Once you become aware that there is a dependable, secure, capable, and modern computer system that rivals all others in popularity and actual use, you will want to try the Linux operating system on your computer. Perhaps you've been using a member of the Unix/Linux family - Linux, Android, ChromeOS, BSD or even OSX - for quite a while. If so, you are likely looking for new ways to optimize your technology for the way you work. Going Linux is for computer users who just want to use Linux to get things done. Are you new to Linux, upgrading from Windows to Linux, or just thinking about moving to Linux? This audio podcast provides you with practical, day-to-day advice on how to use Linux and its applications. Our goal is to help make the Linux experience easy for you.
Going Linux #443 · Listener Feedback
31/07/2023Lots of software suggestions from our listeners. Suggestion for a Linux tablet. Even hardware suggestions. Episode Time Stamps 00:00 Going Linux #443 · Listener Feedback 01:47 Update on Ubuntu Cinnamon 07:49 Cosmo 10:02 Bhikhu : Some additional software suggestions 13:23 Kendrick: Linux antivirus and malware software 20:23 Bobby: More information on Chris' query on low-end tablet suggestions 23:12 George from Tulsa: Suggestions about Linux tablet and cheap tablets 27:51 Bhikhu: Wear leveling and TRIM in SSD drives 28:25 Rich suggested the Framework 32:52 George from Tulsa wrote about our episode 442 on Kubuntu 39:01 Phil: Retro gaming adventure on POP!_OS 44:32 Next: Desktop environments 46:08,, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 47:04 End
Going Linux #442 · Welcome to Linux! Kubuntu
29/06/2023Bill provides a review of Kubuntu, how easy it was to install, and how well it might fit for a computer user new to Linux. Episode Time Stamps 00:00 Going Linux #442 · Welcome to Linux! Kubuntu 00:60 Chat GPT 05:15 Kubuntu 10:19 Why choose Kubuntu? 12:55 Preparing for a change to Kubuntu 14:40 Torrents defined 15:60 Create the install media 16:45 Try the 'live' image then install 18:09 Drive types defined 21:58 Hybrid drives? 24:20 Continuing the installation 27:13 Proprietary video drivers 28:08 Additional updates and software 30:21 Learning curve 30:53 Documentation 32:05 Other first impressions 33:07 Kubuntu podcast 34:21 Upcoming episode on Desktop Environments 38:11,, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 39:14 End
Going Linux #441 · Listener Feedback
17/06/2023We get questions on password managers, how we record the podcast, and wear-leveling on SSDs. We get asked for hardware suggestions and get a follow-up on running Linux on the LG Gram. Episode Time Stamps 00:00 Going Linux #441 · Listener Feedback 01:06 Updated review of Ubuntu Cinnamon 23.04 official Ubuntu flavor 08:44 Gabe: Wants a rechargable monitor for a System76 mini 13:32 Mike: Questions about password managers 16:59 Sean: Do you use AGC while recording Going Linux? 22:34 Liam: On the Synology suggestion from George and a follow-up question 27:55 Bhiku: Ad blocking 30:17 Chris: Low-end tablet suggestion 35:25 Ambrose: Wear leveling 40:38 George: Follow-up on the LG Gram 42:43,, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 43:37 End
Going Linux #440 · Welcome to Linux! Pt 9 - Software Choices
31/05/2023Question: What applications are available for Ubuntu MATE? Answer: Thousands. We discuss a few of them by category. Episode Time Stamps 00:00 Going Linux #440 · Welcome to Linux! Pt 9 - Software Choices 00:58 Larry tries Ubuntu Cinnamon 22.04 (ahead of the official flavor) 12:23 Your software choices in Ubuntu MATE 13:32 How many software applications are available? 14:04 Browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Chromium, Google Chrome, Brave, Opera, SeaMonkey, Vivaldi, Tor, LYNX, Microsoft Edge 14:48 Email clients: Thunderbird, Evolution, Geary, Mutt, Claws Mail 16:26 Office Suites: WPS Office for Linux, LibreOffice, ONLYOFFICE 21:35 Note taking: Joplin, RedNoteBook, Zim, Simplenote 25:37 Music Players: Lollypop, Clementine, Audacious, DeaDBeeF, Rhythmbox, VLC, Amarok, Musique 30:15 Video Players: VLC, SMPlayer, Miro, MPV Player, Gnome Videos, Dragon Player, Xine Multimedia Engine, Deepin Movie 32:51 Recording audio: Audacity, Recorder, Sound Recorder, Ardour, MusE 35:43 Recording vid
