The Livin' La Vida Low-carb Show With Jimmy Moore
- Autor: Vários
- Narrador: Vários
- Editora: Podcast
- Duração: 403:22:54
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On Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, low-carb blogger Jimmy Moore presents interviews with the movers and shakers in the world of Low-Carb/Paleo science, medicine and living. We’re here to help, encourage, inspire, motivate and rattle some chains!
1617: If You Get These 5 Side Effects Of Keto, Then You’re Doing Something Wrong
25/02/2020 Duração: 50min“Your body is very smart and efficient in switching over from burning carbs to burning fat. Don’t believe this stuff about robbing yourself of carbohydrate.” - Jimmy Moore The negativity about a healthy low-carb, high-fat, ketogenic diet knows no bounds, including making up stuff about this way of eating that doesn’t even exist. The following article is a prime example of this. 5 Side-Effects Of Extreme Low Carb Diets You Should Know About: This is the kind of nonsense column that drives health podcaster and international bestselling author of KETO CLARITY Jimmy Moore absolutely batty. Listen to find out why fatigued, constipation, hunger, moodiness, and the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes are NOT typical side effects of a keto way of eating, but rather a high-carb diet in this episode. Today we have a special JIMMY RANTS on The LLVLC Show for you. Jimmy is on his much deserved six-month sa
1616: Vegan YouTube Star Rawvana Can’t Be Judged For Taking Care Of Her Health
20/02/2020 Duração: 45min“Some of the benefits she’s seen is probably from making ketones on the fasts she’s done.” - Jimmy Moore There are a lot of people talking about diet and healthy living online and a few of them have amassed a large following on social media channels as well as here on YouTube. One such example of this promoting the raw vegan, plant-based way of eating is Yovanna Mendoza Ayres, aka Rawvana as her Internet branding. She was captured on video by another YouTuber recently eating fish which forced her to admit she had developed some health issues with a lack of a period for two years, possible Hashimoto's autoimmune disease (low thyroid), and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). Read the full story below. Vegan YouTuber Apologizes After She's Caught Eating Fish: 'I Made a Mistake': After being urged by her doctor to add back in some animal-based foods in the form of eggs and fish to help restore her health again, Rawvana
1615: Best Of, Dr. Joseph Mercola On Why Your Body Performs Best With Fat For Fuel
18/02/2020 Duração: 43min“You can’t follow the original Atkins advice for very long and stay healthy. We know so much more now about the quality of fats and so much more.” – Dr. Joseph Mercola Dr. Joseph Mercola from is a physician and New York Times best-selling author. He was voted the 2009 Ultimate Wellness Game Changer by the Huffington Post and has been featured in several national media outlets including Time magazine, LA Times, CNN, Fox News, ABC News, the Today Show and The Dr. Oz Show. His mission is to transform the traditional medical paradigm in the United States into one in which the root cause of disease is treated, rather than the symptoms. In addition, he aims to expose corporate and government fraud and mass media hype that often sends people down an unhealthy path. Listen in today as Jimmy talks with Dr. Mercola about his new book Fat for Fuel: A Revolutionary Diet to Combat Cancer, Boost Brain Power, and Increase Your Energy, how the internet has allowed people to take control of their health, why fat
1614: 2019 AHA/ACC Lifestyle Guidelines Precursor To 2020 Dietary Guidelines?
18/02/2020 Duração: 47min“Nowhere in this do I see that a low-carb, high-fat diet is detrimental to your health.” – Jimmy Moore There’s a sophisticated underground movement currently afoot seeking to discredit the low-carb, high-fat, ketogenic diet and promote a plant-based way of eating by some very powerful nutritional health forces with a variety of special interests involved. When it’s the American Heart Association (AHA) and the American College of Cardiology (ACC), this is a big freakin’ deal. Health podcaster and international bestselling author of KETO CLARITY Jimmy Moore shares about the new 2019 “Lifestyle Guidelines” from the AHA/ACC that tend to be a precursor to the new Dietary Guidelines for Americans set to be revealed in 2020. Listen to find out how they are equating a red meat, saturated fat, keto nutritional approach with a high sugar, high-carbohydrate, refined grain-based diet in this episode. Today we have a special JIMMY RANTS on The LLVLC Show for you. Jimmy is on his much deserved six-month sabbatical so we a
1613: Does Meal Timing Impact The Weight Loss And Health Effects Of Keto?
