Laura Longley

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The Laura Longley Show with Host Laura Longley Where authentic change takes flight.Tune in to The Laura Longley Show on Mondays at 11am PT2pm ET and discover how to make positive changes in your life, career and relationships.Your host Laura Longley gives you the tools you need to get unstuck. Lauras friendly, supporting and expert advice gives you the clarity and tools you need to deal with blockages and setbacks. Laura will inspire you to stay true to your unique gifts, your authenticity ...


  • Where authentic change takes flight Lessons In Love: Twelve Principles for Daily Living with Krista Gorman


    14 years ago Krista Gorman died while in labor delivering her daughter. During the 8 minutes she was without a detectible heartbeat, her consciousness transitioned into the afterlife. While in the afterlife, she made the decision to return to her body, on one condition. That was to share what shed learned with others in the spirit of love and service. In her book, Lessons In Love: Twelve Principles For Daily Living, she writes about how she was able to apply the things she learned in the afterlife to her earthly life, and shares how you can do the same. Join Laura and Krista on The Laura Longley Show as we talk about how we are all made from love, and the practical ways in which we can bring love into our lives right now.

  • Where authentic change takes flight Spirit is Talking To You with Joan Doyle


    Maybe Spirit has a message for you in this interview with author and Spiritual Counselor Joan Doyle. Come listen or call in and be part of this opportunity to open to your Higher Self, your Inner Wisdom. We will discussing the true and amazing stories contained in her book Spirit is Talking to You; stories from various writers who tell how they experience messages of guidance, hope and connection. Be inspired to experience life's magic and mystery in the day to day events of life. Joan Doyle says Spirit is talking to us all and its message is one of unending love. Join Laura and Joan on The Laura Longley Show to learn how to hear what Spirit has to say to you

  • Where authentic change takes flight The End of Death: How Near-Death Experiences Prove the Afterlife with Admir Serrano


    Do you ever wonder what happens when we die? What is it that survives death? Is it painful? How do we leave the physical body? Does suicide solve our temporary problems? Where do we go? If we survive, do we reunite with our loved ones? How does physical death change us as spirit or soul? If so, you're not alone Join Laura and Admir Serrano, author of The End of Death as we discuss these questions, about life and death, and many more

  • Where authentic change takes flight Becoming Free, A Woman's Guide to Internal Strength with Christy Monson


    Just as a butterfly emerges from a tight constricting chrysalis to beautify the world, you can break out of old confining habits. Free yourself from outdated childhood beliefs. These youthful misconceptions can keep you from receiving affirmative energy in your life today. Find peace and attract healthy relationships with this step-by-step process. Enhance the quality of your life with this clearly outlined life-renewing procedure. Join Laura and Christy Monson, author of Becoming Free, A Woman's Guide To Internal Strength on The Laura Longley show as Christy shares a simple 4-step process to come into yourself as an adult woman.

  • Where authentic change takes flight Quantum Jumping into Parallel Worlds - Proven Methods by Which YOU Can Live a Happier More Prosperous Life


    Cynthia Sue Larson discusses scientifically proven methods by which you can live a happier, more prosperous life... by jumping into parallel worlds. Get ready for a lively discussion about quantum jumps and parallel universes that is guaranteed to open your mind to new possibilities, and provide you with exciting new ideas Join Laura and Cynthia Sue Larson, best-selling author, life coach, and inspirational speaker on The Laura Longley Show to learn how how to take a quantum leap and live your favorite life right now.

  • Where authentic change takes flight The Midas Complex: How Money Drives Us Crazy And What We Can Do About It with Aaron Kipnis


    Money drives many of us crazy in many different ways. Money is a powerful idea, a necessity, yes, but also a fantasy deeply woven into our sense of self, emotions, feelings of personal worth and relationships. Join Laura and Aaron Kipnes, author of The Midas Complex: How Money Drives Us Crazy And What We Can Do About on The Laura Longley Show to learn how you can stop money from driving you crazy and controlling your life.

  • Where authentic change takes flight Create More Calm, Focus and Joy Through Breathing with Heidi Thompson


    Are you feeling totally stressed out? Think you don't have time to do the things that will ease that stress? Think again Heidi Thompson, author of Calm Focus Joy: The Power of Breath Awareness teaches an easy to learn breath awareness technique that helps children and adults to reduce stress, increase focus and promote health and happiness. Join Laura and Heidi on The Laura Longley Show and discover how quick and easy it is to relax and bring more joy and peace to your life.

