Family Adventure Podcast With Erik Hemingway

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 94:59:55
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Families share their inspiring travel adventures! From sailing abroad, hiking, biking, RV'ing, subversive travel, these families have done it and they share why and how! Anyone can dream big and achieve radical life changing adventures!


  • Call for Adventure Families!

    06/07/2016 Duração: 03min

    Be my Guest! Hello there, today is a bit of a break from the show and a chance for you to help me! I'm looking for a steady stream of families to interview and if you're a listener to the show then you are either: a) traveling or b) most likely know someone who is traveling and would want to be on the show! It's a great way to share your story with  a "virtually" painless Skype call for less than an hour. I'd love to get your story out there to encourage other families to take the plunge! It's an amazing feeling to know that you may have inspired other people!

  • 89 - Family Travel with Caz from Ytravel!

    29/06/2016 Duração: 32min

    travel more. create better memories. Today we are joined by a true 'family travel pro'  Caroline (Caz) Makepeace. She joins us to tell about her and her husband Craig's many years of travel adventures. I say pro because they run one of the largest resources for family travelers (and travel wannabes) and have grown a massive following to their advice and tips. Caroline was kind to join us at 5 am her time to catch up with Family Adventure Podcast listeners, and give us some tips on how they've built a business around travel. There's also loads of great advice for those just starting out, especially looking a family travel and being overwhelmed with where to start. Thanks again Caz, for hanging out with us. Listeners: kick back, relax, and enjoy listening!

  • 88 - Faith Takes Flight

    22/06/2016 Duração: 40min

    Into the Great Wide Open! This week we are joined by Heather from 'Faith Takes Flight' which is their website recording their adventures to be. We caught up with them in the early stages where they have overcome some major hurdles getting to the point that they are ready to leave for their open-ended RV adventure! She shares with us some of the struggles and frustrations of getting to this point, and some of the highs of de-cluttering, and how it's been transitioning to RV life. There is a TON of great info here if you are just in the early stages of planning your own families' escape for Suburban life, and I know you'll love it.

  • 87 - Out of the Box Life!

    15/06/2016 Duração: 56min

    Today we are joined by Connie and Joel of Out of the Box Life! A family who is extremely familiar with all the ups and downs of family travel. They are joining us from England where they are finishing up their time abroad and preparing to "re-enter" life in the US. We cover all the topics: working abroad, working location independent, homeschooling, raising kids in a global setting, seeing kids leave the house and travel on their own, They have a great perspective and a lot of great information for experienced travelers, and families only dreaming of adventure!

  • 86 - Crazy Family Adventure! - US. RV. Epic!

    04/11/2015 Duração: 40min

    Epic Exploration!  Today we hear from Brianna with Crazy Family Adventure. Her family adventure equation consists of her + husband + 4 kids + 2 dogs + one RV + permanent travel throughout the United States = ambitious! Listen for her Wisconsin accent as we dive into subjects like unschooling, having a "Bridge Business", adjustments to living in close quarters, and family bonding. Check out the family blog at:

  • 85 - Kids Living and Schooling in France!

    28/10/2015 Duração: 17min

    Making New Friends Everywhere! Kate and Michael's kids take the mic for this interview: Sam, Chelsea, and Charlotte. We wanted to get their unique perspective about the family travels so far. So we ask them about schooling and missing home. Once they warm up a little bit they surely are not at a loss for words! Let your own kids tune in for this adorable episode.

  • 84 - Living Abroad in France!

    21/10/2015 Duração: 54min

    Today Kate and Michael share their travel journey and "boxless life" with us. Their story begins 10 years ago when Kate realized her dream to take long-term trip  to France. With Michael's smart business plans and their focused vision for France they have made  her dream a reality. We caught up with them in their final chapter of travel(with a plan for an extension). Listen in as we cover topics like working remotely, rough starts, slower lifestyle, and dealing with homesickness.    Follow the Peterson's at:

  • 83 - 'Our Educated Guess' - Hits the Road!

    14/10/2015 Duração: 32min

    Think you can't travel because you have kids? Think again as you listen to Bailey talk about her expedition plans with her family of seven! That's five kids folks! We get to hear all about their plans for a road trip from Canada to southern USA. Be inspired as you listen to her talk about world schooling, involving her kids in the process of traveling, renting out her house and moving into a trailer.

  • 82 .....and off we went - A Family Abroad!

    07/10/2015 Duração: 36min

    Today we are joined by an amazing family who really 'gets' unschooling and road schooling. They have bounced across several continents and are currently in South America in Peru. They are currently preparing for a ROAD TRIP back to Canada via VW Kombi! Listen in As Michelle and Amelia tell us about their experiences so far, and what they've learned along the way!!

  • 81 - Family + Footprints. Epic Living.

    30/09/2015 Duração: 35min

    Have you been thinking about being truly location independent? This family is living proof it is possible! After a few years of marriage Sabrina spread her “travel bug” to her husband, and now they and their daughter are spending 100 days traveling from NYC to the pacific coast and back. One car, one tent and one amazing family adventure! Listen in as we talk about the importance of slow living, gaining disposable time and multiple streams of income and treating the world as a classroom.

