Love, Life, Law of Attraction

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 190:30:00
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Lisa M. Hayes and Cassie Parks are friends, coaches and super cool chicks. They have joined forces to bring you Love, Life, Law of Attraction; shows about everything that matters and how to improve anything you desire. Their friendship and unique expertise in relationships, loving yourself, and the Law of Attraction creates the perfect place for girl talk to meet real world solutions. These two bring you the best of themselves and their experiences to support the creation of your dream life. Lisa M. Hayes is the author of Escape From Relationship Hell and The Passion Plan. She also founded Her amazing products include LOA Ass Kicking, Score Your Soulmate and Body Love Boot Camp. Cassie Parks is the author of STOP And Change Directions. She is the founder of Here fabulous courses include Money, Money Money, and Loving Yourself 30/30/30.


  • Three Ways to Leverage Law of Attraction and Short Cut Your Way to Finding Love

    02/03/2016 Duração: 38min

    Cindie Chavez is the Love and Magic Coach. Cindie partners with clients to help them regain their self-love and their self-power, to attract their soul mates, create stronger marriages and relationships, find their life purpose, create new businesses and grow existing ones, heal broken hearts, resolve conflicts in relationships, find and develop a spiritual practice that works for them, and gain clarity about the next step to take on their personal journey. Cindie is going to join us to talk about three simple ways to find love. Simple being the key word. We have a tendency to make everything more complicated than it needs to be. Finding love is no exception. Cindie is going to walk us through finding love without the stress, drama, and dread a lot of people experience while dating.

  • Score Your Soulmate VIP Interview Series ~ Auretha Callison

    12/02/2016 Duração: 51min

    Auretha Callison is a soul stylist.  She helps people find and express their authentic soul style. When you're dating, that really makes a difference. They say you don't get a chance to make a second impression. In dating that first impression can send a message you don't want to send, or it can reveal your true essence.  No one knows this stuff better than Auretha. She will guide you through the in's and out's of style and image, for your dating life, and your life beyond dating. It's about uncovering your soul, not your skin. That kind of vulnerability is very sexy and very attractive on every level. 

  • Score Your Soulmate VIP Interview Series ~ Natalie Vartanian

    11/02/2016 Duração: 46min

    Basically: Your capacity for love is infinite. You can have the passionate relationship you dream about, if you’re willing to take a hard look at the one thing you have control over: you. Natalie Vartanian is a Relationship Coach who knows her stuff. She believes love is an inside job that starts with you. That can be such a challenging concept when you think you're looking for someone else to "complete you". We're programmed to look outside ourselves for things or people to make us happy. Unfortunately, it never really works. Natalie is going to talk us through how to take responsibility for happiness as an inside job.      

  • Score Your Soulmate VIP Interview Series ~ Frank Butterfield

    09/02/2016 Duração: 49min

    Frank Butterfield is a Master Channel who brings forth the amazing Communion of Light vortex several times a day. Speaking with a voice known as Paul, this Communion of Light is a place where you can remember that you actually do indeed create your reality, that you do a damn good job at it already, and that you are really quite amazing right now, thank you very much.   We are going to talk about how to find love with joy and ease. Like so many things, we tend to make finding love a lot more complicated than it really is. Frank, through Communion of Light, will share with us a completely different perspective, starting with one simple truth: Love is all there is.

  • Score Your Soulmate VIP Interview Series ~ Jeannette Maw

    08/02/2016 Duração: 50min

    Jeannette Maw, the Good Vibe Coach, is the author of The Art of Self Love. There is probably nothing that is more important when it comes to dating success than self love. When you honestly love yourself, you come to dating from an empowered place. You are much less likely to settle for something less than you deserve.   If you want to Score Your Soulmate, you need to get self love handled before you start looking. It's critical.  We are going to talk about self love, what it is, and more importantly, how to actually love yourself.  

  • Burning Relationship Questions through the LOA Lens with the Good Vibe Coach

    27/01/2016 Duração: 58min

    Jeannette Maw is an LOA genius. We're going to talk about some messy relationship stuff with an LOA spin. Creating for one can be hard enough. However, when you're creating something that involves more than just you, it can feel particularly challenging. We're going to hash out LOA ethics, discuss Unicorn Syndrom, and a handful of other dicey law of attraction related relationship topics.  This one is going to be a no holds barred conversation you aren't going to want to miss. 

