Advice for Men to Align Career, Sex, Relationships, and Money
Can Masturbation Change Your Life? — Alyssa Morin
08/10/2019Could changing the way you masturbate change your life? Somatic Sex Educator Alyssa Morin discusses settling for lousy pleasure, what hipster beers can teach us about sex, and why trying to be a “sexual master” often backfires. Crush procrastination and mental resistance. Click here to learn the same mindset principles that Tripp Lanier uses with his coaching clients — including Navy SEALs, entrepreneurs, and influencers.
Facing Fear Head On – The 3 Phases of a Challenge
17/09/2019How to face fear. Understanding the 3 phases of a challenge — When we’re in the creative process and we’re looking at the next scary step it’s helpful to understand what we’re really facing. Often this is where we drain ourselves and get stuck because we can only see our challenge from one perspective instead of three. In this quick podcast we break down our challenge into its three main parts so we can take action. Crush procrastination and mental resistance. Click here to learn the same mindset principles that Tripp Lanier uses with his coaching clients — including Navy SEALs, entrepreneurs, and influencers.
Are We Making Life Harder Than it Needs to Be? — Brian Johnson
05/09/2019Brian Johnson of Philosophers Notes and discusses perfectionism, the inner critic, understanding the whole point of life, and why he blames Tripp Lanier for his $2 million dollar business “experiment.” Crush procrastination and mental resistance. Click here to learn the same mindset principles that Tripp Lanier uses with his coaching clients — including Navy SEALs, entrepreneurs, and influencers.
How to Find Your Zone of Genius – Gay Hendricks
20/08/2019What is your Zone of Genius and how do you find it? Do you have to blow up your life if you want to reinvent yourself? And why do some folks sabotage their success? Guest: Gay Hendricks (The Big Leap) Crush procrastination and mental resistance. Click here to learn the same mindset principles that Tripp Lanier uses with his coaching clients — including Navy SEALs, entrepreneurs, and influencers.
What’s the Difference Between Rich and Wealthy? – Brian Portnoy
06/08/2019Brian Portnoy, author of Geometry of Wealth discusses the difference between being rich and wealthy, funding contentment, and answering the question, “Am I going to be okay?” Crush procrastination and mental resistance. Click here to learn the same mindset principles that Tripp Lanier uses with his coaching clients — including Navy SEALs, entrepreneurs, and influencers.
The Inner Critic: When Success Makes Us Weak — Dr. Michael Gervais
23/07/2019Dr. Michael Gervais is a high performance psychologist who works with the Seattle Seahawks and Fortune 100 companies. Today we pick apart the myths of being a high performer, understand the inner critic, and reveal the key ingredient to enjoying the life we want. Crush procrastination and mental resistance. Click here to learn the same mindset principles that Tripp Lanier uses with his coaching clients — including Navy SEALs, entrepreneurs, and influencers.
Money, Mindset, and Comedy – Paul Ollinger
10/07/2019Paul Ollinger (Crazy Money Podcast) busted his ass, cashed out of Facebook, and became a stand up comic. Today we’re going to talk money being a major motivator, how our pursuit of a stress free life can burn us out, and why committing to success often makes us weak. Crush procrastination and mental resistance. Click here to learn the same mindset principles that Tripp Lanier uses with his coaching clients — including Navy SEALs, entrepreneurs, and influencers.
Meaning, Strength, and the Wolf Connection – Teo Alfero
25/06/2019Teo Alfero The Wolf Connection: Creating a life of meaning and heart. Leaving home to work with Carlos Castaneda, building a wolf sanctuary, and rigorous shamanistic trainings. Plus: what keeps us from living extraordinary lives, dealing with spiritual forces beyond our understanding. Crush procrastination and mental resistance. Click here to learn the same mindset principles that Tripp Lanier uses with his coaching clients — including Navy SEALs, entrepreneurs, and influencers.
Dating Essentials for Men Who Don’t Want to Be Jerks — Dr. Robert Glover
11/06/2019Robert Glover Dating Essentials for Men — Dating advice for guys who don’t want to be jerks. Finding high quality women, testing for interest, how to end dead end relationships with respect, and dealing with sh*t tests. Crush procrastination and mental resistance. Click here to learn the same mindset principles that Tripp Lanier uses with his coaching clients — including Navy SEALs, entrepreneurs, and influencers.
Excuses: How to Quickly Pivot into Power
31/05/2019Stop making excuses and quickly pivot into power. There are 3 main excuses that hold us back and have us play small. In this quick talk coach Tripp Lanier talks about how to identify resistance, confidence, motivation, and wisdom vs knowledge. Crush procrastination and mental resistance. Click here to learn the same mindset principles that Tripp Lanier uses with his coaching clients — including Navy SEALs, entrepreneurs, and influencers.
Mark Manson is Out to Kill Your Sacred Cows — Mark Manson
10/05/2019Mark Manson sold millions of copies of his last book, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck, and he’s back with a new one called Everything is F*cked. Today we talk about why he’s out to slaughter our sacred cows, why hope makes us fight one another, and why success was so difficult for him. Crush procrastination and mental resistance. Click here to learn the same mindset principles that Tripp Lanier uses with his coaching clients — including Navy SEALs, entrepreneurs, and influencers.
