Fifteen minutes long, because you're in a hurry, and we're not that smart.
Writing Excuses Season 3 Episode 32: Collaboration
04/01/2010 Duração: 17minFor starters, let's clear the air. Yes, the first episode of the new year is also the last episode of Writing Excuses Season 3. And yes, we'll be getting Season 2 and Season 3 on CDs pretty soon here. Collaboration! This is one of our all-time most requested topics, and we're covering it now because we still haven't done much actual collaborating but we want to talk about it anyway. Why? Because we each have some collaborations planned (including one for all three of us, but shhh... it's still a secret) and it will be fun to talk about this again in a year or so and argue about all the things we got wrong this time around. But you should still listen to what we say here in our collaborative infancy. That way you can lord it up over us when we flip-flop after having attempted to work together. You should also pay attention when we tell you beginning writers why you should not be collaborating. And then we'll give you some procedural tips for when you decide to collaborate anyway. Wr
Writing Excuses Season 3 Episode 31: Tragedy
28/12/2009 Duração: 15minTragedy. It's just TRAGIC. Tragedy is also one of the classical forms that writers need to know how to work within. Why? Well... because the Greeks thought we should be forced to have strong emotional responses to literature. Writing Prompt: Write a delightful story about happy, cheerful anthropomorphic creatures who all die horribly. This episode of Writing Excuses has been brought to you by Audible. Visit for a free trial membership*. *Note: From the Audible website, here are the terms of the free membership. Read the fine print, please! Audible® Free Trial Details Get your first 14 days of the AudibleListener® Gold membership plan free, which includes one audiobook credit. After your 14 day trial, your membership will renew each month for just $14.95 per month so you can continue to receive one audiobook credit per month plus members-only discounts on all audio purchases. A very small number of titles are more than one credit. Cancel your membership before your free
Writing Excuses Season 3 Episode 29: Antiheroes
20/12/2009 Duração: 15minWhat is an Antihero? There are lots of definitions of this word, so Dan boils it down to just three: The Frodo, The Punisher, and The Talented Mister Ripley. And that third definition is the one Brandon believes to be the most correct, at least in the strict literary sense. This was a difficult 'cast for Howard because he's familiar with Frodo and The Punisher, but has no experience with The Talented Mister Ripley beyond movie trailers. He gets by, though. He's seen a lot of movie trailers. Have a listen, and learn a lot. Writing Prompt: Write a true, classically-defined antihero in such a way that Howard will enjoy it. This episode of Writing Excuses has been brought to you by Audible. Visit for a free trial membership*. *Note: From the Audible website, here are the terms of the free membership. Read the fine print, please! Audible® Free Trial Details Get your first 14 days of the AudibleListener® Gold membership plan free, which includes one audiobook credi
Writing Excuses Season 3 Episode 30: Unreliable Narrators
14/12/2009 Duração: 16minThis episode totally would have updated earlier if I'd only known sooner that it was ready to go. Jordo says he emailed me early this evening, but if he HAD then you'd have been listening to this by 8:00pm Sunday. So... how much of that do you believe? Is the Narrator lying to you, or is he just wrong? Maybe he is lying to himself, and thinks he's being honest with you. Most importantly, though, how does any of this apply to your writing? Well, that's what the podcast is for... Writing Prompt: Have an event occur, and then provide five different character perspectives on the event... none of which are completely accurate. Note: this episode updated a little late because I wanted an object lesson in the write-up, not because I was relaxing on the couch until 11:15pm. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
Writing Excuses Season 3 Episode 28: World-Building Gender Roles
07/12/2009 Duração: 17minIs there a disconnect? Brandon specifically introduces the episode as "World-building political correctness," but the title here says "World-Building Gender Roles." And then Brandon goes on to blame Howard for picking the title. There is, in fact, a disconnect. Oh the mirth! Howard was imagining a slightly wider scope for the 'cast, but Brandon focused the crew on just one aspect. And that's probably best. After all, this is only fifteen minutes long (okay, 17 minutes and 10 seconds) and as has been said before, we're not that smart. How does a 21st-century author go about world-building fantasy universe gender roles while writing for a 21st-century audience? How does the problem change if the setting is the far-flung future? And of more immediate interest, is it possible for three men to discuss this without a) putting their feet in their mouths while b) simultaneously stepping on landmines? Have a listen. We're going to wait waaay over here and hope the internet can't
Writing Excuses Season 3 Episode 27: Mixing Humor with Drama and Horror
