Love, Life, Law of Attraction

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 190:30:00
  • Mais informações



Lisa M. Hayes and Cassie Parks are friends, coaches and super cool chicks. They have joined forces to bring you Love, Life, Law of Attraction; shows about everything that matters and how to improve anything you desire. Their friendship and unique expertise in relationships, loving yourself, and the Law of Attraction creates the perfect place for girl talk to meet real world solutions. These two bring you the best of themselves and their experiences to support the creation of your dream life. Lisa M. Hayes is the author of Escape From Relationship Hell and The Passion Plan. She also founded Her amazing products include LOA Ass Kicking, Score Your Soulmate and Body Love Boot Camp. Cassie Parks is the author of STOP And Change Directions. She is the founder of Here fabulous courses include Money, Money Money, and Loving Yourself 30/30/30.


  • [Success Unlimited] How Breaks Boost Your Performance, According to Science

    25/05/2017 Duração: 23min

    Do you feel like a slacker when you take breaks during the work day? Are you afraid that if you take time off your results will suffer? Do you believe that the more time and effort you put into your job the better off you’ll be?   In this episode, psychologist Dr. Patricia Thompson will challenge this perspective by covering what science says about the value of taking breaks for your productivity, profitability, happiness, and even your health. Then, she’ll provide helpful strategies so that you can start giving yourself more down time to achieve greater success.

  • 3 Ways To Rock Your Dominant Vibration Today And For The Rest Of Forever

    24/05/2017 Duração: 20min

    There is no part of your life that lives in isolation from the rest of your life. So, if you want anything to change for more than a few days or few minutes, you need to focus on raising the tide of your entire life. You know, a rising tide lifts all ships. Let's face it, focusing on solving your problem is usually still focusing on your problem. That's not likely to be super useful. When you set your sights an entire life that rocks, everything, including your "problem," improves. It has to. That's the way the system works.  Read the blog post here.   

  • 3 Totally Unorthodox Ways To Win At Life

    10/05/2017 Duração: 21min

    Because we can rarely see our programming, we spend all of our time playing the same game by the same rules. Doing the same thing over and over again will naturally produce the same result. If you want different results in your life, you might want to change the game and the rules. The good news is you can. It's your life. You get to do it however you'd like. When your program is hidden and very fixed sometimes the easiest way to shift it is to be extreme intentionally, and then over time you settle into a more productive mid-point. Lisa Hayes is going to talk about three ways you might turn the traditional rules upside down and start playing by a more subversive set of rules to yield better results. Read the blog post HERE.

  • [Awakened Wellness] The 3 Fundamentals to Practical Wellness

    09/05/2017 Duração: 27min

    There are layers of wellness, our system is perfectly set up to thrive and balance itself. Let's understand these layers and look at three things that we can do to start creating wellness for ourselves. For further guidance visit

  • [Awakened Wellness] How much Water do I need?

    05/05/2017 Duração: 20min

    Find me at How much water to drink is the most widely searched question. In this day and age, we seemed to have gone out of touch with certain basic information of this all-powerful element. In this episode we will discuss the impact of water, how much we need and how best to consume it. 

  • [Awakened Wellness] Why We Struggle With Our Wellness

    03/05/2017 Duração: 23min

    Find me at  We are talking about four most common reason why most of us struggle with keeping fit and staying healthy. We all know a state of wellness is where we should be but still find ourselves at odds with the practices. At the end, we are going to list three things that we should do to make the journey of Wellness a guaranteed success. 

  • 4 Ways to Opt Out of the Critical Comparison Mind F*ck Loop

    12/04/2017 Duração: 15min

    The thing about comparison, or even critical comparison is that it's a part of that reptilian programming. In a life and death situation, all animals instinctively check out each other to see who's more fit for survival. At our core we are animals. However, in our lives we are human. Sometimes those two parts of ourselves don't play nicely together. The point is this: don't be hard on yourself for noticing you are doing the comparison thing. It's an instinct. However, that instinct is an impulse and you don't have to give into it.

  • [Astro Talk] - celebrating Mercury Retrograde!

