Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

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LIVE FRIDAYS 4 PM ET/3 CT/2 MT/1 PT Is your life and business truly delightful? Can it be? Jennifer Cramer Lewis says yes it can, when you don’t fall for the Big Fat Lies. Jennifer stands for deliciously ambitious female business owners like you, always knowing when they are under the spell of a Big Fat Lie, and will use her quirky irreverent style to show you, what to say yes to, so you can be proactive, passionate, productive and profitable in your life and business. Part cautionary tale, part practical magic, Big Fat Lies invites you to laugh at limitation and embrace all the fun and fortune you came here to experience as a female business owner. Jennifer’s Gift for You Jennifer’s Community


  • Why You Must Fall In Love With Your Dark Side


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis It might feel like you have been avoiding your dark side your whole life.. So why would your dark side be something that you have to fall in love with? This week, I got a message from spirit about all the facets of my being. From the things that I enjoy and love about myself to the deepest darkest parts of my soul that I would be afraid to show to someone who has shown me that they love me. I would like to share that message with you. It is so important that you have this information, I am willing to be super naked about my struggles with my dark side and how I have began to love her more and more. In this live event I am going to share with you: How falling deeply in love with yourself (all of you including your dark side) leads to living a rock star life Why a deep self-love frequency activates the quantum field better than anything else you’ve tried When to stop taking yourself so seriously, and how that creates authority with the correct people What you need to say

  • Why 24/7 Striving Is Insane, & What to Do Instead


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Let’s be clear, I have the striving badge and it has made me insane at times. I know that there is a better way to be in business and make a great living that does not include striving or making yourself insane with the level of work you are doing. This week in my autowriting session I got the message about striving. That so much of what I have been programmed to do was to be an achiever, a striver, a hard worker, smart, accomplished and that it was everything that had made me sick in the past and if I didn’t completely cut the cords, it could make me sick in the future. In this live event I am going to share with you: The Patriarchical connection to striving and why that doesn’t make women deeply satisfied or wealthy.. Like ever! How to keep tabs on your striving nature and rein that racehorse in Energy flips that you can do to move from accomplishing nothing to receiving dynamically What nature has to show us about cycles and seasons that we can incorporate into busi

  • Fog Free Creation For Sensitive AF Business Owners


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Let’s be clear, I am sensitive af and a business owner. I tend to work with other sensitive af business owners who are trying to power through their business like it’s a Japanese bullet train. This week I had the pleasure of a conversation with my show producer and the owner of Inspired Choices Network, talking about creating business as a HSP *highly sensitive person and how I get fog over my creations when I am not in the correct energy in my life. Recently I had a giant aha moment about the fog and I want to share it with you so badly!! In this live event I am going to share with you: + How to identify your main Fog + What is possible when the Fog is present, and more importantly what is NOT + Simple energy techniques to transmute the Fog + How to know when the Fog isn’t there, so you can be that Japanese bullet train you really want to be. Why? As a fellow highly sensitive person, who happens to have a business working with other HSP’s and neurodivergent thinkers,

  • How to Navigate the Breakup of A Soulmate Partnership with Elizabeth St. Germain


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  How do you not only navigate the breakup of your soulmate partnership, but grow and thrive throughout the experience? What if a soulmate partner isn’t forever, and that a breakup can be the thing that you both need to grow and change in your experience on Earth? This week, I have an amazing guest, and you know I only invite the world’s best to have conversations with you about new things that you can choose. Elizabeth and I were discussing soul contracts between soulmates and came to the awareness that we have a different spin on breakups and how they are happening for us and not to us. In this live event, my guest Elizabeth St. Germain and I are going to invite you to a different possibility with soulmate relationships, breakups, transcending trauma and how you can have even more love after a breakup than you did before one. Elizabeth St. Germain will be sharing from an astrological perspective, what is happening right now in the astrological transits and I will be sh

