Authentic Living
- Autor: Vários
- Narrador: Vários
- Editora: Podcast
- Duração: 469:13:41
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Your Authentic Self is wise, knows the highest path for your life and has never been wounded. Thats right. You have a part of you that has never been wounded. In fact, that part is the truest essence of who you are. Would you like to access it? Do you know how to use your own internal guidance system? Would you like to have peace? How about a more meaningful life? Your authenticity can give you these seemingly miraculous giftsbut you have to know how to get there. Authentic Living with Andrea Mathews will help you raise your consciousness to the level of your own I AM by interviewing some of the great spiritual experts of today. Youll learn how to see your true self in the midst of lifes twists and turns and be challenged to think outside the box when it comes to the mysteries of life. Can you afford to miss even one of these shows? Authentic Living airs live Wednesdays at 1 PM Pacific on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.
Authentic Spirituality
02/07/2014 Duração: 55minWhat does it mean to develop one’s own authentic spirituality? How does one do that? Does one have to ditch all religious rituals and practices? Does one have to ditch religion in general? What are the consequences of developing one’s own authentic spirituality? And most importantly, how does on develop an authentic spirituality? These are the questions that will be answered on today’s Authentic Living episode—and more. In order to really connect with spirituality—it has to be a real connection. We are going to learn all of the how’s and why’s of creating an authentic spirituality. Don’t miss this one.
Special Encore Presentation: Nothing Changes Until You Do
25/06/2014 Duração: 59minWhat is it in your life that is calling you to change—while you are calling for it to change first? Today Mike Robbins is here to talk to us about how real change really happens. Mike is the author of three books, including Focus on the Good Stuff; Be Yourself Everyone Else is Already Taken, and his latest and the focus of our talk today, Nothing Changes Until You Do: A Guide to Self-Compassion and Getting Out of Your Own Way. Mike contributes regularly to Huffington Post and and has been featured in several other popular magazines. He has been a guest on hundreds of TV and radio shows—including this one. And Mike brings unique and in-depth insights to the topic of self-compassion and getting out of our own way. So be here. You are not going to want to miss this one.
The Body as Solution to the Soul
18/06/2014 Duração: 57minWe have been taught that the body is the problem. The body is what makes us sin, with its lusts, its appetites and its hungers. The body is what makes us sick. The body is what makes us die. The body is that which we must discipline and chastise if we find that we have done wrong. Forever, the body has been thought to be the problem. But what if you were to learn that the body is actually the solution to the problem of the soul? What if you were to learn that you cannot fulfill your soul’s intention unless the body realizes its nature as soul? We cannot wrap our heads around that idea very easily—but what if it were the truth—all the while we are making it the problem? Today we are going to wrap our heads around this final and fulfilling truth. Don’t miss this show. It could mean an awakening.
How to Raise an Intuitive Child
11/06/2014 Duração: 55minWhat if your child is highly intuitive? What if this gift is his/her gift to the world? Do you know what to do to facilitate this child's authenticity? Well today we are going to talk to Dr. Jenn royster who will give us some very useful information about how to raise an intuitive child. Jenn is an internationally known Intuitive Counselor, Spiritual Teacher, Energy Healer, Visionary, Speaker, Writer and Radio Host of The Jenn Royster Show, that syndicates to over 430 stations worldwide She came to awareness of her own spiritual gifts at an early age and can help parents learn how to help the gifted intuitive child. Don't miss this chance to learn how to raise an intuitive child.
Unfolding the Divine Plan
04/06/2014 Duração: 55minThis week we are talking to Peter Tongue, who will discuss the latest developments in what he considers to be the unfolding Divine Plan for planet earth. The ancients knew precisely what they were doing in marrying heaven with earth through the structures that they built and worked with in ceremony to realize that connection. It is time for us to make that solid connection again. On his recent pilgrimage to New Mexico, he connected with the Landscape Zodiac centered on Valles Caldera and the eight pointed star that has been ceremonially anchored in around it. Peter will explain how we can best move forward on our own sacred pilgrimage and put the local landscape zodiacs into a Global context so we can see how this plan is playing out as well as our personal role in it. With earth’s wisdom Peter can us look deeper into these connections we already have. Be here for that.
A Special Encore Presentation by Iyanla Vanzant
28/05/2014 Duração: 56minToday we are so honored to have Iyanla Vanzant here to talk to us about her latest book, Forgiveness: 21 Days to Forgive Everyone for Everything. Iyanla Vanzant, NY Times Bestselling author; host of the number one reality show on the OWN network, Iyanla: Fix My Life; and frequent guest on Super Soul Sunday and Oprah’s Life Class, is easily one of America’s most profound spiritual leaders, who empowers individuals all across the globe to live into the truest self. Her body of work spans over three decades and includes CDs, television, radio and on stage performances, 15 published books, and 5 New York Times Bestsellers, which have been translated into 23 languages. Iyanla’s no nonsense approach to helping others to live healthy and whole demonstrates her clear capacity for delivering the absolute truth with love. She warms our hearts while pushing us to grow. Today we are going to get to talk with her about the purpose, the power and the freedom of forgiveness. Do NOT miss this show!
