Lois Wetzel, Mfa -mystical Teachings

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 84:17:00
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Lois J Wetzel is the author of "Akashic Records: Case Studies" available on Amazon/Kindle and "EDINA: Energy Medicine from the Stars!" as well as "Sacred Journeys & Vision Quests." In doing this show, Lois' intent is to create a FREE LIBRARY of spiritual information for all Seekers on the Path, who are guided here. Feel free to browse the archives and find what resonates with you! Sometimes Lois will be the one teaching, more often, it will be others telling what they know and/or what they do. Following guidance, Lois has been hosting this radio show since May of 2009.Lois does Intuitive Consultations and Past Life Readings/Life Mission Readings from the Akashic Records in addition to writing her books. With over twenty-five years' experience in this field, she has been published in numerous magazines in addition to the books mentioned above.Lois works with clients all over the globe. She would be happy to work with you as well! lois (at) hotpinklotus.comWebsite: Hot Pink Lotus.comEDINA Healing Temple.com


  • Audre Gutierrez on Aromatherapy

    08/10/2010 Duração: 01h00s

    Audre's website is: www.shiningsunaromatherapy.com................... Audre Gutierrez is a certified Medicinal Aromatherapist, and has studied in France with Dr. Malte Hozzel, and in the US with Barry Kapp, John Steele, and Dr. Kurt Schnaubelt, among others. She is also a certified Reiki practitioner and consults with clients on using essential oils to create a more vibrant, satisfying life. Her deep connection with the plants and trees has fostered a passion for sustainability...walking and living upon the Earth in a whole, natural and Earth-friendly way. Formerly, Audre had a successful executive career, including 7 years with a major drug development company. She left the corporate world in 2001 to be a full-time partner in Wisdom of the Earth. She currently shares her time between Sedona, AZ and Santa Fe, NM, where she lives with her wonderful husband, Leonardo. In 2009, she created Shining Sun Aromatherapy to provide more focus on her NM practice. She has two beautiful adult children, Brian (McKinleyvil

  • Dr.Thornton Streeter - Human Biofield Part 2

    01/10/2010 Duração: 01h01min

    Last year when I interviewed Dr. Thornton Streeter, we both realized that it would take more than a single show to finish talking. A world-renowned British scientist, Dr. Streeter is one of the world's foremost experts in the study of complimentary and alternative healing, as well as the human biofield, (or the human energy field.) He is also very kind, funny, humble and supremely brilliant! (Can you tell I like him???) Dr. Streeter has a lab in Pune, India, and more recently has opened another in Boulder, Colorado, USA. In these labs he and his staff measure the effects of energy medicine on the biofields of clients and practitioners alike. They now have machines/instruments that can actually do this! Come listen as I continue my talk with him about what has happened in his world in the past year.

  • Dr.Thornton Streeter - Human Biofield Part 1

    24/09/2010 Duração: 01h00s

    It has been a year since I last interviewed Dr. Thornton Streeter. A British scientist Dr. Streeter is one of the world's foremost experts in the study of the human biofield, (or the human energy field.) He has a lab in Pune, India, and more recently has opened another in Boulder, Colorado. In these labs he and his staff measure the effects of energy medicine on the auric fields of clients and practitioners alike. They have machines/instruments that can actually do this! Come listen as I talk with him about what has happened in his world in the past year.

  • Astrologer Robert Wilkinson author of "Aquarius Papers"

    10/09/2010 Duração: 01h00s

    Robert will be with us again on September 10, and I will write more soon about what he will be talking about, but this is just a quick heads up that he is going to be with us again! Woo-hoo! I am excited. His site is aquariuspapers.com. Check it out! PS Here is what we will be discussing: ........ The Grand Irrationality, what the current season is about (Jupiter/Uranus back in Pisces, Venus and Mars dancing together out of Libra into Scorpio), Venus retrograde, and the Cancer Solar Eclipse.

