Cowboy Wisdom Radio
- Autor: Vários
- Narrador: Vários
- Editora: Podcast
- Duração: 283:57:00
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Cowboy Wisdom Radio is about expanding your wisdom promoting and energizing wealth and success in people to experience their desired life.
Cowboy Wisdom Radio
03/05/2017 Duração: 15minGood Day I am Rob with Cowboy Wisdom speaking about inlightenmint exciting my nectars of visionary brightmint that show the sweet tangy insight deep with in me feeling my veins of stately signficance expressing my inspirational innovations to theo world. I now grasp respect admire and get my turned on lights of inlightenmint embraces my racy internal nirvana lore instigating gallant head honcho temerity emboldens nirvana magnificence invigorates natural talent expresses brightened bodhi inspiring my desires to light a fire in me myself and I my belly that turns my knees to jelly feeling my rebellious hell raiser excite my maverick moxie to ride my trails of pacesetter poise cutting out all societal naysayer noise now and forever as I asked me… How does physical world invoke my memories to control my life? I asked me… How does my physical world control my life through activating memories that controls my thinking creates day to day life? Unlocked my new imagewise splendor that unleashed my subconscious insp
Cowboy Wisdom Radio
28/04/2017 Duração: 15minRob with Cowboy Wisdom talks about experiencing the courage to understand respect and admire my energy of excitement to expand through life. I minted my mystical ado sets free my animated dreamers omnificence to rumba with revolutionary resplendence because my travana trendsetter revolutionary visionary atistry frees my heart of humilty and soul of savvy to energize the entrepreneurs of the world now and forever... I now feel my mystical I am lust of listening unconditionally seeing today I thrust of trust feeling my energy of excitement to unleash my travana of traveling revolutionary visionary artist painting the worldly landscape with portraits of... My copious cornucopia sensing life as an animated adventure feeling my minted mystical enlightenmint tasting the sweet mint sensations of my inner voyage walking on my physical paths of life realizing admitting and admire my minted enlightenmint.. That I partake in the fake of bake of thinking allowed my daily escapades to be lived through memories of ye
Cowboy Wisdom Radio
26/04/2017 Duração: 15minRob with Cowboy WIsdom talks about lights of enlightenmint? Lights of Enlightenmint I now feel admire and respect my lights of enlightenmint within me myself and I I now understand expansionism is a curiosity of what’s new for me from inner most maestro of my outré nouvelle vogue nirvana style stouthearted trailblazing yeasayer lore turned on my lights of enlightenment luminnates my leader influences excites my luminnate heart beams soul splendor through the universe lionizing unexplainable mystical intuition naturally navigated animated trails enriching my inspirational expressions to arise from deep within my frontrunner imagination beams my lighted enlightenmint minted my pacesetter prowess to pay my way through the swamps of sabotage within my thinking apparatuses that I allowed to steal my dreams desires and desired accomplished outcomes because I feel my enlightenmint
Cowboy Wisdom Radio
21/04/2017 Duração: 15minRob with Cowboy Wisdom about how he taught himself to be okay with loosing because the feeling of winning scared me. I just awoken to this new wisdom and internal intuition. How did I teach myself to think I lost in my gambles of entrepreneurship? I now admit get and respect losing and failure are fallacies of fear and what other people think was me being lost tossed and bossed by my tory memories are gone like yesterdays dawn spawning my seeds of serendipitous epiphanies enterprising dreamers savvy to understand my I cultivate my inner garden realizing the greenest grass in the universe is inside me sets me free to enjoy life as my animated adventure into the wilderness of me myself and I as fly away today to enjoy the treasure trove me now and forever more Thank You and I Love You
Cowboy Wisdom Radio