  • How To Be A Troublemaker For Personal Success ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis Are you willing to be a troublemaker if it means getting closer to your version of personal success? Or does the thought of being a troublemaker make you squish down to nothingness and avoid everything about it causing your personal success to be eroded? In this live event I am going to share the way to be a sassier, more troublemaking version of yourself that has the keys to your personal success’o’meter and isn’t afraid to use them. How valuable would it be for you to know that you can be perceived as both successful and a troublemaker and none of it having anything to do with you and what you are doing? Of course I am going to be dropping truth nuggets for your human design and gene keys profiles, plus downloading from source, the information and codes that are live right now. In this broadcast I am going to share a transmission from spirit about you, wildnesst, breaking ancestral patterns, healing and rewriting your existence into loving yourself and providing nouri

  • How to Be Compassionate Without Becoming Roadkill in Business


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Are you filled with generosity of spirit causing your compassionate nature to become roadkill on the business highway? Girl me too! I have had so many moments where I had to scrape myself off the pavement when I became business roadkill because of my compassionate nature. In this live event I am going to share the way to be your gorgeous generous self, have compassion and also set firm boundaries with those who approach your generosity of spirit at highway speeds. How valuable would it be for you to know that you can be compassionate, generous and NOT taken advantage of? Of course I am going to be dropping truth nuggets for your human design and gene keys profiles, plus downloading from source, the information and codes that are live right now. In this broadcast I am going to share a transmission from spirit about you, generosity of spirit, breaking ancestral patterns, healing and rewriting your existence into loving yourself and providing nourishing loving experiences

  • How To Know Who Loves You Correctly ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  I have been asking a lot of questions lately about love and who loves me correctly. Is it possible to know who loves you correctly way before you enter a love relationship? I believe you can. In this live event I am going to share the number one frequency that your human design profile needs to feel love. How valuable would it be for you to know ONE frequency you can look for and ask for? Of course I am going to be dropping truth nuggets for your profile and the one of your potential love mate, so you already know what would be important for them to receive. In this broadcast I am going to share a transmission from spirit about you,love and being loved, breaking ancestral patterns, healing and rewriting your existence into loving yourself and providing nourishing loving experiences for your future. It’s bigger than you and your relationship trauma, this is a sign… this information is for you to use to have way more love, time, health, wealth and happiness everywhere…jo

  • How To Break The Chains Before They Break You


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  It’s been an incredibly hard few years on all of humanity, it’s now time to break the chains before they break you. Do you have a longing to break the chains that have held you captive in your roles? Then this show is absolutely for you. I have been inundated with messages from spirit, and from clients about breaking free, claiming freedom and moving ahead with the actual work that they came here to do on this gorgeous blue planet in the Milky Way. In this broadcast I am going to share a transmission from spirit about you personally and your mission, breaking chains, breaking ancestral patterns, healing and rewriting your existence into thrival. It’s bigger than you and your chains, this is a sign… this information is for you to use to escape to freedom, and have way more health, wealth and happiness everywhere…join me Live here at 1PM Pacific Standard time Friday in the studio chat for live facilitation or on the #replay wherever

  • 9 Things You Need to Stop Saying Sorry For


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Hey, life has been hard, but what are you saying sorry for? It’s time to stop apologizing and saying sorry for things that are not even your problem to take care of! In this live event I am going to cover the 9 things that you’ve been apologizing for that you need to stop, right now. In this broadcast I am going to share a transmission from spirit about you, saying you are sorry, breaking ancestral patterns, healing and rewriting your existence into owning what you are here to take responsibility for and what you are not It’s bigger than you and your chains, this is a sign… this information is for you to use to have way more self esteem, time, health, wealth and happiness everywhere…join me Live here at 1PM Pacific Standard time Friday in the studio chat for live facilitation or on the #replay wherever you watch or listen @big fat lies jennifer cramer lewis on your podcast or viewing platform of choice. *Listen now on the Inspired

  • How To Take A Leap Of Faith & Bet On Yourself, Safely


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Have you been told that you cannot possibly bet on yourself, or have faith in yourself? If like many of us, you were told you are not smart enough, or accomplished enough to have any faith or make a bet on you, you are going to want to join me live for this show. In this masterclass, I will share 6 ways that you can bet on yourself as a being and also where to look for the leaps of faith that have you landing in luxury instead of making everyone else’s life better instead of your own. All you burned out yes people… this is a sign… this information is for you to use to escape the negative thoughts in your head, and have way more health, wealth and happiness everywhere…join me Live here at 1PM Pacific Standard time Friday in the studio chat for live facilitation or on the #replay wherever you watch or listen @big fat lies jennifer cramer lewis on your podcast or viewing platform of choice. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network

