Rewired Radio

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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From sobriety to self care, Rewired Radio will explore the power of incorporating authenticity, gratitude, and compassion into our lives. Wherever you are on your wellness journey, Rewired Radio will provide you with the tips, tools, support, and inspiration you'll need to help you grow and evolve.


  • Encore Episode: Transformation vs. Rehabilitation


    In the quest to curb addiction, we often forget that true freedom from addiction means more than just rehabilitation, it means transformation.People who enter rehab for an addition are focused on getting control over destructive behavior. In the quest to curb addiction, we often forget that true freedom from addiction means more than just rehabilitation, it means transformation.Organifi. Save 20% NOW!Use code REWIRED. Click here to order. Marty Angelo has experienced true transformation while staring down addiction. After being arrested in 1980 for cocaine possession, Marty experienced a new beginning that has shaped every move he’s made since then. He shares his story and why transformation is the key to sobriety. Visit and use discount code “rewired” to receive 20% off your order!!

  • Encore Episode: Making REAL Connections in the Digital Age


    How can we cultivate meaningful relationships that enrich our lives?In a world where it’s easy to pick up thousands of friends and followers from all around the world, how can we cultivate meaningful relationships that enrich our lives? Lori Hader is a leading expert in the field of transformational work, mindfulness, and self-love. Lori joins host Erica Spiegelman to explore ways to break through the online world and make real-life connections, and discuss the physical, mental, and emotional benefits of having a strong circle.

  • Encore Episode: Shattering Stereotypes


    Writing doesn't have to conform to stereotypical expectations.When you imagine a top-notch detective who can outsmart criminal masterminds, do you imagine a man or a woman? The world of thriller fiction predominantly features alpha male characters, but author K.J. Howe is rewriting the rule book. Her protagonist is a strong female operative... who happens to have type-1 diabetes. K.J. joins host Erica Spiegelman to discuss why it’s so important for books to feature characters who don’t conform to people’s expectations. She explains how she shatters stereotypes in her own life as an avid traveler and an expert on the murky world of kidnap-and-ransom.

  • Encore Episode: Putting Your Money to Work


    Talking about money can be really difficult and can bring about feelings of fear and shame. It doesn’t have to be that way.Talking about money can be really difficult and can bring about feelings of fear and shame. It doesn’t have to be that way. Brittney Castro is the founder and CEO of Financially Wise Women, a Los Angeles-based financial planning firm whose mission is to teach women and couples the art of managing their money the fun and simple way. Brittney shares how her casual and compassionate approach is the key to helping her clients live the life of their dreams.

  • Encore Episode: Eating without Labels


    When it comes to food, labels are a big deal.When it comes to food, labels are a big deal. Whether we’re labeling ourselves as vegans, vegetarians, and omnivores, or examining nutrition labels to make sure we’re eating the “right” food, all of these labels have made it hard for us to actually enjoy the important practice of nourishing ourselves. Swami Nathan is the founder and CEO of the Amazing Protein Company, whose motto is “Better food for a better world.” Swami discusses how moving beyond labels is the key to true nourishment of our bodies, minds, and souls.

  • Encore Episode: Overcoming Opioid Addiction


    Twenty years into the opioid epidemic, only one in five of the 2.4 million Americans with opioid use disorder (OUD) receive treatment.Twenty years into the opioid epidemic, only one in five of the 2.4 million Americans with opioid use disorder (OUD) receive treatment, and less than half of them receive effective, evidence-based treatment. Dr. Adam Bisaga is an addiction psychiatrist, clinician, researcher, and professor of psychiatry at Columbia University and the author of Overcoming Opioid Addiction. Dr. Bisaga discusses why opioid use disorder is different from other types of addiction -- and therefore requires different treatment -- as well as why it should be treated as a medical rather than a criminal problem.He also explains what adopting a system of medication-assisted treatment would mean for us as a society.

