Time To Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott

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LIVE FRIDAYS 1 PM ET/12CT/11 am MT/10PT What do you tell yourself when you’re NOT listening? We all have a “Subliminal Soundtrack” that plays in the back of our minds all day, every day. It contains all of the information we’ve collected in our lives, all of the conditioning, “truths”, and beliefs that affect our thought processes and the decisions we make every day. If your soundtrack is full of positive, supportive beliefs about yourself, you likely feel good about yourself and make decisions that support that way of being. But what if your soundtrack tells you that you’re not worthy? That you’re not smart, beautiful, strong, capable…? If you find yourself wondering why life is so hard, why you’re not happy, why your relationships don’t work, why you never seem to get what you desire, your soundtrack may be full of limiting and unsupportive beliefs. Join Jackie Mott on “Time to Rise & Thrive” as she talks about re-programming your Subliminal Soundtrack and shifting your thinking so you can get off auto-pilot and start to create a life filled with joy, laughter, and abundance. jackie@jackiemott.com https://jackiemott.com/


  • Happiness Is An Inside Job! ~ Jackie Mott


    Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott  Many of us believe that when something happens we will finally be happy. That new job, that raise, that relationship, that… (fill in the blank) will change our circumstances and create happiness. The truth is that your happiness has nothing to do with outside forces or circumstances because happiness is an inside job! If you want to be truly happy, you have to create the mindset that supports it and here’s the really good news! You can do that if you’re willing to make a simple choice. This doesn’t mean that difficult circumstances don’t come up or that we’ll never have a really bad day. It’s about your perceptions. How you perceive yourself, how you perceive your life, and how you perceive your circumstances will determine if you are happy or you’re not. It’s really that simple! Join Jackie Mott ` Mindset and Empowerment Expert on this week’s episode of Time to Rise & Thrive where she will share HOW to create deep and lasting happiness in your life that isn’t dependent

  • Celebrate Your Progress! ~ Jackie Mott


    Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott  We get so busy do-ing sometimes that we lose sight of the progress we’re making. What might change if you made a point of stopping every so often to evaluate and acknowledge what it’s taken to get to whatever point you’re at? When we celebrate our progress, we’re actually celebrating, acknowledging, and appreciating ourselves, and I promise you when you do those things, you will shift your mindset and ultimately create more reasons to celebrate, acknowledge, and appreciate yourself! Who wouldn’t want some of that?? Join Jackie Mott, Mindset and Empowerment Expert on this week’s episode of Time to Rise & Thrive where she will share how to make this a practice and the benefits of celebrating yourself and to join in the conversation! Join in the Live Chat Room too!!! https://inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/chatroom *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app!  https://www.inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/links/ ~ More About Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott~  Jackie Mott is

  • Starting Over with Rebecca Contreras ~ Jackie Mott


    Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott  This week, we have a VERY special guest, Rebecca Contreras, who will be sharing one of her personal starting over stories! Rebecca is an author, entrepreneur, and thought leader. Her book “Lost Girl” shares her journey from growing up in the hood, to serving in an influential role in the White House, to becoming a Millionaire entrepreneur and philanthropist through her and her husband’s not for profit organization. On this journey, Rebecca reached many places where starting over was necessary in order to move forward and ultimately achieve most success than she'd ever believed possible. Rebecca Contreras is a vibrant, intelligent powerhouse and I’m so excited to have a very important conversation about shifting your mindset, aligning with your purpose, and being open to the possibilities that show up. Join Rebecca and your host, Jackie Mott on this episode of Time to Rise & Thrive to join in the conversation! Rebecca Contreras is the author of Lost Girl – From the Hood

  • The Key to Your Freedom ~ Jackie Mott


    Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott  When you don’t care what other people think of who you are, what you do, how you look… you’ve reached a beautiful level of freedom. What does that really mean? When we know ourselves in all of the good, the bad, and everything in between and we learn to love and honour ourselves, what other people think no longer matters because we become comfortable in our own skin. We no longer need to pretend, we no longer need to perform, we no longer need to prove our value or worthiness. The freedom to simply be will free up your energy and open up so many possibilities! On this week’s episode of Time to Rise & Thrive, Jackie Mott ~ Mindset and Empowerment Expert ~ will share with you how to work with your own Subliminal Soundtrack© to unlock that freedom for yourself. Join in the Live Chat Room too!!! https://inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/chatroom *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app!  https://www.inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/links/ ~ More About Time to Rise & Thrive with J

