Emergence: A Revolutionary Path For Radical Life Change - With Derek Rydall | Spiritual | Productivity | Self-help | Happines
- Autor: Vários
- Narrador: Vários
- Editora: Podcast
- Duração: 485:41:07
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Listen in as the World's #1 expert on the Law of Emergence reveals ancient secrets and quantum healing practice that have helped hundreds of thousands end the struggle of self-improvement, find their life purpose, achieve financial freedom and abundance, master productivity and creativity, and gain true wealth and happiness. Join the many listeners who have had instantaneous breakthroughs and healings ...and begin living y?our? Emergence!
{Anniversary Edition} From Resources to Resourcefulness
08/10/2018 Duração: 34minAs you’ve been discovering, the Source of all creation is within you. The Source of all life, law and power is in consciousness – and consciousness is in you. You are a unique expression of Divine consciousness. You also have come to understand that because you are one with it, like the light is one with the sun, you’re not on your way to more of anything. Just like the sunbeam is not on its way to the sun, it is an emanation of light. It’s coming from the sun. It’s the way the sun expresses itself, and you are the way God expresses; the way life expresses. What does this have to do with going from resources to resourcefulness? Regardless of how much or little is appearing, in terms of outer resources around money or abundance, talents, abilities, relationships, or opportunities, the real key to having abundance is your resourcefulness. Your capacity to tap into this source of infinite supply and to be a channel and an instrument of that, determines how much resources you have. Your resourcefulness ultimate
{Anniversary Edition} Quantum Prayer - Where Are You Coming From?
07/10/2018 Duração: 07minToday's Quantum Prayer will help you activate, set, and deepen the teachings from "Where Are You Coming FROM: a Little-Known Secret of Success."
{Anniversary Edition} Where are you coming FROM-A Little Known Secret for Success
06/10/2018 Duração: 17minWhat if what you've learned about the direction to achieve wealth, health, harmony, happiness, and success is 180 degrees opposite to the truth? Remember when other kids would tease you and ask, 'Who do you think you are, God's gift to the world?" What if your answer was "yes?" What if everything that you desire ...is already filling you up and you are already overflowing with it? Listen to "Where Are You Coming FROM: a Little-Known Secret of Success" now. This paradigm-shifting message will rock your world. In a good way!
{Anniversary Edition} Why You Can't Save the World and Why You Shouldn't
05/10/2018 Duração: 13minAren’t we here to save the world, or at least make it a better place? Actually, the answer is “no.” The “world” that each of us perceives is really a collection of beliefs or agreements about what’s possible and what’s right. It’s a set of values, norms, and mores that vary from country to country, culture to culture, and even from person to person. Trying to save or improve a set of beliefs is like trying to save a dream or hold on to an idea. As we know from the Emergence principle, however, there’s always a bigger idea or pattern emerging, like when a seed is unfolding and emerging into a plant and ultimately into the grand idea, the grand pattern of a mighty tree. You are not here to save the seed, to protect it from cracking open and falling apart. You are here to serve the emerging paradigm, the new vision, the larger idea of yourself - and the world - that is currently emerging through you. And, when you move away from being a problem-solver, and become a vision holder instead, you tap into this infini
{Anniversary Edition} Have a Backbone, Not a Wishbone
04/10/2018 Duração: 17minWhether you’re on a spiritual path or not, it’s very easy to get caught into magical thinking. It’s easy to think life operates based on personality or emotion, or just based on good people. I’m not saying you shouldn’t do good. Doing good is one component of being in harmony with the principle of life, but it’s only one. If you’re doing good deeds, but emotionally you feel unworthy, or mentally you have beliefs and patterns of lack, you’re actually living out of alignment. It’s important to understand this piece – it doesn’t matter how much you wish for or how nice of a person you are – that’s not enough. You must begin to release that wishbone, release the magical thinking, and learn how to stand stronger in the Principle of Truth. You can have an open heart, a heart as big as the world, the heart of God, but you need to have a soul that is strong, that has stamina, that is rooted in the principle of Truth. You want to begin to learn how to have a deeper understanding and embodiment of the principle in orde
