Fifteen minutes long, because you're in a hurry, and we're not that smart.
Writing Excuses Episode 35: Voice, Tone and Style
06/10/2008 Duração: 16minEveryone says you can't teach style--each writer just has to figure it out on his or her own. Well, we here at Writing Excuses have never met an ultimatum we didn't immediately challenge, so today we take it head on. Can you teach style? Can you learn tone? What makes each writer's voice unique?
Writing Excuses Episode 34: What The Dark Knight Did Right
29/09/2008 Duração: 16minLike all right-thinking people, we loved The Dark Knight--but because we are also writers obsessed with the craft of storytelling, we liked it for very specific, very nerdy reasons. Join us as we take a journey through What The Dark Knight Did Right: strong characters, excellent dialogue, a layered plot that blended perfectly (and unexpectedly) with the central themes, and more.
Writing Excuses Episode 33: Side Characters
22/09/2008 Duração: 16minJust as no burger is complete without its fries, no protagonist is complete without his sidekick, or his mother, or his entomologist, or whatever side character you decide to give him. This week we talk about why side characters are important, and how to do them well. Liner Notes Elantris Mad Prince Deleted Scenes Dan's Bunny Book (AKA Blacker Darkness) (Word 2003 format)
Writing Excuses Episodes 32: Talking Exposition with Patrick Rothfuss
15/09/2008 Duração: 18minIn this, the last of our WorldCon 66 episodes, Brandon, Dan, and Howard interview Name of the Wind author Patrick Rothfuss. We discuss exposition, and how not to bore people as you move them through the learning curve. We start by covering some "don'ts" - including the essay, the police-artist sketch, and the thesis statement. And then we work into the "do's" - show-don't-tell, focus on character, and don't write stuff the readers don't care about. This week's Writing Excuses is brought to you by Schlock Mercenary: The Teraport Wars by Howard Tayler
Writing Excuses Episode 31: Talking RPG and Game Writing with Steve Jackson
08/09/2008 Duração: 15minOne of the biggest areas of professional creative writing these days is game writing, and who better to talk to about it than Steve Jackson--yes, THE Steve Jackson. We start off trying to talk about game adaptations, and the challenges they present for writers, but then we devolve into a more straightforward discussion of writing for games. This week's Writing Excuses is brought to you by The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss.
Writing Excuses Episode 30: Talking Revision with Moshe Feder
02/09/2008 Duração: 16minLast week we talked to an editor, this week we talk to OUR editor: Brandon's and Dan's editor at Tor, Moshe Feder. It's a great opportunity to learn more about how an author and editor work together to help make a book the best it can possibly be. We also talk a lot about revision in general, which is one of the least-liked but most important tasks in the writing process.
Writing Excuses Episode 29: Talking Publishing with Lou Anders
25/08/2008 Duração: 16minSo what exactly does an editor, do, anyway? We've already talked about the process of submitting to an editor; today we talk about the millions of vital things that happen after an editor says "I want to buy your book." Not only that, but we get to hear it all straight from the mouth of Lou Anders, the Hugo-nominated editor from Pyr Books, who this year alone helped create a Hugo-nominated book and two Campbell-nominated authors. In other words: when this man talks about editing, you listen. Lou Anders Pyr Books
Writing Excuses Episode 28: Writing for Webcomics with Phil and Kaja Foglio
18/08/2008 Duração: 15minThis is the first of five episodes recorded on location at WorldCon 66 in the Colorado Convention Center in Denver. Brandon, Dan, and Howard are joined by Phil and Kaja Foglio, and we discuss writing for webcomics... no, wait... writing for "sequential picture-assisted storytelling." Phil and Kaja are the creators of Girl Genius, the web's foremost hunk' o' steampunk -- and we here at Writing Excuses are big fans. During our short time together they help us understand the nuances of creating Girl Genius pages, writing to the outline of the story, and crafting their dialog. The Foglios (and Howard) have a little bit of advice for folks looking to start their own webcomic, too. (Mmmmm.... Grizzly Bear Soup!)
Writing Excuses Episode 27: World-Building Religion
11/08/2008 Duração: 16minThe Writing Excuses team sits down to talk about religion as a world-building device: your characters probably believe in something, so what is it? How does it affect their lives? How does it change their thoughts and motivations (and swear words)? And when you're developing a fake religion, how do you avoid religious bias and keep from offending people? Is it best to develop something completely new, or make a few changes to a real Earth religion?
Writing Excuses Episode 26: Horror
05/08/2008 Duração: 16minWhat is horror? Why is it scary? HOW is it scary? Forced by their grandfather's will to spend an entire night in his spooky mansion, our podcasters gather to discuss the nuts and bolts of what horror is (and isn't) and how it works behind the scenes. Here's a hint: as with pretty much everything else in writing, the secret comes down to compelling conflicts with engaging characters. Be warned: Howard is going to say something scary, so don't listen to this podcast alone and/or in the dark. This week's Writing Excuses is brought to you by something close to Dan's heart.
