Messages by Pastor Steve Horn of the First Baptist Church of Lafayette, Louisiana
Choosing Christ Defined by Commitment
18/06/2017Joshua is one of the most inspiring books of the Bible. Though there are pockets of disobedience, like Joshua 7, the history of the people of God, under Joshua’s leadership is a great example to us today of what it looks like to follow God.
Seeing Sin the Way God Sees Sin
11/06/2017As stunning as the victory is in Joshua chapter 6, so is the defeat of chapter 7. Not only does the narrator reveal the facts of the defeat, but he also reveals the underlying reasons for the defeat. And as we hear these underlying reasons, we get a...
Sinning After I Have Said “Never Again”
28/05/2017I realize that I don't have what it takes. I can will it, but I can't do it. I decide to do good, but I don't really do it; I decide not to do bad, but then I do it anyway. These words from the Apostle Paul are the basis of today's...
Can We Change the Culture?
21/05/2017Our sermon today comes from the Sermon on the Mount—the greatest sermon ever preached. At the end of this sermon, Jesus said that the person who follows these words is a wise man. The words of our text today are the familiar analogy of our call as...
What If Your Mother’s Day Isn’t a Hallmark Movie?
14/05/2017The Book of Ruth is one of the most beautiful stories in the Bible, but it is in the beginning a very difficult story. The first five verses spell that out for us.
Graduating to Godliness
07/05/2017My subject today is “Graduating to Godliness.” Yes, I have these graduating students in mind, but I want you to know that I have all of us in mind. The truth of the matter is that many have graduated from various schools and programs, but have never...
May All Who Come Behind Us Find Us Faithful
30/04/2017The basic argument of Hebrews has been that Jesus is better. Jesus is better than the angels, Moses, Joshua, the Mosaic Law, the Old Testament sacrificial system. He calls them to endure. That call to endure has culminated in the eleventh chapter with...
SAVIOUR: Saviour Forever
23/04/2017Paul started his exposition in 1 Corinthians 15:50-58 by declaring factually the resurrection of Jesus. Then, Paul declared the implications of that resurrection. Ultimately, the implications of the resurrection end up at the place of assuring our own...
SAVIOUR: Saviour Because of The Resurrection
16/04/2017In the last three weeks, we have examined the subject of Saviour through the birth, life, and death of Jesus. Today, on this Easter Sunday, we have come to this culminating and obvious point that He is ultimately Saviour because of His resurrection.
SAVIOUR: Saviour in His Death
09/04/2017In the last two weeks, we have examined the subject of Saviour through the birth of Jesus and the life of Jesus. Today, on this Sunday before Easter, we have come to this culminating and obvious point that He ultimately is Saviour in His death.
SAVIOUR: Saviour in His Life
02/04/2017Today, I want to address with you the idea that Jesus' life communicates that He has come to be Saviour. To start, we read one of the most important passages of the Bible.
SAVIOUR: Saviour In His Coming
26/03/2017The prophets of the Old Testament begin to point toward the Messiah coming—a Saviour. Most people heard this prophecy of a Saviour as a political savior rather than a spiritual Saviour. They missed that His purpose in coming was to be the One who...
SAVIOUR: Saviour through Constant Rebellion
19/03/2017The Psalmist begins with an introductory statement to listen to the instruction that would prevent the ongoing rebellion of Israel. He is imploring his generation to not make the same mistakes of the past. He moves from this opening plea to a rather...
SAVIOUR: Saviour in the Fall
12/03/2017When we read Genesis, we said last week that we see the beginning of several things. Obviously, we see the beginning of creation. Not long behind that, we encounter the beginning of sin. Many people rightly refer to this beginning of sin simply as The...
SAVIOUR: Saviour from the Beginning
05/03/2017I want to pursue that same idea that we see woven into Scripture that God’s passionate pursuit of us did not start at the cross. His passionate pursuit of us that calls us to relationship started at creation. That is why today we turn all the way to...
GUEST SPEAKER RAY SWIFT: Discipleship Tested
26/02/2017Discipleship Tested Matthew 8:18-23 “They seized Him, led Him away, and brought Him into the high priest’s house. Meanwhile Peter was following at a _____________________.” Luke 22:54. Calls the Believer to ____________________...
How Do We Know the Bible is God’s Word?
19/02/2017I am often asked, “How long does it take you to prepare your sermons?” My usual answer is “I am always preparing sermons.” Now, understand, there are definite times when I don’t want to be interrupted and I am in my study. But, there is also that...
Life’s Most Important Word
12/02/2017C.S. Lewis arrived at a meeting a little late with enthusiastic debate already in progress. Lewis inquired about the subject of the conversation. He was told that the debate focused on the single most important issue that distinguishes Christianity...
What Would Keep Me from Being Baptized?
05/02/2017You should not be surprised that baptism is an important part of the doctrine of a group named “Baptists.” Others teach infant baptism, sprinkling, and the necessity of baptism for salvation. We do not believe or teach any of those things. So, what do...