Real Estate Real World

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 73:06:56
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Listen to interviews with some of the top real estate and business leaders and professionals around with this podcast.


  • Episode 44: Steve Napolitan | Eliminate. Delegate, Automate, Prioritize..,. And CALL YOUR MOTHER!

    24/03/2016 Duração: 49min

    When I met Steve Napolitan a few years back I had no idea what an impact he would make on me when we got together to do this podcast!  I swear every few sentences was an "AHA" moment for me as we talked about so much stuff, from MINDSET to why the heck are you NOT making your calls?   He gives us some great tips on how to overcome that and STOP sounding like a CHEESY Salesperson.  Also some great stories about how my sister has gone from being petrified to becoming a sales person to becoming a TOP PRODUCER in less than a year.  And my all time favorite line from my good friend James Becker! Listen in and leave your comments on what your great insight is...oh and please share on your social media! 

  • Episode 43: Bill Crane | Making Clients More Than Facebook Friends

    17/03/2016 Duração: 52min

    As someone I personally connected with through Facebook, I can tell you how valuable it is to grow and deepen relationships in order to gain any value from them. Bill Crane is a perfect example of what you can learn when you take the time to get to know someone. A successful coach for entrepreneurs and real estate professionals alike, Bill shares the value of relationships and conquering the fear of rejection. You’ll find cold calls and door knocking aren’t so scary once you push through the fear and find there was never anything to be afraid of in the first place. The person on the other end of that phone call or door isn’t taking your presence personally, why should you let their reaction make or break your day? The objective in real estate, after all, is to help your clients sell/buy a home. The commission is just a bonus! Our focus should always be on how we can help people, making real estate personal again. Not only will your relationships grow from this mindset, but so will your business and ho

  • Episode 42: Marguerite Giguere | Is a Marguerite Convention Brewing?

    10/03/2016 Duração: 39min

    The coolest part of this interview is my guest’s name is MARGUERITE too… to…two… also? We had such a great conversation about different versions of success and what exactly is the new norm. Marguerite has built an extraordinary business that works perfectly for her where people CHOOSE her instead of having to go out and constantly look for new business. In fact she stopped LISTING homes in 2009 and refers all of her listings. This conversation is so real and transparent as we talk about how realtors really lie to each other in so many ways and are we really honoring and promoting the right values in our industry? Are we focusing on the wrong stuff at the national conferences and events? If you are struggling with work/life balance you will feel better after listening to us Marguerite’s smack it down. I really want to hear your opinions and thoughts on this one…. It is so good! Head over to for more great podcasts and tips to build a business that will last

  • Episode 41: Kevin Cooper | What are you getting done before 8am?

    08/03/2016 Duração: 33min

    Listen in as we talk to my friend Kevin Cooper as he tellsus what it took to leave a six figure income job at UPS to take charge of hisown economy by becoming a Top Producing real estate career. Are you a brand new agent? Kevin tells us how he read onenew book every week so he would become an expert as fast as possible. Want alist of his Favorite books? Click here He even might be crazier than me when he talks about beingat the office at 430AM so he can get all his work done and be ready for “FaceTime” with clients by 9am. Having trouble getting your calls and prospecting done?Kevin talks about several ways to stay focused and get this done… even payinghis team to make sure he doesn’t get distracted… I LOVE this! Here is my aha….“Create a world so big that they can grow and thrive and never want to leave”! Would love to hear your Aha’s over in the comments on theblog. Don’t forget to share with all your friendsJ

  • Episode 40: Samantha Tov | Warning, I'm Forever Changed.

    01/03/2016 Duração: 36min

    WARNING… this one is not easy to listen to but I feel everyone SHOULD listen as I am not sure I have interviewed anyone yet that has had a greater impact on me than Samantha Tov as she tells her story of her horrific childhood in Cambodia and her amazing mom and their immigration to the United States. I think we forget how amazing we have it here in the USA. Listen in as Samantha tells us of the incredible resilience and unfaltering determination of her parents to create a better life for their children. Her story is hard to listen to but is why she has become the hardest working and beyond powerful woman that she is today who gives so much to our real estate community more than anyone I know. Samantha is an amazing woman, mother, new bride and one of the top real estate agents I know. I know that I am forever changed by her story.

  • Episode 39: Steve & Heather Ostrom | Don't Put Baby in the Corner...Or Can You?