Writing Excuses Episode 25: Viewpoint and Tense Part 2
28/07/2008 Duração: 14minWe are pleased to present the second half of "Viewpoint and Tense," which, as we all know, is Tense. Part 1 was Viewpoint. It's not two podcasts that both talk about tense and viewpoint, it's two totally different podcasts that share a title for some reason. Why didn't we just do two separate podcasts, one on tense and one on viewpoint, instead of trying to connect them like this? Because, as we tell you every week, we're not that smart. This week's Writing Excuses Book of the Week: Warbreaker, by some hack.
Writing Excuses Episode 24: Research
21/07/2008 Duração: 17minHow much research do you do? Howard's answer: "Just enough to get by." In this podcast we talk about why we research, how we research, and when we feel like we've researched enough. We also discuss hiding a lack of knowledge, and finding ways to get by without doing truly exhaustive research. Listen closely and you'll learn why you'll never be able to know enough, why the epic fantasy horse is a lot like a motorcycle, and whether or not one of us really needs therapy. This week's Writing Excuses Book of the Week: Warbreaker, by Brandon Sanderson
Writing Excuses Episode 23: Viewpoint
15/07/2008 Duração: 16minYou've heard about viewpoint, but do you really know what it means? Discover along with Howard the magic world of person, tense, and omniscience, and how you can use them to tell your story. It's a short journey, as quests go, but we'll all learn a valuable lesson about writing--and about ourselves.* *Heartfelt lessons about ourselves not guaranteed. Contents non-refundable.
Writing Excuses Episode 22: Doing The Unpopular
07/07/2008 Duração: 16minAs a writer it's sometimes difficult to decide between doing things the readers want, and things that are right for the story. But as Dan says, writers can get away with doing things to readers that readers would never do to themselves. Beware! This podcast contains spoilers for The Lord of the Rings, Return of the Jedi, and Serenity (the statute of limitations should have passed on all of these) as well as for the current week of Schlock Mercenary. This Week's Episode is brought to you by one of our favorite causes, "Buy Dan Bacon." Mmmm, bacon.
Writing Excuses Episode 21: Humor
30/06/2008 Duração: 16minEnough of this highbrow literary crap--make with the funny! Or, if you're Howard, do both. In this this episode we talk about why to write humor, how to write humor, how to recognize humor in others, how to steal from learn from what they do, and, in the end, what makes things funny in the first place. This week, Writing Excuses is sponsored by The Well of Ascension: Book Two of Mistborn Mass Market Paperback by Brandon Sanderson, which is good but really not all that funny.
Writing Excuses Episode 20: More Q&A from Conduit
23/06/2008 Duração: 18minWriter Eric James Stone joins the Writing Excuses crew for our third Conduit installment. We tackle questions from the audience again (except for when Brandon throws a question AT the audience, which still had Mike Stackpole in it.) Are plot twists necessary? How does the web change the market for writers? How do you make protagonists as interesting as the villains are? How much should you charge for your work? We ran a little long on this one. "Fifteen minutes long, because you're in a hurry, and we can't count to fifteen without getting to eighteen first." Liner Notes: Eric's Website Bob Defendi's Website Anthology Builder This week's episode is sponsored by Hold on to Your Horses, by Sandra Tayler
Writing Excuses Episode 19: Plot Twists
16/06/2008 Duração: 15minMichael Stackpole, author and podcaster, joined us at CONduit, and the four of us tackled plot twists in front of a live audience. Whether you write from a solid outline or discover your plot as you go, we've got tricks and tools for you. We talk about "surprising yet inevitable," the fine art of making our characters miserable, and the importance of foreshadowing (but not telegraphing) the twist. Liner Notes: Michael Stackpoles' official website, and the site where he hosts his podcasts.
Writing Excuses Episode 18: Q&A at Conduit
09/06/2008 Duração: 17minWhile at CONduit, we recorded three episodes of Writing Excuses in front of an audience, and this is the first of those. In this episode we have Dan Willis join us as we take questions from the crowd. The four of us discuss voicing characters, naming things, writing Act II, and how you set about finishing your book. Oh, and for all of you who have complained that fifteen minutes is not long enough... we ran clear out to 17:30 on this one. Enjoy! Liner notes: You can find Dan Willis' website here: Orson Scott Card's Essays on naming: and And this week, Writing Excuses is sponsored by The Well of Ascension: Book Two of Mistborn Mass Market Paperback by Brandon Sanderson.
Writing Excuses Episode 17: This Sucks and I’m a Horrible Writer
02/06/2008 Duração: 15minThe Writing Excuses crew tackles writer's block again, this time approaching the "This Sucks And I'm A Horrible Writer" mindset. Dan relates his Neil Gaiman anecdote, Brandon explains why he'd written so many books before getting published, and Howard throws down the gauntlet on neverending Chapter One revisions. If you're stuck because you think your current book sucks, this is the podcast for you. This week from our sponsor Tor, check out Escapement by Jay Lake.
Writing Excuses Episode 16: Butt In Chair, Hands On Keyboard
26/05/2008 Duração: 15minHoward kicks this off with his own sure-fire cure for Writers' Block, "BIC HOK:" Butt In Chair, Hands On Keyboard. The Writing Excuses team takes off from there, discussing the different kinds of Writers' Block, and how to overcome each of them. We cover free-writing, re-reading and reviewing, and focusing on your motivations for writing... and for NOT writing, which is often the heart of the problem. This week from our sponsor Tor, check out Little Brother by Cory Doctorow.