Solopreneur Success Strategies

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 14:50:49
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This is Jane Gardner of and on Solopreneur Success Strategies, I will be talking about entrepreneurial mindset on Mindset Monday to get the week started; On Get your Message Out Tuesday, I will be talking about your website, your brand and your social media marketing to connect with your customers then on World Domination Wednesday, i talk about you and your customers; how to find them, keep them and make them your raving fans; On Jack or Jill of all Trades Thursday, I talk about the skills and knowledge you need in your Solopreneur business and on Freebie Fridays, its all about free software and tools to help you save time, money and be more productive in your business. Systems Saturday is all about the systems you can put in your business to save you time so you can work on your business instead of in your business. Strategy Sunday is all about business vision, goals and business plan for your lifestyle business. Being a Solopreneur is a challenging but fulfilling lifestyle and to be successful you have to wear many hats in your business.


  • 2077 Starting a Home Business A Funnel is not for Cooking!

    14/06/2019 Duração: 10min

    Before you Start your Home Business, you should check out the internet because an internet business is not the same as a local home business. When I went up on the internet, I kept hearing the term funnel when people talked about marketing and I thought a funnel was for cooking! Now words like outsourcing, marketer, autoresponder or ROI or any of the terms on the internet that you don't hear for local business can be confusing. So, it is worth getting some knowledge of marketing and selling on the internet without taking years to do the training. I have opened the Business of At Home Business Member Community to help with gaining skills and knowledge quckly at

  • 2076 Mindset is Everything

    12/06/2019 Duração: 08min

    Mindset is Everything. You need a positive mindset when you are an Entrepreneur to overcome the challenges and stress of being in a home office. I talk about some of the challenges today in the office and how I have trained myself to take a breath and realize "Tomorrow is a Better Day." Even knowing another challenge is coming tomorrow I need to do, I still feel excited about what tomorrow will bring. Negative mindset can stop you in your tracks so you need a growth positive mindset to keep moving forward. So train your brain to remove and negative and accentuate the positive every day. For more on mindset go to

  • 2075 Season 3 of Solopreneur Success Strategies

    11/06/2019 Duração: 01min

    Welcome to Season 3 of Solopreneur Success Strategies where we talk about mindset of the entrepreneur; how to start a home business, customer and selling, how to run a home business and grow a home business and everything related to being a Home Business Entrepreneur

  • 2074 The Ideal Customer Experience

    10/09/2018 Duração: 39min

    How do you design an ideal customer experience? How do you and your brand defined by your customers? What is your solutions for the ideal customer experience? A core part of a brand is making an ideal customer experience for your customers and you need to be consistent in your branding and you need to clearly defined in who you are in your branding. How do you want to communicate your brand to your target market by using the brand elements and messaging especially the promise and your commitment and how you stand out from others and you have to make every part of the customer experience consistent. It is all about consistency. Some things to ask yourself about your kind of experience you want to create include what is the image that you want to have whether it's on your website or your brochure and what is the emotions you want to spark when you're out there promoting your business?

  • 2073 Positive Attitude of the Successful Entrepreneur

    05/09/2018 Duração: 05min

    While healthy skepticism is fine, an entrenched and cranky skepticism is usually a sign of negative thinking. Positive Thinking is all enjoying the ride that life provides. Its about flexibility, creativity, and developing and maintaining a strong passion for those things you love. Its about gusto and bravo and doing things with panache. It is an embrace of ll the powers each of us is capable when we throw off the chains of tradition, expectation and routine results. Changing your personal management style to one that encompasses positive results can give you the power and freedom to choose success.