Going Linux #439 · Listener Feedback
27/04/2023Listener suggestions for Synology, ad blockers, and Bill’s boot issues. Troy needs a recommendation for a dual-boot gaming laptop. Episode Time Stamps 00:00 Going Linux #439 · Listener Feedback 02:13 Troy: Needs a new computer 13:05 George: For Liam's Synology issues 16:40 Avait: Pihole ad blocker 19:23 David: ChatGPT 29:45 George: Bill's boot problem 35:23 Rick: Ubuntu MATE install fail 43:24,, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 44:28 End
Going Linux #438 · Welcome to Linux Pt8 - How Linux protects your privacy Part 1
13/03/2023We discuss how Linux compares to Windows 11 on Privacy and how it affects you. We look at some examples of data collected by the most popular operating system in use - Microsoft’s Windows 10/11. We reveal what the system is doing before you even use it. You won’t believe what your Samsung, LG, and other smart TVs do to see what you are looking at on the screen! Episode Time Stamps 00:00 Going Linux #438 · Welcome to Linux Pt8 - Protecting your privacy 01:21 Bill's non-weather update 06:40 Shownotes links list 08:55 What kind of information is collected from within Windows? 10:30 What you agree to... before you even begin using Windows 17:42 We respect your privacy but we reserve all rights to distribute what we've collected 18:55 Agreements within agreements 19:47 Is this privacy? You agree to let them collect, use and disclose your personal information 21:28 We use the data we collected to update and improve our products... 22:34 ... combine collected data with data collected f
Going Linux #437 · Listener Feedback
20/02/2023In this episode: Bill goes deep down the rabbit hole, pihole, Bitwarden, LG Gram, and Synology. Episode Time Stamps 00:00 Going Linux #437 · Listener Feedback 01:34 Bill went down the rabbit hole 03:27 Alpinejohn: Topic suggestion - pihole 05:56 Carlos: Bitwarden 09:04 Carl: Definitions - minion and gremlin 12:32 George from Tulsa: Update on LG Gram 16:39 Liam: Synology issues 21:53,, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 23:09 End
Going Linux #436 · Welcome to Linux! Pt7 - How Can Linux Be Free?
04/02/2023Question: I want to use Linux but it's free and I've heard, "'Free' is not a viable business model." How can I put my trust in a Linux operating system if the developers don't charge for it? Answer: Offering substantial products and services that provide value for free only becomes a financial problem when the developer has no other revenue source to support the free product. Here is how Linux accomplishes that. Episode Time Stamps 00:00 Going Linux #436 · Welcome to Linux! Pt7 - How Can Linux Be Free? 02:16 The question: Free isn't a valid business model. How can open source software be provided at no charge? 04:12 Microsoft's business model 06:07 Google's business model 06:32 The Killed By Google list 07:40 Add-ons and 'crapware' to provide some missing features in Windows 11:14 Offering free software is not unusual 11:44 Examples of free Linux distributions backed by businesses with solid revenue models 14:12 How open source software features are made available for other open so
Going Linux #435 · Listener Feedback
11/01/2023Lots of voicemail feedback in this episode. Our listeners have been saving up feedback on 2-in-1 convertible laptops, accessibility, minions, gremlins and suggestions. Episode Time Stamps 00:00 Going Linux #435 · Listener Feedback 02:00 Phil: Distribution recommendation for an older laptop 05:37 Sean: accessibility software, suggested applications, minions vs. gremlins, and an update on the Helios project 18:36 Tim: Feedback about Linux on a 2-in-1 laptop 25:01 Pete: Feedback on accessibility software 27:27 Phil: Running .exe files on Linux natively 32:55 George from Tulsa: Inspired to purchase a 2-in-1 computer 41:48 Chris also commented on Larry's new toy 44:11 Daniel: A topic for a future show. 49:04,, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 50:32 End
Going Linux #434 · Welcome to Linux! Pt6 - Accessibility Software