13/02/2020 Duração: 38min“Full digestion could take up to 6-8 hours and if you’re eating too close to bed time you can’t have restful sleep.” – Jimmy Moore With all the focus on what and how much you eat as it relates to obesity, new research out of The University of Colorado turns all of that on its head by claiming when you eat matters so much more because of its impact on your sleep and the increase in body fat and BMI that happens as a result. Read about that study in this article. Eating later in the day may be associated with obesity: This is not surprising to health podcaster and international bestselling author of KETO CLARITY Jimmy Moore who regularly uses tracking devices to follow his progress with sleep and has seen this first-hand when he eats after 6PM as compared with having his last meal of the day in the afternoon. Listen to learn more about this fascinating new science that even people eating a low-carb, high-fat, ketogenic diet should be aware of for it
1612: Best Of, The Scandinavian LCHF Movement Featuring Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt And Dr. Sofie Hexeberg
12/02/2020 Duração: 01h21min“Even after all the research that’s been done, the medical establishment still says the best advice is to eat less and exercise more.” – Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt Swedish physician Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt and Norwegian physician Dr. Sofie Hexeberg, both proponents of the Scandinavian LCHF (Low-Carb, High-Fat) diet movement, are our guests today on The Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb Show with Jimmy Moore! Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt has been a fan of high-fat, low-carb and Paleo eating for several years and has even come to the United States to help spread the word (including on Jimmy’s last two Low-Carb Cruises and at the recent Ancestral Health Symposium in Los Angeles last month!). He comes to the show today to help share the Swedish perspective on high-fat and low-carb as a way of life. You’ll quickly notice that it’s a far cry from what the low-carb movement looks like the America. From the other half of the Scandinavian Peninsula comes Norway’s Dr. Sofie Hexeberg, who many refer to as Norway’s Annika Dahlqvist (Sweden’s fore
1611 - Low-Carb Keto Better Than Knee Surgery & Opioids For Osteoarthritis Pain
11/02/2020 Duração: 31min“We do a lot of things medically that are probably unnecessary. They are so quick to prescribe opioids. What if it was as simple as a diet change?” – Jimmy Moore The benefits of carbohydrate-restricted diets like keto are not simply limited to the weight loss it produces. New published research out of the University of Alabama-Birmingham (UAB) has shown a surprising new perk of eating low-carb that happens apart from the weight loss–pain relief from osteoarthritis. Read more on this study below. Study: Low-carb diet provides relief from knee osteoarthritis: This is exciting new information to health podcaster and international bestselling author of KETO CLARITY Jimmy Moore who says the continuing opioid crisis and rampant knee surgeries demands we change the way we view the role of nutrition in pain management. Listen to hear more about this groundbreaking new study and the future science it will inspire in this ep
1610: New Study Finds Just One Cheat Meal On Keto Causes Blood Vessel Damage
06/02/2020 Duração: 35min"This new research is making a strong case for staying in ketosis all the time." - Jimmy Moore Many people who go on a low-carb, moderate protein, high-fat diet like to have a cheat on the weekends, one day, or even a single meal each week. But new research from the University of British Columbia concludes that may not be such a great idea because it could cause damage to your blood vessels from the glucose response. Learn more of the details of this new study in today's episode. On the keto diet? Ditch the cheat day, study says: Pursuing a constant state of nutritional ketosis is the recommendation of health podcaster and international bestselling author of KETO CLARITY Jimmy Moore especially for people who have damage to their bodies from poor nutrition and lifestyle choices in their past. Listen to get more details about what this small but important science of ketogenic diets means to your health in this episode. Today we have a special JIMM
1609: Best Of, Jimmy Moore – Not Just Another F-Word: My Personal Experience With Fasting
05/02/2020 Duração: 38min"It's so easy to skip meals when eating keto." - Jimmy Moore When this Best-Of episode was originally released, our host Jimmy Moore had just returned from his third trip to Australia in four years! While he was there, Jimmy shared 12 lectures in 14 days with lots of information about ketogenic diets, Paleo, and healthy living. But he also provided an exciting new lecture entitled “Not Just Another F-Word: My Experiences With Fasting” sharing all about his conversion from a fast foe into a bona fide fasting fanatic! This lecture was recorded in Brisbane, Australia in September 2016 at the Low Carb Down Under event. It details all of the N=1 experiments Jimmy participated in that culminated in a series of longer fasts which he shares fully about in the podcast today. And don’t miss Jimmy’s book with Dr. Jason Fung on this subject: The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting. While Jimmy is gone on a much needed and deserved sabbatical for six mont
1608: How To Order Keto In A Restaurant (Without Looking Like A Total Nut Job!)
04/02/2020 Duração: 49min“The easiest way to eat keto at a restaurant is to go to an American steakhouse and order the fattiest cut of steak.” – Jimmy Moore Do you eat a low-carb, high-fat, ketogenic diet and find it challenging to eat this way when you go out to a restaurant? It can be a problem for a lot of people eating this way without looking like a total turdball, but health podcaster and international bestselling author of KETO CLARITY, Jimmy Moore, says it doesn’t have to be. Listen to hear him share about how to order at a steakhouse, Mexican, Italian, fast food, pizza, and more in this episode. Today we have a special JIMMY RANTS on The LLVLC Show for you. Jimmy is on his much deserved six-month sabbatical so we are bringing you some of the best content from Jimmy’s daily show JIMMY RANTS. Be sure to bookmark and dig through all of the content there during Jimmy’s time away.