  • Who Am I?? ~ Jackie Mott


    Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott  One of the most vital steps in learning to truly love yourself starts with one simple question: “Who am I?” If you’ve been conditioned like many of us to be someone you really aren’t to make other people happy, you may believe that being what people want gives you security – in your relationships, in your job… but it’s really a false sense of security because it’s based on a version of you that doesn’t exist. If you’ve never asked yourself “Who am I?”, you may have no idea what you need or what would make you happy. True security comes from knowing who you are and building a bullet-proof belief in yourself. On this episode of Time to Rise & Thrive, Jackie Mott ~ Mindset and Empowerment Expert ~ will share with you the most important thing you can do to learn to love and value yourself. It’s a process and it will likely take some effort, but the payoff is priceless! You are beautiful and brilliant and amazing just as you are, exactly as you are right now! What could chan

  • Commit! Go Get It!! ~ Jackie Mott


    Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott  What does it take to get what you want out of life? Everything is based on choices isn’t it? But when something is really important to us, we also need to commit to taking action and following through. When we commit to a process and take action, we are actually doing so much more than we may realize. We are making a promise to ourselves and honouring ourselves by doing what needs to be done. This week, we’ll be talking about what that really means, what happens when we don’t follow through, and some of the things that may be holding us back from taking the steps necessary to create the life we want. If you’ve ever struggled with following through or sticking with a plan when something is really important to you, you’re in the right place! Join Jackie Mott ~ Mindset and Empowerment Expert ~ on this week’s episode of Time to Rise & Thrive and join in the conversation! Join in the Live Chat Room too!!! https://inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/chatroom *Listen now on the Inspire

  • Trust Yourself! Seek Guidance Not Advice ~ Jackie Mott


    Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott  What’s the difference between guidance and advice? With guidance, we’re looking for ideas, perspectives, and thoughts we may not have thought of or considered. With advice, we’re asking someone else what we should do. The most important thing to remember is that you are the one who will live with the consequences and you are the only person who truly knows what’s right for you. You have to trust yourself! But especially when we know we’ve made questionable choices in the past, that can be difficult, can’t it? So how do you learn to trust yourself again? That’s exactly what we’ll be talking about on today’s show! Join Jackie Mott for this episode and join in the conversation!  Join in the Live Chat Room too!!! https://inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/chatroom *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app!  https://www.inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/links/ ~ More About Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott~  Jackie Mott is a Mindset Coach and a Facilitator of Change. She has a u

  • Let It Breathe ~ Jackie Mott


    Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott  Whenever big things are happening in our lives, we can feel a lot of pressure and become overwhelmed. We can feel like we need to take action, but often when we’re acting from that pressure and overwhelm, our action is actually a RE-action to the circumstances and that can make things much more difficult. When that happens, what can we do? Let it breathe. Don’t rush, don’t react, allow yourself to catch your breath and the time and space to act and not react. Just breathe. Join Jackie Mott on this week’s episode of Time to Rise & Thrive and join in the conversation!  Join in the Live Chat Room too!!! https://inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/chatroom *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app!  https://www.inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/links/ ~ More About Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott~  Jackie Mott is a Mindset Coach and a Facilitator of Change. She has a unique perspective that often challenges the status quo and believes that it’s never too late to start over, tha

  • What Do You Deserve? ~ Jackie Mott


    Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott  Have you ever gotten caught up in the idea that it was your job to make others happy? There are so many messages that tell us it’s our job, but is it really? When we focus all of our attention on the happiness of others, we often get lost in the mix, but what do you deserve? You deserve to enjoy your life! When you focus on the happiness of others, you’re playing a game that you simply can’t win, but when you focus on your own happiness? You’ll have so much more to give the people who matter in your life! It may sound counterintuitive and of course we get joy by doing things for others. The trick is to not make that your focus and to make time for the things that make YOU happy! Join Jackie Mott on this week’s episode of Time to Rise & Thrive and join in the conversation! Join in the Live Chat Room too!!! https://inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/chatroom *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app!  https://www.inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/links/ ~ More About Time to Rise &