21/12/2022In this episode we highlight some of the available accessibility software that Ubuntu Mate has and how to use it. Accessibility software can help everyone to use a computer and use it to get things done. All without breaking the bank. Accessibility, also referenced as "Assistive Technology" or "Universal Access," is a key priority for Ubuntu MATE. When computer access is shared within a household or business and where individual needs differ, Ubuntu MATE is an excellent solution. Episode Time Stamps 00:00 Welcome to Linux! Pt6 - Accessibility Software 02:47 Accessibility Software 05:46 Accessibility software is available for all Linux distributions 06:25 Examples here are from Ubuntu MATE 07:37 JAWS: A proprietary screen reader example from Windows 11:50 How expensive is it? 16:21 Lend us your expertise: Contact us to correct our misinterpretations 19:09 Definition: Accessibility software 22:08 Keyboard shortcuts and settings 26:07 Enable accessibility at the login scree
Going Linux #433 · Run Ubuntu MATE On A 2-in-1 Convertible Laptop
02/12/2022My Lenovo Flex 5i is a 2-in-1 laptop with the ability to use the touch screen with a finger or an included stylus on the screen. Ubuntu MATE provides support for touch screens by default. I did have to make some adjustments to the stylus/screen mapping when using the stylus. In this episode I describe those adjustments and link to our article that describes some optional additional setup steps that make it more convenient to use the laptop in tablet mode. Episode Time Stamps 00:00 Going Linux #433 · Run Ubuntu MATE On A 2-in-1 Convertible Laptop 00:60 5 Steps To Configure The Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5i With It's Stylus Using Ubuntu MATE 03:36 How to map the stylus correctly for different screen orientations 04:14 1. Determine the names of the touch-enabled hardware 05:37 2. Determine the coordinate map for each device 08:05 3. Create on-screen buttons 09:47 4. Create the panel buttons 12:21 5. Enable the on-screen keyboard 14:15 Bonus step: Configure the stylus hardware buttons 16:3
Going Linux #432 · Listener Feedback
25/11/2022Larry has a new toy and installs Linux, of course. Our listeners provide suggestions for distributions that Bill should try and focus on experiences as new Linux users. Episode Time Stamps 00:00 Going Linux #432 · Listener Feedback 01:51 Larry's new toy: Linux on a 2-in-1 laptop in tablet mode 09:40 Voicemail feedback 12:39 Jason: Noob Linux user experience 19:33 Bhikhu: Getting started with Linux 27:10 Bhikhu: Distribution suggestion for Bill 29:43 Reid: Also had a suggestion 32:44 Advait: Also suggested a distribution for Bill to try 42:22 The distribution suggestions we make for new users to Linux are also full-featured distributions for the experienced Linux user. 46:02,, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 47:09 End
Going Linux #431 · Welcome to Linux! Pt5 - Adding Software to Ubuntu Mate
16/10/2022Bill likes his new job. We received a lot of feedback from listeners trying Linux for the first time. Episode Time Stamps 00:00 Going Linux #431 · Welcome to Linux! Pt5 - Adding Software to Ubuntu Mate 03:08 How to add software to Ubuntu MATE 03:24 Using Ubuntu MATE and its applications 07:27 How do I find software to install? 08:46 Software Boutique 09:21 Other software repositories 10:11 The Ubuntu software repositories 10:25 Trusted sources 12:07 Support for Snaps and Flatpacks 15:02 Installing additional software from Software Boutique 17:20 Installing additional software managers from the Software Boutique 18:46 Some of the most popular software selections available 20:16 The apps Bill installs first 26:07 The apps Larry installs first 33:26 The book: Using Ubuntu MATE and Its Applications 39:01,, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 40:09 End
Going Linux #430 · Listener Feedback
18/09/2022Bill likes his new job. We received a lot of feedback from listeners trying Linux for the first time. Episode Time Stamps 00:00 Going Linux #430 · Listener Feedback 01:02 Bill's new job - thanks to Linux and Open Source 04:07 Troy: What was that application again? 06:41 David: LVMs and Lux encryption 07:42 Jason: Which Linux distribution should I use for my budget laptop? 22:32 Sylvain: My experience as a new Linux user 29:01 Carl: Getting started with Ubuntu MATE 31:22 David: My experience with Pop_OS! 38:48 Lyman: Show idea and a request 44:35,, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 45:36 End
