Fifteen minutes long, because you're in a hurry, and we're not that smart.
Writing Excuses Season 2 Episode 26: How Publishing is Changing in the new Century
06/04/2009 Duração: 21minNancy Fulda, assistant editor at Baen's Universe and editor-in-chief and founder of Anthology Builder, joins us again while Dan Wells is out celebrating his birthday. We discuss the rise of digital SF magazines, and touch on concepts like user-generated content, the Superconducting Copy Machine, and disruptive technology. We talk about print-on-demand vs. self-publishing, we laugh as Nancy puts her foot in her mouth, and then we argue over whether free online content can generate income for authors, as opposed to webcartoonists. This week's episode is 20 minutes long, because you're not in as much of a hurry as we originally suspected, and Nancy made us at least a little smarter. This week's Writing Excuses is brought to you by I Am Not A Serial Killer by our very own absent-two-weeks-running Dan Wells. The book is only available in the UK, but you can get now from which has free shipping to anywhere in the world. Writing Prompt: Write a story that convincin
Writing Excuses Episode 632: Now that we’ve got time travel what do we do with it?
01/04/2009 Duração: 39sThis... THIS is why speculative fiction writers should never be trusted with actual technology.
Writing Excuses Season 2 Episode 25: The Seven Deadly Sins of Slush Stories
30/03/2009 Duração: 16minNancy Fulda fills in for Dan for this week's episode (he was sick, she was in town, huzzah!) but she's more than just "filling in." She's FEATURED. Nancy is the assistant editor for Jim Baen's Universe, and as such is probably the one who rejected your story. Nancy is also the editor-in-chief and founder of Anthology Builder, where you can create collections of short stories you want to read, and have them printed and bound for you. She tells us the sorts of things that will get you rejected, maybe after a page, maybe after a paragraph, and perhaps even before the very first line has been read. This week's episode is brought to you by Schlock Mercenary: The Scrapyard of Insufferable Arrogance. Pre-orders are open now! Disclosure: Nancy is, in fact, Howard's sister-in-law. That might be why her stuff is getting so dang much relevant linkage in this entry. Writing Prompt: Write about a passionate egg.
Writing Excuses Season 2 Episode 24: Writing Habits and Q&A with Tracy Hickman
24/03/2009 Duração: 18minTracy Hickman joins us again at "Life, The Universe, and Everything," and in this episode we let Brandon ask him random questions while Dan and Howard chime in with comments that hopefully don't detract from the discussion. During the interview Tracy mentions his latest project, XDM: Extreme Dungeon Mastery, but he doesn't mention the very latest news about it. That news is that Tracy and Curtis Hickman (the authors) have contracted with Howard Tayler to illustrate and publish it. So that bit about Tracy doing it in his basement? It's no longer accurate. This week's Writing Excuses is brought to you by I Am Not A Serial Killer by our very own Dan Wells. The book is only available in the UK, but you can get now from which has free shipping to anywhere in the world. Writing Prompt: Give us Winnie the Pooh's big death scene. On a destroyer in the South Pacific.
Writing Excuses Season 2 Episode 23: Avoiding the Cliché with Tracy Hickman
16/03/2009 Duração: 16minWe took Writing Excuses on the road last month for "Life, The Universe, and Everything," the symposium on Science Fiction and Fantasy at Brigham Young University. The Guests of Honor were Tracy and Laura Hickman, and poor Tracy agreed to join us for a podcast or two, recorded in front of a live audience. After the initial introductions we dig into clichés, starting with characters - specifically, how to avoid these kinds of problems in our characters. What's the difference between a cliché and an archetype? Tracy saves us time and again with great answers that beg a dozen or more podcasts. It's a good thing Tracy and Laura have their own podcast. This episode has "clipping" problems. We need to buy some good audio gear for Jordan so he can fix problems like this. Or maybe some audio gear that will let him prevent problems like this. But don't discuss that in the comments. Discuss clichés, please. Writing Prompt: Howard gets attacked by monkeys.
Writing Excuses Season 2 Episode 22: Marketing 201, Branding for Authors
09/03/2009 Duração: 17min"Branding," not "Brandon," just so we're clear. Brand-ING. We open with the definition of "branding," talking about what it is, and (just as importantly) what it is not. With that out of the way we forge ahead and talk about author brands, brand messaging, and why any of this really matters. We throw down a few examples, and use them to help the listener arrive at a decent author-branding strategy. Writing Prompt: Pick your favorite author and in 50 words or less write down what you think their brand is, then compare it on the forums with what others write.