    08/04/2017 Duração: 23min

    About three times a year, Mercury goes Retrograde - the technical term for when a planet appears to move backwards. (It's not really going backwards - it just looks that way from Earth). Poor Mercury Retrograde gets some bad press out there in social media land, getting blamed for everything from weird technology hiccups to communication breakdowns of all kinds. But actually, Mercury Retrograde offers some fabulous positive benefits if you know what's really going on. With Mercury due to turn Retrograde in a few days, find out how to navigate this trickster energy with aplomb and ease.

  • The Rule of Five - How to Avoid Getting Stuck in a Virtual Sinkhole While Dating

    31/03/2017 Duração: 19min

    Almost everyone knows what "catfishing" is. It's when you fall in love with someone via the internet you've never met how isn't who they say they are. Usually, catfishing is a scam to try to get you to part with your money run out of a boiler room in a third world country someplace. However, lots of people get sucked into virtual relationships with people who don't intend any harm but still aren't exactly who they present themselves to be.  Virtual intimacy can seem real. However, until you've met someone in person you never really know who they are or how you feel. Chemistry in person is very different than chemistry online or on the phone. Getting from the virtual world to a real date can be difficult. People will delay the real world date for a lot of reasons, most of them aren't nefarious. However, statistics show the longer you wait, the less likely the budding relationship will go anywhere. Healthy people who are ready for a relationship don't drag their feet. We're going to talk about how to avoid ge

  • [Astro Talk] - Get Venus on board for turbo-charged conscious creation

    27/03/2017 Duração: 34min

    Your inner Venus is a powerhouse of desire and attraction, whether you're a woman or a man. In our culture, many of Venus's most potent attributes have been misunderstood or even squashed down. Ruler of both Libra and Taurus, Venus is currently retrograde (that is, she appears to be moving backwards in the sky). Any time a planet turns retrograde, it's time for reviewing and reassessing. What a perfect time to re-examine our relationship with this most charming and powerful of goddesses, and see how she can help us boost our LOA practices.

  • How to Avoid the Undatables - 6 Signs You Don't Want to Miss

    24/03/2017 Duração: 27min

    Sometimes dating feels a lot like the lottery. It's random, the odds aren't in your favor, and playing is expensive. However, it doesn't have to be that way. Dating done with clarity and intention is fun. If you aren't having a good time, you aren't doing it right.   In order to avoid a lot of heartache, you want to know what to look for so you can avoid dating people who are way more likely to break your heart for no good reason. Playing the odds is easier when you know the rules of the game. Sure, anyone can change. However, if someone is flying two or more of these red flags, you're probably going to want to take a pass and invest your energy with someone who's more likely to be able to be in a long term relationship.      

  • Living Your Dream Board with LOA Nesting

    20/03/2017 Duração: 39min

    Jacqueline Gates, AKA The Goddess Known as Jacqui, is the coined the term "LOA Nesting". LOA Nesting is the art of using your environment to leverage alignment with who you want to become. Having experienced this magic, I can personally say this is both art and a science that feels like magic. When you're using your environment as a manifesting tool you are surrounded by the energy of what you want to become daily. It makes unfolding a new identity feel effortless. The good news is LOA Nesting is easier than you think and doesn't have to cost you a fortune. In fact, it can probably be done with a lot of intention and no money spent at all.  

  • 3 Telltale Signs Your Self-worth Isn't as High as You Think It Is

    17/03/2017 Duração: 14min

    Self-worth is one of those things you can easily measure from the outside looking in. However, when you're trying to assess it for yourself it can be tricky. The truth is our lives don't lie. The results you're getting an any given time in your life will tell you what your self-worth is every time. From a law of attraction standpoint, the Universe can't deliver what you don't think you deserve, so this a very important place to have clear awareness.  We're going to talk about three telltale signs you might need to examine what your self-worth really is and do some work.