Parenting the Authentic Child
21/05/2014 Duração: 56minWe have talked so much here on the Authentic Living Show about being authentic, and in so doing, to let go of the old roles. Those masks and costumes that we put on to cope with, even to survive childhood. But we haven’t spent as much time talking about how we can avoid assigning our children the masks and costumes in the first place. So today, we are going to talk about that. How do you mirror your child’s authenticity? Get your tools for doing just that, here today.
How to Heal
14/05/2014 Duração: 54minOne of the most important reasons we become seekers of higher spiritual wisdom is that we are seeking healing for ourselves and those we love. While there are many methods and techniques for healing, including your garden variety allopathic care, those that heal the whole person rather than just an organ or an attitude are the ones that offer the greatest level of spiritual growth and potential for awakening. But the big question is how do we heal? We heal by working with the entire body/mind/spirit continuum. And that cannot be done when we are focusing on only one end of that spectrum. This show will focus on answering that very important, life-giving, life-saving question. Don’t miss it.
Nothing Changes Until You Do
07/05/2014 Duração: 59minWhat is it in your life that is calling you to change—while you are calling for it to change first? Today Mike Robbins is here to talk to us about how real change really happens. Mike is the author of three books, including Focus on the Good Stuff; Be Yourself Everyone Else is Already Taken, and his latest and the focus of our talk today, Nothing Changes Until You Do: A Guide to Self-Compassion and Getting Out of Your Own Way. Mike contributes regularly to Huffington Post and and has been featured in several other popular magazines. He has been a guest on hundreds of TV and radio shows—including this one. And Mike brings unique and in-depth insights to the topic of self-compassion and getting out of our own way. So be here. You are not going to want to miss this one.
30/04/2014 Duração: 57minDo you know? How many times do you even actually consider what you want? Aren't we taught to ignore our wants. But what if you were to learn that our desires are the closest thing to the divine within us. In fact, one of the ancient root words for the divine means desire. But how do we know what we want, with all the shoulds, ought tos, have tos and obligations of everyday living to sort through? How do we know when its a real desire as opposed to a compulsion, or an ego aggrandizement? And if we start paying attention to our desires, aren't peope going to think we are selfish? Tune in this week, to learn more about what we want and why that is important.
Special Encore Presentation: Oneness
16/04/2014 Duração: 55minOur guest today is Dr. Larry Dossey, author of several books including: The Power of Premonitions; The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things; Healing Beyond the Body; Reinventing Medicine and his latest and the topic of our discussion today: One Mind: How Our Individual Mind is Part of a Greater Mind and Why It Matters. Dr. Dossey is an internal medicine physician, former Chief of Staff of Medical City Dallas Hospital, former co-chairman of the Panel on Mind/body Interventions, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health. And he is the executive editor of the peer-previewed journal, Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing. Dr. Dossey lectures all over the world and has appeared on TV and radio including the Oprah show.
Iyanla Vanzant on Forgiveness
09/04/2014 Duração: 57minToday we are so honored to have Iyanla Vanzant here to talk to us about her latest book, Forgiveness: 21 Days to Forgive Everyone for Everything. Iyanla Vanzant, NY Times Bestselling author; host of the number one reality show on the OWN network, Iyanla: Fix My Life; and frequent guest on Super Soul Sunday and Oprah’s Life Class, is easily one of America’s most profound spiritual leaders, who empowers individuals all across the globe to live into the truest self. Her body of work spans over three decades and includes CDs, television, radio and on stage performances, 15 published books, and 5 New York Times Bestsellers, which have been translated into 23 languages. Iyanla’s no nonsense approach to helping others to live healthy and whole demonstrates her clear capacity for delivering the absolute truth with love. She warms our hearts while pushing us to grow. Today we are going to get to talk with her about the purpose, the power and the freedom of forgiveness. Do NOT miss this show!
Authenic Living with Dr. Linda Backman
02/04/2014 Duração: 57minHow do we enhance the possibility of awakening more and more to the power of our own souls while we are still in the body? Obviously there are many paths, but one that is getting more and more attention is regression therapy and hypnosis. Today we are talking to Dr. Linda Backman, licensed psychologist and regression therapist, and author of Bringing Your Soul to Light. Linda has been in private practice for more than 35 years and is committed to guiding regression clients, as well as speaking, writing, and training others in soul regression hypnotherapy, both in the US and abroad. She and her husband started The Ravenheart Center in 1997, a Mystery School in Boulder, Colorado, dedicated to guiding individuals to discover their soul path. Linda’s second book, The Evolving Soul, will be published by Llewellyn Worldwide this year. Are you in the process of awakening? Do you want to learn how to help others awaken? This show is for you.