  • Encore Episode: The Personality Triangle


    We all want to be liked, but what do you do when -- despite your best efforts and intentions -- someone just doesn’t like you?We all want to be liked, but what do you do when -- despite your best efforts and intentions -- someone just doesn’t like you? It’s not an easy situation to manage, but Personal Development Expert Bizzie Gold has some answers. She joins host Erica Spiegelman to offer some insight into how we can navigate this dynamic. Bizzie explores how we can shift our communication style and the way we give and receive energy so that we can cultivate the relationships we want and live the life we were meant to live.

  • Encore Episode: The Recovery Community


    As we travel on our recovery journey, it becomes a big part of our identity. It’s what we are now.Successful recovery is about a personal transformation. One in which we enter a new world, cultivate new social connections, lose old habits and acquire new ones. As we travel on our journey, recovery becomes a big part of our identity. It’s what we are now. For many of us, our community centers on gatherings and places where recovery is the focus. Kurt Rasmussen discusses how he is working to build and support the recovery community by creating and maintaining digital tools that can facilitate connection.

  • Encore Episode: Conquering Fear and Building Resilience


    It’s in the moments where life takes a turn we don’t expect that we build up valuable coping skills.It’s great to be prepared, but everyone knows that very few things actually go according to plan. It’s in the moments where life takes a turn we don’t expect that we build up valuable coping skills, but it’s not always easy. Thomas J. Sims understands this well. As a young doctor in the military, he was unexpectedly deployed to serve as the only physician in a remote part of Alaska. Dr. Sims shares how he learned to overcome obstacles and explores how we can all cultivate a spirit of resilience and perseverance.

  • Encore Episode: Healing Power of Positive Words


    The words we use can affect every aspect of our lives -- including our physical health.Host Erica Spiegelman is a big believer in the power of positive affirmations. The words we use can affect every aspect of our lives -- including our physical health. Dr. Jeremy Howick is the Director of the Oxford University Empathy Center. In this episode, Dr. Howick shares what research has shown us about the relationship between positive words and healing, and how optimism can benefit patients recovering from illness.

  • Encore Episode: How to Develop Resilience


    Linda Graham, a psychotherapist and author of the book Resilience, explains how we can develop resilience in our brains.Resilience is the learned capacity to cope with any level of adversity, from a series of small annoyances to the struggles and sorrows that break our hearts. Resilience is essential for surviving and thriving in a world full of troubles and tragedies, and it is completely trainable and recoverable... when we know how. Linda Graham, a psychotherapist and author of the book Resilience, explains how we can develop resilience in our brains.

  • Encore Episode: Holistic Sobriety


    Chris Bevacqua shares his insights on how food and recovery go hand-in-hand.When you’re in recovery, most of your energy is focused on staying on track and building skills that can keep you on track, including skills that can help us develop healthy nutrition habits. Certified nutritionist and former addiction counselor Chris Bevacqua shares his insights on how food and recovery go hand-in-hand and how properly nourishing our bodies can have a positive impact on our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.Follow Chris on Instagram.

  • Encore Episode: The Pain Companion


    Sarah Anne Shockley share her story of living with chronic pain.Millions of adults experience some form of chronic pain, which can be physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausting and isolating. Sarah Anne Shockley joined the ranks of chronic pain sufferers after a work-related injury in 2007. She joins host Erica Spiegelman to share her story and explain what inspired her to write her book, The Pain Companion, which she hopes can serve as a guide to others who are on a journey of learning how to live with chronic pain.

  • Encore Episode: The Silent Epidemic


    The silent crisis many of us are unaware of is the fact that birth parents with addiction issues are often unable to raise their own childrenWe all know about the horrifying opioid crisis. But, the silent crisis many of us are unaware of is the fact that birth parents with addiction issues are often unable to raise their own children. In many cases--over 3,000 right now in this country--their parents are raising them. Dr. Andrew Adesman is the author of The Grandfamily Guidebook, which offers practical, inspiring tips and advice on how to cope with difficult birth parents, legal, financial, and medical issues, and most importantly, how to enjoy this gift of a new life of caring for babies and children... again!

