According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the world population is expanding at a mind-boggling rate. The world reached 1 billion people in 1800; 2 billion by 1922; and over 6 billion by 2000. It is estimated that the population will swell to over 9 billion by 2050. That means that if the worlds natural resources were evenly distributed, people in 2050 will only have 25% of the resources per capita that people in 1950 had. If we intend to leave our children and grandchildren with the same standard of living we have enjoyed, we must preserve the foundation of that standard of living. Go Green Radio is the beginning of an important new shift in the way we treat our world. This grassroots program promotes the very best character traits in children and adults: caring for yourself and caring for others. Through simple, responsible behavior shifts, together we can protect human health through environmental stewardship. Go Green Radio airs live every Friday at 9 AM Pacific Time on VoiceAmerica.
“Energy Storage is Critical to Renewable Energy Success”
04/06/2010 Duração: 56minAccording to our guest, Jason Makansi, Executive Director of the Energy Storage Council, the reason storage is so essential to renewables is the renewables are intermittent -- the sun doesn't always shine and the wind doesn't always blow, and they are often located in areas far from population centers. Because the price of wholesale electricity varies throughout the day, when electricity is sold is just as important as how much electricity is sold. But if you can store the energy generated on a sunny or windy day and then inject that energy into the grid at periods of high demand ... well, then you've got yourself a market. You've got both physical and economic control over your resource and the leverage with which to build increasing demand for your product.
Wireless Radiation Rescue – safeguarding your family from the risks of electro-pollution
28/05/2010 Duração: 58minWe can't see the smog of electro-pollution – but it is affecting us – according to the scientific evidence in the award-winning book Wireless Radiation Rescue – safeguarding your family from the risks of electro-pollution by Kerry Crofton, Ph.D. (Global Wellbeing Books, Revised Edition, July 2010). The issue of cell phone radiation is making national headlines, yet consumers remain uncertain about the risks involved and how to protect themselves. Dr. Crofton, a health educator, collaborated with the world’s most respected scientists, physicians, and environmental health experts, and compiled data from the latest research studies. In Wireless Radiation Rescue she presents an overview of the evidence along with recommendations for safer solutions. Wireless Radiation Rescue is the first consumer guide to reducing levels of electro-magnetic radiation in our homes, offices and schools. Aimed at the general public including parents, teachers and health care professionals, the book is divided into four sections: Kno
Special Encore Presentation: Hollywood’s Red Carpet Meets “Green Teen” Journalists
21/05/2010 Duração: 54minGlobal Broadcasting for Kids (GB4K) is the brain child of actor/director/producer Scott McGinnis, and it just might change the world. While politicians and environmental activists work to clean up the mess left by older generations, GB4K reaches out to the ones who will inherit the mess – today’s teenagers. The message couldn’t be more perfectly on point; it’s “Green News…from One Kid to Another.” Each week, teen journalists, Marley and her brother Elijah, report on environmental issues, and finish each story with a “so what?” segment that helps explain the story in a way that makes sense to kids. McGinnis has a long track record of producing great quality shows that kids love, like “Honey, I Shrunk the Kids” the TV show, “Angel”, and more. Under his direction, Marley and Elijah are a refreshingly optimistic and entertaining pair, destined to engage a worldwide audience of kids that are looking for eco-information that matters to them. Scott’s teen reporters will be covering the red carpet for the Earth Day p
“Healthy Child Healthy World – Protecting kids from Environmental Harm”
07/05/2010 Duração: 57minHealthy Child Healthy World exists because more than 125 million Americans, especially children, now face an historically unprecedented rise in chronic disease and illness such as cancer, autism, asthma, birth defects, ADD / ADHD, and learning and developmental disabilities. Credible scientific evidence increasingly points to environmental hazards and household chemicals as causing and contributing to many of these diseases. For the past two decades Healthy Child Healthy World has been the nation's leading organization of its kind. We help millions of parents, educators, health professionals, and the general public take action to create healthy environments and embrace green, non-toxic steps. Healthy Child Healthy World is leading a movement that educates parents, supports protective policies, and engages communities to make responsible decisions, simple everyday choices, and well-informed lifestyle improvements to create healthy environments where children and families can flourish.
Montana State University Goes Green!
