Influencers Radio With Jack Mize

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 137:21:56
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Entertaining business and lifestyle show featuring motivation, inspiration and innovation by the top influencers of their industries, hosted by Jack Mize.


  • Mitul Patel - Buy To Let UK

    14/11/2014 Duração: 25min

    For centuries and generations, real estate in the UK has focused on home ownership. This trend has been changing over the last few years, creating a supply and demand problem for rental units.In this interview with Jack, Mitul Patel shares how he is helping to meet that demand with an increased supply of rental units supplied by people who are investing in real estate for that purpose.As a 25-year veteran mortgage broker in the UK, Mitul has himself been investing in real estate for 20 years in the buy-to-let niche. When he started doing this, there was no one available to counsel him on the dos and don’ts or the perils and benefits of this type of investing.The recent economic downtrend in traditional investment returns have led many in the UK to look at other means of funding their retirement dreams or even their day-to-day income needs.With the influx of Europeans moving to the UK, there has been a greater shift towards the need for rental housing. Investors are finding that the returns from this can be gr

  • Jon Gardner - Get Course Australia

    13/11/2014 Duração: 20min

    Imagine thinking that you were set in your career path for life – and hated it. Or the job you were doing wasn’t providing enough income to meet your needs or grow your circumstances.In this interview with Jack, Jon Gardner explains how he helps people get past these obstacles.Jon unveils a solution that has been unwittingly neglected by Australian citizens. The government has a program which pays for people to go to school as a loan, if they and the program they’re doing qualify. And the best thing is they don’t have to start paying back this loan until they’re earning $53,000 a year.He’s uncovered this financing program which has a name that doesn’t describe what it provides. Furthermore, he helps people make sure they’re taking the right course at the right school to qualify for all these benefits.Both young and old can take advantage of this loan program. In addition, more and more courses are being added to increase the options for career paths that people can choose from.Jon is responsible for helping m

  • Kenneth Pugmire - Elite Branding

    12/11/2014 Duração: 26min

    Branding and graphic art have been passions for Kenneth Pugmire since he was a young boy. In this interview with Jack, Kenneth shares how combining these two passions has elevated not only his own business, but many others’ as well.Kenneth would troll supermarket and store shelves as a young man, studying the differences in branding and price points, depending not only on design, but positioning as well.He learned the intricacies of making something not only beautiful, but effective for producing sales and profits.In his early days involved in direct response, he combined his branding graphic skills with direct response style design to brand offers. As he combined traditional media branding design with direct response, there was a significant increase in the value and price points for offers.Deciding to brand himself to attract more customers, Kenneth found that business exploded for him quite quickly, in fact, within a matter of days.To his surprise, in addition to getting more direct response clients, he fo

  • Carola Eastwood & Chetan Parkyn

    11/11/2014 Duração: 32min

    Pioneers and experts of Human Design, Chetan Parkyn and Carola Eastwood, discuss how we can all reach our true potential in this interview with Jack.Chetan shares the story of how he came to be a pioneer in human design, having started from life on a farm and training as a mechanical engineer. He has written the premier book, Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be.Chetan, together with Carola Eastwood helps children and adults, professionals and business people, one and all, to cast aside the directions they were pushed into. Once they do this, their true life starts to unfold the way it was always meant to be when they follow their intelligent design.They share the powerful impact this has had on the lives of many and how you can participate in this for yourself, as well. To Learn More:http://humandesignforusall.com

  • Jairek Robbins - Living With Purpose

    13/10/2014 Duração: 01h01min

    In this interview with Jack, Jairek Robbins discusses his new book, Live It: Achieve Success by Living with Purpose.A consummate achiever, Jairek was volunteering in a rural village in Uganda when he was taken ill with malaria. We won’t spoil the story, but the results changed his life forever and are responsible for impacting people around the world.Jairek’s book centers on starting with creating and envisioning your ideal day which you can start living today. Certainly, this is much easier to do than envisioning your ideal life. We’ve always heard you should take one step at a time. Jairek helps us do just that – one day at a time.He then helps you translate that knowledge into what eventually becomes your ideal life. The small steps become the pieces to putting the whole puzzle of your life together.This is a fascinating and enlightening interview you won’t want to miss. It could make all the difference for the rest of your life.To Learn More:

  • Victor Bell Jr - Success Secret Weapon

    13/10/2014 Duração: 54min

    Founder of the Champion Program, Victor Bell, Jr. is the Secret Weapon to Winning the Success War. In this interview with Jack, Victor Bell, Jr. reviews the life he’s had and the experiences that have shaped who he’s become. His background allows him to push others towards success with no hesitation. He is a master at creating strategies that most will not think of and firmly believes that someone needs to step away from what others in their niche are doing, in order to rise above the crowd and succeed to their maximum limits.You’ll be amazed at the ups and downs that Victor has absorbed in his life. The great thing is that he uses all of it both in his own life and with the people he works with. Basically, he can relate to almost any roadblock that someone might be encountering and help them move beyond that.Victor believes that the Universe doesn’t give out participation trophies and pushes others to be successful and win.Listen and learn from this secret weapon to those who are successful and wanting to bl

