Cowboy Wisdom Radio

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 283:57:00
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Cowboy Wisdom Radio is about expanding your wisdom promoting and energizing wealth and success in people to experience their desired life.


  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    20/02/2018 Duração: 15min

    Good Evening I am Robert A. Wilson with Cowboy Wisdom Walk of Wisdom Webinars/Walk of Wisdom Seminars Hypnotherapist, Dream Sculptor, Cowboy WisdomPublishing, and published author. Cowboy Wisdom is unpunctuated rhyming hypnotherapy NLP and dreamer’s freedom poetry frees inspirational intuition opening enterprising expressions to allow people to understand they encompass the wisdom innovation and talent to experience their dreams and desired accomplished outcomes. I write and speak about the way I expanded my life, sharing the ways I liberated my emotions and feelings from all my self-embedded stuff taught to me throughout life. I asked me… How are MBA Business Schools teaching ancient anti people enslaving philosophies today? College Professors dislike self educated people… Because I now realize MBA type business schools teach anti labor anti high wage anti people selfish arrogance and everything is about the graduate and their money… How has this country forget about quality of life for all brought for

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    15/02/2018 Duração: 16min

    Good Day... I am Rob with Cowboy WIsdom tonight I talk about the irresponibity of society and myself. I now realize the world is in flux because we have become to caught up in college education and thinking I am entitled to everything. To may video games of violence to much war game crap... I am Robert A. Wilson with Cowboy Wisdom Walk of Wisdom Webinars/Walk of Wisdom Seminars Hypnotherapist, Dream Sculptor, Cowboy WisdomPublishing, and published author. Cowboy Wisdom is unpunctuated rhyming hypnotherapy NLP and dreamer’s freedom poetry frees inspirational intuition opening enterprising expressions to allow people to understand they encompass the wisdom innovation and talent to experience their dreams and desired accomplished outcomes. I write and speak about the way I expanded my life, sharing the ways I liberated my emotions and feelings from all my self-embedded stuff taught to me throughout life. Cowboy Wisdom shows you the way to uncover and discover your talents by opening your own inner understan

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    13/02/2018 Duração: 16min

    Good Day... I Am Rob with Cowboy Wisdom... Tonight I talk about all the events of my life that expanded me where I am at now. I am Robert A. Wilson with Cowboy Wisdom Walk of Wisdom Webinars/Walk of Wisdom Seminars Hypnotherapist, Dream Sculptor, Cowboy WisdomPublishing, and published author. Cowboy Wisdom is unpunctuated rhyming hypnotherapy NLP and dreamer’s freedom poetry frees inspirational intuition opening enterprising expressions to allow people to understand they encompass the wisdom innovation and talent to experience their dreams and desired accomplished outcomes. I write and speak about the way I expanded my life, sharing the ways I liberated my emotions and feelings from all my self-embedded stuff taught to me throughout life. Cowboy Wisdom shows you the way to uncover and discover your talents by opening your own inner understanding of your wisdom, talents and innovative ingenuity. This allows you to feel your emotions and energizes your brainpower so that you can experience your own desired

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    08/02/2018 Duração: 15min

    Good Evening from Rob with Cowboy Wisdom... How is all negativity raw revolutionary audacious wisdom to expand the world? I asked me… How do I feel understanding all negativity is a fallacy and man made keeping people mad and sad? As I now realize admit admire and respect negativity is a human myth as I now admire and respect all negativity is new endeavoring gall activating trailblazer imagination…  Visually intuits triumphant yazzapanache that instantly thatch the weeds of the greed need and want unlatching my gate of innate potentate prowess feeling my spirited…  Savvy to witness and walk thru my lush green grass of genuine rich audacious sovereign sass to understand the negativity was placed on my trailblazer trails to expand… Natural enterprising gallant audacity tantalizing ingenious verve innovating today’s yes I am mega dynamic because I erased negativity from my life… As I now view the world as chaotic awakenings hearing ungoverned animated inspirations unleashes my unconscious utopian lore lio

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    06/02/2018 Duração: 16min

    Good Day from Rob I am Robert A. Wilson with Cowboy Wisdom Walk of Wisdom Webinars/Walk of Wisdom Seminars Hypnotherapist, Dream Sculptor, Cowboy WisdomPublishing, and published author. Cowboy Wisdom is unpunctuated rhyming hypnotherapy NLP and dreamer’s freedom poetry frees inspirational intuition opening enterprising expressions to allow people to understand they encompass the wisdom innovation and talent to experience their dreams and desired accomplished outcomes. I write and speak about the way I expanded my life, sharing the ways I liberated my emotions and feelings from all my self-embedded stuff taught to me throughout life. Cowboy Wisdom shows you the way to uncover and discover your talents by opening your own inner understanding of your wisdom, talents and innovative ingenuity. How does victim control play out in our daily life? Victim control is when you say no and somebody tries to make you feel bad. I now realize is when i wanted a toy when I was young and I got mad that is victim control.

