David Hathaway

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 122:33:10
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Preaching the power of faith in Jesus Christ throughout Europe. Updated every Monday.


  • Call on the Name of the Lord (featuring Vinesong)

    04/01/2016 Duração: 10min

    If you are sick and need a healing touch from Jesus, I want to pray with you. I am not a healer: I can't heal anybody. Jesus is the healer. Believe in Him, trust Jesus, and you will be healed. Jesus is alive, He loves you, He wants to heal you. The Bible says, 'whosoever will call on the Name of the Lord will be saved'. If you need this healing touch call upon Jesus.  Worship used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com

  • Christmas Celebration (featuring Vinesong)

    21/12/2015 Duração: 10min

    Whosoever will call on the Name of the Lord will be saved. Wherever you are, whoever you are, whatever your condition, this Jesus, who we celebrate at Christmas, He is the One, He is Messiah. Jesus is the Son of God, He is alive. And He has power to work miracles in your life today. Jesus will forgive every sin, but first, we must repent. What is repentance? It is not a religious ceremony or ritual; repentance is simply changing your behaviour.  'O Come All Ye Faithful', 'Silent Night' & 'Christmas Story' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com

  • The Promised Messiah (featuring Vinesong)

    14/12/2015 Duração: 09min

    They came to Jesus and asked Him the question 'are You the One we are searching for?' Jesus turned to them and said, 'Tell John what you have seen: the blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the Good News is proclaimed to the poor.' - That is your answer. Jesus didn't reply with words but with action. The miracles are the evidence that Jesus is the promised Messiah!  'Joy to the world' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com

  • Are You the Messiah? (featuring Vinesong)

    07/12/2015 Duração: 07min

    John the Baptist was searching for the Messiah; he was always talking about this Man who would redeem the world. I believe that John was searching in the same way that many of you are searching. He wanted to know the truth. He wanted to know reality. John had heard about Jesus, so he sent his disciples to ask, 'Are You the Messiah, the One who will redeem the world?' John's doubt might have arisen from his own circumstances. Like John, I too have been in prison, left feeling abandoned and forsaken, but through it all, there was a hunger deep in my heart for Jesus, to know the reality of His power. I don't want empty religion or ceremony, I want Jesus, the Son of God, who can break every chain and set me free! 'Christmas Story' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com

  • Sealed by the Holy Spirit (featuring Vinesong)

    30/11/2015 Duração: 09min

    '...having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise' (Ephesians 1:13) When we begin to trust in Jesus Christ we become sealed with the Holy Spirit. But what does this mean? The Holy Spirit is the guarantee that we belong to God and that He will do all He has promised. The Holy Spirit is like a legal seal which validates the signature on a contract. His power works in us to transform us so that we can receive all of the blessing of Heaven now. The healing, deliverance and breakthrough you've been praying for is all part of the contract sealed by the Holy Spirit.  'Nations Rejoice' & 'Holy Spirit Move Me Now' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com

  • Our inheritance in Jesus (featuring Vinesong)

    23/11/2015 Duração: 07min

    So many people have this dream of a rich uncle somewhere leaving them an inheritance. But I want to talk about reality not dreams. The Bible describes what God wants to give us as like an inheritance, and it comes only one way. Just like any inheritance we receive from our parents, the inheritance we receive from God comes when somebody died. There are many reasons why Jesus died upon a cross, but what I want you to understand today is the inheritance you received upon His death: love, joy, peace, forgiveness, redemption, healing, and so much more besides. - These are your inheritance! 'Hosanna in the Highest' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com

  • The Words of Jesus (featuring Vinesong)

    16/11/2015 Duração: 08min

    If only we could hear the Words of Jesus. In your life, in your problems today, just where you are, Jesus wants to say, "Don't be afraid, only believe." In your biggest crisis, in the time when you feel that your life is at an end, call upon His Name and He will answer. If only you would believe in Jesus, you would see the biggest miracle of your life. With Jesus there is no crying, no sorrow, no weeping. The very Name of Jesus brings hope: His Name means salvation. At the mention of His Name demons have to flee. At the Name of Jesus death is turned into life. 'In the stillness' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com

  • Only Believe (featuring Vinesong)

    09/11/2015 Duração: 07min

    The wonderful thing about Jesus is that He won't turn anyone away, there is no rejection; whoever you are, if you come to Jesus, He will not keep you waiting, He won't reject you, Jesus has time for you. People may tell you that your problem is too far gone, that it is too late for a miracle; Jairus was told in Mark 5:35, "Don't trouble Jesus anymore, your daughter is dead", but Jesus will say to you as He said to Jairus, "Don't be afraid, only believe'. 'O Holy Night' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com

