Sermons from EV Church focusing on the life changing message of Jesus from the Bible.
Christmas Eve | Mary's Song
23/12/2023The message of Christmas is something to sing about. As Jez guides us through Mary's song, we can see that joy is the mark of God and we should sing joyfully with great anticipation for the future.
16/12/2023Humanity has an insatiable desire to know the future. Jez Reynolds shows us that everything we need to know about our future can be found in the comfort of God's word.
09/12/2023To be sanctified is the great purpose of our salvation, that we might continue to be changed to be more like Jesus. Andrew Heard challenges us to contend for God and his work to be central to our lives.
25/11/2023No one wants to live in a world where there is no justice... more than that God hates injustice! Dave Jensen speaks on the problem of our sin and God's work to freely restore us to him.
Resurrection and Redemption
18/11/2023There's much more to the resurrection of Jesus than just an empty tomb. Jez Reynolds pans back to show the two realms, two ages, two atmospheres help us behold the importance and wonder of the resurrection for our lives today.
Everything in Christ
04/11/2023What is the purpose of life? Why do we even exist? Andrew Heard speaks on the profound blessing we have in Jesus, that God has loved us so much to have revealed the mystery of life to us.
How God saves today
28/10/2023All of us are spiritually dead. Grahame Fuller reminds us that it is the Word of God, read and preached among us, that is mighty to save.
The Gift of Salvation
21/10/2023This life will not satisfy, we are saved for something more. Jez Reynolds reminds us that our deepest longing should be for our heavenly home.
Saved From
14/10/2023The Christian message is one of great hope amidst the eternal consequences of our rejection of God. Andrew Heard reminds us of what Jesus taught as first importance, our need to be saved from hell.
What does it mean to be made in the image of God?
07/10/2023Why would humans be special amidst all of creation? Grahame Fuller speaks on what it means to be 'made in the image of God' and how this will impact how we live in the world and our real eternal hope in Jesus.
The saving of many lives
23/09/2023Through to the end of Genesis we are reminded that God is in control of all things, for our good, the "saving of many lives". Andrew Heard helps us understand the all-powerful sovereign God is not a puppet master but purposeful.
In the Pit
16/09/2023What will it mean to have the Lord with you? Jez Reynolds explores how Joseph's temptation and time in the pit shapes our expectations for life with the Lord.
Messy Families
09/09/2023Redemption is central to the Bible's message and a key theme in the account of Joseph in Genesis. Dave Jensen shares with us how just like Joseph's brothers, God can redeem even the worst of us through Jesus.
Jacob I Loved
02/09/2023A father's influence can shape a family. Andrew Heard shares with us from Genesis how God reveals to us what He is like as our good Heavenly Father and His determination to bring blessing on whom He chooses.
Faith in the promise
26/08/2023God asks Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, his son on whom all the promises of God rest. Andrew Heard helps us understand this confronting account which points us to what relationship with God is actually about.
The turning point (the promise)
19/08/2023God's promises to Abraham in the Old Testament are the backbone for the entire Bible! Graham Fuller shows us how these promises point to Jesus and include us today.
Outside the garden
12/08/2023Could humanity really be "only evil all the time"? Jez Reynolds speaks on life outside the garden and consequences of sin, and God's overarching plan not just to save Noah from the flood but also us today.