  • AKASHIC RECORDS: Past Lives Becky Interviews Lois

    03/09/2010 Duração: 01h00s

    Lois has been doing past life readings for 20 years, and has written an e-book, available on her website: HOTPINKLOTUS.COM. In today's show, Becky and Lois will be talking about some interesting things that Lois has seen while doing these past life readings, as well as changes her clients have seen as a result of getting these readings. Come join us as we explore this timely subject which ultimately affects everyone's karma and dharma. If you have had a past life reading by Lois, please call in and contribute! You may remain anonymous if you wish...

  • Stephane Wuttunee talks about The Great Pyramid

    27/08/2010 Duração: 01h00s

    Stephane had certain insights during the course of his travels and research, plus wisdom gleaned from Indigenous elders from around the world. These became the basis for his website, Dreaming the Pyramid. The notion behind his theory is that we as well as our family from other stars along with Prime Creator, co-created the Universe and left proof of our divine nature and purpose within the design of Egypt's Great Pyramid. Stephane posits that the Pyramid represents humans as immortal, divine beings. Stephane believes, as Lois does, that it is particularly significant that most of our bodies are made of a liquid crystal matrix--water. (When water freezes, it becomes a crystal!) Lois believes that this is probably more significant than most people can even begin to imagine at this point in time!

  • Jo Mooy on the Gulf Oil Spill and a Sacred Zone of Protection

    13/08/2010 Duração: 01h00s

    Lois contacted Jo Mooy (www.starsoundings.com) after reading her message of hope in "Spirit of Ma'at" this month. With so many "spiritual leaders" predicting doom and gloom, her positivity resonated. Lois says,"We must focus on what we want, not on what we don't want!"--- Here is what Jo says: "The southwestern portion of Florida, stretching from Tampa Bay to the Everglades is in a protected field called 'the forbidden zone.' Meteorologists and scientists say the shape of the coastline, the ocean bottom configuration, and the prevailing winds tend to create upwelling currents that take water away from the coastline. Some scientists also refer to the Tampa Bay area as a "bubble of protection." ...the scientific reports indicate that this area is at "minimal risk of receiving surface oil." However, recent probes indicate that massive plumes of oil exist beneath the surface. Southwestern Florida is still prey to the onshore flow of oil if the plumes become entrained in the Loop Current. So our prayerful focus

  • Friday, August 6th, Lois and Becky Discuss Mt. Shasta Trip

    06/08/2010 Duração: 01h00s

    Come listen as Lois and Co-Host Becky talk about Lois' recent trip to Mt. Shasta and what all happened there! Lois went at her Guides' insistent urging, and camped out four nights,two of those nights at Bunny Flat -- at about 7,000 feet above sea level with the snowy peak of Mt. Shasta in the background. Lois lives in Houston at about 50 feet above sea level, so this altitude was a Big Deal. Some interesting things happened at night while she was "asleep" and also in the daytime while she was not. A whole lot of integration of the energies has been going on since then! WHEW!...................................To read the Lois' TRAVEL BLOG and learn greater details about this trip: http://www.hotpinklotus.blogspot.com

  • The Consciousness Convergence & the NINTH WAVE - July 17-18. 2010

    18/07/2010 Duração: 01h01min

    The Mayan calendar talks about these times, and one of the things that is highlighted is the time called the NINTH WAVE, which begins this weekend. Mayan scholar and Swedish scientist Carl Johan Calleman talks about this being a time of Consciousness Convergence, and that it is just as important as was the Harmonic Convergence. Come talk and/or listen as we explore what Unity Consciousness or the Consciousness Convergence may mean. How can we set the proper intention for this?