  • God works miracles! (featuring Vinesong)

    02/11/2015 Duração: 07min

    Things go wrong; problems come into our lives. Events happen which are beyond our control. In Mark 5 Jairus knew that Jesus could solve his problem, he believed in miracles, but what Jairus didn't know is how big a miracle he would need. Jesus knew the delay caused by healing other people meant this girl would die, but He also knew there was going to be a resurrection. Jesus said to Jairus, and He says to you, 'Don't be afraid, only believe'. 'When it hurts so bad why don't you give it to Jesus? He can see your troubled heart. He can mend the pain that binds you. Jesus loves you so. He's the healer of your soul.' - When it hurts so bad 'O come all ye faithful' & 'When it hurts so bad' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com

  • Victory! (featuring Vinesong)

    26/10/2015 Duração: 07min

    'Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ' (1 Corinthians 15:57). The wonderful thing about the Bible is that it ends in victory! Victory is yours through Christ - He will always cause you to triumph! I've read the end of the Book and it ends with Jesus the victor! Whether you read the Old or the New Testaments, the Bible is full of miracles, and those miracles did not stop 2000 years ago; the Jesus of the Bible is alive today and the miracles go on and on. These miracles are the evidence of the reality of who Jesus is.  'Happy Song' & 'The Next Level' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com

  • Day of Judgment (featuring Vinesong)

    19/10/2015 Duração: 07min

    There is a tremendous battle between good and evil. Sometimes we are tempted to think that evil is winning. But I want to tell you on the authority of God's Word that He will get the victory! Jesus says in John 12:31, 'Now is the judgment of the world, and the prince of the world, that is the evil one, will be cast out'. Thank God for the words of the Bible. There is a day coming when the good that is God will overcome the evil which is the devil. Even if we do not see the judgment on ungodly men, the Bible is very clear, there is a day of judgment. Death is not the end, it does not mean oblivion and no future. The Bible says after death comes judgment, and we need to be prepared for this.  'Thy Kingdom Come' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com, 'The Mighty Kingdom' used by kind permission of www.audionautix.com

  • Sons and Daughters of God (featuring Vinesong)

    12/10/2015 Duração: 07min

    One of the greatest miracles today is that God calls you His son, His daughter. God loves you, He is calling you to come home to His Kingdom. God's Kingdom is home for me, it is home for you. I believe that God is calling upon us to pray, for He says, if you will call upon My Name I will answer you, I will heal your land, I will defeat your enemies. You should have no fear for today or tomorrow, God is with you, for He Himself has said I will never leave or forsake you. 'We come before Your throne' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com

  • Turn to Jesus (featuring Vinesong)

    05/10/2015 Duração: 07min

    You are a dearly loved child of God. Whatever situation you find yourself in, turn to Jesus. He'll answer every prayer and touch your heart with His love and peace. When I was in prison for Bible smuggling, who could I turn to? There was no one who could help but Jesus. When I called upon Him, He answered me! I would have spent ten years in that prison, but God delivered me, He got me out by a miracle after only one year! 'Run to the Father' and 'You answered me' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com

  • If from where you are (featuring Vinesong)

    28/09/2015 Duração: 08min

    Some years ago I was invited to speak at a conference. The theme was how we can know God, how we can come into His presence. Most speakers were saying you need to have holiness, quietness and peace. I caused some revolution because I began preaching from Deuteronomy 4:29: 'If from where you are you shall seek the Lord your God you shall find Him, if you seek Him with all your heart and all your soul.' You will find God if you search for Him from just where you are! When you are in tribulation, when all the problems of life have come on you! 'I worship You' & 'Sheltered in the Rock' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com

  • How Great God's Love (featuring Vinesong)

    21/09/2015 Duração: 07min

    The cross is identification, not just that we identify with Jesus, but He identifies with us in our humanity. God sent His Son and allowed Him to suffer, to be rejected and despised. The Bible describes Him as a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief. Jesus was not born in a palace, but in a filthy animal stable. He never owned a house or received a salary or pension. God sent Jesus to reconcile us, to bring us back to Him, and so that we can understand that sometimes suffering leads us back to God. Today the world is disintegrating into chaos, no peace anywhere, turmoil and unrest. The greatest message I can give you is that you are NOT alone or forgotten. When the angels announced the coming birth of Jesus, they called Him Immanuel, God with us. God is with you. The Son of God, Immanuel, is with you in every circumstance. For so many Jews, their names are recorded at Yad Vashem in memorial of those who suffered. But God wants to write our names in the Book of Life. Everyone whose name is written in that Book