  • Parenting with Peace ~ Sara Exley

    13/03/2017 Duração: 31min

    There are a lot of things no one tells you parenting before you have kids. One of them is that you'll love more than you ever thought possible. The other is that is can be very hard and really lonely. The pressure to do it right is overwhelming. However, there is no one right way to parent. Every child is different. They change daily. It's easy to get overwhelmed and feel out of control. Sara Exley is a parenting expert, hypnotherapist, and mother of twin boys. There is a way to parent with less conflict and more joy and ease. It starts with a lot compassion, for yourself first and then your children. More than anything Sara is real, honest, and open about her journey as a parent.  Sara is joining us to talk about how to love yourself and love being a parent. 

  • Four Basic LOA hacks for Getting a Better Relationship

    10/03/2017 Duração: 19min

    Relationships can seem tricky especially from a deliberate creation standpoint. Anytime you put more than one person in the mix, with all of their stories and stuff it can get really crowded and complicated on the energetic playing field. However, a relationship will tell you more about yourself than anything else.You never really know yourself until you experience yourself with other people. LOA makes some bold promises. The boldest of which is that you can have anything you want. When it comes to relationships it's not that clear-cut. You can't make someone love you or make them be something they aren't. You can have any relationship you want, just maybe not anyone you want. We're going to talk about 4 LOA hacks to help you have better relationships, romantic or otherwise. We're getting back to the basics, but the basics really matter.

  • [Astro Talk] - Get Saturn in your corner for EASY productivity

    09/03/2017 Duração: 29min

    Saturn represents the part of us which curates our personal Life Mission, aka That Thing we came here to do. He's passionate about our success, so sometimes he can feel like a pushy boss with a big hefty stick. And he can be paranoid that we're not good enough, so he can also have us immobilised by fear of screwing up. Result? Procrastination and overwork, possibly both at the same time. Ugh! But that's not the whole story. In fact, that's a twisted version of the story, partly an inadvertant result of our western culture. Saturn can be our most potent mentor, a guide who reminds us where we want to go, and a support when we feel afraid. The key is knowing how to have a great relationship with him, and how to manage him. Join Reimagined Radio's resident neuro-astrology geek, Janette Dalgliesh, to learn two powerful techniques for soothing an antsy Saturn, and a great way to keep him - and you - on track!

  • More Money with the Money Alchemist

    06/03/2017 Duração: 40min

    Ming Chee is the Money Alchemist. She is an expert at seeing money for exactly what it is - energy. Energy is a lot like water. It flows or it doesn't. It has a tendency to get blocked or stuck. Ming is a magician at helping clients not only see those blocks but clear them.  Using law of attraction, Ming works with people to get the money they're looking for and she's going to share some of that wisdom with us.   

  • How Astrology Impacts LOA & How to Leverage It with Janette Dalgliesh

    28/02/2017 Duração: 47min

    I always wondered how astrology factored into deliberate creation. If you can't change what's in your stars how does a deliberate creator really design a life? However, when you understand the influences in your numerology or astrology is like having an operator's manual for manifesting your desires.  Janette Dalgliesh is a deliberate creator's astrologer. She has a way of making the stars make sense and an instinct for how to leverage them in the process of becoming what you were born to be, which is exactly who you want to be. 

  • Ancient Wisdom and New Age Spirituality with Ruby Gangadharan

    27/02/2017 Duração: 46min

    New age spirituality gets a bit of a bad wrap for being a little shallow or trendy. However, the reality is the spiritual traditions where most "new age" practices were born are thousands of years old. Law of attraction wasn't born with the Secret or even Abraham Hicks. LOA is a marriage of years of spiritual tradition and recent science. There is nothing new or trendy about it. Ruby Gangadharan has devoted herself to the study of yoga and the yoga sutras. Her deep understanding of ancient wisdom will help anyone who has a modern-day spiritual practice put some roots under it. 

  • New Years Resolutions for Your Relationship

    29/12/2016 Duração: 22min

    There are very few areas of our lives that have more impact on our overall happiness and life satisfaction than relationships. Family, friends, co-workers and romantic partners are a big part of everything we do. And yet, we rarely take the time to plan for them. In this short episode we are going to talk about 5 New Years Resolutions for building a stronger romantic partnership. These are simple. Some will seem obvious. However, when you put them together and work them as a package you can see massive shifts for the better in your relationship with the one you love.    

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