  • 80 - Extra Pack of Peanuts - Share Travel Stories!

    23/09/2015 Duração: 47min

    Today we're joined by Travis and Heather Sherry of the web site: Extra Pack of Peanuts. Recently returning from shooting an HGTV special in Switzerland, then cruising by Corsica for a week and then on to Kenya Africa, they are busy globetrotting!

  • 79 - New Travelers: Suburban Pilgrims!

    09/09/2015 Duração: 52min

    Today we hear from Jason Calhoun, who left the security of their suburban life in California, armed with a travel trailer, a wife, and three kids. He'll be the first one to tell you he does not feel prepared for this journey, which is exactly why I wanted to get him on the show. I think it's great to get different perspectives, from the seasoned family travelers, to the brand new families just heading out. No matter where you are in your own travel plans, weather it's a spec on the horizon, or you're planning to cross country Africa, there's always a piece of the puzzle to add, something new to learn. That's the beauty of this community. Jason and his wife, Danielle, are facing their fears head on, with open eyes, and open minds to allow their travels to change how they are and to build their family closer together.

  • 78 - 'Uncommonly Normal' Heads out into the World!

    02/09/2015 Duração: 46min

    Today we start our mini series on families that are just at the beginning of their adventures. They've been inspired, maybe here, maybe elsewhere, they've downsized, and minimized, and are now on the edge of the abyss, staring down into a fascinating new adventure, not sure what to expect, what they will learn, or how it is going to change their lives. Not an easy undertaking! This week, let's listen in as we chat with Colin and Andrea as they fill us in on their lives, and what has lead them to this point. They've already made huge strides in making their dreams a reality, and I know there is useful information for you as you continue to dream and plan your own adventure!

  • 77 - Backpacking with Teens in South America!

    26/08/2015 Duração: 39min

    Selling it All: It's a common dream of so many families....especially as we all get seemingly more connected to our 'gadgets' and Facebook: The dream is to sell it all and head off into the great wide open and travel. That's exactly what Mike and his wife and 3 teens did in 2008! Armed with backpacks and a hunger to explore, they were able to travel to 3 continents, for a year, including extensive hiking through South America! Great Stuff!

  • 76 - Traveling RV "Familypreneurs"

    19/08/2015 Duração: 56min

    Tired and burned out of the rat race? This family had enough of other stresses and pulls on their time/life/schedule and decided to do something about it! They got a spark of entrepreneurship from a New Media Expo conference, and started building a plan to get out and travel! After purchasing a trailer, they hit the road, not sure what their business was going to look like, but knew what they were passionate about! Family! Patrick and his son, Axel, love hanging out, playing with tractors, whatever, and they decided to film their adventures and post it on YouTube and see what happens. Low and behold, they built a following and an audience, and now they make their own schedule and LOVE IT! They've been able to replace their full time income with a family run business that allows them to live life on their terms!

  • 75 - The Sail Mentor: Learn to Sail!

    12/08/2015 Duração: 33min

    Psychologists tell us that sailing off into the sunset is one of the top 3 fantasies of most people. However, most people are totally overwhelmed by where to start! This week we are joined by Chris who has recently launched his website: Sail Mentor. He is passionate about introducing people and families to the sport of sailing. He has some great suggestions about getting into sailing for very little money and getting some experience 'under the keel', all while keeping your spouse and family involved and not wanting to 'jump ship'! Good stuff!

  • 74 - Living on a Sailboat with Zach Aboard!

    05/08/2015 Duração: 42min

    Ever dreamed of living on a sailboat? That's what our guest this week, Cindy has done with her husband and now two children! Her children have never known life "on land" and she joins us this week to tell us all about her lifestyle. We cover: homeschooling, unschooling, living aboard, and of! She has some great advice and insights into how to make steps for your own travel adventures!

  • 73 - Travel advice with "Where's Sharon"

    22/07/2015 Duração: 23min

    Travel has become a massive part of our society, a 'rite of passage' for many wandering souls. The trouble is, when they settle down, and start a family, they are convinced their travel days are over. Not SO!!  This week we hear from Sharon of Where's Sharon, a long time traveler, but now her and her husband travel with kids. She tells about the major differences, why in some cases its' better, and her advice for families who think it's not possible. 

  • 72 - The Olsen Family: The Adventure Begins!

    08/07/2015 Duração: 49min

    This week was a HUGE thrill for me. I got to interview some good friends of mine who have recently launched out from the suburbs to hit the open road in a camp trailer with a 13 month old. That's right, a 13 month old. On the road. Full time. How could we not interview them?! We got to dive into all the details on how they made it happen, how they are able to support themselves on the road (very cool!) and what the transition to full time family travel has been really like for them. Some of the highs and lows of their first few weeks on the road, and the lessons they've already learned.....and are continuing to learn!

  • 71 - 6 Continents, 1 Year!

    01/07/2015 Duração: 30min

    Like the idea of taking a year to take your family on a round the world adventure? This family did just that. During a job change the lure of the road became too much and they thought, 'why not?' and bought round the world airline tickets and never looked back. Join us as Tom and Stephanie tell us about their adventures, how they prepped and planned for the trip, and some of their highlights along the way.

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