  • Clarity Alchemy with Anne Bolender

    20/01/2016 Duração: 46min

    When undertaking a major life transformation, the path to that transformation can often be loaded with blocks, resistance, chaos, and side-tracks that take you far away from your intended goal. It can leave you mired in frustration feeling stagnant, or it can be a path to a higher calling.  In Clarity Alchemy, author Anne Bolender unfolds a roadmap for turning challenges into an invitation to destiny.   Anne Bolender is an expert at helping people navigate the territory of their hearts. She uses an uncommon blend of core values exploration and learning to use intuition as a compass point, to help people hear the calling of their real desires. Then her tools lay out an individual plan for getting there. When success is the only option, Anne's plan in Clarity of Alchemy is a lifeline that can change the course of a life, in the most magical ways.

  • Living Gratitude with Matt O'Grady

    13/01/2016 Duração: 48min

    Living Gratitude: A Simple Path to Happiness, provides an incredibly powerful tool to live well and to bring joy and harmony to every aspect of your life. Within it’s pages, Matt O’Grady shares his story of spiritual seeking and the unique Gratitude practice, that he discovered, that not only saved his life, but led him to true happiness, peace, joy and success.  Matt is going to join us to talk about gratitude in a practical, doable, real world way. We will learn why it's so important and how to put gratitude into practice your life today.

  • No Drama Parenting with Lisa Cavallaro - Part 2

    06/01/2016 Duração: 49min

    In last week's episode, LOA Parenting expert and best-selling author of the book No More Drama, Lisa Cavallaro shared a framework for parenting the law of attraction way. This week we are going to get more nuts and bolts with the how-to's of creating a peaceful, drama-free relationship with your children.   These strategies would work for any relationship in your life, but are specifically effective when it comes to building a life you love with your children.  If you have kids in your life, if you have people in your life for that matter, you are not going to want to miss out on Lisa's expert wisdom.

  • Parenting the No Drama Way with Law of Attraction

    30/12/2015 Duração: 47min

    There are very few things in life more challenging and more rewarding than parenting. I can't think of a law of attraction topic that spurs more controversy than LOA and parenting. Parenting is tricky territory on a good day. Navigating it by the compass of what feels good for everyone involved, can feel almost impossible.   Lisa Cavallaro, best-selling author of the book No More Drama, How to Make Peace with your Defiant Kid, is the expert and she's joining us to share that wisdom and some workable strategies for feel good parenting and a peaceful home.  

  • What if the Only Intention You Had for the New Year Was Joy??

    23/12/2015 Duração: 44min

    We humans are hard-wired for joy, but we live in a world which seeks to pull us into fear or misery or lethargy or anxiety. How can we get to joy in a troubled world? Do we do it by ignoring the painful and distressing elements of life? Not at all. We do it by BEcoming a person who knows how to choose joy, defiantly and in the face of despair.  This isn’t about rainbows and unicorns (not that there’s anything wrong with rainbows and unicorns). This is solid science. Joy is a skillset, and we have the opportunity (and some would say the responsibility) to become wreakers of joy in the world. It’s time to start that movement, one individual at a time.  Janette Dalgliesh is going to join us for a life shifting discussion about the power of BEING JOY. You don't want to miss this one!

  • Love Yourself Lighter, Diet's, Madness, and Real Self Love

    16/12/2015 Duração: 44min

    Diet mentality is a real thing in our culture. It's a myth that's being sold by a multi-billion dollar industry that says you can punish your body and yourself into losing weight and being fit. Nothing can really be further from the truth. However, getting off the diet roller coaster can feel like mission impossible. It can feel like giving up. Suyin Nichol's is a weight loss coach and author of the book Love Yourself Lighter. Suyin will share her journey of getting out of diet mentality and what it really means to love yourself lighter. Freedom over diets and food freak outs might be easier than you think. So, before you go on your annual New Year's diet, tune in and listen to some straight talk wisdom about giving up that madness forever.

  • The Relationship Contract - The Road Map to Happily Ever After

    04/09/2014 Duração: 33min

    Believe it or not, many couples spend more time planning their wedding than they do planning their marriage.  You go through that whirl wind honeymoon stage, to deciding to try to make it a go, to married, and often the married part of that list gets the least actual attention.  Weddings are a big deal and marriages go on auto pilot.  Auto pilot doesn't work. Part of what makes it difficult to actualy do the work for planning for a future together, is many people don't really know how.  The Relationship Contract helps a couple create a roadmap to happily ever after step by step.  It doesn't have to be a marriage.  The relationship contract is a great idea for any two people who want to spend a lifetime together.      