Going Linux #429 · Using Open Source Software to get a new job
25/08/2022Bill reveals his personal experiences using only Open Source software to get a new job. From resume and application through providing ID and other documents, he uses only open source software on Linux. He also provides some tips for job seekers. Episode Time Stamps 00:00 Going Linux #429 · Using Open Source Software to get a new job 02:52 Open source operating system(s) 04:12 Open source applications 04:36 Online resources 05:02 Quirks with Firefox, not with Chromium 09:32 No FAX required 10:50 Comparison of Linux vs. Windows or macOS experience 12:13 LibreOffice 16:58 MS Office Online is crippled 18:56 Paid vs. free Office apps 22:59 GIMP to crop and straighten pictures of ID and other cards 27:09 Tips for job seekers 28:53 Summary 34:08,, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 35:06 End
Going Linux #428 · Listener Feedback
07/08/2022Sean asks about licenses, David saves money on hardware using Linux, Carlos uses RAID1 and Bill plans a Linux-powered career switch Episode Time Stamps 00:00 Going Linux #428 · Listener Feedback 02:15 Sean: The ps command, Going Linux licenses, + Geeklog 09:46 David: Ubuntu MATE 22.04 just saved me at least $400 18:15 Carlos: Why I use RAID1 21:04 Bill uses open source to help switch careers 22:01,, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 22:59 End
Going Linux #427 · Welcome to Linux! Pt 3
25/07/2022We continue our introduction to Linux series with what you need to get started. From making bootable media through trying the live environment, installing and getting new software applications. Episode Time Stamps 00:00 Going Linux #427 · Welcome to Linux! Pt 3 01:39 Making bootable media 09:23 The .iso file 10:45 Creating the media 12:14 Launching the live environment 15:04 Trying the live system 17:11 Installing 20:33 Getting started with your new OS 22:06 Adding software 26:22 Don't choose the Internet first when searching for software 29:18 Congratulations! You are now running Linux 29:37 Spend time with the community for guidance 30:21,, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 31:22 End
Going Linux #426 · Listener Feedback
27/06/2022In this episode we discuss feedback on Pop!_OS, installing Linux to replace Windows, and a tutorial on the top command. Episode Time Stamps 00:00 Going Linux #426 · Listener Feedback 01:25 Adventures in Distrohopping 03:06 Reid: Comments on Ubuntu MATE and Larry's book on Ubuntu MATE 06:31 Reid: Pop!_OS mini review 18:37 Ambrose: On becoming 'Engineer Minion' 20:23 Pam: Going Linux because of concerns with Windows 27:16 Michael: The top command 32:26,, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 33:27 End
Going Linux #425 · Welcome to Linux! Pt2 - You Don't Have To Run Windows On Your PC
05/06/2022You may know that the majority of computers sold to consumers today include the Microsoft Windows operating system. What you may not know is that running the software that comes bundled with your computer is a bad idea. Episode Time Stamps 00:00 Going Linux #425 · Welcome to Linux! Pt2 - You Don't Have To Run Windows On Your PC 01:32 Why would you want to settle for any software that comes bundled 'at no charge' with your computer hardware? 04:20 So what's the alternative? 06:03 Our Ubuntu MATE books 07:17 Pre-configured yet flexible 07:39 The expected utilities 07:53 Some of the unexpected utilities 08:20 Full-featured productivity and document management applications 08:38 Entertainment applications 08:49 Built-in security 09:27 Modern and full-featured 10:19 Summary 11:50,, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 12:54 End
Going Linux #424 · Listener Feedback
21/05/2022We have feedback on Deepin concerns, information about UbuntuDDE, LinuxFX, NxOS, and the application Flameshot. Bill breaks KDE Neon and Ambrose is annointed ‘Engineer Minion’. Episode Time Stamps 00:00 Going Linux #424 · Listener Feedback 01:20 Adventures in distrohopping: Bill broke KDE Neon 03:30 Manjaro 07:03 Deepin 11:18 Ubuntu MATE 17:11 Frank: The su command 20:07 Bhikhu: Deepin and other distros 24:17 Ambrose: Insight into DOS vs. UNIX EOL 31:45 Promotion to 'Engineer Minion' 32:23 JackDeth: Flameshot! 36:37,, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 37:35 End