    24/02/2016 Duração: 35min

    I am not sure I have laughed more than when talking to this Dynamic Husband/Wife Super Star Team! What I love most about Steve and Heather is how TRANSPARENT they both are about what life is really like working AND living together along with 3 kids and how to make it all work. As Partners, you learn that it can be ok to “put baby in the corner” lol! Also how important is branding? These Awesome Ostrom’s have branding dialed and how to do it on a shoe string budget! We also have a lovefest for Sean Carpenter and Seth GodinJ Steve and Heather Ostrom, are a hard-working and fun real estate duo out of Roseville, CA. Steve O is a regular top-producers in our area and he prides himself on always answering the phone, wearing a suit and tie, and doing all he can, to ensure a smooth experience for his clients and maintaining a great relationship with his fellow REALTORs. Steve has been a REALTOR for over thirteen years, and is a former C.A.R. director. He oversees all the negotiations for sellers, and working with

  • Episode 38: Regina Brown | Facebook to Face Time

    16/02/2016 Duração: 51min

    One of the things I LOVE about Facebook is how it connectsus to people that we would never have the opportunity to meet without it! In fact, that is exactly how I met this extraordinary womanRegina P. Brown. We connected on Facebook and then made it a point to meet liveand in person and this podcast is the result of when two women on a mission gettogether. There is so much incredible insight in this podcast and wetalk about the VERY FIRST MasterClass Endorsed book, why it is so important andwhy you MUST have this “bible” of real estate in your tool box. Listen in… order the book asap and post your comments overon the blog… oh and be sure to share with all your friends and it would bereally awesome if you logged into your accounts and wrote us a great review on iTunes J

  • Episode 37: Sean Carpenter | Is Real Estate a NO Business...

    12/02/2016 Duração: 41min

    I met Sean Carpenter a couple years ago at Inman Connect inSan Francisco and I instantly knew he was someone amazing and I have to tellyou he never disappoints! I was beyond excited to get the opportunity to spenda few minutes talking to Sean about the real estate industry as a whole and Itruly don’t even know where to start. Sean tells us why real estate is really aNO business and why it is important to understand this simple statement. This podcast is so chock full of incredible insight and somany great ideas that you will not want to miss even one second of it! Most of all I love his personal philosophy:         Build Relationships         SolvingProblems         Havingfun Stop what you are doing right now and listen in! Join me overon my blog in telling Sean how awesome he is! Would love to hear your commentsJ

  • Episode 36: Hoss Pratt | Are You "Getting Ready to...Get Ready?"

    10/02/2016 Duração: 46min

    Listen in on today’s podcast with Hoss Pratt where we talkabout few of the BIGGEST mistakes that agents make and what it takes to beEXTRAORDINARY! Are you making these mistakes? 95% of agents are. I have to tellyou I have even made a few myself. I would love to hear what you think over in the comments onmy blog. Oh and by the way, don’t miss the free webinar Hoss and Iare doing on Thursday. There are only a few seats left. You will not want to miss this one.

  • Episode 35: Matt Aitchison | How To Make A Successful Partnership WORK!

    05/02/2016 Duração: 43min

    In my experience partnerships rarely work out and many timesit is because the expectations are not clear up front. But they can be sorewarding and help propel your business to the top when they DO work! Listen in to some great insight and advice from SerialEntrepreneur Matt Aitchison who talks to us about how his amazing partnershipwith the beautiful Rachel Adams (who we also did a podcast with that you can hear here) has not onlysurvived but skyrocketed to success. These two are definitely on the fast track to success! Wouldlove to hear your comments over on the blog!  PS Stay tuned for a new podcast that Matt is hosting calledThe Millionaire Mentality, I know it’s gonna be great!

  • Episode 35: REAL ESTATE ROUND TABLE [Vince Scuncio, Marguerite Crespillo, Beef Wellington]

    01/02/2016 Duração: 42min

    Who knew all those years ago that these two crazy siblings would grow up to be recording a radio show together and have it on ESPN!!! Woooohoooo! I was very honored to be on my brother Vince’s new radio show #realestateroundtable on #espn I am so proud of all that he has accomplished and it was a ton of fun to join Vince and “Beef” Wellington Pendell from #thecareercompass ! We have a great time talking about the changing markets and some key points on common mistakes agents make! Tons of fun! Listen in and we love hearing your comments! For more FREE Podcasts and tips to building a a successful business go to: 

  • Episode 34: Evangeline Scott | Super Woman! Run Your Business Like A Business!

    27/01/2016 Duração: 42min

    The picture in my mind that always comes up when I think of Evangeline is the one of her in a Super Woman Apron! It truly tells you just about everything you need to know about her! She is tough, warm, hilarious and downright awesome! Listen in as we talk about work, life and what it takes for women to stand out in this crazy real estate world! To get in touch with Evangeline go to 

  • Episode 33: Brent Gove | How to Make $1,700 PER HOUR in Real Estate!

    12/01/2016 Duração: 39min

    Listen to this AWESOME podcast episode with MEGA Producer, Brent Gove!  Get inside tips on how he's built his successful real estate business closing up to 400+ homes in a single year.  Brent's approach to Team Building is unique and effective, listen in as he shares his 3 ground rules to his hiring process that has yielded unbelievable results throughout his 20 year career. Honestly, this whole episode is PACKED full of success nuggets and I'm so grateful Brent took time to stop by. Grab a'll want to take notes, trust me!

  • Episode 32: Noah Mandel | Bigger Result with Less Work!

