The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 410:09:17
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Dedicated to interviewing leading edge experts, practitioners in their field, and people who are living examples of sustainability. Covers environmental subject matter that is not readily discussed in depth in mainstream media.


  • Richard Main on the Gardens4Health Initiative for Diabetes Projects Trust


    Imagine a whole country where the population has a dynamic relationship with their environment - that locally, directly feeds them with the most vital of sustenance - fresh healthy, organic produce – that they grow themselves.Now visualize the largest NZ city with close on 20 co-operative urban gardens doing just that already, with the probability of an extra 100 plus clusters spread across the Auckland landscape in the next 18 months.Community garden oases of verdant health that become the focal point for family, friends and neighbours to grow, meet and share in the spirit of goodwill. What initially started with the Counties Manukau District Health Board to curtail the spiraling increase in diabetes has led to a pioneering approach to food growing and bettering ones health. This has been to enable local citizens to work in groups or singularly to learn and grow their own healthy food and exercise in a stress free setting to once again live more in tune with community and nature.Listen to this exciting initi

  • Dr Bruce Lipton, Author of Biology of Belief & Spontaneous Evolution


    Around the curve in New Zealand (Part One)Listen to Bruce Lipton talking about the ‘new edge of science’, his experiences in that realm and of the necessity for a massive shift in our belief systems to realize our connectivity to the invisible world, of energy fields, consciousness, quantum physics, the journey of our soul … of spirit, Avatar and specifically, that it is essential for humanity to come into alignment at a very deep level within nature - as community. Following the current Darwinian line of survival of the fittest, winner takes all, is taking us all (if we remain a semi conscious species) to the abyss. Particularly when the current leadership and business model that is running the present reality has no relationship to the sacredness of being, let alone nature, the source from which we spring.With the “new knowing” that we individually and collectively can actively shape a totally new paradigm and transform human endevour on this, our home planet - is the imperative of the moment! So let’s take

  • Denis Tegg on why we need No Mining in the Coromandel


    “Is mining undermining the community in NZ and our global standing?”Denis Tegg, the spokesperson for Coromandel Watchdog of Hauraki. A member of the group since the early 1980s, involved in all components of the campaign - bringing communities together, raising awareness, media, peaceful and non-violent direct action, political lobbying, etc.  A lawyer, he lives in Thames.Question: How is it that it only needs the Prime Minister and the Minister for Conservation to say yes to mining? No one else and no Act of Parliament is required! Gold mining generates huge volumes of hazardous waste (tailings), which is dumped in a tailings dam. The gold is only a tiny proportion of the material extracted, less than 10 parts in one million.The gold is extracted using cyanide, so safe storage of the mine waste poses a serious problem.  Waste rock (overburden) that is not processed, as well as the highly toxic processed waste, is hazardous. Processed rock takes up several times more volume once extracted. The tailings stay t

  • Wade Doak - Diver, aquanaut, ocean researcher, writer and photographer

    10/02/2010 Duração: 56min

    Wade Doak is NZ’s equivalent to Jacques Cousteau having spent over 50 years as a aquanaut around New Zealand's coastline, interacting underwater with all species, researching the local ocean ecosystems, especially where the land meets the sea and the diverse interactions take place in these environments. Author of a large number of books, films and documentaries, Wade is better known overseas than he is here in NZ. Wade is also a world authority on dolphins having studied and swum with them in the wild and he has traveled extensively overseas sharing his knowledge on these most intelligent of creatures.  Yet, his knowingness on so many levels as to how the ocean systems work and the biota that inhabit them and the urgent need to lock away more areas as reserves and sanctuaries is now an important issue that Wade speaks passionately for. As we gain a greater knowing that our planet is a gigantic living super system that connects all biota into a complex web of life, what are we going to leave future generat

  • Paul Larkin Researcher - Free Energy Generation


    Here in NZ we are in need of more electricity, we have around 40 dams on some of our largest rivers. These dams are up to 40 to 50 years old, with generators that are based on old technologies.For some unknown reason, the NZ government and the engineers over the last 20 years have not talked about recalibrating the turbines to use higher gearing ratios and more refined hydrodynamic blades and rotational systems to extract another 30% to 40% plus power out of these numerous dams that let the water go after only partially extracting what energy it carries.It is a scandal that we are not being innovative and reinventing ways to use this water that we have harnessed. Where are the visionaries, our brilliant ones, our clever engineers? However, behind the scenes are gathering groups of people experimenting with high technologies going back as far as Nikola Tesla, Victor Shauberger to John Bedini & others, and what is happening is that experimenters all over the world are now sharing information needed to “open

