David Hathaway

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 122:33:10
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Preaching the power of faith in Jesus Christ throughout Europe. Updated every Monday.


  • Son of God with Power & Authority (with Vinesong)

    12/03/2018 Duração: 11min

    There is always trouble; there are always problems; but Jesus is there in the time of crisis. He gave us wonderful promises: "In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world! Although you have many afflictions, I will deliver you from them all!" 'God Answers Prayer' used by kind permission www.vinesong.com

  • Filled with the Power of Jesus (with Vinesong)

    05/03/2018 Duração: 10min

    We can see the same miracles, yes, even greater, because Jesus is with the Father. Just believe and His Power is released! 'Truly I tell you, whoever believes in Me will do the same works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father' (John 14.12). 'Salvation' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com

  • Rise and Walk (with Vinesong)

    26/02/2018 Duração: 09min

    Jesus said, "These signs shall follow those who believe... they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover." The same Power which raised Jesus from the dead, is the same Power that resides in you to see healing miracles: that is why Peter could confidently proclaim, "Rise and walk!" - 'Then Peter said, "Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise and walk."' (Acts 3.6) 'Signs and Wonders' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com

  • The Deep Waters (with Vinesong)

    19/02/2018 Duração: 09min

    I want to challenge you out into the deep waters with Jesus. Don't be content on the shore watching with the crowds from a distance, venture out into the deep. Make a determined effort to experience the power of God yourself; but it only comes when you go out into the deep waters with Jesus. 'When Jesus had finished speaking, He said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep waters, and let down your nets.' (Luke 5.4) 'Come up higher' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com

  • Nevertheless at Your Word

    12/02/2018 Duração: 10min

    When Jesus told Peter to let down his net, he didn't want to do it, and he had good reason not to. Peter was an expert fisherman; he knew the waters, the fish. However, he did what the Lord said to do despite his own experience and knowledge; and the results were far better than anything he could have ever imagined! The same blessings await you when you obey the Word of the Lord.  'The Living Word' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com

  • Prayer for healing (with Vinesong)

    05/02/2018 Duração: 06min

    If you are sick and need a healing touch from Jesus, I want to help you pray. Let me encourage you, the Scripture teaches that Jesus healed all who came to Him. Jesus is not only able to heal you, He also has the desire to heal you. He wants you to be well and live a healthy life. Sickness is from the devil. Health is from Jesus. I want you to get well anyway you can: take care of your body, seek medical help, and trust Jesus to do what medicine cannot do. 'Healing Stream' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com

  • From sadness to joy (with Vinesong)

    29/01/2018 Duração: 09min

    The Scripture says in God's presence is fullness of joy; is it any wonder then that Jesus is full of joy? When Jesus met with Jairus' family, He changed the whole family from sadness to joy. And that is exactly what He wants to do today in your life. He will turn your sorrow into joy, your mourning into dancing; He will give you a garment of praise to replace your spirit of heaviness.  'Celebrate' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com

  • When things go wrong (with Vinesong)

    22/01/2018 Duração: 10min

    Let's face it, things go wrong in life. There is a problem which has come into this man's life. He knows Jesus; he believes in miracles; and now Jesus is standing nearby. The real life of faith, of being a Christian, of receiving forgiveness, healing and deliverance, is in knowing Jesus. It is so simple to know Him. The hymn writer put it so powerfully: 'Just as I am without one plea, but that Thy blood was shed for me... I come.'  'Let Your living water flow' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com

  • Excited about Jesus (with Vinesong)

    15/01/2018 Duração: 10min

    Our God, yours and mine, is a God of miracles. A God of power. A God of deliverance. A God of healing. Hallelujah! That is why we have something to rejoice about; something to be excited by.  'Joy Unspeakable' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com

  • Jesus healed them all (with Vinesong)

    08/01/2018 Duração: 10min

    'The whole multitude sought to touch Him: for there went virtue out of Him, and He healed them all' (Luke 6:19). The people knew that if they came near and touched Him, that Jesus would heal them; they knew that some power, some blessing, would pass from Jesus into them. The Bible says that virtue, power, came out of Jesus and entered into the people: it is the same with you. When you touch Jesus through prayer, His healing power will flow into your body. 'Signs and Wonders' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com

  • God's Own Son, Christmas 2017 (with Vinesong)

