A podcast about structure and how to visualize, simplify and get more time at your disposal.
Let structure be about habits
25/09/2017 Duração: 06minWelcome to the 327:th episode of Done!, about how to use new habits as a way to improve structure.
Have fewer meetings by prioritizing accurately
18/09/2017 Duração: 05minWelcome to the 326:th episode of Done!, about how to prioritize among all meetings.
Stop, look, listen and smell
11/09/2017 Duração: 04minWelcome to the 325:th edition of Done!, about how we can use our senses to quickly regain focus.
How to make your goals more easily accessible
04/09/2017 Duração: 06minWelcome to the 324:th edition of Done!, about how to use our goals as a valuable tool when prioritizing.
Figure out what you could ask for help with
28/08/2017 Duração: 04minWelcome to the 323:rd edition of Done!, about how to get more of your tasks done by other people.
Set milestones and goals until Christmas
21/08/2017 Duração: 05minWelcome to the 322:nd edition of Done!, about how to stress less this autumn
How you know that your goal is specific enough
19/06/2017 Duração: 05minWelcome to the 321:st episode of Done!, about how to check the specificity of our goals.
Thirteen ways to celebrate the small victories
12/06/2017 Duração: 05minWelcome to the 320:th episode of Done!, about why we should celebrate generously whenever we win at work.
Keeping an eye with no effort makes for fewer distractions
05/06/2017 Duração: 05minWelcome to the 319:th episode of Done!, about a thought provoking problem a client of mine had.
Clean up a mess when you stumble upon it anyway
29/05/2017 Duração: 05minWelcome to the 318:th episode of Done!, about a simple habit that helps us find things quicker.
Get away from yourself while having phone meetings
22/05/2017 Duração: 05minWelcome to the 317:th episode of Done!, about how to make our phone meetings more focused.
That is why you stop using the app you are testing
15/05/2017 Duração: 05minWelcome to the 316:th episode of Done!, about how to avoid a very common mistake related to list apps.
Coming to the rescue if you are in Office 365 Online-trouble
08/05/2017 Duração: 04minWelcome to the 315:th episode of Done!, about exciting news from Microsoft.
Do not just wing it, trust your to-do-list
01/05/2017 Duração: 05minWelcome to the 314:th episode of Done!, about how to make the most use of our to-do-list.
Write down what you do not do immediately
24/04/2017 Duração: 04minWelcome to the 313:th edition of Done!, about how to properly use our to-do list.
Help the recipient choose your email first
10/04/2017 Duração: 06minWelcome to the 312:th episode of Done!, about how to get quicker responses to your emails.
Design your own found-something-interesting-online-process
03/04/2017 Duração: 07minWelcome to the 311:th episode of Done!, about how to take care of valuable information in a smart way.
Five ways to sort things
27/03/2017 Duração: 05minWelcome to the 310:th episode of Done!, about how to sort things we want to keep in order.
Place the most recent to the left
20/03/2017 Duração: 06minWelcome to the 309:th episode of Done!, about a Japanese method for organising physical reference material.
Enjoy nature and make fewer mistakes
13/03/2017 Duração: 05minWelcome to the 308:th episode of Done!, about how to succeed better by unexpected help from green meadows.