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    01/02/2018 Duração: 15min

    Good Evening I am Robert A. Wilson with Cowboy Wisdom Walk of Wisdom Webinars/Walk of Wisdom Seminars Hypnotherapist, Dream Sculptor, Cowboy WisdomPublishing, and published author. Cowboy Wisdom is unpunctuated rhyming hypnotherapy NLP and dreamer’s freedom poetry frees inspirational intuition opening enterprising expressions to allow people to understand they encompass the wisdom innovation and talent to experience their dreams and desired accomplished outcomes. Detach with Panache I asked me… How do we think detachment yet the inner movies have people playing the victim of their life? My sunrise enterprized… My debonair flair to admit I play shaming victimizing movies within me I did that I now admit and I was watching and acting in my inner… Movie forever but something flipped the switch to shutoff my movie of blunder turning on my inner movies of thunderous action… My exciting my cowboy up ride and rope movie to understand the inner movie presents my self esteem to me I now realize… As I now grasp

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    30/01/2018 Duração: 15min

    Good Evening from Rob with Cowboy Wisdom I am Robert A. Wilson with Cowboy Wisdom Walk of Wisdom Webinars/Walk of Wisdom Seminars Hypnotherapist, Dream Sculptor, Cowboy WisdomPublishing, and published author. Cowboy Wisdom is unpunctuated rhyming hypnotherapy NLP and dreamer’s freedom poetry frees inspirational intuition opening enterprising expressions to allow people to understand they encompass the wisdom innovation and talent to experience their dreams and desired accomplished outcomes. I write and speak about the way I expanded my life, sharing the ways I liberated my emotions and feelings from all my self-embedded stuff taught to me throughout life. Cowboy Wisdom shows you the way to uncover and discover your talents by opening your own inner understanding of your wisdom, talents and innovative ingenuity. This allows you to feel your emotions and energizes your brainpower so that you can experience your own desired outcomes. I introduce you to a visionary vocabulary to expand, energize and experien

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    25/01/2018 Duração: 14min

    Good Day I am Rob with Cowboy Wisdom I am Robert A. Wilson with Cowboy Wisdom Walk of Wisdom Webinars/Walk of Wisdom Seminars Hypnotherapist, Dream Sculptor, Cowboy WisdomPublishing, and published author. Cowboy Wisdom is unpunctuated rhyming hypnotherapy NLP and dreamer’s freedom poetry frees inspirational intuition opening enterprising expressions to allow people to understand they encompass the wisdom innovation and talent to experience their dreams and desired accomplished outcomes. I write and speak about the way I expanded my life, sharing the ways I liberated my emotions and feelings from all my self-embedded stuff taught to me throughout life. Cowboy Wisdom shows you the way to uncover and discover your talents by opening your own inner understanding of your wisdom, talents and innovative ingenuity. This allows you to feel your emotions and energizes your brainpower so that you can experience your own desired outcomes. I introduce you to a visionary vocabulary to expand, energize and experience l

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    23/01/2018 Duração: 15min

    Good Evening from Rob with Cowboy Wisdom I am a published author with 3 new books Dissolving Pleasing Others, How Did I Teach Myself Fear? I Am Wisdom. I am hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner, Time Line Coach, and Dream Sculpter with acition vocabulary. Dissolving My Innermost Gossiper Infinite gall to expand out of being an intoxicated gossiper spewing toxic goo of never do anything for myself trying to ruin others…  Smother my self-esteem so now I am now dissolving releasing letting go melting my gossiper funk that unfunked my life now and forever…  More as I asked me… How does a gossiping stop me from experiencing my desired life? I now admit and get I stopped… Myself from everything because I was totally engulfed is twit tepidly wound in turmoil over what somebody was doing and what… Somebody else got or had that I never I now realize severed me from accomplished outcomes because I now realize admit admire and… Respect I facilitate and participate appreciating eyes on the prize of my accomplished out

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    18/01/2018 Duração: 14min