Writing Excuses Season 2 Episode 21: Fight Scenes
02/03/2009 Duração: 15minRob Wells joins the Writing Excuses crew for a second 'cast, this time dealing with fight scenes. We talk about good blocking versus a bad blow-by-blow, and cover a few of the factors that may dictate the right style of description for that wicked-cool fight you've pictured in your head. This episode is fast-paced and, well... punchy. No, really, it is. Seriously, that seemed like the right word there, pun notwithstanding. Writing Prompt: Write a fight between two people who have never been in a fight before.
Writing Excuses Season 2 Episode 20: Marketing 101 for Creators
23/02/2009 Duração: 17minHoward takes the moderatorial lead on this episode in which he, Brandon, and Dan are joined by Rob Wells for a discussion of marketing. What is marketing? What's the difference between marketing and PR? What's the difference between a marketing manager and a publicist? How can knowing this help a creator position his or her work? We'll answer these questions and more... Writing Prompt: Come up with 25 words that distill everything you want to say about your next work.
Writing Excuses Season 2 Episode 19: Do Creative Writing Classes Help
16/02/2009 Duração: 17minBrandon and Dan met during a creative writing class at Brigham Young University, and Brandon went on to get a Master's Degree in the field. Howard has no formal training in the field. This begs the question... do creative writing classes help? Are they worth the time? Short answer: Yes, but maybe not in the way you were expecting. We discuss not only the formal education aspects of creative writing, but also the value of informal education -- attending conventions and sitting in on panel discussions about the craft. If you are looking to become a professional writer and are pondering your education options, this podcast is a must-hear. A must-listen-carefully, even. Writing Prompt: Fore! In this case, a golf metaphor. But not a pun. Please.
Writing Excuses Season 2 Episode 18: World Building Governments
09/02/2009 Duração: 15minLet's get back to world-building, and dig into a tough one: government. In this case we're talking about government as part of the backdrop, rather than political intrigue as part of the plot. Are you going to create a monarchy, a democracy, or perhaps some crazy, experimental sort of rigidly constitutional representative republic? City-states? Confederations? Empires? What's it going to be, and (more importantly) why? Oh, and how do you do it right? Writing Prompt: Create a government by starting with "Colon Cleansers," and then taking two steps back to create something unique.
Writing Excuses Season 2 Episode 17: Website Marketing for Authors
02/02/2009 Duração: 16minOur producer Jordan Sanderson joins us for this week's installment, in which we likely make all kinds of enemies among the authorial community by exposing the many things they're doing wrong with their websites. The fact that you, fair listener, are here reading content on our website shows that you have fine taste in these things, and trust us to lead you right. And we will! We'll do you proper on blogging, domain names, hosting, connecting with fans and editors, and taking care regarding your rants. Writing Prompt: Write a story about the worst website ever. Liner Notes: It should be pointed out that John Ringo's website has come a long way since Howard last looked at it. Good work, John! We also mentioned websites from George R.R. Martin, David Farland, John Scalzi, and of course Brandon Sanderson. Brandon also mentioned Congratulations, Earl!
Writing Excuses Season 2 Episode 16: Non-Human Races
26/01/2009 Duração: 16minThe Writing Excuses crew returns to world-building, this time to discuss the creation of non-human races. Why do genre-fiction writers use aliens and monsters, short folk, tusked folk, or any other variation on "people" who aren't human? Can new writers successfully recycle the classic Tolkien races and use dwarves, elves, orcs, goblins, and trolls? If not, how can new races best be created? How can races be made "three-dimensional?" What are the common pitfalls? How much religion, culture, and physiology do you have time to create? Why are the rabidly violent fans of the Klingon race going to come after Howard with a cheap, plastic bat'leth? (Answer: Because they have no honor.) Writing Prompt: Create a believable Alien and write something from his/her perspective.
Writing Excuses Season 2 Episode 15: Knowing When To Begin
19/01/2009 Duração: 15minWhen do you know when you're ready to begin? What does that question even mean? Apparently Brandon gets asked it a lot, though, so he posed it for the group. How do you know when that story in your head is ready for you to start writing it? Or maybe, how do you know you're ready to start writing that story that's up in your head? Or perhaps, when do you know when in that story in your head you should begin writing it, assuming you're ready? Confused yet? If you're ready to begin listening, we're ready to begin making more sense. Writing Prompt: Write an ending, and start your book with it.