30/04/2010 Duração: 57minNestled in the Rockies near the Big Sky Ski Resort, the student body at Montana State University has one of the most breathtaking vistas of any college campus I’ve ever seen. The daily reminder of the beauty and majesty of nature inspired students to take matters into their own hands to protect the environment in January 2009 when they voted to create a student-financed sustainability center. One year later, the sustainability center is responsible for diverting over 109 tons of recyclable materials from the campus waste stream, and they are only getting warmed up. Beth Schiesing is a sophomore in architecture at MSU, and serves as the President of the Network of Environmentally Conscious Organizations (NECO). She joins us on Go Green Radio to discuss the process by which students at MSU have started a green revolution on campus, and how they plan to shape the future even beyond their college experience. You can check out their Facebook page at!/pages/Bozeman-MT/ASMSU-Sustai
Special Encore Presentation: The Nexus Between Motherhood and Mother Earth
23/04/2010 Duração: 56minAccording to Laurie Mazur’s new book, “A Pivotal Moment”… “3 billion people -- nearly half the world’s population – are under the age of 25. The reproductive choices made by these 3 billion young women and men will effectively decide whether total world population is 8 billion or 10.5 billion in the year 2050. The difference of 2.5 billion people is profound for many reasons. Population growth rates remain high where poverty and gender inequality are most intractable. Where women are denied education, secure livelihoods, property ownership and the full legal and social rights of citizenship, they are forced to rely on childbearing for survival, status, and security. Our planet is already signaling human-induced ecological impoverishment and collapse, and while slowing population growth down sufficiently to achieve the lower number of people (8 billion) by 2050 is not a complete panacea for easing pressure on the environment, it will make the challenge easier.”
Hollywood’s Red Carpet Meets “Green Teen” Journalists
16/04/2010 Duração: 54minGlobal Broadcasting for Kids (GB4K) is the brain child of actor/director/producer Scott McGinnis, and it just might change the world. While politicians and environmental activists work to clean up the mess left by older generations, GB4K reaches out to the ones who will inherit the mess – today’s teenagers. The message couldn’t be more perfectly on point; it’s “Green News…from One Kid to Another.” Each week, teen journalists, Marley and her brother Elijah, report on environmental issues, and finish each story with a “so what?” segment that helps explain the story in a way that makes sense to kids. McGinnis has a long track record of producing great quality shows that kids love, like “Honey, I Shrunk the Kids” the TV show, “Angel”, and more. Under his direction, Marley and Elijah are a refreshingly optimistic and entertaining pair, destined to engage a worldwide audience of kids that are looking for eco-information that matters to them. Scott’s teen reporters will be covering the red carpet for the Earth Day p
“Life in the Hothouse…How a Living Planet Survives Climate Change”
02/04/2010 Duração: 56minEveryone is talking about climate change. In LIFE IN THE HOTHOUSE, Melanie Lenart, PhD, award-winning journalist and climate researcher, offers an alternative view of the issues at hand— explaining in fascinating, user-friendly terms how the Earth’s natural systems help deal with climate change and what we can do to support that process. Lenart explains how our planet responds to different climates, past and present. Stronger hurricanes, rising seas, bigger floods – warming temperatures spur these on. Do these imply a planet taking revenge for human-caused greenhouse gas heating? No, Lenart argues, they merely demonstrate some survival techniques of a living system doing what it takes to stay alive. Does that mean humans can leave it to the planet to take care of the extra heat-trapping greenhouse gases filling the air? No. The planet can survive with ice-free poles, higher sea levels, and intense hurricanes that would potentially be off the charts by today’s standards. But clearly under such conditions our s
Special Encore Presentation: “Covanta Energy creates clean, renewable energy from trash!”
26/03/2010 Duração: 56minWhat happens when a landfill become land “full”? Answer…taxpayers foot the bill to build a new one. It’s expensive, and it’s a waste of land and other resources that could be used for better things that burying trash. What if I told you that your trash could be converted to clean energy? In fact, that may already be the case in your town. Communities across the U.S. have been using energy-from-waste (EFW) technology for decades. In fact, many states – including Florida and California – have included EFW under the legal definition of renewable energy. Covanta Energy is one of the world’s leading EFW companies, and today on Go Green Radio, we’ll hear from Meg Morris, a senior Covanta official and the former President of the National Recycling Coalition. Meg will help us understand how EFW works, and what the future may hold if less of our “waste” goes to waste!
“Gardens in Gotham…GrowNYC® celebrates 40 Years!”