  • How To Take Charge In The Narcissistic New Age


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Have you mistaken taking charge as narcissistic thing to do? Especially in today’s age of toxic masculinity and rampant narcissistic behaviour, someone who can take charge, kindly, is so valuable. Will you let that be you? As we step into the Age of Aquarius, can you feel the polarities shifting? What used to be a ‘man’s job” is no longer and what used to be “women’s work” just isn’t. How do you even navigate when the roles are not clear or defined? In this masterclass I am going to invite you to a new paradigm with masculinity, femininity and being in charge, that will allow your essence to shine through to those who are meant to experience it in whatever work that you offer. All you burned out skeptics… this is a sign… this information is for you to use to escape the burnout fast track and have way more health, wealth and happiness everywhere…join me Live here at 1PM Pacific Standard time Friday in the studio chat for live facili

  • Why Sex Sells ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Hello beautiful, have you been a skeptic of sex sells marketing? Is there a way that sex could sell for you that didn’t make you feel like a sell out or a prostitute? This week I am reminded of a conversation that took up an entire afternoon about how women and men are not using their positive sexual attributes to enhance their expereience of life, wealth and business. That essentially they were wearing an energetic burqa which didn’t allow any of their magic to shine through. In this masterclass I am going to invite you to a new paradigm with sex, magnetism and beauty that will allow your essence to shine through to those who are meant to experience it in whatever work that you offer. All you sex sells skeptics… this is a sign… this information is for you to use to escape the burnout fast track and have way more health, wealth and happiness everywhere…join me Live here at 1PM Pacific Standard time Friday in the studio chat for liv

  • How to Be the Main Character of Your Life


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Hello beautiful, do you let other people be the main character in your life? People pleasing, letting them take center stage as the main character, even when it’s your movie? Symptoms may include massive frustration, burnout, bitterness, rage and huge disappointment in your life’s purpose and satisfaction. Symptoms may also include upping your dose of whatever medicine you partake in so you can get through life. In this masterclass I am going to show you two of the most valuable astrological placements in your human design or gene keys charts to be aware of, to promote yourself to centre stage and take the mic of your life. All you business owner putting everyone but you first… this is a sign… this information is for you to use to escape the burnout fast track and have way more health, wealth and happiness everywhere…join me Live here at 1PM Pacific Standard time Friday in the studio chat for live facilitation or on the #replay whe

  • How to Escape Mom Burnout ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Hello beautiful mom, I would love to show you how to escape burnout. All those mom tasks and so little time to do them, good luck having any time for self care or even a solo trip to the bathroom let alone working on your biz, it’s burnout for you if you don’t escape. In this masterclass I am going to show you a process that I created for a client who was so burned out that she cried through every session we had for the first 3 months, and it was so great that mastered my process I gave her. She then created a half a million in income for her business in the next 6 months after those 3 months of emotional release. All you business owner moms in burnout… this is a sign… this information is for you to use to escape the burnout fast track…join me Live here at 1PM Pacific Standard time Friday in the studio chat for live facilitation or on the #replay wherever you watch or listen @big fat lies jennifer cramer lewis on your podcast or vi

  • How to Mine Your Soul for Gold ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Is your soul a desolate wasteland or is it secretly lined with gold? I suspect that there is more gold hidden in the depths of your soul than you could even imagine and would love to show you where to find it! If I could show you where to look, would you be curious enough to let me? In this masterclass I am going to let you in on a process that I use to get to the “it factor” of what is hidden in my client’s soul that can be smelted into solid gold… how does that sound? Are you READY? All you business founders in burnout… this is a sign… It IS you, you are GOLD, now let’s see what we can do to refine it…join me Live here at 1PM Pacific Standard time Friday in the studio chat for live facilitation or on the #replay wherever you watch or listen @big fat lies jennifer cramer lewis on your podcast or viewing platform of choice. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More Abou