{Anniversary Edition} The Real Cause of Debt and How to Eliminate It
03/10/2018 Duração: 12minToday we’re talking about the real cause of debt and how to eliminate it. This is, of course, a big issue with a lot of people, and if you’ve studied my Awakened Wealth work you already know the answer here, and if you haven’t, you may be in for a surprise, because the real cause of debt is often not merely spending or spending too much, but as I teach in Awakened Wealth work and really the whole Emergence model, whatever’s missing is what you’re not giving. Life doesn’t happen to you. It happens through you and as you. You’re a generative being, and whatever shows up in your life has to first come out of you in some way, mentally, emotionally, energetically. It has to come out of you, or it literally cannot show up in your life. This is principle. Likewise, therefore whatever’s not showing up is what you’re not generating, and so fundamentally speaking debt is an expression of stagnation. It means the law of circulation is not really in operation. Essentially once you understand that all wealth is spiritual
{Anniversary Edition} Quantum Prayer: The Potential Activator BONUS EPISODE
02/10/2018 Duração: 09minToday we take a deep dive into the potential activator, and do some real inner work to activate our full potential. Whatever it is, just bring the challenge, the crises, the area of growth, to mind. Allow yourself to feel whatever it makes you feel, and as strongly as it really is. Allow yourself to become aware of all the things it connects to - all the past issues or memories that it brings up for you, the emotions and the thoughts. Now just take a deep breath. As you do that, allow in your mind’s eye to see images of love, power, and possibility. Perhaps you visualize your ideal vision, or your ideal vision in this area - feel into that as you let this prayer wash over you and through you. Listen to the audio to get the full quantum prayer AND to find out the clues to support your personal development and spiritual growth and to start participating in your future good NOW. Watch my all-new Awakened Wealth training video, “How to Create Wealth When You’re Out of Options”, plus get Get Your Free Copy of “Th
The Familiar Disorder: How Thinking We Know Someone Prevents Us from Knowing Them
01/10/2018 Duração: 51minListen in as the World's #1 expert on the Law of Emergence reveals ancient secrets and quantum healing practice that have helped hundreds of thousands end the struggle of self-improvement, find their life purpose, achieve financial freedom and abundance, master productivity and creativity, and gain true wealth and happiness. Join the many listeners who have had instantaneous breakthroughs and healings ...and begin living your Emergence!
{Anniversary Edition} Ask Derek: How Do I Manifest More Money or Anything?
01/10/2018 Duração: 21minHow do you manifest more money or anything? First it's important to understand the true nature of manifestation. Manifesting, from the Emergence model – from the truth principle, is not about making something happen or appear that does not yet exist. To make something manifest to is to make that which is already happening, (but is invisible, intangible, or inaudible) tangible, audible – manifest. I like to use the analogy of the radio station to help explain this… Your favorite music is playing right now on some station, but it’s not manifest until you tune your dial into the frequency where that music is broadcasting. When your dial matches the dial where the station is and where the broadcast is happening, that music becomes manifest. You didn’t make it happen. You made it welcome. It wasn’t in the future. It wasn’t in the distance. The music was broadcasting right where you are, but you needed to come into vibrational alignment or attunement with it. The minute that alignment happened, that station became
{Anniversary Edition} Why Life is Set Up to Fail You
30/09/2018 Duração: 23minWhy Life is Set Up to Fail You Some people think that life is largely against us, that life is the roll of the dice. As Einstein said, “The dice of God are always loaded.” It means that life doesn’t just happen, but life happens just. There is order. There is a certain pattern and lawfulness to life. Chaos theory says if you step back far enough from what appears to be random chaos, you will see a pattern. You will see order. The Universe is not chaotic. It is chaortic. What I really mean by ‘why life is set up to fail you’ is something I call the great betrayal, or the big betrayal. I talk about it in my Awakened Wealth work. It’s best to tell you by means of a story… The basic story is how years ago when I was first on a spiritual path, and I had pulled out of society for the most part to go on this inward journey. I was doing all of the right things. I was doing so much deep inner work, and there was a lot of great benefits for it, a level of peace and joy and creativity that was emerging. At the same time
