A partial record of things heard, seen, and said from the first forty.
First Forty 1986-03-07
13/02/2007 Duração: 01minSchool took forever; bike won't be in until Monday!; last chance to pass Calculus; Grant's Mustang still not ready; talked with John for about an hour after work.
First Forty 1978-01-31
12/02/2007 Duração: 10sWe went to Washington D.C. and saw the Declaration of Independence and Ford’s Theater.
First Forty 2000-02-07
09/02/2007 Duração: 01minHead over to Applied Sciences during lunch to study a bit; see Faiza; Lisa's "wrecking decision" will be to not attend Andy's wedding; she can't justify the trip; McCoy Tyner is excellent, though I don't stick around for the second show.
First Forty 1995-01-27
09/02/2007 Duração: 03minCall Mom to get Jean's address; she'd been on the phone with Cherie; arrive at Philosophy soaking wet; discover that my mailbox-mate, Ann Elise Faulhaber, does indeed exist; attend talk by Leticia Quezada; she mentions Dick and the Puente Project; run into Brook at Longs; call Meggin, still excited after the talk.
First Forty 1990-05e
08/02/2007 Duração: 01minGo out with Joe to Toppers, PCH Bar and Grill, Harvelle's, etc.; he feeds me to sober me up; take Sunset home on the Vespa; freeze!
First Forty 1986-03-06
07/02/2007 Duração: 02minSkip math; order bike from shop in Geneva; talk to Jenny on the phone; watch foreign film at NCC; decide to speak with Mr. Elander about repeating Calc 1.
First Forty 2000-02-06
02/02/2007 Duração: 02minTake the Vespa up to Stevenson for brunch; watch "Cuba" and then go for a run on the East Field; not getting any work done so we go to the beach and watch dogs; leftovers at home for dinner.
First Forty 1995-01-26
01/02/2007 Duração: 02minClaire coming to San Francisco; Big Sur marathon costs $65!; see Grim Reaper on pay-phone downtown; Santa Cruz 'types' staring at me; raining; Mike & Spike Animation Festival inspiring.
First Forty 1990-05d
31/01/2007 Duração: 01minGo with Rich to Forum meeting at a downtown hotel, where we meet Deb; never seen so many smiling people; it's feel-good hell; just want to get out of there; Rich tells me this is the new Est.
First Forty 1986-03-05
31/01/2007 Duração: 01minSick!; only thinking of Beth, to the point where I almost felt un-attracted to her; did nothing all day.
First Forty 1978-01-29
29/01/2007 Duração: 11sWe went to Williamsburg and saw all the old houses and craft shops. We ate lunch at the Kings Inn.
First Forty 2000-02-05
26/01/2007 Duração: 03minGo to San Jose to buy a suit; run into Chel and Hiroe at breakfast; do a little shopping at Yaohan; Muria's rules-for-borrowing-the-car; John Stewart at Kuumbwa; pay-raise kicks my check up to $191!
First Forty 1995-01-25
25/01/2007 Duração: 01minThe day of women-triggering-my-homones; they're coming at me from everywhere!; beautiful ride down from campus at night; still no friends; George calls, but it's awkward talking to him.
First Forty 1990-05c
24/01/2007 Duração: 01minCherie, Claire and I meet Dick at Sycamore Canyon; listening to Dionne Warwick on the drive up; Claire and Dick bitching during hike; have picnic on the beach.
First Forty 1986-03-04
24/01/2007 Duração: 02minSkip math class again; call Beth and she says that she was looking for me Saturday night after the show; I'm going to kill Grant!; Beth says she'll go to game with me; feeling confused, but good; go to Denny's after work with Grant and John.
First Forty 1978-01-28
22/01/2007 Duração: 08sToday we drove up to Yorktown and got a hotel to sleep in.
First Forty 2000-02-04
20/01/2007 Duração: 01minGet call from Mariko Watanabe at the Japanese Consulate — I made the cut and will get an interview!; Yumi doesn't find out until later that night at Kuumbwa; she dances in jubilant celebration; Grace taking a master gardener class; Hiroe leaving for Japan on Saturday.
First Forty 1995-01-24
19/01/2007 Duração: 02minMeggin and I talk about our continued separation; I’m frustrated by the whole thing — afraid of marriage, routine, children…; Sean calls and we talk for several hours; he’s happy up in Stevens Point, living with Deb and studying Mathematics.
First Forty 1990-05b
17/01/2007 Duração: 56sMeet Susan at ABC on the scooter. We eat dinner at some Thai place, talk, and then go up to the Lazerium at Griffith Observatory and watch the “Pink Floyd: Dark Side of the Moon” show.