Penelope Bridges' Podcast
- Autor: Podcast
- Narrador: Podcast
- Editora: Podcast
- Duração: 11:52:07
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Come out of the shadows
21/03/2011 Duração: 11minSermon for the second Sunday in Lent, March 20, 2011 preached at St. Francis Episcopal Church, Great Falls, Virginia by the Rev. Penelope Bridges. Gospel is John 3:1-21. Intellectual property of Penelope Bridges.
The Desert and the Garden
14/03/2011 Duração: 11minSermon preached on the first Sunday in Lent, March 13 2011, at St. Francis Episcopal Church, Great Falls, Virginia, by Penelope M. Bridges. Gospel is Matthew 4. Intellectial property of Penelope Bridges.
08/03/2011 Duração: 09minSermon on the last Sunday after Epiphany, March 6, 2011, preached by Penelope Bridges at St. Francis Episcopal Church, Great Falls, Virginia. Gospel is Matthew 17:1-9, the Transfiguration. Intellectual property of Penelope Bridges.
In spite of ourselves
22/02/2011 Duração: 07minSermon preached on the seventh Sunday after Epiphany, February 20 2011, at St. Francis Episcopal Church, Great Falls, Virginia, by the Very Reverend Penelope Bridges. Gospel is Matthew 5:38-48, "Love your enemies".
Infants in Christ
14/02/2011 Duração: 06minSermon preached by Patricia Sexton at St. Francis Episcopal Church, Great Falls, Virginia, on February 13, 2011 (6 Epiphany). Intellectual property of Patricia Sexton.
Salt and Light
08/02/2011 Duração: 12minSermon preached on February 6, 2011 at St. Francis Episcopal Church, Great Falls, Virginia, by the Very Rev. Penelope Bridges, rector. Intellectual property of Penelope Bridges. The Rev. Dana Buchanan read the Gospel, one day after she was ordained as a vocational deacon.
Put your Nets down and follow me
24/01/2011 Duração: 14minSermon for the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany, preached at St. Francis Episcopal Church, Great Falls, VA on January 23, 2011 by the Rev. Penelope Bridges. Intellectual property of Penelope Bridges. Occasion is the annual parish meeting. Gospel is Matthew 4:12-23.
"This little light of mine"
11/01/2011 Duração: 10minSermon for the Baptism of Christ, first Sunday after the Epiphany, preached at St. Francis Episcopal Church, Great Falls, VA, on January 9 2011 by Penelope Bridges. Intellectual property of Penelope Bridges.
The Power of Goodness
22/12/2010 Duração: 08minSermon for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, preached at St. Francis Episcopal Church, Great Falls, Virginia, on December 19, 2010 by the Rev. Penelope Bridges. Intellectual property of Penelope Bridges.
Advent and the Love of God
16/12/2010 Duração: 14minSermon for the third Sunday of Advent, preached by the Rev. William Myers on December 19, 2010 at St. Francis Episcopal Church, Great Falls, Virginia. Gospel is Matthew 11:2-11. Intellectual property of William F. Myers.
Advent Repentance
06/12/2010 Duração: 11minSermon for the Second Sunday of Advent, preached on December 5, 2010 at St. Francis Episcopal Church, Great Falls, Virginia, by Penelope Bridges. Gospel is Matthew 3:1-12. Intellectual property of Penelope Bridges.
"Advent Beginnings"
01/12/2010 Duração: 07minSermon preached by Patricia Sexton at St. Francis Episcopal Church, Great Falls, Virginia, on the First Sunday of Advent, November 28, 2010. Gospel is Matthew 24:36-44. Intellectual property of Patricia Sexton.
A Strange Kind of King
22/11/2010 Duração: 11minSermon for Christ the King Sunday, preached on November 21, 2010 at St. Francis Episcopal Church, Great Falls, Virginia, by Penelope Bridges. Intellectual property of Penelope Bridges. Jeremiah 23:1-6 and Luke 23:33-43.
Leaning forward with the Saints
09/11/2010 Duração: 10minSermon for All Saints Sunday, November 7, 2010, preached at St. Francis Episcopal Church, Great Falls, Virginia, by the Very Rev. Penelope Bridges. Intellectual property of Penelope Bridges.
Give till it hurts
01/11/2010 Duração: 10minSermon for the 23rd Sunday after Pentecost, October 31, 2010, preached at St. Francis Episcopal Church, Great Falls, Virginia, by Dr. Charles Jackson. Intellectual propoerty of Charles B. Jackson MD.
The Two Candidates
25/10/2010 Duração: 07minSermon for October 24, 2010, Pentecost 22, preached by Penelope Bridges at St. Francis Episcopal Church, Great Falls, Virginia. Intellectual property of Penelope Bridges. Quoted poem may be found in The Hymnal 1982, #469. Gospel reading is Luke 18:9-14.
"You cannot serve God and Wealth (without being interrupted)"
20/09/2010 Duração: 08minSermon preached by Penelope Bridges and John Lowe on September 19, 2010 at St. Francis Episcopal Church, Great Falls, Virginia. Gospel is Luke 16:1-3. Intellectual property of Penelope M. Bridges and John Lowe.
"Look before you Leap"
05/09/2010 Duração: 10minSermon preached by the Very Rev. Penelope Bridges at St. Francis Episcopal Church, Great Falls, Virginia, on September 5, 2010. Gospel reading is Luke 14:25-33. Intellectual property of Penelope M. Bridges
Love: It's what makes a Christian, a Christian
30/08/2010 Duração: 12minSermon preached by Penelope Bridges at St. Francis Episcopal Church, Great Falls, Virginia, on August 29 2010. Texts are Luke 14 and 1 Corinthians 13. Intellectual property of Penelope M. Bridges
Love ... it's what makes a Christian, a Christian
30/08/2010 Duração: 12minSermon preached by Penelope Bridges at St. Francis Episcopal Church, Great Falls, Virginia, on August 29, 2010. Texts are Luke 14 and 1 Corinthians 13. Intellectual property of Penelope M. Bridges.