  • 20174 How to Research Who is Your Customer

    04/09/2018 Duração: 24min

    On today’s show we have a look at some places you can research your customer. We have looked at some of the factors that you look at in order to define who is your customer. So, we looked at demographics as to where they are and what their ages and female or male gender etc. as well as we looked at the geographics. You could probably find more people on needing a wrinkle cream in the southern states or southern hemisphere than you would in the northern hemisphere were appear we don't get as much sun and then we looked at psychographics which is looking at your culture a looking at their habits and looking at the things that they believe in. We can have a look at the social media and have a look at the insights there. I have a course on Customer Psychographics in The Business of At Home Business at

  • 20173 Diverse Business Models for your Business

    03/09/2018 Duração: 17min

    Now that you have the goals and vision for your dream lifestyle business, how are you going to create the income you need to support that lifestyle business? By looking at the income you want, you can create the business model to support that lifestyle by diversifying your products or services in your home business. To work on your goals and vision for a lifestyle business, you can get the free Lifestyle Business worksheet at

  • 20172 Your Inner Voice and Your Mindset

    06/08/2018 Duração: 11min

    Today as an entrepreneur I think the easiest way to be successful is to be able to control and have a positive mindset with the stresses and the challenges of being an entrepreneur it sometimes overwhelms. It's very difficult sometimes to feel why are you here as much per when you could just be off doing a job. But of course we all know why you're here it's because you want to be in control of your life and you enjoy the challenges of being an entrepreneur. The most critical issue with being an entrepreneur and having the mindset and keeping a positive attitude is your inner voice. We all have an inner voice and some days they can be very loud and sometimes they can be quiet but we have to be able to be able to train our brains so that we can remove the negative. Increase the positive attitude in order to keep on going so I just wanted to show you that's your inner voice can make a huge difference in your life, in your happiness, in your success, and your productivity. You can easily talk to yourself but when

  • 2071 Educate your Customer for Better Sales

    18/07/2018 Duração: 16min

    Demonstrating and educating means giving your customer all the information they need to understand what you're selling and all the details they personally need to know about it. You may need to educate your prospects first about your topic first. They may not know they need it. So you make your site a go to place to get information on the topic. Demonstrate as well as educate by doing videos that show how your product or service works or how it is in use. You can also produce videos that show how it works in different situations. Good Selling is all about demonstrating and educating.

  • 2070 Start a Home Business Checklist

    17/07/2018 Duração: 11min

     Who is your target market?  What products or services will you be offering?  Who is your main competition?  What is your value proposition?  How will you deliver your products or services?  What will you name your business? Administration  Where will you work? Determine where your office space will be.  Purchase or set up your office equipment and supplies (eg, desk and good chair, computer, printer, phone line, software, basic supplies, etc.)  Set up a separate business address for correspondence.  Set up a separate business email address.  What kind of legal entity will you create? Complete the legal requirements and registration. Identify a lawyer or accountant to help you.  Obtain an Employee Identification Number (EIN). If you are a sole proprietor, this may be your social security number.  Register your name and buy the matching domain name.  Purchase web hosting, if you are going to have a website.  Order business cards. Home Business Start-Up Checklist (continued) Finances  Set up a s

  • 2069 Be Flexible in Your Business

    16/07/2018 Duração: 06min

    There is nothing more stifling to success than rigid thinking. When there is comfort to the routinecan choke off all changes that you will be able to successfully reach your business goals. Information is power and control and money all rolled into one. Everything changes quickly and what is popular now can be old news tomorrow. The only way to successfully stay on top of information and use it to your advantage is to be flexbile enough to roll with the changes. For more on success mindset go to

  • 2068 5 Tips To Know if you have what it takes to start a home business

    19/06/2018 Duração: 05min

    5 Tips To Know If You Have What It Takes To Start A Home Based Business You may see, hear, and read a lot of people constantly raving about the numerous wonders of a home based business but in reality, starting and managing one isn’t immediately a bed of roses. In some cases, having a home based business is easier than having a business in traditional settings, but in some cases, it’s absolutely the other way around. Tip #1 You Still Need the M’s for a Home Based Business The only difference is that there’s no need for you to pay for rent and possibly, you’ll have lower business costs because your business is based at home. But other than that, the process of starting up and the necessary factors of production are still the same. Money – It’s rarely possible, if at all, to start a home based business without spending even a dollar for investment and pre-operating costs. Material – If your home based business is selling products and not services then you’ll still have to ensure that you’ve got the best materia

  • 2067 Creativity is a success mindset for an entrepreneur

    18/06/2018 Duração: 04min

    Creativity is important mindset trait of a successful entrepreneur. How can you cultivate your own creative juices? The creative process is largely internatl and unconscious. You don't wake up and say "Hey, I'm going to be creative today." It is all about have a variety of influences added to stir up a creative pot of idea. The best thing to do is to challenge yourself to learn new things and get new hobbies. Who knows where that new idea will come from?