{Anniversary Edition} The LIFT Practice: Reclaiming Your Destiny
29/09/2018 Duração: 30minThe LIFT Practice Essentially, the basic premise of Emergence is everything you could ever need to be all you were created to be, do, contribute, create, etc., is already within you. Just like the oak tree is already in the acorn – there’s a perfect pattern awaiting the right conditions, and when those conditions match the pattern within the seed, that inherent pattern of potential naturally emerges. The same thing is true for you. There’s a perfect pattern of your destiny that is already planted in the soil of your soul, and when the conditions are congruent with that pattern, it naturally emerges. Another way to think of it is your favorite music is broadcasting where you are right now, amongst a bunch of broadcast stations, but you can’t hear or experience the music. The music is not yet manifest, even though it’s fully present and broadcasting. It’s not manifest until you tune the dial of your radio so that your frequency matches the frequency of that broadcast. When you do that, when the frequencies matc
{Anniversary Edition} Quantum Healing - Getting Unstuck No Matter What
28/09/2018 Duração: 08minQuantum Healing: Getting Unstuck No Matter What Nowhere in the Universe is anything stuck. Energy is always moving – always flowing. Even when it’s stuck, it’s moving; it’s just moving in a very constricted spot. No matter what situation you’re in, the reason why you think you’re stuck – the reason you feel stuck is that you have (A) an expectation of what the outcome should look like, (B) an expectation of what you should be like, of what you should be able to do, be, have, or create in that moment or under those circumstances. Because of your expectations or perception that something or someone outside of you has to change in order for things to happen in the way that you want, you feel stuck. We hear things like, “I don’t have the money right now so I’m stuck”, “I can’t feel happy and joyful and grateful when I’m at a job that I dislike, so I’m stuck”, etc… On it goes, where you’re putting the locus of power outside of you – in people, places, things, and conditions, even putting it in your current mental
{Anniversary Edition} Are You a Do-Gooder or a Good Doer?
27/09/2018 Duração: 19minAre You a Do-Gooder or a Good Doer? This is a really important concept to contemplate and to consider in your life. In the most basic sense, so many people are out there trying to do good, but they’re doing it from a consciousness of fear, of separation, or of projection. It’s like an unhealed healer, or an angry activist. This is the key here. They’ve been wounded on some level early on in their life. That core wound really is a core initiation, and it really is pointing them in the direction of where they are meant to get stronger and ultimately make an impact in their life or in the greater world. For example, let’s say you were abused as a child, and you grow up having such pain around any form of violence or abuse. Your reaction to it is anger, sadness, bitterness, contempt towards those that perpetrate it, and you have very little, to no, compassion for those that are so caught in their own darkness that they would perpetrate such violence. You’re still the wounded little child that now just perhaps inh
{Anniversary Edition} Co-Dependence, Interdependence, Independence: The Journey of Inner Freedom
26/09/2018 Duração: 21minCo-Dependence, Interdependence, Independence: The Journey of Inner Freedom When we talk about and celebrate Independence Day in the United States, or in any country, it is a celebration of an outer change that led to people being free physically and materially, and that’s a wonderful and beautiful thing. But what we’re coming to understand in this work, is that real freedom can never be attained through changing some outer appearance. It is only attained when we become free of the bondage, slavery, oppression, and the repression of our own inner empire, of the ego reigning like a dictatorial leader. That’s why there’s plenty of people living in a “free” country that are in bondage. I remember listening to Nelson Mandala, who was in prison for 26 years, I believe, but he had become free long before that. (And because of that, he was able to set the country free.) Ultimately, you want to become “inner-dependent”. This is where you’re no longer leaning on the interactivity of the world, or looking to someone e
{Anniversary Edition} The Solution State of Mind