    Good Day from Rob with Cowboy Wisdom I am Robert A. Wilson with Cowboy Wisdom Walk of Wisdom Webinars/Walk of Wisdom Seminars Hypnotherapist, Dream Sculptor, Cowboy WisdomPublishing, and published author. Cowboy Wisdom is unpunctuated rhyming hypnotherapy NLP and dreamer’s freedom poetry frees inspirational intuition opening enterprising expressions to allow people to understand they encompass the wisdom innovation and talent to experience their dreams and desired accomplished outcomes. I write and speak about the way I expanded my life, sharing the ways I liberated my emotions and feelings from all my self-embedded stuff taught to me throughout life. Cowboy Wisdom shows you the way to uncover and discover your talents by opening your own inner understanding of your wisdom, talents and innovative ingenuity. This allows you to feel your emotions and energizes your brainpower so that you can experience your own desired outcomes. I introduce you to a visionary vocabulary to expand, energize and experience l

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    16/01/2018 Duração: 15min

    Good Evening From Rob with Cowboy Wisdom. Tonight Rob is speaking about letting go of positive thinking always seeking truth and reality. Now expanding of Inpiration enterprising expressions because reality truth and positive thinking are wasted energy always checking in am I doing it right. I let go of positive thinking truth and reality because positive thinking truth and reality stem from… My viewpoints opinions beliefs ancestral anchors and everything I taught myself from my circle of influence… That attached me to history and thinking I had to heal my past cast me a chasing my tail delusion that I now realize…  Concede and dissolving my past that never existed because I now grasp admire and respect I experienced a continuous…  Now because the so called past is a memory of the now to be dissolved and expanded out of brightnow by me myself and I avowing… to hear my newbirght inspirational feelings and energized enterprising emotions because I awoken to honour of me myself and I to grasp… My emotions

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    08/12/2017 Duração: 15min

    Good Evening from Robert A. Wilson with Cowboy Wisdom  I realized today people think they are outside of the boxes of their life yet caught in the boxed of society.  I now understand admit and get I think in limitations I feel unlimited a new wave of wisdom flow through my nufame veins of ordained optimism by dissolving my tortuous thoughts of thinking knowing and telling everybody how smart I though I was unblocked... My new buzzing expansionisms of understanding respecting and admiring trendsetter talent energizing the world with innovative leadership prowess of individual inspirational expressions that expand people beyond everything they know to be... Pf unconventional utopian candor to experience the glory of their pacesetter heart stalwart soul savvy allows people to experience their sired desires as I ride into my sunset of bountiful bliss of sovereign serenity of wealthy wininity because I unlatched the latch of being attached to memories opens my inspirational expression of innersurprising wizard

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    06/12/2017 Duração: 16min

    Good Evening for Rob with Cowboy Wisdom Tonight I am talking about negative associations with stuff in my daily life. How do I encompass embedded negative associations with my daily life? I asked me… How does anger and frustration stem from negative associations and that encoded and embedded in my memories and unsavory images from my subconscious mind? I asked me… How does anger and frustration stem from negative associations and that encoded and embedded in my memories and unsavory images from my subconscious mind? I now realize all negativity is a delusional BS because I was afraid to grasp the new wisdom that hid in the core of unsteady situations I now realize…  Admit respect and admire life is unsteady and ready to tutor me with metaphors that expand my heart heroism energize my wise enterprise my visionary valor to experience… Life with glowing gusto now through eternity as I now admit I taught myself pity me pessimism because I embedded negative associations to life events from teaching myself li

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    01/12/2017 Duração: 16min

    Good Evening I am Rob with Cowboy Wisdom... I am talking about my new book How did I teach fear? I wrote… How did I Teach Myself Fear? In first person and with minimal punctuation to allow the reader to feel what expands energizes and enterprises their daily life to feel their way with fearless emotions to expand your understanding of you. To unlock and dissolve my revenge thinking allowed me myself and I to admit I thought I was so undressed my perfections to liberate me from self-centered control. I asked… How did I teach myself fear? Because I utilized revenge thinking by thinking I was perfect with a know it all ceiling then feeling ashamed within me myself and I kept me crying over everything occurring in my life. Until I realized the wisdom of my life way sprinkled through out my daily encounters with other people. As I now realize wisdom and indigenous philosophies arise from interactions with others so today I stopped smothering myself in my self-embedded fears scared to listen. To my inner teac

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    29/11/2017 Duração: 16min

    Good Evening from Rob with Cowboy Wisdom I asked me... How did I teach me to be  servant to others rather than be a leader of my dreams. I now realize arrogance is looking at people as a servant spirit is the Inspiration of never swerve nerve to naturally expand revolutionary vigor energizing my Inspiration sass to show the world my candid class of my electric inspiration... I asked me… How is being a servant to others ancestral embedded codes of suppression? I now realize admit and get I was a servant to money keeping me riding the work for somebody else palaver that I herd from childhood to now because I taught myself to be a servant... To whom ever I thought would get me ahead I now realize admire and respect my Inspiration lore that show my leadership omnipotence revolutionizing effrontery nous lusting in the lexes of my enterprising expressions to understand servants are people trying... To please others burying their desired life thinking in fear with thoughts of being scared of life I now dissolve