19/04/2017 Duração: 15minGood Evening Rob with Cowboy Wisdom talks about how the grass in the neighbors yards looks good yet covers up the potholes and weeds. I now realize admit admire and respect the grass is never greener on the other side of the fence because I only see the green grass as I now understand the green grass covers up the weeds and blemishes of the landscape hidden inside the grass as I now release dissolve and let go of the crass of the grass is greener on the other side of the fence instantly opens my gate of innate potentate prowess that wows me myself and I to fly feeling love yazzajazz my life lionizing intuitive foresight everyday as I play on fields of plush prosperity today and everyday in every way under grace of embraced Love and Appreciation now and forever more
Cowboy Wisdom Radio
07/04/2017 Duração: 15minRob with Cowboy Wisdom admits I taught myself everything good bad or indifferent? How did I teach myself to blame rather than be responsible and accountable. I asked me… How did I teach myself all negativity? I now realize admit and heed I taught myself negativity by trying to fit with society and their ways through hearing this from from people I looked up to what will people think of me was my self taught WMD’s internal weapons of mass delusions because I now admit get and understand I taught myself all negativity because I tried to fit in was dim way to live I now concede the need to fit in with anything opens my intuitive eyes to see the world as my treasure troves of everything desire lights my fire of farsighted innovative resplendence energizing my entrepreneurial spirit shines my light of enterprising enlightenment to enjoy my life lionizing my heart and soul to love and appreciate all phases of my amazing life now and forever
Cowboy Wisdom Radio
05/04/2017 Duração: 15minRob with Cowboy Wisdom talks about ingraing being a victim through outside sources. I asked me… How does my self taught fears control my life? Instantly prompted my new understanding fear creates victimitice crapeyetice that gave me a shitty outlook on life was a way I moped through life play dope on rope with outside sources pulling... The strings on my thinking memories and thought keeping tied in the maligned inanities of life thinking life was profanely vain to me was my freeing decrees that unconstrained my champion campaigner excites my fame and fortune explorer to understand my pacesetter prowess is my ticket to my Promised Land of Plush Prosperity to forever feel my outré sovereignty feeling beyond all my human haunts and thinking memory mind dissolve all my dark farces... Because I now recognize all worrywart retorts were self inflicted insecurities that I developed over my lifetime because my memory mind multiplied the lies of my self-ingrained horror stories that locked me into the incomplete ev
Cowboy Wisdom Radio
31/03/2017 Duração: 15minTonight Rob with Cowboy Wisdom talks about how I taught myself fear? I now realize admit and admire the wild wilderness within me is where my wisdom innovation inspiration intuition and trendsetter talent to overcome my fears is by showing me... I encompass the gut gallantry to look my fears in the eye hearing the sacred savvy that hides inside my human haunts that are my fears controlling life went away today... I asked me… How is war ancestral fears kept me and all people in retaliatory strike back with violence mindset? I now realize was stuck within all my minds binded in a sabotaging scared to understand adversity and controversy opens intuitive versatility. That opens heart temerity with stalwart soul gut gallantry allows me myself and I unsheathes my visionary valor to walk of wisdom with core audacity to stop anddissolve trying to heal my life that kept me and the world stifled in the past... That stopped existing since the beginning of time because instantly opened my ardor acumen to grasp conc
Cowboy Wisdom Radio
29/03/2017 Duração: 16minGood Evening Rob with my Cowboy Wisdom talks about all my inner abilites with empowered brainpower and brainprowess. I unleashed my brainpower entrusting my brainprowess opened my new wave of wisdom to understand when I think I’m stuck in limitations because I have ingrained opinions of I must know was my whoa of my desired life... Because I now I grasp admire and respect my brainpower of conceiving new wizardry to birth the genius of my revered brilliance lightning bolts my brainprowess unlocks my willpower to admit admire and respect... I never taught myself to trust my brainprowess and to stop talking about head and begin engaging my brains fame of farseeing animate magical enterprising wizardry... Because my newfound expansionism in side me is inspirational intuitive innovator of unfathomable utopia of utopian trailblazing omnipotent powers invigorating adventurers audacity to admit admire and respect the brain is an organ of the body...