1607: Eating Keto Is Probably Not Very Good For Females—If You’re A Mouse!
30/01/2020 Duração: 33min“This study means absolutely NOTHING to human females!” – Jimmy Moore Is the effect of the ketogenic diet different for women as compared with men? That’s the conclusion of a new unpublished study presented at the ENDO 2019 conference…but this research has one MAJOR flaw as it relates to human application–they only tested the keto diet on MICE. Read the full details on this study below. New Study Suggests the Keto Diet May Not Be Ideal for Women: Animal-based studies are only interesting as a way to form a hypothesis to test in humans according to health podcaster and international bestselling author of KETO CLARITY Jimmy Moore. But these kind of studies mean absolutely NOTHING to humans and so their conclusions can be viewed with a grain of salt. Listen in to find out what the researchers found in the mice and Jimmy’s suggestions for a randomized controlled trial to test their hypothesis in humans in this episode of Jimmy Rants On LLVLC. Today we have a special JIMMY RAN
1606: Best Of, Robert Sikes Is A Keto Savage Bodybuilding Champion Eating Low-Carb
29/01/2020 Duração: 31min“I was eating crappy calories just trying to put on size without knowing anything about food quality, or where those calories came from.” – Robert Sikes From a measly 115 pounds to a miserable 230 pounds to a ketogenic professional bodybuilder, Robert Sikes from has blazed his own trail. Robert was not dealt a good hand with regards to becoming an elite bodybuilder. He was skinny as a rail and had no gym experience whatsoever. His first bench was an ice chest and his first weight set was pieces of loose steel his father had laying around the shop. He didn’t have a clue about nutrition or training but he was hungry to learn. From skinny to overweight to keto Savage, Robert’s story is incredible. Listen in today as Jimmy and Robert chat about how he started following conventional wisdom in the bodybuilding community that suggested he eat TONS of calories (mostly from crap carbs) to gain muscle, how he ate 6,000 calories a day and went from skinny to fat with the hopes of someday competing, co
1605: A Plant-Based Diet Is Both Unscientific And Unsustainable (SO EAT MEAT!)
28/01/2020 Duração: 42minWe’re at a nutritional health crossroads right now pitting those who value the role of animal-based foods against plant-based activists in a head-to-head battle over what constitutes a healthy, sustainable diet. The need for a sound, scientific basis for the advice shared in things like the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans (set to be updated in 2020) is sorely needed now more than ever! This is why the nation’s premier food and nutrition guru Dr. Taylor Wallace from the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies at George Mason University wrote the following article calling for all parties involved in the research and health sectors to do better than we are right now. Check it out for yourself below. The Beef on Animal Agriculture that’s Mostly Bull: “You wind up eating way more food when eating plant-based than when we eat good animal proteins and fat.” – Jimmy Moore Health podcaster and international bestselling auth
1604: Allowing A Sugar Tax Now Opens The Door To Taxing Meat And Saturated Fat Later
23/01/2020 Duração: 31min“These taxes seem to hurt the very people they claim to protect.” – Jimmy Moore There’s been a big push in recent years led by anti-sugar activists to get the government to start imposing a mandatory tax on sugary beverages like soda along with excise taxes on producers and distributors of sweetened swill. A new report issued by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American Heart Association (AHA) is calling on legislators and policymakers to make this happen. Read the story about this first-ever recommended food tax proposal below. Medical Groups Endorse New Taxes and Marketing Restrictions on Soda While on the surface this looks like something that would be appealing to people who eschew sugar in their diet like those who consume a low-carb, high-fat, ketogenic diet. But health podcaster and international bestselling author of KETO CLARITY Jimmy Moore who is one of the leading voices in the keto movement says allowing a sugar tax is a dangerous slippery slope that opens the door to them comin
1603: Best Of, The Paleo Solution Author And Health Icon Robb Wolf
22/01/2020 Duração: 02h01min“Hopefully this book is the skeleton that people need to get to the truth about their nutrition.” - Robb Wolf Today’s LLVLC Show Classic episode is with arguably the most famous name in the Paleo community. He is the great Robb Wolf and affectionately referred to as “baby Jesus.” Robb has firmly established himself as a force to be reckoned with in the health conversation over the past few years with the release of his New York Times bestselling book The Paleo Solution: The Original Human Diet and an extremely popular Top 5 iTunes Health podcast called “The Paleo Solution.” He moved from Chico, California to Reno, Nevada to begin working with first responders there to help them get their health back in line to perform their duties to serve and protect in their community by shifting their diet to a low-carb Paleo way of life. But long before all of that happened, we had Robb Wolf on this podcast talking about his basic philosophy regarding nutrition, fitness, and health like only he can. Listen in as we share
