Fifteen minutes long, because you're in a hurry, and we're not that smart.
Writing Excuses Episode 23: Viewpoint
15/07/2008 Duração: 16minYou've heard about viewpoint, but do you really know what it means? Discover along with Howard the magic world of person, tense, and omniscience, and how you can use them to tell your story. It's a short journey, as quests go, but we'll all learn a valuable lesson about writing--and about ourselves.* *Heartfelt lessons about ourselves not guaranteed. Contents non-refundable.
Writing Excuses Episode 22: Doing The Unpopular
07/07/2008 Duração: 16minAs a writer it's sometimes difficult to decide between doing things the readers want, and things that are right for the story. But as Dan says, writers can get away with doing things to readers that readers would never do to themselves. Beware! This podcast contains spoilers for The Lord of the Rings, Return of the Jedi, and Serenity (the statute of limitations should have passed on all of these) as well as for the current week of Schlock Mercenary. This Week's Episode is brought to you by one of our favorite causes, "Buy Dan Bacon." Mmmm, bacon.
Writing Excuses Episode 21: Humor
30/06/2008 Duração: 16minEnough of this highbrow literary crap--make with the funny! Or, if you're Howard, do both. In this this episode we talk about why to write humor, how to write humor, how to recognize humor in others, how to steal from learn from what they do, and, in the end, what makes things funny in the first place. This week, Writing Excuses is sponsored by The Well of Ascension: Book Two of Mistborn Mass Market Paperback by Brandon Sanderson, which is good but really not all that funny.
Writing Excuses Episode 20: More Q&A from Conduit
23/06/2008 Duração: 18minWriter Eric James Stone joins the Writing Excuses crew for our third Conduit installment. We tackle questions from the audience again (except for when Brandon throws a question AT the audience, which still had Mike Stackpole in it.) Are plot twists necessary? How does the web change the market for writers? How do you make protagonists as interesting as the villains are? How much should you charge for your work? We ran a little long on this one. "Fifteen minutes long, because you're in a hurry, and we can't count to fifteen without getting to eighteen first." Liner Notes: Eric's Website Bob Defendi's Website Anthology Builder This week's episode is sponsored by Hold on to Your Horses, by Sandra Tayler
Writing Excuses Episode 19: Plot Twists
16/06/2008 Duração: 15minMichael Stackpole, author and podcaster, joined us at CONduit, and the four of us tackled plot twists in front of a live audience. Whether you write from a solid outline or discover your plot as you go, we've got tricks and tools for you. We talk about "surprising yet inevitable," the fine art of making our characters miserable, and the importance of foreshadowing (but not telegraphing) the twist. Liner Notes: Michael Stackpoles' official website, and the site where he hosts his podcasts.
Writing Excuses Episode 18: Q&A at Conduit
09/06/2008 Duração: 17minWhile at CONduit, we recorded three episodes of Writing Excuses in front of an audience, and this is the first of those. In this episode we have Dan Willis join us as we take questions from the crowd. The four of us discuss voicing characters, naming things, writing Act II, and how you set about finishing your book. Oh, and for all of you who have complained that fifteen minutes is not long enough... we ran clear out to 17:30 on this one. Enjoy! Liner notes: You can find Dan Willis' website here: Orson Scott Card's Essays on naming: and And this week, Writing Excuses is sponsored by The Well of Ascension: Book Two of Mistborn Mass Market Paperback by Brandon Sanderson.
Writing Excuses Episode 17: This Sucks and I’m a Horrible Writer
02/06/2008 Duração: 15minThe Writing Excuses crew tackles writer's block again, this time approaching the "This Sucks And I'm A Horrible Writer" mindset. Dan relates his Neil Gaiman anecdote, Brandon explains why he'd written so many books before getting published, and Howard throws down the gauntlet on neverending Chapter One revisions. If you're stuck because you think your current book sucks, this is the podcast for you. This week from our sponsor Tor, check out Escapement by Jay Lake.
Writing Excuses Episode 16: Butt In Chair, Hands On Keyboard
26/05/2008 Duração: 15minHoward kicks this off with his own sure-fire cure for Writers' Block, "BIC HOK:" Butt In Chair, Hands On Keyboard. The Writing Excuses team takes off from there, discussing the different kinds of Writers' Block, and how to overcome each of them. We cover free-writing, re-reading and reviewing, and focusing on your motivations for writing... and for NOT writing, which is often the heart of the problem. This week from our sponsor Tor, check out Little Brother by Cory Doctorow.