  • Lois and Becky on Solfeggio Frequencies and Art/Creativity

    09/07/2010 Duração: 01h00s

    Confucious said that as the music of a kingdom changes, the kingdom changes. Civilization changed enormously when we went from the Solfeggio frequencies to our current 8 note scale as the basis of our music. Music, art and writing are so much more important than we realize as a culture. We will listen to some examples of the Solfeggio frequencies, also often called the Ascension Frequencies. "When I was in art school," Lois states, "we were taught that artists were in the position of seeing which direction the culture was headed. They said this was obvious because the art always showed the changes before they occurred. What I now realize is that the art did not predict the change, it caused the change. Artists, musicians, writers and filmmakers have an enormous responsibility to humanity to create very carefully thought-out change, not just sensational garbage that gets morbid attention, or generates fear. Artists of every kind are the creators of the future, and need to be aware of this and take res

  • Niara Isley - ET's and Our Own Mind, Emotions, & Discernment

    11/06/2010 Duração: 01h00s

    http://encounterswithhealing.wordpress.com-----------Niara Isley is a widely known expert in the field of Extra-Terrestrial contact. She first encountered this phenomenon while working in the US Army in the field of radar technology. While assigned to a post in a classified area in the US desert, she saw certain things she was not supposed to see. This encounter changed her whole life. Niara, who has been interviewed on Coast to Coast, has spoken with me twice before, and has agreed to come speak with me again. Today she will be talking about -- "...alien invasions versus extraterrestrial contact, and why I feel there is nothing to be afraid of, despite fear being pumped up by TV shows and movies around ETs." The other topic which fits well with it, "mind and emotions, intuition and discernment, which is about developing our expanded senses by quieting mind and emotions which drown out our perceptual abilities most of the time. If we develop our expanded perceptual abilities, we are far less able to be f

  • Tzolkien Mayan Calendar & ORBS with Sky Pedersen

    04/06/2010 Duração: 01h00s

    Sky rarely gives interviews, but she agreed to speak with me last April. I had such a fascinating interview with Sky that I have invited her to come speak with us again - and she agreed. Sky has lived on an Indian Reservation for the past thirty years, and practices shamanism. She has been contacted by a consciousness that seems to be related to the Ancient Mayans. Part of that experience has been her learning and teaching a "language of light" from them, and it also has to do with seeing orbs and also capturing them on film. She says orbs are a path to ascension. Her blog and her photos of orbs are just fascinating. Here is what Sky has to say about her work, "I am a Celestial Light Carrier. Since 1994, I have been communicating with a consciousness that incorporates the (classic) Tzol’kin Mayan Calendar as an ascension pathway. This consciousness became visible in my digital media after engaging these light language frequencies while synchronizing with the sacred daily energies through 3 calendar rounds.

  • Discoverer of the Bosnian Pyramids - Semir Osmanagic

    14/05/2010 Duração: 01h00s

    I am so honored and pleased to be able to bring one of my conversations with Dr. Osmanagich to my radio show! Semir "Sam" Osmanagich has a home and business here in Houston, but spends most of his time in his native Bosnia. Dr. Osmanagich's doctorate is regarding Mayan Pyramids. He discovered one day back home in Bosnia that there were hills shaped exactly like the "hills" in the areas where the Mayan pyramids were located. Many of these pyramids in Mexico and Central America are still covered with earth, grasses, brush and trees. Any one who has ever seen any of these uncovered pyramids can instantly recognize that the "hills" in Bosnia are clearly pyramids still covered by the earth. But since no one believed that it was possible there were pyramids in Europe, no one saw them...not until Dr. Osmanagich did! Each summer he has a summer camp where volunteers come to clear out the tunnels underground that connect the main three pyramids: Pyramids of the Sun, Moon and Dragon. Strange heiroglyphics/writings are

  • Sky Pedersen - Orbs and the Tzolkien

    30/04/2010 Duração: 01h00s

    I am very excited about interviewing Sky Pedersen, and I don't even know her. But her blog and her photos of orbs are just fascinating. Here is what Sky has to say about her work, "I am a Celestial Light Carrier. Since 1994, I have been communicating with a consciousness that incorporates the (classic) Tzol’kin Mayan Calendar as an ascension pathway. This consciousness became visible in my digital media after engaging these light language frequencies while synchronizing with the sacred daily energies through 3 calendar rounds. This frequency presents portals in the format of orbs which link one with their original 'home' port in these multiple universes. Re-constituting the energy of our own personal true home begins to formulate our template in returning to Oneness. I have compiled a youtube video of some of these photographic experiences which can be experienced at www.youtube.com/MontanaNightSky" I have material also posted at: www.pearleysky.wordpress.com ==================================