Cowboy Wisdom Radio
24/03/2017 Duração: 15minRob with Cowboy Wisdom and Walk of Wisdom webinars expands you through life with feeling of omnific foresight forever more I stopped seeing the darkness of yesteryear because I instantly opened my eyes to the light of today trendsetting omnific dreamers audacity yazzapizzazzes my visionary veracity to feel internally ecstatic with emotions of innerprising intuition energizes my innovative talent sanctions me myself and I to witness my awesome accomplished outcomes of received mammoth money streams now and forever I now grasp admit admire and respect my day to day life escapades execute the experiences that show me my trailblazer talent to understand I encompass wisdom inspiration intuition and innovation to expand of my dreams desires accomplished outcomes and mammoth money flow to live life my way feeling my glorious gusto internally externally and eternally
Cowboy Wisdom Radio
21/03/2017 Duração: 15minTonight Rob talks about unleashing my heart smile soul grin and gut gratitude to the world for all to enjoy I energize my innerwise to kiss my life with internal gratitude beaming a gracious appreciation to my physical plane sensualizing my eternal playground with embraced love and appreciation for all my life events and for blessing me with excellent parents... That I was to hardheaded to admit get and admire how wise they were and are now avows my new aware vibrancy to understand admire and respect I never ever had a past because I experience a present moment with memories words and images of events... Of my life cleared me ears to hear my unexplainable sages to see my paths of prosperous percipience to understand get and admit the memories of events controls my way of life today opened the way for me to feel hear and respect new wisdom and grit from within me sets me from the history horrors of my life now and forever more I soar... Thank you I Love you and I love and appreciate all
Cowboy Wisdom Radio
16/03/2017 Duração: 15minRob talks about his childhood and the ridicule from his childhood still affects his life today? Rob opens up how ridicule and trying to fit into with others was fear in the mind and being scared in the gut caused a low self-esteem. I now realize concede and heed my past is my present because I memorized and remember my past because I remember all the resentment and shame of unsavory events more than the blessed as I was unwilling to understand admit and get the same resentful events are occurring now because pain and suffering is what I taught me myself and I and was taught to me through ageless arrogance of being compared to others that silently stole my self-esteem I see today... As I now admit I spent time trying to heal the past that never existed as I now grasp respect and admire I experience and live a continuous now that avows the wow of me frees me caring about what nagging naysayers say about me because I now am pleased and at inner ease as long as they are talking about me the rest of the world i
Cowboy Wisdom Radio
14/03/2017 Duração: 16minRob with Cowboy Wisdom talks about how the past is memories of the now controlling peoples lives. I bodaciously blew through my know it all ceiling because I dissolve let go and released all my torturous thoughts worrywart thinking and memories that paralyze me because I was taught thoughts now as I expand of inspirational expressions sassily sanctions me myself and I to understand admire and respect I can have tortuous thoughts so I asked me… How do I feel when I say inspirational expressions? Unlock a cocky candor of surrendering think know mind change heal create transformation heal and past to my fires of never more are these words used spoken or part of life unseals my visionary vocabulary of inspirational expressions brainpower feeling emotions expand energize enterprise that execute experiences of glorious gusto because I now realize negative cause hurt feelings and agonizing emotions were dispatched to oblivion allows me to understand I unlatched all words attached... To the past opened a new wave
Cowboy Wisdom Radio
09/03/2017 Duração: 15minRob with Cowboy Wisdom talks about being able to express love and apprecation openly... This is new expansionism of inside me I freed my human haunts... I now understand my gifts of grandeur is never ever the outcome it is voyage of dissolving my self taught human haunts that I embedded from trying to fit in to the silent societies poverty conscious ways went away today as I now grasp respect and admire my paths of success are covered with stones of boneheaded cloned conditioning that kept me bitching about everything and everything in my life was somebodies else fault is the cult of the secret societies blemished BS went down The drain instantly freed me from all my self-inflicted pain as I witnessed my lightning bolt of bold instantly opened my autonomous arteries of sovereignty to understand admire and respect me myself and I to love and appreciate me myself and I to love and appreciate all people all my life events opened my heart of received tranquility and a soul of unselfishly giving with gut gallan