Writing Excuses Episode 15: Costs and Ramifications of Magic
19/05/2008 Duração: 15minThis week the Writing Excuses team discusses magic again, this time focusing on the cost of magic. Whether or not your magic system has internally-consistent rules your readers can follow (per Sanderson's First Law and last week's 'cast) you need to consider the ramifications of using magic in the worlds you create. Or at least, that's what we think. Have a listen and find out why. Also, this week Howard attempts to create "Tayler's First Law" using a donkey. It can't have gone too well, since by the end of the podcast he's willing to give the donkey away. This week from our sponsor, Tor: Jack: Secret Histories , by F. Paul Wilson
Writing Excuses Episode 14: Magic Systems and their Rules
12/05/2008 Duração: 15minDoes magic need rules? Sometimes yes and sometimes no; our intrepid podcasters talk about how to know which situation is which, and explore the pros and cons of each method. We'll also yak for a while about the differences between Superman and Gandalf, which makes us, if nothing else, huge nerds. Liner Notes: Sanderson's first law This week from our sponsor, Tor: The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume Two B ,by Ben Bova (Editor)
Writing Excuses Episode 13: Submitting to Editors Part 2
05/05/2008 Duração: 14minIn part two of our chat with editor Stacy Whitman, we discuss more about how to interact with editors: how to approach them at cons, how to inquire about work you've already submitted, and how to butter them up by asking about their current projects. To cap it off, we ask Stacy about her current projects. This week from our sponsor, Tor: The Wolfman , by Nicholas Pekearo
Writing Excuses Episode 12: Submitting to Editors Part 1
28/04/2008 Duração: 15minThis week, special guest Stacy Whitman joins us from Mirrorstone books (an imprint of Wizards of the Coast). Stacy works there as an editor, and helps us understand the submission process, including acting like a professional, doing your research, following submission guidelines, and all sorts of things NOT to do with your submissions. Stacy also shares her story about Holes, and how you have to know the rules to break them. Liner Notes: We've got a lot of links for you this week. First of all, Stacy keeps a blog on LiveJournal (, and she works for Mirrorstone, whose submission guidelines can be found here. Mentioned in the podcast: Kristen Nelson's Blog (You Know You Have Tired YA When...), the Hallowmere series, and Hallowmere's author Tiffany Trent. And this week from our sponsor Tor, Little Brother, by Cory Doctorow
Writing Excuses Episode 11: The Business of Writing
21/04/2008 Duração: 16minSo... you're ready for the big-time. You're a writer, and the writing is almost paying the bills. Hurray! Now, how do you balance your life so that you can make the jump to writing full-time? How do you manage your time? How do you keep your artistic side from accusing you of selling out? The Writing Excuses Crew answers these questions and more, as we explore the business side of writing. Also if you listen closely you'll hear Smart Howard somewhere in this podcast. We think he's like Howard's evil twin. And this week from Tor, The SFWA European Hall of Fame
Writing Excuses Episode 10: Pacing
14/04/2008 Duração: 15minPacing... it's all about keeping the tension up, keeping things snappy, and keeping the reader interested. This week the Writing Excuses crew delivers some tips, tricks, and tools you can use to get your story flowing in all the right ways. Also, on Sunday The Salt Lake Tribune posted an article about Podcasting in Utah. Jordan Sanderson and Howard Tayler were interviewed for this article. You can read it here. Writing Excuses, with quotes from Howard, is mentioned near the end of the article. And this week from Tor, The Hidden World, by Paul Park
Writing Excuses Episode 9: Sci-Fi Sub-Genre
07/04/2008 Duração: 16minThis week we continue our discussion on Science Fiction with a discussion of various Sub-genres, why they're different, and what you can do to make sure you know your audience. Sub-genres covered: Space Opera, Military, Hard SF, and Cyberpunk. Sub-genres not covered: Dystopia, Steam-punk, and whatever it is Philip K. Dick writes. Ad: Tor Book Of the Week Keeper Of Dreams
Writing Excuses Episode 8: Sci-Fi Genre
31/03/2008 Duração: 13minIn the first of our series on genres, we discuss why people write Sci-Fi, what you need to know to write Sci-Fi, and how much we all love unicorns.
Writing Excuses Bonus Episode 2: Rules of Writing Excuses
24/03/2008 Duração: 03minIf you're new to Writing Excuses, or if you're just curious about some of the terminology we use, let us break it down for you. These are the rules/tricks that we use to keep ourselves on task.
Writing Excuses Episode 7: Villains
24/03/2008 Duração: 14minAre flaws necessary for villains? What traits make for a really good (err... evil?) villain? What's the difference between Sauron and Gollum? ("That's the LAST time I send you out shopping for Gollums, son...") Liner Notes: The Evil Overlord List, a handy reference for tropes to avoid (or, as the case may be, exploit...)
Writing Excuses Episode 6: Flaws vs Handicaps
17/03/2008 Duração: 16minIs there a difference between the two? How do you use each appropriately in your writing? And how lovable can a group of mercenaries be?
Writing Excuses Bonus Episode 1: Remembering Gary Gygax
10/03/2008 Duração: 07minBrandon, Howard and Dan talk about their first exposure to RPG games, Gary Gygax and the influence he had on them and the industry.