  • Try It On and See If It Fits ~ Jackie Mott


    Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott  Have you ever bought something online, but when you try it on you find that it doesn’t fit? The same thing can happen when we’re manifesting something new into our lives. We’re told that we should be specific and make a plan (and those things are important), but the truth is that there are millions of possibilities and when we decide exactly what we want and how to get it, we aren’t allowing for the possibility of something even better that might be a perfect fit. When we allow for possibilities, we can try it to see how it feels, then adjust and try something different. Join Jackie Mott on this week’s episode of Time to Rise & Thrive for another mini-masterclass disguised as a show to learn how!  Join in the Live Chat Room too!!! https://inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/chatroom *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app!  https://www.inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/links/ ~ More About Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott~  Jackie Mott is a Mindset Coach and a Facilitator

  • Don’t Give Up! You’ve Got This!! ~ Jackie Mott


    Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott  When we’re working through a healing crisis, or any other crisis for that matter, we may reach a point where we’re tired and want to stop. When we feel that way, it’s important for us to remember that whatever we’re dealing with is temporary so don’t give up! You have within you everything you need and you are strong enough to get through anything life throws at you. When you don’t give up, you will make it to the other side. It may take determination and resilience, but the end result is always worth it. If that sounds familiar, join Jackie Mott on this week’s episode of Time to Rise & Thrive for another mini-masterclass disguised as a show. We’ll be talking about how and when to rest or keep pushing and she’ll give you some tips and tricks to use when you’re finding it hard to keep going. Join in the Live Chat Room too!!! https://inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/chatroom *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app!  https://www.inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/links/ ~ More A

  • Radical Personal Responsibility ~ Jackie Mott


    Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott  We’ve been talking a lot about personal responsibility on Time to Rise & Thrive. It’s very easy to fall into the dynamic of a victim mindset, especially when people are treating us poorly. The problem with staying in that mindset is that it doesn’t break the dynamic that’s actually allowing people to treat us that way. The truth is that we show people how it’s ok to treat us and the only way to stop that is by taking personal responsibility and learning to value yourself so you will no longer tolerate being mistreated. If you find yourself in relationships where you feel like you’re not being treated with care or respect and you’d like to change it, you’re in the right place! Join Jackie Mott on this week’s episode of Time to Rise & Thrive and join in the conversation!   Join in the Live Chat Room too!!! https://inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/chatroom *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app!  https://www.inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/links/ ~ More About Time to Rise &

  • Ending the Stigma of Mental Illness ~ Guest Lynn Rae


    Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott  When Lynn Rae was 30, she was diagnosed with depression and was faced with learning to live with a mental illness. Five years later, she received a second, even more devastating diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder and was told by two psychiatrists that she would never work full time again. Lynn is now a motivational speaker and author whose mission is to end the stigma around mental illness and help others understand that it is possible to overcome and thrive in spite of mental health challenges by sharing what she’s learned. On this episode, Lynn will share her Starting Over Story. Join Jackie Mott with Special Guest Lynn Rae on this week’s episode of Time to Rise & Thrive and join in the conversation! Lynn Rae was diagnosed with depression in 1991 at age 30 and bipolar disorder at 35. As a public speaker she shares with others her coping strategies that have helped her become a productive member of society and THRIVE despite being told by two psychiatrists that she would ne

  • It’s Time! Rise & THRIVE! ~ Jackie Mott


    Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott  What does it mean to truly thrive? Does it mean to have abundance in your finances? That you feel happy and fulfilled in your careers and relationships? That you have activities that you enjoy that bring you joy and laughter? What if I told you that it can be all of those things and more? That to thrive means that you are creating abundance in any and all areas of your life that you choose? We’ve been talking a lot about manifesting and breaking through limiting beliefs the last few weeks. Spring is an amazing time to challenge our beliefs because the world around us is showing us that there is life and creation all around us. Nature is abundant and in nature, the natural state of being is to thrive or die. So let’s talk about how to use that energy to help us break free of our limiting beliefs and create abundance and learn to thrive! Join Jackie Mott on this week’s episode of Time to Rise & Thrive and join in the conversation! Join in the Live Chat Room too!!! https:/

  • Manifest ~ Enough Isn’t Good Enough Anymore ~ Jackie Mott


    Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott  Are you someone who has gotten really comfortable settling for “just enough”? That it might be selfish to ask for the things you’d really desire? When we manifest, it’s important for us to ask for what we really desire and to understand that we deserve to have them, that the limiting beliefs that cause us to believe in “Either/Or” are incorrect. The truth is that there are millions of possibilities and there is abundance that you may not even be aware of. You can manifest what you desire AND allow for others to do the same! Let’s talk about it! Join Jackie Mott on this week’s episode of Time to Rise & Thrive and join in the conversation! Join in the Live Chat Room too!!! https://inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/chatroom *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app!  https://www.inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/links/ ~ More About Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott~  Jackie Mott is a Mindset Coach and a Facilitator of Change. She has a unique perspective that often challenges