  • John Nguyen - EMINI Investing

    06/10/2014 Duração: 26min

    The financial world can be a scary place for those who don’t understand it. If you have any financial assets, you try to do the right thing and you hire a financial advisor to help you. They have the knowledge and should have your best interests in mind. But do they? And how do you know?In this interview, John Nguyen discusses with Jack how he educates people about the investing and trading world so that you can know if the right things are being done on your behalf.He believes that if you’re having any investments being made by you or on your behalf by an advisor, you should at least have a working knowledge of what’s going on and how this financial world works.John has a unique way of teaching folks by allowing his students to watch over his shoulder every morning as he makes trades on the computer, explaining why he made them and what’s happening with that trade. He’s a totally open book.The E-mini trading world is rather unique because trades happen within a matter of minutes, as opposed to days or longer

  • Keri Murphy - Your "IT FACTOR" on Video

    03/10/2014 Duração: 35min

    In this episode Keri Murphy of discusses how to really make videos to grow your business and position you as a celebrity entrepreneur.With a background in the TV industry, Keri grew frustrated when she saw video after video showing entrepreneurs making unflattering videos that put people off, instead of engaging them.She’s made it her mission to teach entrepreneurs how to develop their "It Factor" and that includes making videos that show their authentic selves.Keri explains that perfection should not be a goal when making videos. People want to see the real you and what you have to offer for them. It’s critical to switch your thinking from “it’s all about me” and perfection, to “it’s all about that one person” who is struggling and needs what you have to offer.She discusses some of the different types of videos that you should make for your business. She also shares some great tips on the techie side of making videos, concerning lighting and audio do’s and don’ts. Videos are a critical piec

  • Keri Newell - Communication Magic

    02/10/2014 Duração: 27min

    Men may be from Mars and women from Venus, but thank goodness for all of us, Keri Newell has the dictionary to translate man-speak to women. In this fascinating interview, Keri shares some communication secrets with Jack that have helped save and rebuild countless relationships. These include not just relationships between men and women, but those between parents and children, siblings, co-workers, and even strangers.Learning these “language” skills have, in the past, seemed impossible, as men struggle to understand women and vice versa. Keri has spent the last fourteen years, along with her mother, Dr. Sherie Zander, researching and interviewing men and women, and working with singles and couples. As a result, they’ve developed a system called Communication Magic with Men which teaches women what they might change to make their relationships better and bring the romance back.Keri points out the physical differences between the male and the female brains which help to explain the differences in thinking, spee

  • Setema Gali - Business & Life Coach

    02/10/2014 Duração: 23min

    In this episode, Jack interviews NFL Super Bowl Champion, Setema Gali.Setema regales us with stories about how he has the uncanny ability to make money – lots of money. Surprisingly, Setema found that while he was making a lot of money, he still felt a lack in his life. Something was missing. He was driven to work, work, work, and the money flowed in. But it just didn’t feel right.He discovered that the missing piece had nothing to do with money and business success at all. The other things, which had been neglected while building a business, where the truly important things. Of course, these are family, friends, health and enjoying life.As a highly successful business and life coach, Setema now works with successful entrepreneurs who are feeling that same lack. They’re working themselves to death, their health is suffering and they have no time for their loved ones.You’ll want to listen to this enlightening interview with a true champ, Setema Gali.To Learn More:

  • Dr. Ben Adkins - Fearless Social

    29/09/2014 Duração: 37min

    Dr. Ben Adkins went from a struggling new chiropractor, praying for new patients to walk through his door – to within six months, having to hire more help because patients were busting through his door.Dr. Ben shares his story with Jack, in this interview, about how this success evolved into his current business. He’s been helping business owners for years to be more successful and have a better personal lifestyle.As his chiropractic business grew so quickly, other business owners took note and wanted help duplicating this success for themselves. Ben found himself working less with his own patients and more with business owners. Eventually, he made the tough decision to sell his practice and devote himself to helping business owners and entrepreneurs grow their businesses.In this interview, he shares what he’s currently doing with Fearless Social, the company he’s grown over the years to help others.Great inspiring story with eye-opening strategies.To Learn More:

  • Kiki Orski - Patient Satisfaction

    29/09/2014 Duração: 28min

    In this interview, Kiki Orski shares with Jack the work she’s doing with hospitals which is changing patient experiences and dramatically improving satisfaction scores. To Learn More:

  • Stephen Swensen - Last Advisor Platform

    25/09/2014 Duração: 27min

    After ten years as a financial advisor, Stephen Swensen reached a plateau in both his earnings and the time he had to invest in building his business. In this interview with Jack, Stephen shares information about The Last Advisor platform he created to solve that problem.To Learn More:

  • Darren Casey - Entrepreneur Fitness

    23/09/2014 Duração: 42min

    Darren Casey speaks with Jack about how he helps entrepreneurs get the most out of their success by designing a nutrition and fitness plan that easily fits their lifestyle.The bottom line is that all the success and money in the world eventually means nothing if you don't have the health to be able to enjoy it.