19/03/2010 Duração: 56minEver tasted an apple grown in the Big Apple? If not, talk to this week’s guest, Marcel Van Ooyen, the Executive Director of GrowNYC – formerly the Council on the Environment of New York City. The NYC Greenmarket is the largest and most successful open-air farmers markets program in the country. Since 1970, this organization has been improving New York City’s quality of life through environmental programs that transform communities block by block and empower all New Yorkers to secure a clean and healthy environment for future generations. GrowNYC rolls up its sleeves alongside NYC residents to provide access to healthy, fresh, local food for all New Yorkers; grow and maintain vibrant green spaces and community gardens; help New Yorkers recycle more and reduce waste; and create the next generation of environmental leaders through hands-on education programs. If a city of 10 million people can make a community garden and farmers market program work, so can yours! Check out their website at
Special Encore Presentation: Killing the H1N1 Virus with PURE Bioscience’s ‘Green’ Antimicrobial
12/03/2010 Duração: 56minConfused about all the conflicting reports about whether or not to use hand sanitizer this flu season? Wondering how effective non-toxic, “green” cleaners are against the H1N1 virus? Worried about the kinds of cleansers your family and pets are exposed to? Me, too!!! As a mother of three kids in public schools, I am very concerned about making sure my children remain healthy, despite the fact that we haven’t had access to H1N1 vaccines yet. Fortunately, Mike Krall, CEO of PURE Bioscience, has the information we’re all looking for. Tune in to Go Green Radio this week, when I will ask Mike how his patented product, SDC, may very well be the most significant and environmentally safe answer to many of the public health threats of the 21st century…and most importantly…where we, the consumers, can get it! Helpful links: FDA information on fraudulent H1N1 Product Claims
“Part II: Is the Environment to Blame for Autism?”
05/03/2010 Duração: 56minGood parents advocate for their children, and try to keep them safe from harm. Suppose your children were being harmed by the air they breathe, by chemicals sprayed on their schoolyard, or by vaccinations recommended by your most trusted ally in keeping your child healthy – your pediatrician. If that were the case, you’d likely do all that you could to protect your child, but you’d soon find that as a lone parent it is very difficult to sway the large organizations and companies that control the environmental hazards around your child. And then…you’d do what this week’s Go Green Radio guests did…you’d band together with other concerned parents to make a difference. This week we are joined by the Executive Director of the National Autism Association, Rita Shreffler, and the editor-at-large for the Age of Autism, Mark Blaxill. Rita and Mark will discuss their experiences as parents of autistic children, and help us understand the environmental toxins that may be responsible for rising rates of autism in America
Toxins in the Trash...Who is Responsible?
19/02/2010 Duração: 57minMost people know that when they throw things away, it doesn’t really go “away.” The trash goes somewhere, and a good deal of it doesn’t biodegrade. In fact, some of what goes into the trash could poison our drinking water, air, and the soil in which we grow food for many generations. Mercury and other heavy metals are found in a number of products readily available to consumers in supermarkets all over the country, and if those items aren’t carefully disposed of, they are known to be extremely hazardous to humans, especially children. Discarded medicines have already polluted fresh water sources in all 50 U.S. states, yet a nationwide solution to this problem is not even being discussed. Who can rectify these issues? Consumers? Retailers? Manufacturers? Government? Likely, a combination of all four stakeholder groups. Tune into Go Green Radio this week to hear Scott Cassel, Founder and Executive Director of the Product Stewardship Institute ( ), discuss how his organization is
“EHDD Architecture’s Revolutionary Sustainable Design Philosophy”
12/02/2010 Duração: 58minAccording to EHDD Architecture’s website (, ‘our world is at a critical point in its evolution. With global population climbing towards seven billion and with rapidly increasing development, carbon emissions and degradation of ecosystems, our planet is being stressed beyond its capacity. Our challenge is to develop a new model for living and building within the earth’s capacity, while also creating a better life for all people.’ EHDD sees this challenge as their inspiration for design: for creating innovative, healthy, and pleasant environments that people enjoy living and working in, and to do so with the least impact on the earth’s ecosystems. EHDD is a national leader in the research and design of sustainable buildings, ready to meet the very real challenge that global climate change requires very real results: not just a few model projects but a fundamental change in how we design and build buildings. Tune in to Go Green Radio to hear EHDD principal, Scott Shell, discuss his unique work in ‘g
“Covanta Energy creates clean, renewable energy from trash!”
05/02/2010 Duração: 56minWhat happens when a landfill become land “full”? Answer…taxpayers foot the bill to build a new one. It’s expensive, and it’s a waste of land and other resources that could be used for better things that burying trash. What if I told you that your trash could be converted to clean energy? In fact, that may already be the case in your town. Communities across the U.S. have been using energy-from-waste (EFW) technology for decades. In fact, many states – including Florida and California – have included EFW under the legal definition of renewable energy. Covanta Energy is one of the world’s leading EFW companies, and today on Go Green Radio, we’ll hear from Meg Morris, a senior Covanta official and the former President of the National Recycling Coalition. Meg will help us understand how EFW works, and what the future may hold if less of our “waste” goes to waste!