  • How to Be Informed Without Losing Your Balance

    14/08/2014 Duração: 34min

    In case you haven't watched the news lately, it's been pretty upsetting.  Anyone who watches the news media regularly knows that's not unusual, but for some reason as of late, it's been pretty intense.   A lot of deliberate creators have an "I won't look at it", policy.  However, none of us live under rocks, or in caves.  We're all connected, so it's pretty hard to be unaffected.   Today we are going to talk about how to stay informed without losing your balance or your mind.  

  • It's Seeking You

    24/07/2014 Duração: 40min

    What you want is seeking you. Whatever it is, dog, relationship, job, friend. What you are looking for is definitely seeking you. On this episode, LOA Relationship Coach, Lisa M. Hayes and Lifeologist, Cassie Parks are going to discuss this topic. Lisa is going to tell the amazing story of her new pug, Potsticker and how truly what she wanted was seeking her. This is a heart-warming tale between amazing put and his new forever family. You want to hear this story!!!     

  • You Determine How You Get Treated

    17/07/2014 Duração: 55min

    On today's show, Relationship Expert, Lisa M. Hayes and Lifeologist, Cassie Parks are going to be discussing and very important topic; who determines how you get treated. The answer is simple, you do. However, this can be a tricky topic to understand and navigate sometimes. Lisa and Cassie are going to explore and explain the ins and outs of how you determine how you get treated. This applies to romantic relationships, your job, your mother. It's a factor in all your relationships. Listening to this conversation with Cassie and Lisa will give you an understanding of the power you and how manage that power for better experiences in your life. They'll give you steps to up your game and how you're treated on a daily basis. Lisa and Cassie also have resources available to support your growth in this area. Cassie just launched Love Letters To Yourself and Lisa has a group, Charismatic Woman, dedicated to uping how you show up in your world. 

  • Vibrational Whiplash

    03/07/2014 Duração: 47min

    Today on Love, Life Law of Attraction Lisa M. Hayes, Reationship Coach and LOA Expert and Cassie Parks, Lifeologist and Money Maven are going to talk about vibrational whiplash. What is vibrational whiplash? It's when you set that big intention or start moving into a really big version of yourself and all of a sudden everything falls apart (or seems to). Lisa is going to talk explain vibrational whiplash by explaining the science behind what is happening. She's also going to share the cool new program she's offering called Lifescaping, which is joyfully reverse engineering the life of your dreams into the life you are living. It's a really cool course! If you've ever had a time when you felt like you were on fire, everything was going well and you were growing super fast and then it all came crashing down, you'll want to listen to this show to learn how and some ways to keep it from happening again.   

  • Addicted To Drama In Relationships

    26/06/2014 Duração: 46min

    Do you movies add to being addicted to drama in relationships? It's the tenth anniversary of The Notebook which has the topic of drama, romance and love on our minds. People tend to misinterpret peak experience, especially in romance, but really in all areas of life.  It's like they think if there isn't drama of some sort there isn't passion.  It really does turn into a drama addiction.  The brain gets super hooked on the adrenaline, and then people create drama and things to get worked up over. "Movies have really made it hard to be satisfied with the regular every day love and life that doesn't peak and valley that way." Lisa M. Hayes, Relationship Coach. On today's show Lisa M Hayes, Relationship Coach and Cassie Parks, Lifeologist are going to talk about drama addiction. What happens in your brain that creates the addiction. How can you change it? Can you have a peak experience in a relationship and have it turn into a real realationship? How do you create drama free relationships?  We'll also talk abo

  • I'll Have What She's Having Money Interview

    23/06/2014 Duração: 47min

    Remember that scene in When Harry Met Sally? The one where after Sally does her impression the woman a the next table says, "I'll have what she's having." Laura English is interviewing Love, Live, Law of Attraction co-host Cassie Parks today through the lens of "I'll have what she's having." Laura is an amazing conversationalist that comes from a place of curiosity and fun. She asks Cassie questions to figure out how everyone can have what she's having in terms of money. Cassie 32 and retired from her corporate job. She's now building her life coaching practice. Both her and participants have experienced great success in her Money, Money, Money course which is pay AFTER you've manfiested. Join Cassie and Laura in this special interview to learn all about Cassie and see how you too can have what she's having.   

  • Not Your Typical Money Interview

    20/06/2014 Duração: 40min

    Today on Love, Life, Law of Attraction The Goddess Known as Jacqui is going to interview LLLOA co-host, Cassie Parks about money. Barbar Walters doesn't have anything the Goddess. Jacqui's interview will be fun and uplifting and she's likely to ask everything you've ever wanted to know. This is the second in a series of interviews of Cassie about money. It's been proven that we need to hear things 7 times before we get them. So, pour yourself a cup of tea and join us from money girl talk!

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