A podcast about structure and how to visualize, simplify and get more time at your disposal.
Schedule time for reflection
13/09/2010 Duração: 04minSometimes, a well-structured, systematic way of working feels too mechanical. Today, Done! is about how to regularly make space for the unexpected.
Experience an echoing inbox
06/09/2010 Duração: 05minWhen was the last time you had an empty e-mail inbox? Do you remember the feeling of freedom? Today, Done! lets you experience what a productivity boost an empty inbox makes.
A to-do-list in hand is better than five a week
30/08/2010 Duração: 04minAre you in the habit of writing a new to-do-list every morning? Do you have to transfer tasks from yesterday's list to today's list, because you didn't have time for what you had in mind? Today, Done! is about how to gain time and simplicity by letting your list be more complete and live over time.
How to steer away from old tracks
23/08/2010 Duração: 04minWhen you decide to improve your personal structure in some way, it is easy to slip back into old habits, into a rut. Today, Done! is about how to swiftly get back on track.
The danger of stressdriving and how to avoid it
16/08/2010 Duração: 03minDoes it happen all too often that you underestimate how long it takes to drive to that meeting and instead drive like a maniac the last bit just to make it in time? Today, Done! is about how to overcome your travel time optimism and no longer start your meetings out of breath.
How two egg-timers make you focus on the right thing
21/06/2010 Duração: 04minDoes it sometimes happen to you that you know very well what is the right thing to do right now, but you procrastinate and do other, less valuable stuff instead? You check your e-mail, get a cup of coffee, read news on the web, watch a funny clip on YouTube, chat with a colleague - all to not to have to do what you "should". Today, Done! is about how two egg timers help you get the right thing done right now.
Get help from your historical self
14/06/2010 Duração: 05minDo you feel that you're constantly lagging a little behind with what you've got to do, that you always complete what you're working with at the last moment, that deadline is always a bit too close? Today, Done! is about what to do to be one step ahead instead.
Let the system do the job
07/06/2010 Duração: 05minHas it ever happened to you that you have forgot after a while to do something that you earlier have decided to do once a month, every friday or twice a year? Today, Done! is about how to prevent that from happening ever again.
Take control of everything incoming
31/05/2010 Duração: 06minDo you feel that you get disrupted all the time by e-mails, your cellular, colleagues and other incoming "stuff"? Does the constant inflow of information make it hard for you to keep up a good work structure? Today, Done! is about how to take control of everything incoming instead of getting drenched by it.
Wastebasket with a month's delay
24/05/2010 Duração: 03min"Throw away the trash and save only what you need to keep." Yes, that's obvious, but what should I do with those documents that I probably can get rid of, but not for sure? Today, Done! presents how you can throw away more, if you have a system that lets you change your mind.
Do as agent Cooper did
17/05/2010 Duração: 04minAre you often in a hurry and do you find it the most difficult to come up with what to write when you sit with a blank sheet of paper in front of you, knowing that deadline is rapidly approaching? Today, Done! is about how to swiftly capture your most brilliant formulations whenever they appear, instead of forcing them while under pressure.
Does good structure really make you more efficient?
10/05/2010 Duração: 06minTo keep your office tidy, to have good work structure and work systematically, isn't that an entire project in itself? Today, Done! is about whether good structure really leads to something good.
Delegate more (and enable yourself to focus on your chore)
03/05/2010 Duração: 08minAre you so busy that you do not have time for all those tasks that are dependent on your particular key skills, the aptitudes which are why you have the job you have? Are you so fortunate that you have coworkers who could do the tasks that you spend too much time on? Today, Done! is about what and how you delegate in order to have more time for your topmost priorities.
Instead of a PDA and numerous little notes
26/04/2010 Duração: 04minAre you tired of your finicky, fragile, troublesome PDA and instead seek a smooth, workable system to keep track of everything you have to do? Do you have too many to-do notes in your handbag or in your pockets? Today, Done! is about how ten cards can become your best friends.
Measure and it will help you establish a new habit
19/04/2010 Duração: 05minHave you, just like me, from time to time attempted to establish a new habit, and have had some trouble with succeeding? Today Done! is about how you can use your winning instinct to establish new habits.
Fifty things that annoy you
12/04/2010 Duração: 05minThere are some things we've got to do which, like the constant buzzing of a summer fly, annoys us so immensely that it makes us spend too much time and energy on grieving over and dwelling on them. Today Done! is about how you can get unprecedented energy from these annoyances - with a simple tool.
Have the cake and eat it too
29/03/2010 Duração: 04minDo you have so many icons on your computer desktop that you do not see your children (if the wallpaper is a picture of them, I mean)? Today Done! is about how to quickly find all of your documents while the desktop still is virtually free of shortcuts.
Colleagues, colleagues, colleagues
22/03/2010 Duração: 06minDo you all too often experience that you are bothered or disturbed by your colleagues? Do you feel that you can't go through the hallway without getting called in to someone?s office when you have the least time for it? Today, Done! presents how to deal with the situation in a systematic way, so that everyone's needs are met.
A pile is not a pile
15/03/2010 Duração: 05minYou can easily be led to believe that the piles on the desk primarily are a problem with order; that the piles make it difficult to find the documents you are looking for when you need them. But, unfortunately the problem is more serious than that. Today, Done! is about how to unleash all the power locked up in the piles!
Now is the second best opportunity
08/03/2010 Duração: 04minDo you want to work more efficiently in your everyday life, but don't know where to start? It's just too much right at the moment and it'll have to be some other time, when you have time. Today, Done! is about how to easily get going immediately. Right now.