Jesus' Outsider

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 42:24:56
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Sometimes it takes an outsider with nothing to lose or gain to say what needs to be said. With a focuses on cultural commentary and sound teaching, the program is designed to handle the tough topics. Everything message and issue is grounded in Scripture and solid research. Sometimes challenging, occasionally humorous, always centered in Jesus.


  • Marital Restoration

    13/05/2019 Duração: 25min

    Sometimes even in the church we are too quick to seek divorce. However, an affair doesn't have to be the end of a marriage. Restoration is possible. It will take work from both spouses. In this episode, we cover a summary of how restoration can happen including some of the steps to follow. ©2019 Mike Kerby & Jesus' Outsider Ministries

  • Marriage Inoculation

    06/05/2019 Duração: 26min

    Affairs don't happen in a vacuum. There are many conditions that can lead to adultery. Knowing them and the prescription from the Word can inoculate your marriage to greatly reduce the chances of a moral failure. ©2019 Mike Kerby & Jesus' Outsider Ministries

  • A Path Apart

    29/04/2019 Duração: 25min

    There are some among us who are called to walk a different path. It can be a lonely one. People don't get them or what they do. Maybe you're one of them. (From The Archives, Original Broadcast Date 6-5-2016) ©2016 Mike Kerby & Jesus' Outsider Ministries

  • Problematic Pragmatism

    22/04/2019 Duração: 25min

    "If it works, do it!" This has become the mantra of so much of the modern church. There are problems with this approach that may not be readily apparent. Before moving forward, there are questions that must be asked including the principles of the method and foundation. However, there is a way that always works but its results may not be what we're told we should have in the wider culture. ©2019 Mike Kerby & Jesus' Outsider Ministries

  • Expecttions

    15/04/2019 Duração: 25min

    When Jesus entered Jerusalem to the adulation and cheers of the people, they had great hopes and expectations. They believed the Kingdom of God to be on Earth and Jesus was coming to establish it. What they expected and the truth were two different things. We may criticize them, but are we truly so different? ©2019 Mike Kerby & Jesus' Outsider Ministries

  • Citizenship

    08/04/2019 Duração: 25min

    Immigration and citizenship and huge issues in today's political climate. In fact, I can't remember a time when there wasn't some debate although it is far more extreme than I remember it. However, beyond the political issue, there is a different kind of immigration and new citizenship that matter much more. Much like the political issue, it is divided into camps. What does the Word actually say about becoming a citizen of the Kingdom of God? The answer should change how you live. ©2019 Mike Kerby & Jesus' Outsider Ministries

  • The Real Man in a Beta Male World

    01/04/2019 Duração: 25min

    Our culture is presenting a soft, effeminate male as the ideal while a group of bullies have laid claim to the title of "Alpha Male." In a world of beta males and phony alpha males, where does the Real Man stand? (From The Archives, Original Broadcast Date 10/31/2016) ©2016 Mike Kerby & Jesus' Outsider Ministries

  • MTD and The Self Help Gospel

    25/03/2019 Duração: 25min

    Most Christians have never heard of MTD or Morally Theistic Deism but almost all of them know and even believe in a version of its theology. The self-help gospel is the most recent incarnation of a change that occurred in Christian language and teaching in the late Sixties. These two ideas have the same roots along with the prosperity gospel. The effects on the modern church and culture at large cannot be ignored. ©2019 Mike Kerby & Jesus' Outsider Ministries

  • State of The Church

    18/03/2019 Duração: 25min

    It's that time of year again when the studies on the state of the church come out. Some things are not news to anyone paying attention but perhaps there's something in there to stop the decline. The answer is right in front of us if we will have eyes to see it. ©2019 Mike Kerby & Jesus' Outsider Ministries

  • Practical Righteousness

    11/03/2019 Duração: 25min

    Preaching righteousness is not popular these days. Certainly, we are the righteousness of Christ but there's more to it than just being washed in His blood. He calls us and enables us to be and do so much more. (From The Archives, Original Broadcast 2/22/2016) ©2016 Mike Kerby & Jesus' Outsider Ministries

  • Engaging Disengaged Men

    04/03/2019 Duração: 25min

    As a whole, men are disengaging from culture. Some talk about the extended adolescence seen in the rise of video game play and addiction. The church especially is showing a lack of male participation. There was a time, not long ago, when both men and women drove the church. Something changed. Perhaps, we changed how we viewed Christ and His church. It's time to repair the rift. ©2019 Mike Kerby & Jesus' Outsider Ministries

  • Real Men Sing?