01/12/2009 Duração: 16minA Monday without Writing Excuses is kind of like a Tuesday without Writing Excuses, only far less aggravating. With Brandon once again by our side(s), we venture once more into the realm of humor: this time, specifically considering how to blend humor with decidedly unhumorous elements such as drama and horror. Why do humor and horror go so well together? How can you make something funny without losing the powerful character drama? And how did we possibly get through this episode without mentioning "Shaun of the Dead," which combines humor and horror and drama more brilliantly than anything in recent memory? Writing Prompt: Make the most inappropriate joke you can, but make it appropriate. Once again, Writing Excuses is brought to you by, and this week we're trying something new: homework! Sometime in January we'll spend an episode examining "The Hero with A Thousand Faces," by Joseph Campbell, so this is your warning to study up. You can read your own copy, borrow one
Writing Excuses Season 3 Episode 26: NaNoWriMo
23/11/2009 Duração: 16minDan, Howard, and Jordo descended into the basement at Dragon's Keep where members of the local NaNoWriMo chapter were attempting to bolster their word-counts for the day. We talked to them about National Novel Writing Month, and about the things that were getting them stuck. Good times! Writing Prompt: Kill one of your characters with a shovel. This episode of Writing Excuses has been brought to you by Audible. Visit for a free trial membership*. *Note: From the Audible website, here are the terms of the free membership. Read the fine print, please! Audible® Free Trial Details Get your first 14 days of the AudibleListener® Gold membership plan free, which includes one audiobook credit. After your 14 day trial, your membership will renew each month for just $14.95 per month so you can continue to receive one audiobook credit per month plus members-only discounts on all audio purchases. A very small number of titles are more than one credit. Cancel your membership before
Writing Excuses Season 3 Episode 25: The Business of Writing Comics
16/11/2009 Duração: 19minDan and Howard are again joined by Jake Black, who writes comics (and some other things) for a living. Jake tells us how he got into the business, and we talk about how this might be applied to other folks. But you can't do it exactly the way he did it because they've bricked that entrance up. Writing Prompt: Our superhero gained his superpowers by writing technical articles for Wired... This episode of Writing Excuses has been brought to you by Audible. Visit for a free trial membership*. *Note: From the Audible website, here are the terms of the free membership. Read the fine print, please! Audible® Free Trial Details Get your first 14 days of the AudibleListener® Gold membership plan free, which includes one audiobook credit. After your 14 day trial, your membership will renew each month for just $14.95 per month so you can continue to receive one audiobook credit per month plus members-only discounts on all audio purchases. A very small number of titles are mor
Writing Excuses Season 3 Episode 24: Writing Comics with Jake Black
09/11/2009 Duração: 19minJake Black fills in for Brandon "#1 New York Times Bestselling Author" Sanderson this week, and that's perfect because Jake writes comics and Brandon doesn't. So mostly this is Dan holding Jake's and my feet to the fire. We'll talk about the business of writing comics next week. This week it's more nuts-and-bolts, and we run for almost 20 minutes... Writing Prompt: Write a story in which Superman swoops into a room, kicks something, and then turns into Spider-Man. This episode of Writing Excuses has been brought to you by Audible. Visit for a free trial membership*. *Note: From the Audible website, here are the terms of the free membership. Read the fine print, please! Audible® Free Trial Details Get your first 14 days of the AudibleListener® Gold membership plan free, which includes one audiobook credit. After your 14 day trial, your membership will renew each month for just $14.95 per month so you can continue to receive one audiobook credit
Writing Excuses Season 3 Episode 23: How to Write Without Twists
02/11/2009 Duração: 15minQuestion: Can you write a good book without a plot twist? Better question: is it a good book if your readers predicted what was coming? Best question: is a podcast about predictable prose itself predictable? No, seriously... the best question is "how can we use predictable, formulaic plotting effectively?" We actually answer that one. Writing Prompt: "Sense & Sensibility & Terrorists"
Writing Excuses Season 3 Episode 22: Idea to Story
25/10/2009 Duração: 17minYou are going to love this episode. Seriously. Brandon throws an idea at Dan and Howard, and then we spend 15 minutes expanding on that idea as if we were going to base a story around it. You people who keep asking where we get our ideas? You're asking the wrong question. Ideas are easy to come by -- everybody has them. The right question is "how do you turn an idea into a story?" This podcast skips to the important part of answering the question: demonstration. Enjoy! This episode of Writing Excuses has been brought to you by Audible. Visit for a free trial membership*. Your writing prompt: Bugs are now magical. Ohcrap. *Note: From the Audible website, here are the terms of the free membership. Read the fine print, please! Audible® Free Trial Details Get your first 14 days of the AudibleListener® Gold membership plan free, which includes one audiobook credit. After your 14 day trial, your membership will renew each month for just $14.95 per month so you can
Writing Excuses Season 3 Episode 21: Pitfalls of Self Publishing with Larry Correia
19/10/2009 Duração: 15minLarry Correia is either the guy who did everything wrong and then broke into publishing anyway, or he's the exception who proves the rule. He self-published Monster Hunter International, and then got picked up by Baen Books. If you're considering self-publishing, this is the podcast for you. This week's episode of Writing Excuses is brought to you by Scenting the Dark by Mary Robinette Kowal. Writing Prompt: A self-published book becomes a threat that will end the world...