  • How To Stop Being So Damn Irresistible ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis Yes, you, stop being so damn irresistible! Do you have a commitment to being that irresistible that you couldn’t stop if you tried? In this show we are going to investigate the data on irresistibility and bringing more of that irresistible mojo into all your creations, including business. How possibly you could be having way more fun with it than you currently are… swatting off all the people dying to know more about you instead of just letting them into your live studio audience of adorers? All you business founders in burnout… this is a sign… It IS you, you are that irresistible, now let's get to business and see what you can do to stop it…join me Live here at 1PM Pacific Standard time Friday in the studio chat for live facilitation or on the #replay wherever you watch or listen @big fat lies jennifer cramer lewis on your podcast or viewing platform of choice. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app!    https://www.inspire

  • What to Do When The World Says No ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis Is it just me or is it harder to manifest when they say No? Is it You? Is it Me? Is it the frequency of the planet that is making it harder to manifest and easier to say No? In this show I am going to share my tried and true method for getting past hearingNo into manifestationville. Why is it important for you to know how to get beyond a No? Did you know that many mainstream successes were sleeping in their car and hearing No after No just before their gravy train came in. Learning what NO means is so important, now more than ever. All you people pleasers in burnout… this is a sign… It’s not you, it’s your ability to get beyond no mojo that needs a boost…join me Live here at 1PM Pacific Standard time Friday in the studio chat for live facilitation or on the #replay wherever you watch or listen @big fat lies jennifer cramer lewis on your podcast or viewing platform of choice. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app!    https:

  • How To Be Your Own Personal Jesus of Miracles ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Is it miracle season for you, or just for Jesus and his crew? I am here to say that you are just as capable of creating miracles as Jesus was back in his day and I am going to share my red hot miracle manifesting tips in our Easter edition of Big Fat Lies Show. Why? Because I see my clients and friends putting some guru or another ahead of their own miracle manifesting magic and it makes me a little nuts watching them. How can you trust your intuition and manifest miracles beyond rock star parking spots? I am so excited to share at least 5 ways to be your own personal Jesus! All you people pleasers in burnout… this is a sign… It’s not you, it’s your miracle manifesting mojo that needs a boost…join me Live here at 1PM Pacific Standard time Friday in the studio chat for live facilitation or on the #replay wherever you watch or listen @big fat lies jennifer cramer lewis on your podcast or viewing platform of choice. *Listen now on the

  • Bold Boundaries: How to Have High Standards ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  If your boundaries and your standards need a bold and irreverent refresher, look no further. You are going to want to join me LIVE for a discussion on bold boundaries and high standards for today’s age. Why? Because I find that the very people who love the most and offer the most to the planet need to learn to have high standards for themselves and the people around them, so they can stop being disappointed by people who don’t meet them. How can you do that in a way that is clear, unambiguous and sets shiny polished high standards and boundaries for the people coming in? I am so excited to show you my 5 step formula! All you people pleasers in burnout… this is a sign… it’s not your adrenals, it’s your standards…join me Live here at 1PM Pacific Standard time Friday in the studio chat or on the #replay wherever you watch or listen @big fat lies jennifer cramer lewis on your podcast platform of choice. *Listen now on the Inspired Choi

  • Bold Boundaries: When to Tell People to F#cK Off


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis If your boundaries need a bold and irreverent refresher, look no further. You are going to want to join me and my mystery guest LIVE for a discussion on bold boundaries for today’s age. Why? Because I find that the very people who love the most and offer the most to the planet need to learn to tell people to F*cK Off faster and more often. How can you do that in a way that is clear, unambiguous and sets bright pilon orange boundaries? I am thrilled to have a mystery guest for this lively discussion. He’s a master at telling people to F 0 and still manages to get raises and special privileges from the very same people he sets boundaries with. I find it so delightful, you just have to meet him. A truly divine masculine embodiment, my friend is someone you need to meet if you think that all conscious men are pushovers. All you people pleasers in burnout… this is a sign…join me Live here at 1PM Pacific Standard time Friday in the studio

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