Saint Athanasius Lutheran Church
- Autor: Vários
- Narrador: Vários
- Editora: Podcast
- Duração: 105:16:02
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Saint Athanasius Lutheran Church in Vienna, Virginia is a parish in the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church and a member of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. Worship at St. Athanasius is according to the history Liturgy of the Church. Services at St. Athanasius are not designed for entertainment or sensation, but to prepare broken repentant sinners to receive these gifts of Word and Sacrament, and to know the truth of the incomparable riches of the grace showered on us by our gracious and loving Heavenly Father. In this weekly podcast, we present the sermons preached by our pastor, Reverend James Douthwaite.
Just Jesus
14/02/2021 Duração: 17minAnd suddenly, looking around, they no longer saw anyone with them but Jesus only. What a bummer, right? No more glory. No more Moses. No more Elijah. No more celestial conversation. No more cloud. No more voice. No more change that maybe, just maybe, they could stay there. Back to Jesus. Just Jesus. But this scene, the Transfiguration, shows us that Jesus is never plain old Jesus. Sure, He looked like any other first century Jew. But as we have heard this Epiphany season, He was anything but. He spoke with authority. He cast out demons. He healed diseases. The ordinary looking man was really quite extraordinary.
Jesus: Preacher of Life
07/02/2021 Duração: 16minIf Peter's house was where they were staying, it was quite the day. The whole city, Mark tells us, was gathered together at the door of their house that evening. All kinds of people, all kinds of diseases, all wanting to see Jesus, all wanting to be healed. Then, after a busy night and not much sleep, Jesus rises very early in the morning, Mark tells us, while it was still dark, to go pray. But when Peter and the others found Him, Jesus says: time to go. Which, at first seems terribly unfair to the folks in Capernaum -- those who didn't get in to see Jesus for healing that night, but probably showed up early that next morning. So why some and not others? Why them and not us?
Set Free by Jesus
31/01/2021 Duração: 15minThere was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit. Until Jesus came along... The great physician of body and soul. The unclean spirit knew it. It knew who Jesus was and what Jesus could do. The people in the synagogue that day were amazed, but the unclean spirit was terrified at being in the presence of the Lord of hosts. The Lord of all creation, in a little synagogue, in a little city, in a little country, with people of little account. Not where you'd expect to find God. Yet there He was. Teaching them. Now, Mark doesn't tell us what Jesus preached in the synagogue that day. But I'll bet it was this very topic -- that He has come to set us free.
For a Home and Care For All
24/01/2021 Duração: 17minStay awake! Jesus told His disciples. It's hard to stay awake alone. Coffee makes it easier. So does knowing how long you have to stay awake. But the disciples had neither of those things. There is no such thing as spiritual caffeine. So our Lord sets servants over His households, His Churches, to feed them, care for them, and watch. And one of those servants was Timothy. He was of the second generation of Christians, after the apostles, but the first generation of pastors who would care for the church after them. Sources say that Timothy was martyred in the year 97. But we're not commemorating Timothy the martyr today, but Timothy, the Pastor and Confessor.
What Is the Good Life?
17/01/2021 Duração: 17minWe have many challenges facing us today. From conquering COVID, to our fractured political system, to rogue nations, to the challenges in your own lives and families. But I would say there is one challenge that is above all others, that really drives all the others, and that is to know what is good. Last week, we heard of something good -- creation. But this is something we do not agree on today. The godless philosophy of our world says this world is neither created nor good. This week, we heard that word good again, but in a very different way, a more modern way. Philip came up to his friend Nathanael and told him, We have found him of whom Moses in the Law and also the prophets wrote!
Nothing Changed, but Everything Changed
10/01/2021 Duração: 17minSo it seemed that when Jesus stepped into and then out of the Jordan that day, not much changed. It didn't really make much difference. Oh, it was cool! The heavens opening, a dove descending on Him -- don't see that every day! -- and then a voice from heaven, "You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased." But for Joe the plumber, Simeon the shepherd, Miriam the mother, when the heavens closed back up, the dove flew away, and the voice stopped echoing, it was back to the same ol', same ol'. And yet at that moment, everything changed.
What Makes Wise Men Wise
03/01/2021 Duração: 17minThere is a saying that is used quite a bit these days... What did he know and when did he know it? Well I'd like to kinda, sorta, apply that to the Wise Men, as we think about them a bit today. To help us think about how the Lord epiphanied, or made Himself known, to them. So many questions the Wise Men must have had as they started on their journey. They are the same questions we must have of God, if all we can know of Him is from what we can see. When we see beauty and stillness, we see a friendly God. When we see power and destruction, we see a fearsome God. Which of these is the true God? Nature cannot tell us that. It takes an epiphany to tell us that.
Move on from Christmas? Never!
27/12/2020 Duração: 18minThe world can't wait for Christmas to get here, but once it does, it moves on quickly to the next thing. Which is too bad. But not so the Church. And not only because our Christmas celebration lasts for the twelve days of the Christmas season, but because the Church never moves on from Christmas. Becasue the Word who become flesh, as we heard and rejoiced in two days ago, still is. And always will be. This is who Jesus, our Saviour, now is -- God and man in one person, united for eternity.
20/12/2020 Duração: 15minLet it be to me according to your word. Mary said that. In response to the word spoken to her by the angel Gabriel. But Gabriel's word was really God's Word. And God's Word not just spoken then and there, but the Word that had been spoken from the beginning. All was now being fulfilled. Here. In this most unlikely place, Nazareth, with this most unlikely person, Mary, a virgin, and in this most unlikely way. But nothing is impossible with God. And so it is. So in this year that was so unlike any other in recent memory... maybe this was a year perfect for God to do His unlikely work in unlikely ways. Again. For nothing is impossible with God.