Writing Excuses Season 2 Episode 14: Writing Habits
12/01/2009 Duração: 15minWe get asked a lot about our writing habits. So your Writing Excuses hosts spend the whole 'cast discussing their schedules, their work environments, and the things they do to make themselves more productive while keeping themselves creative. Peace and quiet? Clothing? Distractions? Pants? We answer these questions and more. Will any of this work for you? You tell us! The comments are a great place to discuss. Howard mentioned PeopleWare, by Tom DeMarco and Timothy Lister. You can buy it here.
Writing Excuses Season 2 Episode 13: Violence
05/01/2009 Duração: 16minAll three of your Writing Excuses hosts include a measure of violence in their written work. So Brandon, Dan, and Howard decide to clear the air a little bit. Why do we write about violence? What does it bring to a work of fiction, and what challenges does it pose? Is there a morally appropriate way to write about violence? How does it impact the theme of your work? Is there a difference between writing about violence and writing comedic mayhem? Writing Prompt: Have some fun in the worst possible way. Write a scene that has an extremely violent sequence that glorifies the violence and then write a scene dealing with the consequences.
Writing Excuses Season 2 Episode 12: Theme
29/12/2008 Duração: 16minFor the first time in eleven episodes, we have a "normal" one. No special guests, no special locations, and no new format tricks. This episode grows out of Howard's ignorance - remember back in Episode 10 when Howard called "can of worms" on "theme?" Well, we open the can for this entire episode. What is theme? Is it something the author must consciously include? Is it something the reader must successfully identify? How can writing to a particular theme help your work? How can it hurt? How can writers avoid thematic pitfalls? We discuss examples from other writers, and from our own work (especially Brandon's.) This week's Writing Excuses is brought to you by Dave Farland's Novel-Writing Workshop. Writing Prompt: Write a short story that has no theme. No deeper meaning. Nothin'.
Writing Excuses Season 2 Episode 11: Talking Publishing and Writing with Dave Wolverton
22/12/2008 Duração: 14minDave Wolverton joins us for a third and final episode, and the Writing Excuses team pumps him for information before letting him escape. We find out why he uses two names (David Farland and Dave Wolverton), how to name characters, and why writers don't jump between genres much. Dave discusses the state of the genre-fiction publishing business, and prognosticates a bit on its future. As a special treat, Dave explains how he broke into the industry, so be the first to listen to that bit and get a leg up on everybody else with this proven (and slightly bloody) strategy. Writing Prompt: Juan and Gregorio Watanabe are in medieval England--and they belong there. Explain why.
Writing Excuses Season 2 Episode 10: The Boring Parts
15/12/2008 Duração: 16minDave Farland, aka Dave Wolverton again joins the Writing Excuses team, and helps us discuss boredom. Specifically, we cover how to deal with it, how to go about writing those "boring parts" that come between the exciting bits that fuel your writing passion. We talk about skipping ahead, switching viewpoints, following the pain, and trying to do this in a first-person narrative. And for an episode that claims to be about the "boring parts" this one is fairly action-packed. Finally. Writing Prompt: Kill the main badguy in every chapter.
Writing Excuses Season 2 Episode 9: Romance, with Dave Wolverton
08/12/2008 Duração: 16minThis week (and for the following two weeks) the Writing Excuses crew is joined by author Dave Wolverton, who also writes under the name David Farland. This week's topic? ROMANCE. What can four adult males possibly have to say about the subject? The answer: We tell you absolutely everything we know in just sixteen minutes and fifty-one seconds. And there was time left over in there to stick in an advertisement. This week's Writing Excuses is brought to you by Rokit Fuel. That ad Howard recorded was powered in part by two bags of the stuff. They sent us samples, and we plowed through them like a tornado through a trailer park.
Writing Excuses Season 2 Episode 8: The Three Act Structure with Bob Defendi
01/12/2008 Duração: 18minWith Brandon still mysteriously missing, Professor Bob Defendi returns to take Dan and Howard on a magical journey through the three-act format: every step, every element, every nuance of this very common and very helpful writing structure. The only way you could conceivably learn more is in a magic school bus, and frankly we don't think that's very likely. This week’s episode is brought to you by Bob's podcast audiobook Death by Cliché, by Robert J. Defendi. No matter how hilarious you think this is going to be, it's actually more hilarious than that. Writing Prompt: Plot out a three act structure for a current project or a new one.