    25/12/2017 Duração: 08min

    Jesus came to bring a message of love, hope, peace and blessing; He shows us how to overcome the evil that is in the world, how to resist temptation. Above all, Jesus came to reconcile us back to God and to each other. The Bible says that God did not send His Son into the world to condemn it, but that through Him we might find deliverance. Isaiah prophesied, 'The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned... For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given'.  'Hark the Hearld Angels Sing' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com

  • Jesus came to deliver (with Vinesong)

    18/12/2017 Duração: 09min

    The message of Jesus can bring hope and healing into your life. Jesus is not remote and distant; God sent His Son into the world to live as you live, to experience life as you do; He came down to deliver and set you free. Will you receive His love today? This is the core of the Christmas message: God so loved you, he sent His Only Son, so that you might not perish but have everlasting life.  'Silent Night' used by kind permission www.vinesong.com

  • Blessed more than all people (with Vinesong)

    11/12/2017 Duração: 10min

    'Jesus came down and stood in the midst of the people': The message of Christmas has a similarity with Easter. Jesus is not distant; He is not just the Son of God in Heaven, but He came down to us here, on earth; He lived as we live; felt the same emotions; He was despised and rejected; His very Name is Emmanuel, God with us.  'Holy is the Lamb' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com

  • God can save to the uttermost (with Vinesong)

    27/11/2017 Duração: 09min

    Today we are in a spiritual battle. If miracles of healing are the evidence of God; if the miracles of the blind seeing and cancers healed are the evidence of Jesus, war is the consequence of the devil. It is the wickedness in the world, it is that evil which infects the heart of man which causes people to die: that is from the devil. Whatever is good and perfect comes to us from God our Father, but the devil only seeks to kill and destroy. Worship by www.vinesong.com

  • Life overcomes death (with Vinesong)

    20/11/2017 Duração: 09min

    Oh, that God would open our eyes to see the wonder of His majesty, to fully comprehend His greatness. I want to declare to you today, Jesus, the Son of the Living God, is alive with all power and authority. Put your trust in Him today, and He will give you hope for this life and the next, 'Jesus has Risen' and 'Behold' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com

  • A God of Miracles (with Vinesong)

    13/11/2017 Duração: 10min

    In our moments of crisis, it is so easy to blame somebody else, to make others responsible for our misfortune - this is what the disciples tried to do in John 9, they asked, Who sinned that this man was born blind? Jesus was very simple in His response, the blindness was not caused by the man nor his parents - then Jesus went on to say, "this man has a problem and I want to show you the power of God to solve that problem."  'The Song of the Lamb' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com

  • To whom has God revealed His power? (with Vinesong)

    06/11/2017 Duração: 09min

    To whom today has God revealed His love? Who are the people to whom God has revealed His power? Is it only in America or England? God forbid! God has revealed His power to the whole world; the Bible says the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God.  'Releasing Your power' & 'Lamb of God' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com

  • Why did Jesus work miracles? (with Vinesong)

    30/10/2017 Duração: 10min

    Throughout the Bible God worked many miracles, and I've got good news for you, miracles did not stop 2000 years ago, the Jesus of the Bible is alive with all power and authority, and we still see miracles when we pray in His Name. These miracles are the evidence of the reality of who Jesus is.  'Oh what a miracle' & 'Releasing Your power' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com

  • When Jesus is lifted up, with Vinesong

    23/10/2017 Duração: 09min

    'When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to Myself' (John 12.32). Jesus was saying through death, not through life, He will draw more people to Himself than He could by living. If Jesus was to die, it was not because of His wrong doing; not because of old age, as He was only 33 when He died; not because of sickness, as He had no sickness; He was to die for a purpose: His death was to have a significance which would affect the whole world. In His death He would pay the price of our sin for all time. 'Lift up the Name' & 'Sheltered in the Rock' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com

  • Day of Judgment and Victory

    16/10/2017 Duração: 08min

    Even if we don't see it here on earth, the Bible is very clear, there is a day of judgment; death is not the end, it does not mean oblivion, because after death comes judgment. We need to be prepared for this. Jesus said, "Now is the judgment of the world; now the ruler of the world will be cast out." Thank God for the words of the Bible, there is a day coming when the good that is God will overcome evil which is the devil! 'The Final Hour' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com

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