  • Dr Bruce Lipton - Spontaneous Evolution


    The new sciences quantum physics and epigenetics are revolutionising our understanding of the link between mind and matter, challenging established scientific theories and prompting a complete re-evaluation of life as we have known it.The significance of this shift in belief is vast in that the original view led to the notion that we are victims of our biology. Whereas the ‘new’ sciences show that we are actually masters of our biology.Bruce has taken his award-winning medical school lectures to the public and is currently a sought after keynote speaker and workshop presenter. He lectures to conventional and complementary medical professionals and lay audiences about leading-edge science and how it dovetails with mind-body medicine and spiritual principles.He has been heartened by anecdotal reports from hundreds of former audience members who have improved their spiritual, physical and mental well being by applying the principles he discusses in his lectures. He is regarded as one of the leading voices of the

  • Zelka Grammer on GE Free Northland and working towards becoming GMO Free


    A mighty shift in how people-power can wrest control away from unconscious central government and place it back in the hands of localised community and conscious consumers is taking place here in Northland, New Zealand.Not since the heady days of the mid 1980’s when localised groups and councils ‘made’ Nuclear Free Zones across this country, have we seen such a resurgence as ordinary and extraordinary NZer’s through dedication and vision, mobilise to make Northland, NZ a GMO Free Zone. Listen to an impassioned Zelka Grammer on how GE Free Northland with the help of Maori Iwi, localised growers and supporters plus District Councillors are investigating local options for regulating or prohibiting GMO land use in the Northland Peninsular. The recent High Court ruling that has overturned ERMA's (Environmental Risk Management Authority) decision to accept applications from AgResearch to release GM animals throughout New Zealand is another step towards sanity and keeping NZ’s prized ‘Clean Green’ image from being t

  • Michael Fleck, Holistic Local & Global Networking on Conscious Evolution and Gaia


    Over the last 25 years you may have you witnessed Michael Fleck at many events in NZ be it peace, justice, democracy, environment, complimentary health, the arts and education.If you have, you would have noticed Michael moving easily from person to person and group to group, introducing and reconnecting key players to each other over a very broad spectrum, all within the emerging metaphysical and spiritual paradigm as he weaves us into wholeness within our planet's biosphere.He has also managed touring artist programmes for the Arts Council of New Zealand, produced major conferences on peace and the environment, and organised national and overseas tours for visiting authors and artists, including Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Rupert Sheldrake, Paul Horn, Elisabet Sahtouris, Hank Wesselman, Barry Brailsford, and Neale Donald Walsch. Tune in to an interview of what inspires him to continue to bring people together in our quest for solutions to our planet's many increasing challenges and at the same time find wholeness

  • Dr Pryesh Tavari on technology, preventative health and the meaning of service


    Pryesh Tavari is a medical doctor and physician born in India and has been in NZ less than a year. He works at the university of Auckland doing a PhD in health informatics.Listen to an inspiring way of using technology to take medicine into the villages and rural areas of India where up to 700 million people are for the first time able to access health and healing information never before foreseen.With both Western allopathic medicine and traditional ayurvedic and alternative and complimentary medicines available, the key is to have women lead by becoming trained and thus empowered to lead their families into both preventative health and community health. We also learn what it means "to be of service to our fellow man" and the profound understanding of the metaphysical and spiritual that has been embedded for thousand of years across India is now emerging to re energise the core of our being.Pryesh Tavari's, understanding of "service" is so compelling that it will motivate and invigorate you to continue your

  • Jim Salinger on Climate Change, Global Warming, Denialism & email hacking


    Jim Salinger formerly of NIWA (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research). Lead author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change.In 2006, he was elected to the position of President of the Commission for Agricultural Meteorology at the World Meteorological Organization.Jim is a world authority on climate change for NZ, specialising in glaciers and ice. Speaking of the differences between earth and climate scientists in comparison to commercial, industrial, military scientists, who are not specialists in climate issues. He covers the skeptics and denialists and the email hacking of the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia being more smoke than fire, some of these emails hacked being his.And as NZ, is the 5th highest greenhouse polluter, per head of p