  • Break Through Limiting Beliefs! Build Your Bridge ~ Jackie Mott


    Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott  When we are trying to manifest the things we desire in our lives and it’s just not working, how does that make you feel? Do you blame yourself and feel like you must be doing something wrong? Do you blame people and circumstances outside of your control? What if I told you that when that happens, it’s very rarely about any of that? That it may well be just that your limiting beliefs are not allowing those things to come to you, or that your limiting beliefs are causing you to not see the opportunities that are right in front of your eyes? What we believe to be true will be true, even if it’s based on completely incorrect information, and we create the circumstances that will support the belief systems that we carry. That means it’s completely up to you! Let’s talk about it! Join Jackie Mott on this week’s episode of Time to Rise & Thrive and join in the conversation! Join in the Live Chat Room too!!! https://inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/chatroom *Listen now on the Inspire

  • The Importance of Tribe ~ Jackie Mott


    Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott  Have you heard people talking about “Tribe”? What do they mean? Your tribe is made up of the people who love and support you. They’re the people who see you in all your glory and all your mess and make the choice to love you anyway. These are your ride or die, your soft place to land, and the people who will challenge you and help you become the very best version of yourself. Our belief systems define the tribe we create. We create the circumstances, the relationships, and the dynamics that support the belief systems that we carry. This is where “shoulds” and worthiness become so important. We need to be careful and conscious about who we bring into our lives because those relationships will influence every part of our lives. It’s so important, so let’s talk about it! Join Jackie Mott on this week’s episode of Time to Rise & Thrive and join in the conversation!  Join in the Live Chat Room too!!! https://inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/chatroom *Listen now on the Inspired Cho

  • Self Care ~Why Does it Matter? ~ Jackie Mott


    Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott  Self care is a thing that many people talk about, but it can be hard to work it into our busy lives. When we truly understand why it’s so important and how easy it can be to create a self care practice, we will make it a priority and when we do that, when we take good care of ourselves, we show up in a completely different way. This week, we’ll talk about the hows and the whys of self care, and you may be surprised at how simple it can be and the benefits for yourself and others when you make yourself a priority! Join us on this week’s episode of Time to Rise & Thrive and join in the conversation! *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app!  https://www.inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/links/ ~ More About Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott~  Jackie Mott is a Mindset Coach and a Facilitator of Change. She has a unique perspective that often challenges the status quo and believes that it’s never too late to start over, that as long as we are still breathing it is possi

  • Rebirth! Tapping Into the Magic of Spring ~ Jackie Mott


    Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott  It’s that time of year again! Spring is just around the corner and many of us are feeling it coming. It’s a time of rebirth, when everything comes back to life after a long winter season. How can you tap into the magic of spring and this time of rebirth? Join Jackie Mott on this week’s episode of Time to Rise & Thrive and join in the conversation! *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app!  https://www.inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/links/ ~ More About Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott~  Jackie Mott is a Mindset Coach and a Facilitator of Change. She has a unique perspective that often challenges the status quo and believes that it’s never too late to start over, that as long as we are still breathing it is possible to create an entirely new way of being. When Jackie’s sister died in a car accident in 2012, her world went into a tailspin that caused her to become a seeker. As she started to learn and explore who she truly was, she realized that sharing her gifts

  • Manifesting ~ What Are You Waiting For? ~ Jackie Mott


    Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott  Manifesting is a thing we hear a lot about, but it’s not something many of us understand very well. There’s a process to manifesting and often the problem is that we’re missing some of the steps required. It can also be that we have blocks or belief systems that are stopping us from creating what we desire. If you’ve been trying to manifest something into your life and it’s just not happening, you’re in the right place! On this week’s episode of Time to Rise & Thrive we’ll be talking about some of the common problems with manifesting and what to do when you understand that one of them is the problem. Join Jackie Mott for this episode and join in the conversation! www.bookacallwithjackie.com *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app!  https://www.inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/links/ ~ More About Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott~  Jackie Mott is a Mindset Coach and a Facilitator of Change. She has a unique perspective that often challenges the status quo and beli

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