  • Laura Longley sits in for Dr. Pat today and shares her greatest lessons learned from Jack Kornfield and takes your calls at 800-930-2819


    Laura recently attended a weekend workshop with Jack Kornfield, and found a number of ideas and practices that have helped her in making shifts in some difficult areas of her life. She'll share some of those with everyone, and take calls to coach you on how you can apply them in your own life. Call-in number 800-930-2819.

  • Where authentic change takes flight How To Create Your Ideal Life by Becoming a Radical Self-Expert with Tiphanie Jamison VanDerLugt


    Do you ever wonder why, no matter how hard you try to do the "right" thing, you still find yourself, struggling, sad, afraid, confused, self-sabotaging, procrastinating, stuck, and searching for "something"? Maybe you just feel "off" and you probably make other people's thoughts, beliefs and feelings more important or greater than your own because you don't even trust yourself anymore. No one can be more of an expert in your life, than you. Connecting to your TRUE SELF...makes you more powerful than you ever imagined. It makes you The SELF-EXPERT Your truth is as unique as your finger prints and is the only path to true success, happiness, wealth, passion and limitless possibilities. Join Laura and Tiphanie Jamison VanDerLugt on The Laura Longley Show as we talk about Tiphanie's book The RADICAL Self-Expert, The Fastest Simplest 7 Step Method to Discover How to Be Your True Self, Change Your Life Now and Be Happy Today The Easy Way and learn how you can start living the life you dream of right now.

  • Where authentic change takes flight Healing Ourselves, Healing the World with Angela Levesque


    Humans are powerful beyond belief, but we need to believe in our power. In a world that is constantly vying for our attention, how do we connect to the essence of ourselves to unleash our healing potential? How is our global health crisis related to our own spiritual growth? Join us for an in depth discussion on the global and individual roots of our health crisis and learn tools and techniques that not only heal the body, but heal the world. Join Laura and Angela Levesque, author of Healing Environment: The Conscious Creation of Health on The Laura Longley Show as we discuss how to not only heal yourself, but heal the world.

  • Where authentic change takes flight Wired for Sound: Tips to De-Stress Using Music and Sound With Sharon Carne, Author of "Listen from the Inside Out"


    The human body is a natural resonator for sound. We are deeply and intimately wired for sound physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Sound goes THROUGH us There are so many common sense ways to use music and sound to reduce stress, create more focus, enhance creativity and make your days easier. Join Laura and Sharon Carne on The Laura Longley Show and become more aware of how the sound around you affects you. Learn how to look at your music collection as a way to support your health. Experience for yourself the effects of how sound creates stress or relaxation, how to quiet the mind and open space for creativity to flow freely. Feel your body respond to your own voice.

  • Where authentic change takes flight The Importance of Maintaining a Spiritual Connection to Nature with Nancy Kyme, Author of "Memory Lake"


    "Sacrifices of Joy" is the inspirational message inside "Memory Lake; The Forever Friendships of Summer" an award winning novel-memoir by Nancy S. Kyme. Remembering the joys and fearlessness of youth can help you overcome adult challenges. And, experiencing nature can be a meditative tool for self-discovery. Join Laura and Nancy Kyme on The Laura Longley Show as we discuss what Nancy learned at a young age at summer camp about the connection between nature and spirituality.

  • Where authentic change takes flight Growing in Gratitude Daily with Hillis Pugh, Author of "Thank You Thursday"


    The book "Thank You Thursday" started as weekly blog dedication to sharing lifes gratitude. As a species, we have countless things to be thankful for. By finding gratitude in his own life, author Hillis Pugh has become a channel to convey messages of gratitude to share with others. He has shown us we can find gratitude in any life situation.Join Laura and Hillis Pugh on The Laura Longley Show as we discuss how expressing gratitude daily will improve your life immediately, and Hillis shares his own personally journey of growing in gratitude daily.

  • Where authentic change takes flight Creating Trust in a Fear-Based Environment with Sister Jenna from the Meditation Museum


    There are many pieces of fear within our souls and when we are threatened in areas like job insecurity, infidelity in relationships, health concerns and struggling to trust our politicians to do the right thing, our trust factor, which is a natural innate thermometer, goes cold. If a society of folks has collectively been doing this for centuries, we will eventually approach a period where, deep within the subconscious area of our souls, we know it's a matter of time until this old system of fooling ourselves and others will end. One of the greatest fears we walk with is to be seen for what we really are when all the masks are off. Join Laura and Sister Jenna on The Laura Longley Show as we explore how we can learn to trust again in a culture that has become fearful and anxiety-ridden.