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    22/11/2017 Duração: 15min

    Good Evening from Rob with Cowboy Wisdom... I awaken today to abstract acumen create ambigous dissidence within me because it is outside of my current knowing and way I think I should live my life. I opened new wave of wise audcacious vibrant enthusiasm... Because unstablitly says un stablity... I now understand and admit all pessimism inside me I sabotage me myself and I in every way possible shutting off any… Expansion in every situation yet as I allow expansionism to stream inside me I stimulate me myself and I sovereignly unbinds… My campaigners candor to understand and appreciate facilitate and participate of fresh awakened acumen to celebrate my life… Of lionized imaginative farseeing eager beaver brilliance to dance with my never ending awesome accomplished outcomes… Because I now grasp respect and admire my life is a never ending dance of daring adventurous numen events that expand… My enterprising visionary energy tantalizing spectacular parades of savior faire prosperity gallant gratitude and

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    17/11/2017 Duração: 16min

    Good Evening From Rob with Cowboy Wisdom... Tonight I am talking about letting go of being a teacher to being a tutor and metaphor for people to expand their life now and forever more...  I now understand respect and admire I am my teacher I am student of my teachings opens the way for me… To listen my way to the penthouse or talk my way to the outhouse soI stopped looking for teachers to follow because teachers speak about their life story and… Noticeable stuff yet what is missed in following a teacher is their inner intricacies that occurred throughout there events and when people tell their…  Stories about the life they like to embellish the challenges and leave out the subtle savvy that occurred so I stopped telling my story to expressing these are… The events that expanded my life that liberated me from thinking I had past to experiencing my continuous now of new optimistic wisdom unlocked my nouveau…  Understanding and respect I now listen  to see and hear tutors with metaphors to expand energize

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    10/11/2017 Duração: 16min

    Good Evening from Rob with Cowboy Wisdom: New books and showing people the way to expand facilitate and participate in their life extravaganza now and forever more... I now grasp the gallantry of explorer paradise the voyage deep into my innermost treasures realizing admiring respecting and admiring the treasures of me myself and I are everything I been searching for on the physical plane yet admitting the more I tried to lie of fitting into societies ways... Left me feeling dismayed until right now I avow my wow of willpower opening winners desire to experience my life voyaging through explorer paradise entices my warrior grit get and go to wonder through my day to day escapades with a adventurous ear to hear... My life expanding acumen excite my core wittemm of go get em trusting and thrusting my omnipotent moxie to understand willpower invigorates trailblazer trinities enthuses my maverick numen to understand I hear the invisible intuition of the unseen utopians trusting... My innermost clever champion

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    01/11/2017 Duração: 15min

    Good Evening From Rob with Cowboy Wisdom. I now realize trying to fit in with the crowd shredded my dreams? I now laundered my internal larcenists to feel I am internally cleaned cleansed and cleared to hear my seers of listened lore and… Communicating savvy to understand I listen as the student speak as the teacher express poetic prophesies to expand the elegance… Of people as I feel and witness I walk of wisdom to show the world I walk my wisdom throughout my daily escapades showing the way… To play in universe playground of plush lush prosperity that begins within me ascends to the world for all to enjoy as I now laundered… My larcenist of political correctness to rumba with my heaven on earth revelations to expand animated resplendence today hallowing life as … Listened inspirational farsighted enlightenment to feel the heat of my internal illuminated literacy to speak my legacy lore for all to hear… As I grasp and admit I unfold the bold with me laundered my internal larcenists within me because I

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    27/10/2017 Duração: 15min

    Good Evening from Rob with Cowboy Wisdom tonight I talk experiencing life of inspiration. I now admire and respect I have expanded beyond thinking to feel inspiration energize my inner seascapes of stupendous splendor as I now respect and admire sensing inspiration within me to experience feeling inspiration as my inner new sassy prowess invigorating revolutionary animated trailblazer intuition optimizes numen feelings turns on my electric emotions power up my dreamers desires illuminates my dreamers  epiphanies scintillating inlightenmint reveres enterprising sapience to understand life never was to be lived in through thinking life is to be experience through inspiration that stimulates the images of my desired accomplishments on my subconscious landscape with pristine scenery of sovereign splendor    

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