Sermons from EV Church focusing on the life changing message of Jesus from the Bible.
God judges his enemies (Plagues: Salvation through judgement)
10/08/2024The Exodus rescue is a picture of the even greater rescue to come. Andrew Heard speaks on the sovereignty of God, his desire to reveal himself to us, and his mercy to save us.
God hears our cries
27/07/2024The drama of the great rescue in Exodus brings us a glimpse of the even bigger plan of salvation for God's people in Jesus. Andrew Heard begins this series in Exodus with a reminder of God's mercy to us, which he began before we could even ask.
How to Train in Godliness
20/07/2024Christians don't grow in godliness through the Law of Moses - we're free! Ben Broadfoot shares from Galatians, that we grow by doing the things of the Spirit, day after day, simply and humbly, trusting God to transform us as we continue.
Slaves and Masters
06/07/2024The teachings on money in 1 Timothy 6 don't make sense to people who think this life is all there is. But the passage shows us there's a life that's truly life coming, and this changes our whole approach to money.
Honour your Elders
29/06/2024Leaders are not the most important people in church, but it is most important for church that they lead well. Jez Reynolds draws out the responsibilities we have to honour our leaders and hold them to account.
Respectable Leaders
08/06/2024As Andrew guides us through 1 Timonthy 3, it clearly outlines the specific qualifications for our church leaders. It is evident that a leader's integrity, both in their personal life and within the church organisation, plays a crucial role in shaping the culture of the church.
Glorious Diversity
01/06/2024The Bible presents a shape to our lives together as men and women that honours the differences and reflects God's intent in his creation. Andrew Heard takes us back into the Genesis account that makes sense of how men and women are to relate in the church.
Quiet and Peaceful Lives
25/05/20241 Timothy 2 contains some of the most unpopular teaching on the sexes in our culture. Jez Reynolds takes us deep into the Bible's thinking on equality and freedom that is foundational to understand the beautiful shape of our lives together as men and women.
I Was Shown Mercy
11/05/2024The nurturing nature of women, the relentless comparisons in our culture, and our own failings can all contribute to "mum-guilt", yet we ALL have a deeper problem of sin. Jez Reynolds shares about the amazing patience and grace that God showed Paul "the worst of sinners" and also to us.
Stay in Ephesus!
04/05/2024The book of 1 Timothy is Paul's passionate reminder to the Ephesians about what is truly important in life. Andrew Heard begins this series reminding us that the gospel truth is what matters when lives are at stake for eternity.
Experiencing God
27/04/2024How do we experience the presence of God? Grahame Fuller takes us through the whole Bible, where we see how God's presence has been experienced by his people, and is ultimately found in Jesus.
Real Faith
20/04/2024James 2 can be a confronting, and even confusing passage. It talks about how to be saved, and it seems to say something different to what we see in John, or Paul. Is salvation by faith, or do we also need to add good works? We see that James and Paul do not contradict each other, but rather they fight against different errors. The truth is we are saved by faith, not what we do. Yet real faith shows itself in what we do. A challenge to consider if our faith is real.
Feed my Lambs
14/04/2024As the book of John concludes there is much to puzzle over. Andrew Heard speaks on the disciples ordinary context as they wait, contrasted with the extraordinary salvation Jesus brings and the impact this should have on how we live as we wait.
My Lord and My God!
07/04/2024John tells us this book was written that we might believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Graham Fuller challenges us in the battle for Christian belief, that we might trust in God's Word to us.