1602: Cauliflower Rice Banned In Arkansas In Yet Another Assault Against Keto
21/01/2020 Duração: 51minAs more and more people have become wise to the negative health effects of consuming things like rice, they are embracing more low-carb, keto-friendly options such as cauliflower rice instead. But this growing trend of eschewing the carbs for healthier options has started to cut into the sales of traditional rice in states like Arkansas so much now that state lawmakers there have passed a bill banning the sale of cauliflower rice. Read the shocking details of this below. Arkansas Legislature Saves Residents From Accidentally Eating Rice Made From Cauliflower: This is yet another all-out assault on real food and keto says health podcaster and international bestselling author of KETO CLARITY Jimmy Moore who encourages people to stand against this kind of thing when it happens. Their stated reason for doing this is because of the economic implications on the state of Arkansas being much more important than the collective health choices of t
1601: Beware Of Slouching Towards Orthorexia With Keto And Health Markers
16/01/2020 Duração: 48minSomething fascinating starts to happen when you turn to a healthy nutrition plan like keto. You get so dialed into your diet and track various health markers like blood sugar, insulin, inflammatory markers, and more that when they don’t fall into the perfect ideal range we start to wonder what is going on. This was something that health podcaster and international bestselling author of KETO CLARITY Jimmy Moore saw this week in a message from one of his followers who heard him talk about the marker hsCRP on his Friday podcast called The KetoHacking MD Podcast ( “It’s very tempting to see one lab result and respond by doing something drastic. Allow things time to see if they stabilize.” – Jimmy Moore Although her own personal hsCRP reading was in the healthy range at 1.4, she was so worried about what was wrong because it wasn’t as low as she thought it should be eating low-carb, high-fat, ketogenic. Listen to Jimmy share his insights on this and his warning to not let orthorex
1600: Best Of, Brain Cancer Survivor Logan Sneed Living Proof Of The Power Of Keto
15/01/2020 Duração: 31minLogan Sneed, founder and CEO of, works with thousands of people seeking full life change through the Ketogenic diet. He has dedicated his life to helping others, and spreading the word of what the ketogenic diet can do for people all over the world. Logan is a brain cancer survivor that was diagnosed with a stage 4 glioblastoma brain tumor on March 26th, 2016. He has been through brain surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Through this process, he has grown in numerous ways mentally, physically, and emotionally. But the day his life changed was the day that he began the Ketogenic diet. After news from doctors that nothing would help his condition, he figured, why not? Listen in today as Logan shares his story with Jimmy and talks about proving the doctors wrong with Keto, how the diet saved his life, the physical and emotional transformation that has taken place, The followup tests that had the medical professionals baffled, how living in faith and not despair is the only option, how he appro
1599: Is It Possible That Eating Low-Carb Keto Is Too Healthy And Extreme?
14/01/2020 Duração: 51minToday we have a special JIMMY RANTS on The LLVLC Show for you. The failure of mainstream medical, nutrition, and health experts to give people practical and effective advice on how they need to eat in order to live optimally healthy has driven people to see out answers on their own. From Atkins to primal, Paleo to Whole30, fasting to keto…real people are discovering their path to weight loss and genuine healing in their body is coming from a diet and lifestyle that is far different from what they’ve always been told is good. Now, there’s a move by the nutritional health establishment to push back on these alternative plans by labeling them as “extreme” and the adherents to them as pushing themselves to become “too healthy” that it’s become unhealthy. Read this Boston Globe story below for more. Is our obsession with healthy eating out of control?: The notion that eating a low-carb, high-fat, ketogeni
1598: Stop Caring About What People Think Of You—There’s Nothing To Prove
09/01/2020 Duração: 48min“It’s important to encourage those that are new to this to ignore the naysayers and to pursue their own personal health.” – Jimmy Moore Perhaps you got online after you got great results eating keto and now you want to try to help people find out more information about how to get healthy themselves eating a low-carb, high-fat, ketogenic diet. But then you start hearing people say things about you that you know simply aren’t true. How do you react? Attack? Ignore? Cry in a corner? This is something health podcaster and international bestselling author of KETO CLARITY Jimmy Moore has personally dealt with for the fifteen years he’s been online and he’s come to one clear conclusion–what people think about you simply doesn’t matter and you have nothing to prove by trying to defend against what other people say about you. Listen to hear Jimmy share more about a fantastic Instagram post from @ashleylemieux ( all on this topic in this episode.