  • Kath Dewar on Greenwashing & Marketing Sustainability


    With Westpac and BNZ owing New Zealand hundreds of millions of dollars in unpaid tax, is it helpful for them to be promoting beach clean ups and their save the kiwi efforts - no matter how well intentioned those campaigns?  When is green marketing, green wash?With over a third of New Zealanders taking social and environmental ethics into account when they shop, the businesses competing for their spending money are waking up to their needs. Some of the best achievers will be celebrated in the Sustainable Business Awards on the 12th Nov.But alongside the many quiet achievers are companies whose promotions run ahead of their reality.In this interview Kath and Tim chat about the challenges and opportunities for businesses wanting to promote their social and environmental credentials - and the legal protection New Zealanders have against Greenwash. Kath will identify some of the risks and problems and sharelocal examples of companies getting it right.Kath Dewar, Managing Di

  • Clive Monds - Fisheries Management around NZ


    Clive Monds spokesman for has been active in the environmental movement for over 30 years and represents ECO on various fisheries management issues in NZ.With NZ privileged to have the 7th largest oceanic exclusive economic zone on earth, how do we govern these marine resources?Listen to some fascinating information with regard to NZ's fisheries, around sustainability and with world fishing stocks falling what is the state of our waters and the fish in our nurseries? Should we also lock up a good percentage of NZ fisheries for a number of years by instigating hui to replenish stocks?Clive Monds of

  • Darren Millington of Urban Abundance & Megan Beard of Whole Health Hinemoa


    For many, the macro scale of our planetary challenges are too immense, yet when we chunk things down to a micro level, and work locally we can feel very empowered, especially when functioning together growing our own sustenance out of our own back yard.  Eg. ooooby.ning.comWe benefit by eating far more healthily, gain knowledge of nature and about growing things, learn new recipes, become physically fit, share with our neighbors and kin and in particular, cooperate together.Listen to how, a good keen couple have teamed up with others to negotiate a way of obtaining urban land, pioneering and gardening it in such a way that as a working model, it can be easily replicated. When we have the will to communicate our needs, it is quite possible that across the city and urban environment, community gardens can spring up like mushrooms. Darren Millington of Urban Abundance & Megan Beard of Whole Health Hinemoa; growing localised gardens.

  • Bill Watson, NZ Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Coordinator


    "All hands on deck, it's action stations yet again" as pirates and whalers invade Australian and Antarctic territorial waters to kill more whales!Every year now we learn of the dreaded Summer Season hunt by Japanese whalers of the innocent whales of the Antarctic waters. When will this nightmare end for us and the whales of the world?Listen to the alarm bells ringing through out the Sea Shepherd fleet, as they race to the aid of all  whales - to head off the whalers who have no apparent conscience and consciousness of sentience. With the Rudd Government and musician now Environmental Cabinet Minister,Peter Garrett prevaricating around promises they made on sending a naval ship down South to support the whales, we need statesmanship, courage and action now!Fortunately, NZ is sending its Earth Race boat to head off the whalers and assist the  "Steve Irwin." So let's be supportive and rally around our kin the whales and send a unanimous message that a conscious civilisation has to honour the sen

  • Lynda Wharton, Health Researcher, Columnist & Author


    Lynda Wharton is a registered Traditional Chinese Acupuncturist and Naturopath, with her own holistic woman's health clinic, on Auckland's Northshore.Lynda is well known as a health researcher, columnist and author.  She is a regular columnist for Mindfood magazine, Fitness Life and Australian Nature and health.Lynda's most recent book, “Wellbeing”, published by Harper Collins, is an essential addition to every woman's library.  It’s 400 pages cover many aspects of female health and wellbeing from a holistic perspective.  100 pages are devoted to the subject of breast cancer prevention … a subject that Lynda is passionate about. The imperative for all of us, is to rapidly come into an understanding that there are other ways to combat the pharmaceutical barrage of drugs to medicate us when suffering from dis-ease and illness. That prevention via natural modalities is available and that when we consciously make choices as to how we treat our bodily temple, we empower ourselves to see ourselves in a renewed radi