“Is the Environment to Blame for Autism?”
29/01/2010 Duração: 58minBrita Belli, editor of E / The Environmental Magazine- the largest independent magazine dedicated to green issues- joins us on Go Green Radio to discuss her recent piece called, “The Search for Autism’s Missing Piece…Autism Research Slowly Turns Its Focus to Environmental Toxicity.” The debate over the connection between vaccinations—particularly those preserved with mercury-containing thimerosal—and autism has been widely publicized, and is still the subject of controversy. But the large majority of autism research is focused on genetics, despite the fact that there are known environmental factors that impact the likelihood of the disorder. Sudhir Gupta, M.D., Ph.D., Chief of the Division of Basic and Clinical Immunology at the University of California, Irvine, once famously remarked in regards to autism: “Genes load the gun and environment pulls the trigger.” Tune in to Go Green Radio to learn more, and visit to read Brita’s groundbreaking article.
“Miss America is Going Green!”
22/01/2010 Duração: 10min‘Green is gorgeous’, and no one would know that better than Tamara Henry, nationally recognized eco TV host, and designer of the Miss America Pageant’s first environmental component to the competition. Tamara, a.k.a. “Green T”, has interviewed all 53 contestants about what “being green” means to them. Tamara will share some of their answers, and give us the inside scoop on the pageant, eco-fashion, and her fabulous expert perspective on what she has branded ‘Eco Conscious Entertainment.’ Check out Tamara’s website (www.GreenTwithTamara.TV), where you can watch each Miss America contestant’s video interview, and cast your vote for the one that you believe best embodies the theme, “Green is Gorgeous.” More than 20,000 people have already voted online! If you live in the L.A. area, you can also vote in person at the Go-Green Expo Jan. 22-24.
America’s Energy Security: From the frontlines to the pipelines…
08/01/2010 Duração: 57minCan you imagine spending your entire adult life as a United States Marine or Sailor, protecting the shipping lanes for foreign oil that Americans crave? Or how about trying to run a company like FedEx with ever-fluctuating gasoline prices? What if these people came together to ensure that future American military members would never have to fight for the energy we need to fuel our economy, and American businesses would forever have clean, reliable, affordable, domestic energy with which to run their companies? Good news…they have come together, and Robbie Diamond joins us on Go Green Radio to explain. Robbie is the President & CEO of Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) – - , and the Electrification Coalition – -, both nonpartisan, not-for-profit groups of business and four star military leaders committed to promoting policies and actions that facilitate the deployment of electric vehicles on a mass scale in order to combat the economic, environment
The Nexus Between Motherhood and Mother Earth
18/12/2009 Duração: 56minAccording to Laurie Mazur’s new book, “A Pivotal Moment”… “3 billion people -- nearly half the world’s population – are under the age of 25. The reproductive choices made by these 3 billion young women and men will effectively decide whether total world population is 8 billion or 10.5 billion in the year 2050. The difference of 2.5 billion people is profound for many reasons. Population growth rates remain high where poverty and gender inequality are most intractable. Where women are denied education, secure livelihoods, property ownership and the full legal and social rights of citizenship, they are forced to rely on childbearing for survival, status, and security. Our planet is already signaling human-induced ecological impoverishment and collapse, and while slowing population growth down sufficiently to achieve the lower number of people (8 billion) by 2050 is not a complete panacea for easing pressure on the environment, it will make the challenge easier.”
Killing the H1N1 Virus with PURE Bioscience’s ‘Green’ Antimicrobial
11/12/2009 Duração: 56minConfused about all the conflicting reports about whether or not to use hand sanitizer this flu season? Wondering how effective non-toxic, “green” cleaners are against the H1N1 virus? Worried about the kinds of cleansers your family and pets are exposed to? Me, too!!! As a mother of three kids in public schools, I am very concerned about making sure my children remain healthy, despite the fact that we haven’t had access to H1N1 vaccines yet. Fortunately, Mike Krall, CEO of PURE Bioscience, has the information we’re all looking for. Tune in to Go Green Radio this week, when I will ask Mike how his patented product, SDC, may very well be the most significant and environmentally safe answer to many of the public health threats of the 21st century…and most importantly…where we, the consumers, can get it! Helpful links: FDA information on fraudulent H1N1 Product Claims (includes a widget for your blog): CDC information on Swine Flu: http://www