Cowboy Wisdom Radio

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 283:57:00
  • Mais informações



Cowboy Wisdom Radio is about expanding your wisdom promoting and energizing wealth and success in people to experience their desired life.


  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    27/01/2016 Duração: 16min

    Talking about how I am still ingrained with childhood stuff and how it all silently controls my life now.

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    01/01/2016 Duração: 46min

    Matt Hepne with the North Central Washington Labor Council Executive Director of the Certified Electrical Workers of Washington is my guest. Talking Points and Messaging Top line Messages   Vancouver Energy is a vital project for the State of Washington and the United States.  It promotes U.S. energy independence with infrastructure needed to supply West Coast refineries with North American crude oil. The project has the potential to displace 30 percent of foreign imported crude oil currently coming into West Coast refineries.  Vancouver Energy will provide family-wage jobs and billions of dollars in economic benefit to our community, our state and the Northwest over the life of the project.  Jobs now. Vancouver Energy is going through the rigorous EFSEC process. While necessary, it’s painfully slow. We need to keep the EFSEC process moving. Executive Summary: No reasonable alternative – “The comprehensive view of alternatives did not identify any alternatives that were found to be reasonable alternat

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    30/12/2015 Duração: 15min

    I now realize the statement tell the tale of today and how the world. Yet how has this statement by Hitler in play today. Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it. Adolf Hitler  

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    25/12/2015 Duração: 15min

    Hi Talking about the spirit of Christmas

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    23/12/2015 Duração: 15min

    How has the world advanced in everything but peace and prosperity innovation for all? How is the world the exact same today as yesterday in the way we treat people? How are we afraid of inspiring each other to succeed?

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    18/12/2015 Duração: 31min

    Mike Nichols has been programming computers since 1981. He has written major systems for several companies, including Hallmark Cards, the Litho-Krome Company, and Ballard Designs. Nichols has served in various companies as Vice President of Information Technology, Chief Software Architect, and as President and CEO. He started working with WordPress and Thesis in 2008, and has built over 150 sites, many with membership, e-store, forum, integrated multi-site installations, accounting integration, automatic media generation, and other custom features. He has designed and built several Thesis Theme skins for sale. Mike is considered a WordPress and Thesis Theme expert. He specializes in small and medium-sized businesses, though he also accepts personal site projects as well. He is proficient in a number of computer languages, including HTML, XHTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, and JQuery.

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    09/12/2015 Duração: 15min

    Neutral Nurturing  unthinking inspiration

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    04/12/2015 Duração: 15min

    Good Evening talking about expressed expansionism inside me decrees the freedoms to move around the world to expand peoples lives.  

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    02/12/2015 Duração: 15min

    Inspiration Dissolves Desperation

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    27/11/2015 Duração: 15min

    Happy Thanksgiving  

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    20/11/2015 Duração: 15min

    Talking about life and expanding of appreciation

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    18/11/2015 Duração: 15min

    Rob talked about how the world looks at the world through selfishness. How my selfishness was the cause of my diviorce on my half?

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    11/11/2015 Duração: 14min

    How people are the manipulation of their thoughts thinking and mind. Expand Energize enteprise and experience 

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    06/11/2015 Duração: 15min

    Unleash your resolve to dissolve the frustration of life. Dissolving the emotional angst allows you to dissolve the memory and expand of appreciation and participation. How does forgiveness actually keep the unsavory stuff circulating in your memories.

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    01/11/2015 Duração: 01min

    Jane Giddings a Clinical Behavioral Therapist and Psychotherapist is my guest JANE'S HOLISTIC CENTRE Owner/Manager Management of a fully licensed, insured successful business in Westerleigh, near Bristol. I offer a range of holistic treatments that range from reflexology to life-between-life hypnotherapy sessions. Member of FHT (Fellow), GHSc, GHR, FCHT, IFHB, Embody, IIHHT, FAETC, IHBC, ATL, NCS (approved supervisor & Committee Member), BABCP, NCP (MNCP Senior Accred.) and Qualified Supervision provider. BACP membership (number 706169), Child Protection and Anti-Social Behaviour. I have recently been chosen as a Local Champion promoting the CNHC. Gives awareness to Doctor Surgeries and the public of the importance of national occupational standards. Registrants abide by a rigorous code of conduct and hold professional indemnity insurance. * Registered with the British National Register for Advanced Hypnotherapists, and also the Complementary and CNHC. * I have completed well-over 60 training course

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    30/10/2015 Duração: 32min

    Kathryn Sameul author of Opening the Heart: Meditations on How be is my guest. Formerly a practicing attorney, I felt called to move to Massachusetts from Illinois, where I am following a path of spiritual seeking and work, including work as an intuitive counselor and a certified life coach.  As an intuitive, I give readings using spiritual writing, a practice I have engaged in since 1993. Spiritual writing involves connecting with both our angels and guides and allowing them to write through me. I then give you the messages that have come through for you.  I was certified by the University of New Hampshire as a life coach in 2007, and I have been offering my services as a life coach since then. I am open to all clients to whom I can be of service; however, I am deeply interested in helping those undergoing a transition in their lives - whether it is a move, a job or career change, or a loss of someone they love.  I also offer the service of teaching my clients basic meditation skills, and, where needed, w

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    16/10/2015 Duração: 15min

    Tonight i talk about writing and speaking to your dreams and inspired desires. Stop being associated with want and needs. Stop talking about healing and expanding of your dreams.  

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    11/10/2015 Duração: 16min

     Rob talks walk of wisdom and expressed expansionism inside me frees me

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    09/10/2015 Duração: 33min

    Maggie is a free spirited Aquarian, Metaphysical Coach, Reader, Numerologist, Spirit/Channeler & Energy Therapist working with her Guides & Angels, blending these w/Tarot, Numerology, Crystals, Meditation, & Reiki assisting clients across the globe.  Maggie also works w/animals & people in her Energy Therapy, bringing the energy back into alignment, clearing any blocks, allowing us to open the door to the Universe’s flow of love & healing light.  Maggie assists people who are in those liminal places, moving through transitions in their careers, businesses, & relationships by providing guidance & tools to support them and uncovering the magic and hidden things along the way, while making heart-centered choices! You can find out more about Maggie on her website: and listen to her Weekly Vibes on her Youtube Channel, Maggie Moon Tarot

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    04/10/2015 Duração: 31min

    Jane Giddings a Clinical Behavioral Therapist and Psychotherapist is my guest JANE'S HOLISTIC CENTRE Owner/Manager Management of a fully licensed, insured successful business in Westerleigh, near Bristol. I offer a range of holistic treatments that range from reflexology to life-between-life hypnotherapy sessions. Member of FHT (Fellow), GHSc, GHR, FCHT, IFHB, Embody, IIHHT, FAETC, IHBC, ATL, NCS (approved supervisor & Committee Member), BABCP, NCP (MNCP Senior Accred.) and Qualified Supervision provider. BACP membership (number 706169), Child Protection and Anti-Social Behaviour. I have recently been chosen as a Local Champion promoting the CNHC. Gives awareness to Doctor Surgeries and the public of the importance of national occupational standards. Registrants abide by a rigorous code of conduct and hold professional indemnity insurance. * Registered with the British National Register for Advanced Hypnotherapists, and also the Complementary and CNHC. * I have completed well-over 60 training course

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