    25/02/2019 Duração: 25min

    The mantra is, "Men don't sing." Countless articles, programs, and talking heads in the worship world tell us that men in the congregation just will not sing. Experience seems to line up with this idea. Perhaps we need to be asking what will men engage with when it comes to music? Is there a way for a Real Man to sing? ©2019 Mike Kerby & Jesus' Outsider Ministries

  • The Unity Mandate

    18/02/2019 Duração: 25min

    Our culture has changed. We're no longer living in an environment that supports the church. In fact, if they think of us at all, it's with hostility. In this climate, who are we to be? It's time to get back to the basics and rediscover what it means to be a holy nation and to live Christ's mandate that we be one. However, there are some caveats on that unity from the Word we need to address for the health of the Body. ©2019 Mike Kerby & Jesus' Outsider Ministries

  • Cultural Tipping Points and Revivlal

    11/02/2019 Duração: 24min

    Our culture has changed dramatically in recent years. It's the most turbulent and divided it's been in my memory. This brings up the question, have we passed the tipping point, the point of no return? What role, if any, would a revival play in transforming the culture? Will we see a Christian nation, or at least Christian friendly nation again? ©2019 Mike Kerby & Jesus' Outsider Ministries

  • Realities of Abortion

    04/02/2019 Duração: 25min

    Abortion is a huge issue for our culture and recent developments in politics have made the lines clearer than they have been in decades. However, the reality of abortion is more than just a political talking point or part of a candidate's platform. There's a very real personal side of it. In studio is a special guest, My Lovely Bride and Pastoral Care Director for Jesus' Outsider Ministries Kimberly Kerby, sharing her experience with abortion and talking about how we can handle women who have had or are considering one. ©2019 Mike Kerby & Jesus' Outsider Ministries

  • Abortion Rights or Rites?

    28/01/2019 Duração: 27min

    There are times when we must stand up. When evil runs rampant in the land, truth must ring against it. Abortion has become a sacred thing to a large segment of the American culture. What is there at its root? There is more than meets the eye to this issue. ©2019 Mike Kerby & Jesus' Outsider Ministries

  • SmutTech

    21/01/2019 Duração: 25min

    They look innocent. Most of you have them on your phones or use them all the time. However, these apps and sites can be some of the biggest gateways to pornographic content available. There are common denominators to all of them that can be used to screen them. Parents, teachers, pastors, and anyone interested in sexual purity need this information. ©2019 Mike Kerby & Jesus' Outsider Ministries

  • Overwhelming

    14/01/2019 Duração: 25min

    Have you ever really considered this wonderous salvation? I'm not asking if you're following Christ with that question. This isn't about evangelism. The question asks you, Christian, if you've ever really thought about or studied salvation. Even touching on it is overwhelming. ©2019 Mike Kerby & Jesus' Outsider Ministries

  • Lordship, Authority, and Mercy

    07/01/2019 Duração: 25min

    When I was young in the faith, back in the early 90's, there was a question I heard asked so often it became a cliche. "You say Jesus is your Savior but is He your Lord?" Now, years later, that question is on my mind again but with a difference. Part one of Faith ©2019 Mike Kerby & Jesus' Outsider Ministries

  • Faithfulness At The Year's End

    31/12/2018 Duração: 25min

    At the end of a year of challenges and triumphs, has God still shown Himself faithful? We return to the air with more of our story from this year and how it continues into the next. There might even be a little Scripture in there just for good measure. ©2018 Mike Kerby & Jesus' Outsider Ministries

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