  • Come to the Father (featuring Vinesong)

    14/09/2015 Duração: 08min

    When you call upon the Name of the Lord you will be saved, healed and restored. If you need Jesus to work a miracle, I want to pray with you: 'Father we come in the mighty Name of Jesus, we ask You for a miracle. Reach out Your hand, touch these people, heal their sicknesses, forgive their sins, mend broken hearts, restore their lives. You sent Your Son so that we could know You: that we could know Your love, power and forgiveness. I place my hand on my sickness and receive my healing today. Amen.' 'To God be the Glory' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com

  • Jesus is Messiah! (featuring Vinesong)

    07/09/2015 Duração: 07min

    For the last four years I have been holding special services in Israel to assist and comfort the Russian Holocaust survivors. In November I will be there again with Vinesong to encourage and uplift. In this simple podcast I introduce them to their Messiah... I want to tell you who Jesus is. He is the Son of God! That is why He can heal the sick and raise the dead. When I was recently in Israel the taxi driver who was driving me to Tel Aviv Airport kept asking, 'Why did we kill Yeshua, He was a good man; He said good things, He healed the sick; He must be the Son of God!' Jesus could only work the miracles we read about in the Bible because He IS the Son of God! God loves Israel, God loves you. He wants a relationship with you, but how can you find Him? 'Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. He was sent here to die upon a cross, and from that cross His blood still pours forth. So while there's still time be cleansed be healed!' 'Behold the Lamb of God' used by kind permission of www.vine

  • Why? (featuring Vinesong)

    31/08/2015 Duração: 07min

    So many people ask the question 'why'. Why the problems? Why the tragedy? There have been times when I have questioned why. Why did I have cancer? Why was I in prison for Bible smuggling? We all ask: why hasn't God delivered me? In Mark 5 we have this Jewish ruler. He had pleaded with Jesus to come to his house. But it was too late. In the delay between asking Jesus and Him arriving, the girl had died. The house was now full of mourners. - Have you ever mourned over lost opportunities? Has Jesus ever turned up too late? 'The storm around me rages. My peace has been denied. There's One that I can turn to, His arms are open wide. Oh I'm sheltered in the rock of ages. You hold me in Your arms and You tell me that You love me. I'm sheltered in the arms of my Lord.' 'The Living Word' and 'Sheltered in the Rock' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com

  • One touch from Jesus (featuring Vinesong)

    24/08/2015 Duração: 08min

    There is a solution to every problem and crisis. In your struggle, in your battle for survival, reach out and touch Jesus. What mystery there is in touch. When a child is born, that first touch by the mother means so much. She has carried the child for 9 months yet has never touched him; in that first touch her hopes and dreams are realised. Do you realise how important physical contact is? The child falling over in the street cries out; there is only one comfort, when the mother comes, picks up her child and tenderly embraces him. Her gentle touch is an expression of a mother's love. It is the same with Jesus. His tender touch will wipe away your tears and heal your sick body. These two people in Mark 5 recognised that if they can just touch Jesus a miracle is about to happen. 'Angels beckon me to come a little closer. Then Lord You said to me, leave behind your problems. Fears and troubles, some untold, surrounded by Your love. My tears You'll wipe away. To lean upon Your promises, never turning from You aw

  • Prayer Answering God (featuring Vinesong)

    17/08/2015 Duração: 08min

    We all experience difficult circumstances. But what creates and defines your character, and with it your whole Christian life, is your reaction, not just to what is said, but what happens to you! If you believe God, you believe His Word - it's the same thing! God and His Word are the same! The decisions I have taken in my life have been formed by the Word of God. If you believe God, nothing is impossible - I expect miracles - the Bible teaches you to expect a miracle. - What is your reaction to your crisis? Anybody can pray, but it takes a determined believer to get answers from God. And the answer, when it comes, does not come in the ordinary way - but by fire! We must live by prayer and the Word of God! What else do you have? The Bible says that man does not live by the ordinary things, but by every Word that comes from the mouth of God. I believe Him. Let your reaction be: never give up, translate your faith and prayer into action!!! He will not fail you.  Often my reaction is somewhat extreme, because peo

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