPS 92: Sarah Ballantyne PhD – The Paleo Approach Cookbook
07/11/2014 Duração: 36minOne of my favourite quotes that really helped to put the power of food into perspective comes from Ann Wigmore who said, “The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.” This was an exciting realisation for me because it taught me that I have a choice in influencing my health. Today’s guest has extensive knowledge about the best kinds of foods for us to eat. We first spoke to her a while back about her book The Paleo Approach and she is back today to chat about The Paleo Approach Cookbook which she has written to show us just how easy and delicious regaining your health can be. Welcome back to the show author and our favourite Paleo Mom, Sarah Ballantyne. Website: Facebook: Twitter: Pinterest: Instagram: The post TPS 92: Sarah Ballantyne PhD – The Paleo Approach Cookbook
TPS 91: Edible Insects Series Part 2 – Mariangela Veronesi And Rudi Verspoor From Bugs For Life On Increasing Food Security In West Africa Via Edible ...
31/10/2014 Duração: 34minGrass hoppers, locusts, meal worms, bamboo worms and crickets- what do they all have in common? Not only do they have amazing nutritional value being a great source of protein and micronutrients, these insects are widely available and low cost- financially and on the environment. In food insecure locations, edible bugs can all play a major role in preventing malnutrition in children and pregnant women. Today we are lucky enough to be speaking with Mariangela and Rudi from Bugs for life, about their planned work in Benin, West Africa where they will be involved with social and scientific research which will centre on finding out more about the variety of insects eaten, their role in local diets and their cultural importance. To share with us about the project we would like to welcome to the show Mariangela and Rudi. Links to the good stuff The post TPS 91: Edible Insects Series Part 2 – Mari
TPS 90: Live From Primal Collective Cave Camp On The Sunshine Coast
24/10/2014 Duração: 33minThis week we are coming to you LIVE (well kind of) from Primal Collective Cave Camp QLD. We roped in fellow Cave Campers and good mates Mark and Leah Follett who you might remember from our Cave Camp Adelaide episode to talk to us about their inspiring Paleo lifestyle journey and the changes they have made to improve the health of their family and even their friends. We also answer and discuss questions from our Campers about how to make the Paleo lifestyle even more easy and accessible. So strap yourselves in and get ready for loads of laughs and buckets of fun from Primal Collective Cave Camp QLD! The post TPS 90: Live From Primal Collective Cave Camp On The Sunshine Coast appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
TPS 89: Paleo Meet Up Groups Around Australia In One Interview AKA The Paleo Circus
17/10/2014 Duração: 31minWe hope that you’re ready for a show of epic proportions today. I’m very excited because we get to highlight what I think is one of the most important facets of the Paleo lifestyle. I know that most of us are across the fact that Paleo is more than just nutrition it’s about thinking, moving and eating like we were designed too BUT for me the key to bringing this all together and being successful is tribe. While we are lucky enough to have access to almost endless resources we can never discount the value of being a part of a likeminded community. Soooo not content on doing things by halves we thought we’d like to have a crack at staging our very own Paleo Circus, roll up roll up because we are joined today by reps from 5 different Paleo groups right across Australia. Links to the meet up groups Brisbane Paleo Meet Up Group Tasmania Meet Up Sunshine Coast Meet Up Central
TPS 88: Jessie Reimers – The #HeartFoundationPetition Story
10/10/2014 Duração: 33minThis week’s guest has a very clear and direct message and she needs your help to tell the Heart Foundation to stop giving advice and promoting food that cause heart disease. Many of you may have seen posts about the Heart Foundation petition on Facebook or via your social media, you might have even seen people holding signs with funny hash tags on them and Chef Pete Evans is even publicly backing the petition, so what’s it all about? Let’s open up the discussion in order to understand more about the importance of this message. Welcome to the show activist, writer, blogger, speaker founder of get a fresh start and the heart foundation petition Jessie Reimers. Links to the good stuff: The post TPS 88: Jessie Reimers – The #HeartFoundationPetition Story appeared first on The Wellness Couch.