25/09/2018 Duração: 39minAs you begin to grow in this awareness of the Emergence principles and how life really operates, you start to discover that what you do in and of itself is not going to determine the outcomes you get. Ultimately, as the old metaphysical axiom says, to he or she who is right in mind they can do all the wrong things, and it will often still turn out right, but to he or she who is wrong in mind they can do all the right things, and it will still turn out wrong. We see that even as Einstein said, "You cannot solve a problem at the level of thinking that created it." We understand in metaphysics and quantum physics, that the frequency or the vibration that you’re at is what actually determines the outcome. The good that you want, the answer, the solution, the opportunity, the abundance, etc. it’s already here. Much like you are inundated with radio broadcasts right now, and in the midst of those broadcast somewhere your favorite music is playing, but it’s not yet a manifest part of your experience. When you tune t
{Anniversary Edition} ASK DEREK: Karma, Environment, & Feeling Good When Things Look Bad
24/09/2018 Duração: 28minASK DEREK: Karma, Environment, & Feeling Good When Things Look Bad Today’s episode covers your questions submitted on the topic of k>arma, environment, and how to feel good when things look bad. Listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject for my answers and explanations and how they relate to the Emergence principles! This will be a real game-changer. To Your Emergence! Stay inspired! Derek Like this episode? Please share it! Subscribe to Podcast in iTunes, Stitcher, via email or Android
Strong Core, Soft Heart, Open Mind: the Path to Real Power
24/09/2018 Duração: 40minListen in as the World's #1 expert on the Law of Emergence reveals ancient secrets and quantum healing practice that have helped hundreds of thousands end the struggle of self-improvement, find their life purpose, achieve financial freedom and abundance, master productivity and creativity, and gain true wealth and happiness. Join the many listeners who have had instantaneous breakthroughs and healings ...and begin living your Emergence!
{Anniversary Edition} Time, Health, Wealth, Work, and Relationship Freedom: The Path of Liberation
23/09/2018 Duração: 41minTime, Health, Wealth, Work, and Relationship Freedom: The Path of Liberation Do you know that 99.99% of the world is run by the belief that if we could just change conditions, we could become safe, secure, significant and free? It’s a 180 degrees opposite of what the great teachings taught. The fundamental teaching of Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Lao Tzu, Quan Yin, Shankara were not about improving your human experience in order to be free. They were exactly the opposite. As long as we’re trying to manipulate the world to be happy, safe or significant, we are slaves, prisoners, ruled over by an empire of human beliefs in lack, limitation, and separation. Freedom won’t just come to you. It has to be earned by right of consciousness. Jesus taught, don’t try to save and improve your life. Let it go and seek a deeper connection. Buddha taught, do not engage in craving and aversion, which is basically the incessant need to try to get or get rid of it in order to be free or happy (in other words, manipulating appearance
{Anniversary Edition} ASK DEREK: How To Find Your True Talent & Deal With Work You Hate
22/09/2018 Duração: 33minASK DEREK: How To Find Your True Talent & Deal With Work You Hate Today’s episode covers your questions submitted on the topic of How To Find Your True Talent & Deal With Work You Hate. Listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject for my answers and explanations and how they relate to the Emergence principles! This will be a real game-changer. To Your Emergence! Stay inspired! Derek Like this episode? Please share it! Subscribe to Podcast in iTunes, Stitcher, via email or Android
{Anniversary Edition} What You Really Came Here For (And What You Didn't)
21/09/2018 Duração: 28minWhat You Really Came Here For (And What You Didn’t) You came to this planet to use this dimension of duality and contrast to awaken more fully to who and what you are. You’re here to paint your unique masterpiece of love, life, and light onto the canvas of time and space so that others can see it and be liberated and awakened to their own greatness, joy, and genius. Whether you call it painting on the canvas of life or performing your Divine drama on the stage of life, you came here because you have gifts to bring, and you have something to learn. That’s where the very definition of human comes from, a Sanskrit term that means the dispenser of Divine gifts. As we talk about in the Emergence work, and really what all the great masters taught, everything is already within you – all the power, presence, life, and love of God, all that you could ever want. You’re not really even in the world, the world is in you. You have everything, and so this world can’t give you anything, except for a reflection of where you’