  • Encore Episode: Keeping Your Brain Young


    Just as we take care of ourselves by exercising and eating right, it’s important that we consider how to keep our brains functioning at peak condition throughout our lives.Whether we like it or not, we’re all going to get older... and aging can have an impact on our bodies and our brains. Just as we take care of ourselves by exercising and eating right, it’s important that we consider how to keep our brains functioning at peak condition throughout our lives. Dr. Kristen Willeumier is a Los Angeles-based neuroscientist who has devoted her distinguished career towards researching the brain-body connection. She discusses how we can maintain our cognitive function as we age.

  • Encore Episode: Finding your Sober Compass


    When you’re on the road to recovery, it can be nice to have a guide who understands your unique needs.When you’re on the road to recovery, it can be nice to have a guide who understands your unique needs. Sam Epstein understands this better than most people. Sam works as a case manager who coordinates care for his client’s specific needs. He has also been in recovery since December 2013. He used his expertise, experience, and wisdom to find, which helps people find the best method and place for their own personal recovery. Sam shares his own journey and the ways that SoberCompass helps his clients. He also explains why staying healthy in all ways will help serve as your compass, guiding you to your purpose and passion in life.

  • Encore Episode: How Giving Back Enhances Our Lives


    An important part of a healthy life is being positively connected to the people and places that nourish your soul and spirit.When you’re working to build a healthier life for yourself, it’s natural to keep focused on your needs and the things that contribute to your overall wellness. But, an important part of a healthy life is being positively connected to the people and places that nourish your soul and spirit. John Berzner is a transformational coach who believes in the power of giving back to other people and to society. John discusses how you can create and nurture healthy connections and why being connected to others and caring about our planet are vital to physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

  • Encore Episode: Challenges of the Holiday Season


    It’s the most wonderful time of the year... or is it? The holiday season can be a real challenge.It’s the most wonderful time of the year... or is it? The holiday season can be a challenge for many of us. We’re bombarded with messages that this is a time for happiness, joy, and family bonding, but our lives don’t get put on hold once December starts. From worries about seeing family, to fretting that you won’t be able to resist the temptation of that food or drink at the office holiday party, we all have hurdles to face as the year winds down. Robyn Goldberg is a nutrition therapist and dietitian who helps her clients navigate challenges 365 days a year. Robyn discusses how the holidays can be rough and what you can do to experience the joy of of the season, wherever you are on your personal health and wellness journey.

  • Encore Episode: Recover Strong


    Recovery is a journey that can often feel difficult and lonely.Recovery is a journey that can often feel difficult and lonely. Without connecting to others in a supportive community, it’s easy to focus on what you’re doing wrong instead of celebrating your victories, both small and big.Get Your Greens without the Mess, Organifi Green Juice. Use code “rewired” at checkout to save 20%! - sponsor Jason Turner is the CEO and founder of Recover Strong, which seeks to infuse the pillars of commitment, connection, and community into addiction treatment. Jason shares his inspiring journey and what led him to understand that these pillars are essential to success in recovery and in life. Visit and use discount code “rewired” to receive 20% off your order!!

  • Encore Episode: How Food Can Heal Us


    So many of our conversations about food focus on what we shouldn’t be eating.So many of our conversations about food focus on what we shouldn’t be eating. But, the truth is that our bodies can be nourished and can thrive when we give ourselves the gift of good nutrition.Get Your Greens without the Mess, Organifi Green Juice. Use code “rewired” at checkout to save 20%! - sponsor Shanna Mota is a Holistic Nutritionist and Yoga teacher. She joins Erica to discuss her work building a community of people who know how to unlock the healing power of food. Visit and use discount code “rewired” to receive 20% off your order!!

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