26/03/2014 Duração: 55minOur guest today is Dr. Larry Dossey, author of several books including: The Power of Premonitions; The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things; Healing Beyond the Body; Reinventing Medicine and his latest and the topic of our discussion today: One Mind: How Our Individual Mind is Part of a Greater Mind and Why It Matters. Dr. Dossey is an internal medicine physician, former Chief of Staff of Medical City Dallas Hospital, former co-chairman of the Panel on Mind/body Interventions, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health. And he is the executive editor of the peer-previewed journal, Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing. Dr. Dossey lectures all over the world and has appeared on TV and radio including the Oprah show.
Telling the truth
19/03/2014 Duração: 57minTelling the truth sounds like a pretty boring subject. But actually, it is the most adventurous thing we do. Telling the truth means first finding the truth, and then being willing to engage with it to explore its meaning. And finally telling the truth means really telling it, with your mouth, with your body language, with your manifestations. Telling the truth to and about yourself is singularly the most effective way to open the door to the unconscious. But telling the truth is not necessarily what we think it is. Often we think that it is self-criticism, even harsh punitive criticism. We think it is self-effacement in front of others. We think it is blunt, criticism of others. The truth is, however, that telling the truth runs, much, much deeper than any of these more shallow renditions. Tune in today and find out how to tell the truth.
Prequel for Iyanlas Upcoming Interview
12/03/2014 Duração: 50minThe original plan was to interview Iyanla Vanzant today. But there was a mix-up for her and so she couldn’t make it. Good news, however: We are going to interview her next week. So consider this week’s episode a preparation for next week’s interview—when she really will be here. So this week we introduced her book Forgiveness: 21 Days to Forgive Everyone for Everything. And we discussed some of the host’s ideas on forgiveness. Listen in, and get ready for next week. You are going to love it.
Special Encore Presentation: Authentic Living with Special Guest Andrew Solomon
05/03/2014 Duração: 56minToday we are very fortunate to get an opportunity to talk to bestselling author Andrew Solomon, writer and lecturer on psychology, politics, and the arts and winner of the National Book Award for The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression. He is an activist in LGBT rights, mental health, and the arts. His latest NY Times bestselling book, and the subject of our interview today, entitled Far from the Tree: Parents, Children and the Search for Identity, is also the winner of several awards, including being chosen at among the NY Times Ten Best Books of 2012. It has been called “A bold and unambiguous call to redefine how we view difference… A stunning work of scholarship and compassion (Carmela Ciuraru, USA Today) distinguished similarly by many other notables for its exceptional profundity, compassion and insight. Today we are going to take an intimate look at this entire concept of loving differentness. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to gain insight into the power of love.
Authentic Spirituality
26/02/2014 Duração: 58minWe’ve been talking about differentness, and how we might begin to celebrate rather than condemn it. One of the areas of most contentious difference is in the area of religion—supposedly a place in which we find our deepest spiritual roots. What started out as a pathway to the divine turned into a place of rules, in which everyone was supposed to the same. Those who didn’t follow our rules became a “they” as opposed to our “we.” So, now that we have an externally developed spiritual path for each person who grows up in a particular religious culture, how does that person go about finding an authentic spirituality? Where will we find the path if it is not decided in advance for us by a very righteous and firmly planted group of spiritual leaders? And this, of course, brings us to the very definition of spirituality. What is spirituality, and how does one live an authentic spiritual life in a world where everyone has a “right” way for us to be spiritual? Let’s talk about this today.
Celebrating Difference
19/02/2014 Duração: 57minLast week we talked to Andrew Solomon about differences. We are going to continue that topic today as we explore what it means to an individual to be different. One of the complaints clinicians commonly hear from clients is this feeling they carry of being alien in their families of origin. This would not be true it their differences were accepted, even celebrated, by family. Unfortunately, not only does family reject us for being different but so does the social milieu in general. Children who feel the most rejected for their difference are often those who are selected by bullies for bullying. In fact, we even talk about difference in terms of its feeling: “feeling different” has become a way of describing that feeling of rejection. But what if “feeling different” could simply mean “celebrating me?” It is fascinating that in America we formulated a country out of the need for freedom to be different and then set out to obliterate it entirely. Let’s talk about that today.
Authentic Living with Special Guest Andrew Solomon
12/02/2014 Duração: 56minToday we are very fortunate to get an opportunity to talk to bestselling author Andrew Solomon, writer and lecturer on psychology, politics, and the arts and winner of the National Book Award for The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression. He is an activist in LGBT rights, mental health, and the arts. His latest NY Times bestselling book, and the subject of our interview today, entitled Far from the Tree: Parents, Children and the Search for Identity, is also the winner of several awards, including being chosen at among the NY Times Ten Best Books of 2012. It has been called “A bold and unambiguous call to redefine how we view difference… A stunning work of scholarship and compassion (Carmela Ciuraru, USA Today) distinguished similarly by many other notables for its exceptional profundity, compassion and insight. Today we are going to take an intimate look at this entire concept of loving differentness. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to gain insight into the power of love.