  • Jonathan Callinan, Founder of The Wellness Directory


    This is the 1st comprehensive web based directory for ‘alternative health’ across Auckland. Assisting people seeking a specific health modality as well as for qualified health practitioners to come under one umbrella, where all concerned can obtain the benefits of an easy to access web directory. This is the index that we have been waiting for.Just choose what modality or need that you require, then select your suburb, click search and up will come the closest practitioner to where you reside.Then click on that practitioners name and it will instantly direct you to their home page where you may either read, (hear and or watch a video) of what the practitioner does, their specific methods, case histories, recommendations etc. There are also articles on health, news, updates as well as a calendar of events.The need for a web based directory to alternative, holistic, preventative and natural medicines can propel Aucklanders and New Zealanders into a realm of really honouring their body, by making sure it is sust

  • Matt Wilson, Artist and Raw Foods Adherent


    Matty was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis at age 5 after being ill for two years.At age 12 he was told if he did not have his bowel removed and replaced with a colostomy bag he would have cancer by age 19 and not live to see 30. Today he is 35 and is a picture of health. This is his story.By eating raw foods which includes grass and virtually every thing like weeds that we find growing in our back lawn, such as clover, kikuyu, puha, plantains, dock, dandelion etc he was able to cure his disability. What Matt also found is that the wider the spectrum of leafy greens we eat, the greater the protection from being burnt by the sun. And that humanity maybe being affected by sunburn, because of excessive intake of mass produced, heated, powdered, packaged and tinned foods etc when nature outside gives us phyto-foods to sustain us and enable us to remain protected from the suns ultra violet light among 'many other things.'Matt who is also a top NZ animation artist, working with Warner Brothers and trained by one o

  • Bernard Merwood, from the NZ Values Political Party


    Do we in NZ take the environmental crises that is rapidly unfolding seriously?The answer has to be NO. And do the major governing political parties in this country see it as a grave situation, and the answer has to be a definite NO! Particularly when elected members refuse to want to educate themselves and learn from scientists as to what is actually happening.There is a difference between pale green and dark green political consciousness. Pale green methods mean to just slow things down, and Dark Green systems mean, take a different course and strategy. What is needed is the will of the people to “Tick the Box” every three years on our voting paper, to tell the Government that we want a nationwide stand, an in-depth dialogue, that continuous economic growth is without doubt going to take our future away, and that our children are going to be left with the legacy of our refusal to face reality."This has now become a moral issue!"Listen to a 40 year Values campaigner, who asks the hard questions and requests u

  • Nick Bagnal Ex Ecology & Green Party UK


    Nick who worked along side Jonathan Porritt, noted his leadership qualities as leader of the Ecology Party, before it changed to the Green Party. (Porritt is the son of NZer Sir Arthur Porritt).Nick also managed a very switched on electoral organizing team to obtain 24.5% of the vote, almost 50,000 votes, in the English election for the European Parliament, heading off Labour and the Social Democrats, but as England did not have proportional representation, missed out!  Noting that Britain is not really a democracy, but an oligarchy!He was also involved in working towards keeping water boards in local communities hands when privatization was buying up water boards throughout Britain and that we need to be aware that water privatization could come to NZ very soon.  A Quaker who meditates and is a vegetarian, and sees the Quaker values of Equality, Peace, Simplicity, Truth and Integrity as being of vital importance in the near future, for humanity's survival. Nick Bagnal  UK Ecology & Green Party. Greenplan

  • Ruve Parker & Graham Marsden from Antara Free Natural Health Clinic


    The Antara Free Natural Health Clinic here in Auckland is celebrating its 20th year of operation offering assistance to low wage earners and beneficiaries and those who are unable to afford natural health care.Using holistic modalities they assist with counseling, to problems with pain, back & shoulders, allergies, asthma, stress & anxiety, arthritis, repetitive strain injuries, behavioral problems and conflict resolution.Plus, a rural retreat for development and support for young adults set in a beautiful earth brick homestay, inland from Pakari beach and set among organic gardens, orchard, stream and native bush. Founded on the principle of People helping People. This unique non religious, organization has come together to give to the community with out asking for anything in return.Listen to how they came together and built up these two places of health, healing and goodwill.Clinic: 66 Taikata Rd Te Atatu Nth Auckland Phone: 09 834 7987Web: their web site for the coming celeb

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