  • - Where authentic change takes flight Living a Sensational Life with David Friedman, Author of "The Thought Exchange"


    There is a secret beyond The Secret, a simple missing piece that when applied, allows us to successfully use ANY of the other methods of self-help and self-exploration, and experience the life we truly desire. With the proliferation of books like "The Secret," we now know that what we think appears in the world as what we see there. So how come we're having such a hard time holding the thoughts we want to hold? How come we take on a positive thought only to find, moments or days later, that we're back to the same old thought and seeing the same old results we've always seen. In this groundbreaking book, "The Thought Exchange: Overcoming Our Resistance to Living a Sensational Life," David Friedman gives us the missing piece, the real secret to identifying the underlying thoughts we're actually thinking, exchanging them, and being able to stay with them and see the results we've always wanted to see but never knew how to achieve. Join Laura and David Friedman on the Laura Longley Show to discover how YOU can li

  • - Where Authentic Change Takes Flight The Synthesis Effect; A Simple and Powerful Method for Creating the Life of Your Dreams with Dr. John McGrail


    The Synthesis Effect: Meet Dr. John McGrail, a world renowned hypnotherapist, self-help expert and spiritual teacher, who will be introducing and discussing his exclusive Synthesis process and his book, The Synthesis Effect, Your Direct Path to Personal Power and Transformation. Regardless of what it is you'd like to change, big or small, physical. emotional or spiritual, Dr. McGrail guarantees that you already have what it takes and that with the right. Join Laura and John McGrail as we learn the simple yet effective ways to create your ideal life

  • - Where authentic change takes flight: Choose Love Scarlett Lewis Shares The Mission of Compassion That Came From The Loss of Her 6-Year Old Son


    On December 14th, 2012 Scarlett Lewis experienced something that no parent should ever have to endure: she lost her 6-year old son Jesse in an act of unimaginable violence in the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary. Since then she has been on a journey of hope and forgiveness, inspired by three words her six year old son wrote on her kitchen chalkboard shortly before he died, "Nurturing Healing Love." Join Laura and Scarlett on The Laura Longley Show as they talk about choosing love over anger, hatred and fear in even the most unimaginable circumstances.

  • - Where authentic change takes flight: Breakthrough Self-limiting Boundaries with The Toltec Secret to Happiness with Ray Dodd


    Imagine being happy and content even in the most difficult times. An impossible dream? Not at all. But if your desire for happiness isn't being reached by trying harder, having more, or knowing more the problem may lie hidden within the core of your deepest beliefs. Join Laura and Ray Dodd, author of "The Toltec Secret to Happiness" on The Laura Longley Show. Belief-change expert Ray Dodd reveals how hidden beliefs create barriers to living a happy life, and how to break through self-limiting boundaries by changing those beliefs.

  • - Where authentic change takes flight: Calling Back the Wisdom with Author and Teacher, Shonagh Home


    Shonagh Home is a practicing shaman, author and spell breaker. Join Laura and Shonagh on The Laura Longley Show as they discuss her book, "Love and Spirit Medicine," which chronicles her mid-life journey from the pain of failed relationship to an unexpected series of shamanic journeys with sacred plane medicine, which healed her deepest life wounds. This has given her a window into ancient wisdom that guides her and the students she teaches.

  • - Where authentic change takes flight A New Year's Revolution - for Those Who Are Ready for a Complete Upheaval in Life


    When the dark days came, Mark Bowness made a New Year's resolution that stuck. Not one of those ones you could wheedle out of. Not one of those easily forgotten by Jan 15. Because if he didn't make it work, then he might just carry out the suicide attempt he was contemplating. Bowness knows the power of a real committed, I-will-not/cannot-go back resolution, and he wants to make sure that there's a fail safe system in place for other people to embrace in 2014. He's a believer in the power of a New Year's Revolution, and he's set out to lead it Join Laura and Mark Bowness on The Laura Longley Show as they discuss how to get past the usual pitfalls of New Year's Resolutions and create a New Year's Revolution - the life you want to live

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