    05/01/2016 Duração: 34min

    Isn’t that we all want? On today’s podcast we speak to Noah Mandel with Winning Agent 101 who tells us how he discovered “Growth Hacking” Secrets to help TOP agents do more business in less time. I am telling you I personally have already learned a ton from this guy and you will want to not only listen in to the stuff he shares on this podcast but go over and follow his page on Facebook where he posts all kinds of cool stuff.

  • Episode 31: Rachel Adams | A Super Star on the Rise!

    28/12/2015 Duração: 46min

    A Super Star on the Rise…. This Gal is one to watch! I personally have watched Rachel Adams go from Zero toRockStar in less than 3 years and I am so inspired by all that she has done andis doing. She hits on so many great tips that you MUST listen to… fromMindset to how to make an Amazing partnership work and the importance ofknowing your numbers. And most importantly she talks about Playing in your PassionPlace and some great ideas to focus on your strengths… and the launch of herLife changing book and program So get ready for the New Year and listen in. Please commentover on my blog on the most valuable lesson you get from Rachel! 

  • Episode 30: Amanda Todd | Get Up, Dress Up and Show Up!

    23/12/2015 Duração: 47min

    I recently did a great podcast with Amanda Todd, a single mom who did 20 Million in Real Estate Sales in her first 18 months and when I asked her one the number one thing she attributed her success to was she said Get Up, Dress Up and Show Up! Get up! What does this mean? Well it means start by getting out of bed before you want to. Set your alarm early! Get up an hour before you normally would. There is a great book called Miracle Morning with Hal Elrod that teaches how life changing just this one step alone is. But instead of hitting the snooze button for the umpteenth time… just get up. What’s that old saying? The early bird gets the worm. If you don’t believe this go into your office on any given day before 9am and see how many people are there. My guess is you will see a handful if that and it will be the agents that are consistently the top producers. Dress up! I cannot even tell you how many times I have had the conversation with agents about showing up like a professional. So what does this mean?

  • Episode 28: Jesse Garcia | Love Hate Relationship with Numbers

    22/12/2015 Duração: 36min

    Listen in as I sit down with Jesse Garcia,  Co-founder of Pipeline Wizard, Inc. who's also held title as CEO of 2 large Real Estate Offices in the Sacramento Area.  We discuss 2 topics agent's struggle with most...accountability and consistency! Sound like you?'re not alone!  Jesse is doing some AMAZING and Creative things to change the way Realtors run their business.  A simple formula that started from his own needs has spiraled into a HUGE BREAKTHROUGH  in our industry by making these two key areas fun and exciting! So click the play button below and listen in! Find out more about Pipeline Wizard and how it can help your business by CLICKING HERE.

  • Episode 29: Bob Burg | You Just Have to Ask...

    22/12/2015 Duração: 33min

    A couple years ago a friend of mine handed me a book that would literally change the way I look at things. The Go-Giver by Bob Burg. I took it home that night and read it beginning to end in one sitting. I could not put it down. Not only did I read this book but I quickly went out and bought his other book Endless Referrals. I’m such a huge fan! Fast forward I was going through some emails and I noticed an email from Bob Burg and I thought what the heck, I would send him an email and see if he would be willing to be a guest on my podcast. I figured the email would go into the internet ether and would never hear from him. I was so surprised when I not only received a response but it was clearly a personal response from Bob himself telling me to call him Bob and not Mr Burg lol. But he was so gracious and quickly agreed to be my guest. I will tell you, you MUST take the time to not only listen to this podcast as he gives such amazing insight and advice about what I have considered to truly be the key to su

  • Episode 27: Nick Lynch | Get Free of Fear!

    22/12/2015 Duração: 31min

    Nick Lynch is the author of Get Real! A Six-Step Formula to Take Responsibility for What You Want, which represents the lifetime development of a concept he refers to as “The Wanter”. Through a simple process, Nick helps individuals and groups get free of fear, and get their deepest desires into their weekly routine. The result of this work is something that Nick calls a “Lifestyle Document”, a personal roadmap which allows people to live their values every day. Successful clients range from the homeless to Olympic Gold Medalists.  Find out more about Nick at his website: As an added bonus Nick has offered a FREE Download of his book!  Click here to get INSTANT ACCESS!

  • Episode 26: Josh Mathe | In the Footsteps of Greatness!

    22/12/2015 Duração: 41min

    My guest…Josh Mathe! Josh is a Motivational Speaker, Fitness Expert, Endurance Athlete and Award Winning Author. His book “In the Footsteps of Greatness” is and Amazon Best Seller and tells his journey of running the John Muir Trail (223 miles) in 6 days 1 hours! Having failed twice before, Josh shares his first-hand experience with facing adversity and how he persevered! Fear of failure can paralyze us in life and business, listen in on this powerful podcast and get GREAT insight on how to conquer fear and reach your goals! His book is absolute MUST READ and you can get your copy here: “In The Footsteps of Greatness” You can learn more about Josh on his websites:

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