Cowboy Wisdom Radio
08/03/2017 Duração: 15minExpanding Beyond My Know It All Ceiling I asked me… How is political correctness my subconscious limitations? As I now am aware of my feelings and emotions open my brainpowers amble down my paths of perspicacity grasping my vagagone opens my visionary august galvanizes amazing gut omnificence naturalizes everyday life to either expand me or stagnate me myself and I because I now understand the secret silent system teaches impoverished pity me deceptions through a system of having to be perfect and know... I asked me… How is punctuation political correctness hidden mind control? I now understand the when I want people to think and live my way as I punctuate my writings and expressions people activate their encoded imagery and self-taught stuff to stay inside their comfort zone using modus operandi comprehensions of what is written or spoken to do what they have always lived went away now avowing the wow of understand reading writing and listening free of punctuated innuendos intended for me to think like the
Cowboy Wisdom Radio
03/03/2017 Duração: 15minGood Evening I am talking about being blocked by friends family and corporate cloning. I will never ever lead my friends because the have me bottled up inside their limitations beliefs and viewpoints allows me to grasp my grit get and go of parading dreamers dexterity through the world to feel the love of new friends that have the red hot burning desire to expand through life of feeling aware of the dare of their dreamers entrepreneur baring the cowboy up backbone to ride the bucking horse of life realizing I well get bucked off unblocks cowboy heart to understand challenge is bucking horse of the year unlashing my yearning to be my All Round Champion of my dreams desires and affluent accomplished outcomes unconstrained my rancher resolve to understand my pastures of lush green grass gleaming of money is through the badlands of BS I embedded inside me through life drama and trauma I created through self taught taunts of selfish sabotage thinking the world owed me a living and wealth was I a lie I lived until
Cowboy Wisdom Radio
01/03/2017 Duração: 15minHow did I allow my anger and arrogance control my life with selfish strive created my pity me palaver paralyzing me in shame of my past? Dissolving Pleasing Others, Dissolving Pleasing Others dissolves childhood blocks freeing you… Instantly opened my core ardor that unshelled my inner rancor of letdown myself lechery that caused me myself and I to resentfully…. Rake me myself and I over the coals of worrywart wimpapathy created innermost scaredy cat sorties caused my internal wars of pity me… Prattle the rattled my cage of life is calamity was a sham of shame I played out in doubter mind that binded in me myself and I… In my I am always right arrogant mind enflamed with tumultuous thoughts of I’m better than others was my smothering me… Myself and I kept me seeing my life on my wall of shame that I built with blamers baloney stone of cloned conditioning that itched… My belly aching bitching about everything happening in my life transformed my thinking and thoughts into
Cowboy Wisdom Radio
24/02/2017 Duração: 16minRobert talks letting go of being stuck in the mind opening my eyes to my innersurprising savvy to understand the power of aware over mind. As I ask me... How does being in the mind bind me in yesterday and memories that lock and block me in shame? How does shame lead to blame. Blame is being lousy at managing everything. Aware opens farseeing feelings and emotions of enterpising prowess to wow me to wow the world.
Cowboy Wisdom Radio
22/02/2017 Duração: 15minRobert with Cowboy Wisdom talks about expanding out of thinking to expand of understanding and being aware of the dare of life. Opens the door of confident ardor to soar through my veins of visionary veracity energizing potentate prowess. Allows me to expand of internal fortitude that clears the way for me to be free of yesterdays thinking.
Cowboy Wisdom Radio
17/02/2017 Duração: 15minRobert with Cowboy Wisdom talks about how do I deceive me myself and I? Through beliefs mindsets and stuck in my day to day thinking. I brashly asked me this question… Do I have past or ingrained imprints activated in the now? Promptly my sassy soul asked how is history taught for control? How do I allow my past to be my history stealing my dreams? Unclogged my state of the art awesomeness to say the hell with history good bye to my past… So now I am in the fast lane of fame with my financial fortunes riding shotgun so let fun in the sun begin because I won my game of letting go cleaning my inner scene polishing… My pristine visionary vitality to shine my divine light so bright people are wearing space shields yielding to me their bows of wow as I am the teacher of my journey master on my destiny… because I am the superstar student televising my astounding prudence to walk-n-wisdom to expand in my continuous now So now this question popped right up… Who says I have to a have past? Instantly who says I h