Sheikh Musleh Khan, born in Medina Saudi Arabia is currently serving as one of North Americas youngest Imams at the renowned Sakinah Community Center in Toronto, Canada. He is also the host of Ask Musleh, which is a never ending online video series devoted to answering Islams most frequently asked questions in a practical and simplified manner.He has completed a decade of intensive studies at the University of Medina along side some of Islams most prominent scholars. In 10 years, Sheikh Musleh has acquired a broad understanding of various Islamic sciences making him one of Torontos most active Islamic advisers.He is well-known for his unique analysis of Quranic text along with his wisdom in simplifying some of Islams most complicated matters.
Family Life #4
19/05/2020 Duração: 23minGratitude towards Parents Sura Luqman V: 14 The second piece of advice Luqman (a.s) towards his son. How gratitude towards parents helps children and young adults love increase love towards them. All found in this beautiful ayat. Enjoy.
Family Life #2
18/05/2020 Duração: 31minNavigating Conflict with Family. Based on verses 43-47 of Sura Maryam. A unique analysis on resolving and avoiding conflict between Parents and Children.
Family Life #1
18/05/2020 Duração: 19minA brand new Ramadan 2020 series on Life with Children. Each day, a short reflection on the challenges and blessings living with children. Even if your not a parent, this series is still relevant and beneficial to you, Inshallah. Enjoy!