  • 2066 Put Yourself in Your Customer's Shoes

    13/06/2018 Duração: 06min

    If you put yourself in your customer shoes,  it's easy to understand what they want and how to deliver it to them.  When you empathize with them,  you can create a marketing message that resonates with them and shows that you are responsive business that cares about their customers.  So how do you understand what your customer wants when you put yourself in your customer shoes to quickly understand what they're looking for, you can empathize. 

  • 2065 Test an Idea when starting a business

    12/06/2018 Duração: 06min

    Things to consider before you start your home business on whether or not you can have a business in terms of whether or not there is demand out there. Last time we did talk about finding your target market and seeing the demand and some other things that you have to do in order to figure out whether or not you can have a business. Just go to test and see whether or not there is a business out there. So ,for example, just quickly put together a sales page with information on whatever the service or product is and see what kind of interest you get from your market.

  • 2064 Be Passionate to be a Successful Entrepreneur

    11/06/2018 Duração: 04min

    Today we are going to be talking about mindset. How to have a successful mindset, you need to be passionate. There is probably nothing more important to achieving success than passion. In order to reach a goal, you have to burn for it. It has to be something that's on your mind all the time. It has to be all consuming. In fact, passion is the flipside of our previous subject, we did a long time ago, of hustle. The two go hand-in-hand with each other. If you don't hustle you don`t get anywhere. So how do they work together? While the one requires the other, they each ,in some sense, compliment the other. Without passion, you can have the hustle. As we discussed, hustle is all about hard work, long hours and doing the extra mile. Passion is the motivation behind the hustle that gets all the hard work done, it is what keeps you up at night that makes sure that you do what you have to do in order to move forward. Go to for more on entrepreneurship

  • 2063 Procrastination Explanation and Mindset

    21/05/2018 Duração: 07min

    Imagine how much you get done if you never procrastinated. Pretty incredible! Procrastination is the greatest barrier to achieving goals and getting things accomplished. Time is a valuable resource and procrastination is the greatest enemy of time. Those who procrastinate the most are also the least effective.

  • 2062 Persuasive Selling In Home Business

    09/05/2018 Duração: 07min

    We've been talking about how to be seen as an expert. We talked a lot about it last time on how to be seen as an expert by demonstrating your expertise. Showing the kind of interest you have as far as the people and how they would see how you're an expert on anything of course is very simple to do. Build your portfolio or your bio that it should be very important to say that you are more than just someone who love something. That you're an expert in it and it should say something more than just"I'm an avid wine lover", it needs to show your expert knowledge and experience. A good way to do this is ,of course, is by building a portfolio, publish articles, create e-books to sell in online stores and on Kindle, guest blogging for other blogs, join official organizations and participate in events, conducts seminars for local groups or even classes at local colleges.

  • 2061 Finding Your Market for your Home Business

    08/05/2018 Duração: 08min

    So right now you're thinking of starting a home business and you've got an idea and you think it might work. But first you have to ask yourself, is there a market out there for your business? So you have to figure out who is your target market. Now I know that I said that I would be talking about off-line and online businesses. But off-line first because just in case you happen to want to start a local business and you are at home, I think we were to talk about some of the things you have to think about before you start it in terms of the government and whether they'd be happy to have a home business in your home. What you have to do is first figure out where is your market and how big do you think your market would be of people that you could reach who would bet interested in what you have to offer. So for example of let's say you all are you are something right now that's not so easy, so let's just say you're a service, so you are an accountant. You want to start bookkeeping service or an accounting service

  • 2060 Do the Hustle for Success Mindset

    07/05/2018 Duração: 03min

    There's a certain urgency to success. Money loves speed. You have to want to succeed before you can even begin to try to succeed. It you want to succeed then you have to emulate this work ethic. You have to want to success so much that you hustle. For more on success mindset, go to

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