  • Debz Cooper - Empowering Transformation

    14/09/2014 Duração: 34min

    In this episode Jack talks with Debz Cooper, an International Master Certified Facilitator of Human Behaviour, Self Empowerment and Transformation. She walks her talk and has in-depth skills and insights into facilitating people in breaking through to new levels of Inspiration, Creativity and Performance in pursuit of their goals. She has inspired Men, Women and Children from all walks of life to live magnificent lives that we all deserve.To Learn More:

  • Frank Kern - Marketing or Market?

    11/09/2014 Duração: 50min

    In this episode, Jack talks with Frank Kern, one of the renowned pioneers of internet marketing.Frank, very honestly discusses his humble, and at times, embarrassing beginnings in what has become his extraordinary marketing career. From frustrated credit card machine salesman to being one of the most sought after and emulated marketing personalities online. To Learn More:

  • Kristin Thompson - Rocking Your Talk

    08/09/2014 Duração: 45min

    Kristin Thompson is a straight-talkin, super rockin, wise-crackin speaker & coach, the Founder of, & Creator of popular programs like Command Any Room, Event Profit Machine, and The Rise Live Event.Kristin shares some of her history which led her to what she does today, in an entertaining way which is enhanced with her contagious laugh. She regales her audiences and our listeners with her humorous stories and her wisdom for growing your business.She also details differences in strategy when speaking live versus speaking virtually in a webinar or teleseminar to promote both an audience’s attention and more sales.Kristin is an expert at helping you get beyond the “my speech is great but now what?” stage.To Learn More:

  • Keith Baxter - Native Advertising

    03/09/2014 Duração: 41min

    In this episode, Jack interviews his longtime friend and colleague, Keith Baxter, a renowned, highly successful internet marketer.Keith has had a lifelong passion for health-related things and not only preaches good health, but he practices what he preaches.As a result of this passion, many of his ventures, in the past and currently, involved selling products or supplements in the health industry. His current venture is in the brain health niche.Keith discusses an interesting twist he’s taken with “native advertising,” where he writes articles himself that are educational, are syndicated, and which are pointed to an educational site. All of this eventually leads to enticing sales from the readers. He doesn’t believe in the anonymous approach, lending his face, knowledge and opinions to videos which are also an important component of his marketing strategy. Giving people access to him via videos, articles and emails has worked for him in past businesses and continues to work for him now.The products he’s promo

  • The Specials Reality Show Creators

    31/08/2014 Duração: 57min

    Jack talks with Katy Lock and Daniel May, creators of "The Specials", a groundbreaking new reality show premiering on Oprah Winfrey's OWN Network. You might describe this heartwarming series as Friends meets The Real World... sort of.This is not your typical reality show which some might call contrived or perhaps even scripted situations and conflicts. This series captures the very real experiences of five young adults with intellectual disabilities living together as housemates in Brighton, England.Katy and Daniel share their roller coaster journey that began when the original pilot that Katy was working on failed to get picked up by a UK Broadcaster. They discuss how they plowed through that disappointment, with the help of the housemates, by creating their own Web Show that went on to earn two Webby Awards in the "People's Choice" and "Reality" categories.They go on to unfold the series of events that let them to landing a deal with Oprah Winfrey's OWN Network and share the excitement of the Thirteen Epis

  • Dr. Sean Orr - The NeuroEconmy

    29/08/2014 Duração: 30min

    Neurologist, Dr. Sean Orr, talks about his focus on brain enhancement for optimal performance in the current financial culture he’s coined the NeuroEconomy.During most of our history, the ability to earn a living was determined by physical labor, heartcentric activities – how much you could lift, move, etc.With the more recent developments of the internet and modern technology, much of our ability to earn a living is now determined by how you think and how you use that technology. This brings along another set of factors and activities which can eventually lead to burnout and beyond - taxing your brain beyond its limits.Sean specializes in helping very successful people, such as entrepreneurs, executives, athletes and others, who having pushed themselves to the limit and beyond, are experiencing burnout and other more damaging circumstances.Sean shares the stages of burnout and what he does to turn it around. He also discusses other new topics, such as biohacking – the good, the bad and the ugly of it, if fol

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