  • Suchi Kumar - Radical Forgiveness

    26/02/2010 Duração: 01h00s

    Today's show features Suchi Kumar, who is an Inner Freedom coach and a Certified Radical Forgiveness Counselor. She will be talking with us about Radical Forgiveness, which has to do with looking at the reason people come into our lives, and what we can learn from the experience so that we can release the past. Hanging onto unforgiveness is often the missing piece to our moving forward and achieving our dreams. Suchi says, "When you master the art of true forgiveness and letting go, you will be able to manifest more easily, experience inner freedom and have incomparable inner strength no matter what life brings."

  • Niara Isley - Theories of how our Shadow government was formed

    05/02/2010 Duração: 01h00s

    Niara and I had such a great time talking last week that she has agreed to come on my show again this week and discuss certain theories of how and when the shadow government was formed. Come listen as this brilliant and courageous former member of the US military talks about something most people are too afraid to discuss in a public forum.

  • Extra Terrestrials, Exopolitics and more - Niara Isley

    29/01/2010 Duração: 01h00s

    Coming from a spiritual standpoint, Niara will be discussing the necessity of facing and moving beyond our fears to allow our consciousness expansion to continue. At her Encounters with Healing Blog is some of that information. Also, the law of attraction teachings apply... and doing our shadow work and consciously choosing how we wish to reshape our own lives and our world. While most law of attraction teachers focus on people creating personal wealth, great relationships or other personal desires, they don't delve into the world of shadow gov'ts, military-industrial complex conspiracy, these are becoming more apparent and transparent over time. This is a gift, they are being exposed so that humanity can more consciously choose - the collective human shadow revealing itself to be transformed. An understanding of how the gov't-military-industrial complex continually dishes up fear through their controlled media needs to be understood so we can withdraw our vital creative spiritual energy from keeping us

  • Past Life Readings

    15/01/2010 Duração: 45min

    Today I will be talking about so-called past lives, and the Akashic Records. Come have a listen!

  • Belinda Farrell: Huna Healing and Ho'oponopono

    04/12/2009 Duração: 01h00s

    Belinda Farrell, hypnotherapist and psychic energy healer, brings you (with permission) ancient Hawaiian chants and drumming combining the ancient process of HUNA to open your heart and call your spirit back to receive more love. Belinda says, "During the past ten years as a healing practitioner, I have seen a real need for people to Forgive in order to Heal Themselves. Unforgiveness is the greatest toxin we have in the body. Intellectually, people realize they have to Let Go of the Past, but they don't know how. Finally, there is an audio tape I've created, "Chant & Forgiveness...A Huna Odyssey," Based on an ancient Hawaiian relationship process. On side one, you'll hear ancient Hawaiian chants and drumming designed to bring down your Higher Self and Open Your Heart. Side two, gently guides you through the process of "cutting negative cords" to Call Back Your Spirit and Receive More Joy." “Along with you, I have also experienced huge transitions in my life forcing me out of my comfort zone. Through t

  • Norma Delaney - "Doctor of Breath"

    06/11/2009 Duração: 01h00s

    Norma Delaney practices breathwork, and has had clients referred to her by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober. She is often referred to as "the healer's healer." Listen to what Tobias has to say: "We don't mean to embarrass anyone here . . . but if you want to feel, and see, and touch, perhaps even smell the essence of Kuan Yin here today, there is one who has agreed to-how to say-allow this, to show this, for she works with it so very closely. Talk to the master, the "Doctor of Breath" (referring to Dr. Norma Delaney), if you want to see and feel the love and the compassion of Kuan Yin, for they have been working together for so very long. She, the Doctor of Breath, has embodied Kuan Yin within her." Tobias as Channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe Please come listen as I interview the internationally acclaimed breathwork specialist Dr. Norma Delaney. Her website is www.normadelaney.com

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