Why Play Makes Us Stronger – Peter Gray
30/04/2019If you’re one of those guys who is struggling to find what has you feel alive, it’s probably because you’ve forgotten how to truly play. Discussed: How studies show why play is the key to leadership, innovative thinking, problem solving, and doing what has us feel alive. Plus: Why our highly structured, competitive environment is making us weaker, depressed, and breeding us to become robots. Crush procrastination and mental resistance. Click here to learn the same mindset principles that Tripp Lanier uses with his coaching clients — including Navy SEALs, entrepreneurs, and influencers.
Relationships, Fighting, and Lack of Sex: What Can You Do? — Jayson Gaddis
19/04/2019Jayson Gaddis discusses Relationship Warrior, why we tolerate draining relationships, fighting, and a lack of sex. Are we doomed to be dissatisfied as the wimp or the posturing jerk? Plus, why erectile dysfunction most likely isn’t a medical issue. Crush procrastination and mental resistance. Click here to learn the same mindset principles that Tripp Lanier uses with his coaching clients — including Navy SEALs, entrepreneurs, and influencers.
229 How to Align Your Work with Your Values — Jon Mitchell Functional Medicine
28/03/2019 Duração: 51minJon Mitchell put a lot of time, money, and energy into his career and then realized it wasn’t for him. Instead of staying stuck, Jon hired a coach, stopped hiding out, and created his own opportunities. In this interview we talked about how he shifted his mindset, turned pro, and took bold action to shift his career path. Also: How Jon Mitchell Functional Medicine Health Consultant helps people optimize their bodies, brains, and energy and combats chronic disease. Crush procrastination and mental resistance. Click here to learn the same mindset principles that Tripp Lanier uses with his coaching clients — including Navy SEALs, entrepreneurs, and influencers.
228 What She’s Not Telling You – How to Communicate Without Arguing – Alyson Schwabe Lanier
05/03/2019 Duração: 01h03minRelationship Advice - How to Communicate Without Arguing. What is she not telling you? Relationships go off the rails when we believe we can’t talk about challenging things with our partner. We avoid certain topics because we’re afraid of a fight, strong emotions, rejection, or worse. In this discussion Tripp and Alyson Lanier share practical tips for getting relationships back on track. Crush procrastination and mental resistance. Click here to learn the same mindset principles that Tripp Lanier uses with his coaching clients — including Navy SEALs, entrepreneurs, and influencers.
227 Intuition and Trusting Your Gut – Rick Snyder
21/02/2019 Duração: 40minIntuition and Trusting Your Gut - Rick Snyder author of Decisive Intuition: Use Your Gut Instincts to Make Smart Business Decisions. Why denying our instincts makes us weak. How Snapchat’s Evan Spiegel lost billions by using intuition incorrectly. How to use your gut to be more powerful in life, work, and relationships. Crush procrastination and mental resistance. Click here to learn the same mindset principles that Tripp Lanier uses with his coaching clients — including Navy SEALs, entrepreneurs, and influencers.
226 Stuck: No Longer Passionate About Your Work? Time to Upgrade Your Mindset
06/02/2019 Duração: 35minNo Longer Passionate About Work? An excerpt from a coaching conversation with Tripp Lanier. In this call, we explore some of the reasons why my client was feeling stuck and unable to see any attractive professional opportunities in front of him. Plus: How our mindset determines whether we’ll stay stuck doing the same old thing or if we’ll expand into the next phase of our lives. Crush procrastination and mental resistance. Click here to learn the same mindset principles that Tripp Lanier uses with his coaching clients — including Navy SEALs, entrepreneurs, and influencers.
225 How to Stop Coddling Yourself and Others – Jonathan Haidt
24/01/2019 Duração: 36minJonathan Haidt thinks we constantly lie to ourselves as a way to rationalize emotional choices. So should we become Vulcans, living lives devoid of anything rewarding? Or can we tap into our emotions so that we’re more powerful? Plus we’ll also talk about how good intentions are creating a generation of fragile young people. Crush procrastination and mental resistance. Click here to learn the same mindset principles that Tripp Lanier uses with his coaching clients — including Navy SEALs, entrepreneurs, and influencers.
224 Motivation, Pressure, and Getting Off the Hamster Wheel — Craig Revord
09/01/2019 Duração: 32minDo you depend on fear for motivation? Do you make progress but still feel anxious, tired, or under pressure? And is success really just a strategy to outrun the things that scare you? In this conversation with Craig Revord we talk about how he’s learned to find power, face major fears, and get off the hamster wheel all while growing his business. Crush procrastination and mental resistance. Click here to learn the same mindset principles that Tripp Lanier uses with his coaching clients — including Navy SEALs, entrepreneurs, and influencers.
223 Energy, Power, and a Wife That Wants to Go to an Orgy — Rob Kandell
19/12/2018What if your wife asked you to go to an orgy? Rob Kandell (Unhidden) explores why so many guys are feeling drained and exhausted in our relationships and work. Also: Is it a challenging time to be a man? Plus how to reclaim power, energy, and confidence. Crush procrastination and mental resistance. Click here to learn the same mindset principles that Tripp Lanier uses with his coaching clients — including Navy SEALs, entrepreneurs, and influencers.