The Prophet of Joy
13/12/2020 Duração: 15minJohn the Baptist, the prophet of... joy! Bet you didn't see that coming. Joy is not what we often associate with John. He is the fiery preacher of repentance. Most pictures of John show him very serious and stern. So what joy, what relief, these words bring! I forgive you. That is why John was baptizing. To give this joy. No, you cannot always rejoice at what is happening in the world and what is happening in your life, but you can always rejoice in who you are: a forgiven child of God. That's why Christmas, after all. Jesus was born into our life here, so that we might be born again into His life there. That was John's joy. That is our joy. And so we rejoice, always.
Where Were You?
06/12/2020 Duração: 18minThere are moments that change our lives in an instant, in a heartbeat. That cause our hearts to skip a beat, still, even many years later, just thinking about them. Things that leave a deep impression. That leave us shocked and saddened. That define eras and generations. Where were you? What were you doing? The more important answer to that question, though, isn't where you were, but what you did next. And for us, as Christians, to that question, there should be only one answer: we repented.
Our Journey Home
29/11/2020 Duração: 16minToday, we're again starting on a journey. Through a new church year. And the Holy Gospel we always hear on this day tells us where we're going. For if you're going on a journey, you need to know where you're going. So today is our map or GPS. And where we're headed is Jerusalem and the cross of Jesus. That is our destination, for that was Jesus' destination. And as disciples, or followers, of Jesus, we will follow Him there. So this season of Advent isn't really getting ready for Christmas -- that's just our first stop along the way. The birth of Jesus on our way to the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Blessed Are All Who Take Refuge in Him
22/11/2020 Duração: 15minTwo weeks ago we heard of the wise virgins and the foolish virgins, waiting for the Bridegroom to come. Last week we heard of the joyful servants and the fearful servant, waiting for their master to return. Today it is sheep and goats. The third and final teaching of Jesus about the Last Day. The sheep to inherit the kingdom prepared for them from the foundation of the world. The goats to go into the eternal fire prepared not for them, but for the devil and his angels. All depends on the Son. All depends on being in the Good Shepherd's flock.
The Joy of the Lord, Forever and NOW
15/11/2020 Duração: 17minJoy and sadness. Joy for some, sadness for others. So it is in the parable we heard today, and so it will be in the parable we will hear next week. Joy for some, sadness for others. And what makes all the difference, what always makes all the difference, is faith. And so the Parable today. The Parable of the Talents, it's often called. But this parable is not about the money. With God, it's never about the money. Money is nothing to God. But for the Lord for whom money matters not, not one little bit, this parable is about the joy of the master -- the joy he wants to give his servants.
Encourage One Another while Waiting for the Bridegroom
08/11/2020 Duração: 16minNeed a little encouragement these days? Who doesn't! With the pandemic dragging on and perhaps spiking again. With an election that has again revealed the polarization in our country that shows no signes of improving. And maybe with the struggles in your life that are dragging on, that can so easily discourage, with no end in sight. Therefore encourage one another with these words, St. Paul said. That's why God put you here. That you would not be alone. That you would have fellow believers to encourage you, and for you to encourage them. For it is not good to be alone.
Blessed Are You
01/11/2020 Duração: 15minDon't think of your faith in Christ like the volume control on your TV or smartphone. It is more like an on/off switch. Either you have it or you don't. And if you do, then you are blessed and have all that faith receives -- all the gifts of God. Now, it's true that somedays your faith may be weak. And there are other days when it's turn up to ten. But the gifts of God do not depend on where your faith is on that scale. There is no minimal volume that you must be at. Whether you're having a good day or a bad day, God is giving and blessing. Because of who He is. And He won't stop.
The Freedom of a Christian
25/10/2020 Duração: 20minThree years ago, the world celebrated the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. It was a big deal. As I said, the world celebrated it, not just the church. That was three years ago. This year, not much going on, as far as I've heard. But I would argue that this year, 2020, the 500th anniversary of the year 1520, is far more important than 2017. For while 1517 and the 95 Theses get all the press for getting the Reformation started, they really weren't that theologically important. What came later was. And what came later was 1520, the year Luther wrote his three great treatises.
Physician, Evangelist, Saint
18/10/2020 Duração: 17minSaint Luke. We're commemorating him today. Saint Luke the Evangelist. If Luke was one of the 72 sent out by Jesus that we heard about today, then he was an evangelist twice over -- first by mouth and second by pen. Physician of the body who became a physician of the soul. Or, if you like, he became a physician of the body of Christ. Penning not only the Gospel that bears his name, but the continuation of his Gospel, the book of Acts. For Saint Luke, as a physician of the body, knew the human body and cared for it. And it is the bodily that especially comes out in his Gospel.
A Feast Now and Forever
11/10/2020 Duração: 17minThe kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son... When you hear words such as that, about the kingdom of heaven, your thoughts perhaps immediately go to the future. To the second coming of Christ. But that would be a mistake. Because what we need to realize and remember is that the kingdom of heaven is not just a future hope or dream -- the kingdom of heaven is already here and now. For wherever the King is, there is His Kingdom; there He is ruling for the good of His people.
The Grapes of Wrath?
04/10/2020 Duração: 16minThe master of the house, the man who planted the vineyard in today's parable is not God. For the man in the parable is the poster child for what a fool looks like, and the very definition of insanity -- doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. And God is neither insane nor a fool. And yet what the mad did is what God did. For God did sent His servants, the prophets, to His people time and time again. And then God sent His Son. And while the man in the parable thought that perhaps things would be different with his son... here's how God is different than the man in the parable -- God knew the result would be the same.