Writing Excuses Season 3 Episode 20: Plot- vs. Character-Driven Fiction
12/10/2009 Duração: 15minLarry Correia, whose debut novel Monster Hunter International hit the market this summer, joins us for a discussion of plot-driven vs. character driven fiction. We start with a definition of terms and a discussion of the battlefield. Then we dive into the nuts and bolts of how to write what it is you want to be writing. This week's Writing Excuses is brought to you by Audible. Head over to for a free audio book and a 14-day trial. And at our recommendation, try out Stephen King's On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft. Writing Prompt: Come up with a plot-driven story, and then try to make it good with boring characters.
Writing Excuses Season 3 Episode 19: Emotion in Fiction with John Brown
05/10/2009 Duração: 15minJohn Brown joins us again, and tells us that fiction "is all about guiding an emotional response in a reader." We begin with a discussion of depression, which John (like many of us) had to deal with. He tells us about the paths for emotional response, and how a beginning writer can end up in the depths of depression just by looking at the work of successful writers. But working through that, especially with cognitive therapy, can provide the writer with fantastic tools for informing his or her writing. And those tools are really why you're here. Listen closely! Writing Prompt: Give us villainous heroes, romance, and something that evokes terror.
Writing Excuses Season 3 Episode 18: How To Not Repeat Yourself
28/09/2009 Duração: 16minJohn Brown rejoins us for this discussion of repetition. How do we, as writers, avoid repeating ourselves? We're not just talking about the literal re-use of words and phrases here. We're interested in avoiding the re-use of themes, character arcs, and plotlines. Forget the problems Howard might have coming up with a new joke... he (and all of us) need to reach further than that to keep things fresh. This week's Writing Excuses is Brought to you by Servant of a Dark God by John Brown. Writing Prompt: The princess is trying to eat a pie, but someone is trying to stop her. Oh, and the fate of the world depends on the outcome.
Writing Excuses Season 3 Episode 17: Characters & Worldbuilding Q&A with Mary Robinette Kowal
21/09/2009 Duração: 17minMary is back! We still had a Mary Robinette Kowal episode from WorldCon 67, and now you have it too! We take questions from the audience, and then answer them. Here are the questions: What do you do if your characters revolt and start to take over the story? When you became a writer what most surprised you with its difficulty? How do you build the history for the worlds your books are set in? Three huge questions, TWELVE answers. Enjoy! Oh... and your writing prompt: write about The Predestined Monkey.
Writing Excuses Season 3 Episode 16: The Anti-Mary Sue Episode
13/09/2009 Duração: 17minJohn Brown, debut author of Servant of a Dark God, joins us for this discussion of the avoidance of self-insertion. In polite company we call this the "Mary Sue," because it's difficult to say "self-insertion" in polite company, much less with a straight face. In broader terms, what we're covering is voice, and how to make our characters sound like themselves rather than us. This week's Writing Excuses is Brought to you by Servant of a Dark God by John Brown.
Writing Excuses: Parsec Award Acceptance Speech
13/09/2009 Duração: 03minWe won a Parsec Award at Dragon*Con, and it's a darn good thing we weren't there in person to give an acceptance speech. Otherwise this podcast might have happened live, in front of hundreds of people with sharp and/or heavy things in their pockets.
Writing Excuses Season 3 Episode 15: Writing Process Q&A, with Mary Robinette Kowal
06/09/2009 Duração: 16minMary Robinette Kowal joins us again, live at WorldCon 67 in Montreal! This time we fell back on that tried-and-true "Questions from the Audience" format, so the topic is pretty much what the audience asks for on the fly. If the questions were all over the map, our answers require a new school of cartography. It all kind of fits under "process," though, so for categorization purposes, we're calling it that. Also, we failed to discover the Northwest Passage. Maybe we'll find it next week, when Mary joins us for a third episode for more questions from the WorldCon 67 crowd. In completely unrelated news, something cool happened to us at Dragon*Con on Saturday. We'll talk about it in an upcoming 'cast.
3.14: The Four Principles of Puppetry, with Mary Robinette Kowal
31/08/2009 Duração: 14minAside from being a delightful author and a Campbell award winner, Mary Robinette Kowal is a professional puppeteer. She joined us at WorldCon 67 in Montreal, and totally schooled us in front of a live audience. I mean it. TOTALLY SCHOOLED. If you want to learn something new about writing, and I mean something really NEW you need to listen to Mary talk about puppetry. You can't see the perpetual looks of astonishment and epiphany us jaded professionals wore during this recording, but I assure you they were there. We learned so much from Mary we decided to record two more episodes with her. Not because we felt like you, our listeners, necessarily deserved it. We wanted these recordings for ourselves. Mary required us to share. It was part of the deal.