Thread With Dr. Chuck Quinley

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 87:06:31
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Thread is a Bible podcast for Christians in Leadership in the family, education, ministry or the marketplace. It's a solid Bible study from a seasoned husband, father of six, church-planter and media producer who has spent his life in Asia seeking to be part of bringing God's light there. We move steadily through entire books, going verse by verse seeking wisdom and encouragement to guide us as agents of change in our generation. Please rate us and write a comment on the iTunes podcast network. Thanks! Where to find it: Android Marketplace: search Thread by Chuck Quinley ITunes: search Thread with Chuck Quinley New! Stitcher! (click:


  • Thread Season 3 Episode 1 : Identity

    28/02/2017 Duração: 24min

    Today’s lesson covers (2 Corinthians Chapter 1:1-2) and our topic today is Finding our Identity as a person in ministry. I love this book! It has ministered to me throughout my 30+ years of full-time service to the Lord and the body of Christ. In this book Paul is a middle-aged man looking back on his life. Like all of us will, he asks this question: “Did I live well? Did I succeed in life?”Support the show (

  • Welcome to THREAD SEASON 3!

    28/02/2017 Duração: 05min

    Welcome to THREAD SEASON 3! The wait is over. Season 3 of the Thread podcast is about to be released. This first episode is a 7 minute prequel where Chuck Quinley talks about the direction we’ll be taking for the next 40 episodes of Thread, the Leader’s Bible Study.Support the show (

  • Thread #137: We Wrap Up the Book of Acts – Now where are we going in the future for the Thread Podcast?

    11/07/2016 Duração: 27min

    In this episode we put the finishing touches on our extensive study of the early Christian movement. Dr. Chuck Quinley also talks about the future direction of the Thread podcast and gives a peek into the next book we will study line by line.Play EpisodeSupport the show

  • Thread #136: More Takeaways from the Book of Acts

    30/05/2016 Duração: 24min

    There were just too many takeaways to squeeze into the last episode. Get another 12 powerful lessons from the book of Acts for Christian leaders today. Check out this episode of Thread, the Leader's Bible Study.Play EpisodeSupport the show

  • Thread #135: Top Takeaways from the Book of Acts

    23/05/2016 Duração: 29min

    Today we visit 12 top takeaways from our study of the book of Acts. Hear all 12 in this episode of Thread.Play EpisodeSupport the show (

  • Thread #134: Seven Ways to Increase Your Spiritual Authority

    16/05/2016 Duração: 23min

    The impact of Paul’s life is something of a marvel. He was just a man, one man without much money or a big operation, yet his daily actions caused his life to have tremendous impact on other people, on whole families, on organizations and institutions and even on whole cities.Play EpisodeSupport the show

  • Thread #133: Walking with God Through a Time of Physical Peril

    11/05/2016 Duração: 34min

    Remember Maslow's "Five Levels" theory? In the West, we pretty much live at the most difficult level of all, self actualization, "being all that I can be in life". This, of course, is impossible because there's always a little bit more that we could be or some way we could improve, so most of us remain frustrated at our lack of perfection because, actually, this is more or less a godlike realm to live in.Play EpisodeSupport the show

  • Thread #132: Witnessing to Big Shots

    10/02/2016 Duração: 30min

    Can you imagine what you would do if you found yourself in a social situation where a senior government official was present and they turned to you and began a conversation that you realized was God’s open door for you to witness to them? In this episode of Thread we look at how the Apostle Paul handled this exact situation. He was a master spokesman for God to people of high position.Play EpisodeSupport the show (

  • Thread #131: Sometimes Any Action is Better Than Inaction

    17/01/2016 Duração: 22min

    Have you ever been stuck in a place and you wanted to move on but had no options available? Today’s Thread is about the special trial of being blocked. You know where you want to be but circumstances have hemmed you in. Sometimes we agonize over making the perfect choice that we allow our life’s progress to grind to a halt. Any action is better than inaction in many cases. You can adjust later. Watch how the Apostle Paul did it in this episode of Thread.Play EpisodeSupport the show

  • Thread #130: Should Christians Try to Convert People?

    24/12/2015 Duração: 20min

    Christianity is an inherently evangelizing faith. Jesus said that if we are going to follow him we must be proud, not ashamed, of him and openly share with others what he has done in our lives. We do this in a sincere desire that those we meet will find forgiveness, cleansing, liberty, community--total life transformation just as we have. So, without apology, we engage others intentionally on Christ's behalf whether it is PC or not. Some people come to Jesus easily. They've been searching and we meet them at just the right moment for them. Others require diligent effort and loving persuasion. They know they need to repent. They know its the right thing to do and that they will benefit but they linger, avoiding the price of repentance.Play EpisodeSupport the show (

  • Thread #129 The Overlooked Power of Children and Youth

    26/11/2015 Duração: 25min

    Children and pre-teens all over the world are engaged in undertakings generally reserved for adults. Some of these roles happen out of family necessity. Big sisters care for babies. Others put in a full days work on farms at harvest. Millions of kids work jobs after school each day, gaining valuable skills and experience to equip them to live independently.While we would all want to see the hours for such labor limited and the places of work safe for kids, the point is that kids are far more capable than most people understand them to be.Play EpisodeSupport the show

  • Thread # 128 When It’s Time to Stand Up For Your Rights

    02/11/2015 Duração: 20min

    In ministry, and especially in missions work, we might not always have legal rights. Some nations and societies restrict the spread of the Gospel either by law or by physical intimidation. In those cases, we'll be as careful as possible and just take any punishment that comes as an honor as representatives of Jesus.Today's Thread shows us how the Apostle Paul went through this difficult situation, yet maintained his composure.Play EpisodeSupport the show

  • Thread #127: 8 Things to Remember When You Have to Defend Yourself in Public

    12/10/2015 Duração: 28min

    There are a few times in every life when you find yourself misunderstood by a group of people close to you. It may be at work, in church, in your circle of friends or even in your home or extended family circle. In these moments you'll need to take charge of the stage and tell your story so you can control the message. Without it, those who misunderstand you will tell the story and get your actions and motivations wrong causing you to lose your precious interpersonal connection, bond, influence and the reputation you've taken pains to build over a lifetime. Today's Thread shows us how the Apostle Paul expertly handled the situation when it happened to him. This is a must teaching for anyone serving in leadership. Play EpisodeSupport the show (

  • Thread #126: How it Backfires When We Do Good Works to be Seen By Others

    28/09/2015 Duração: 21min

    Have you ever felt pressured by someone else to do something that wasn't exactly wrong, just not natural to you? This is even worse when you are on their turf and have to be especially courteous and so it’s difficult to extricate yourself from the situation or even to figure out your response should be. Sometimes we can be pressured to go against our principles even though we aren't being pressured to actually do evil, just to be unreal. Today’s lesson is about an occupational hazard that is especially dangerous to those who serve in roles that are widely visible--doing things to be seen.Play EpisodeSupport the show

  • Thread #125: What to do when someone says “I have a word for you from God.”

    15/09/2015 Duração: 28min

    "I have a word for you from God..."  Are these the words of a crazy person, a busybody, or a true messenger of God sent to bring comfort, guidance and encouragement to you?  How can you know? What is the proper response if someone approaches you with such a word?  This episode of Thread takes us into the everyday life of the first Christians to see how differently they perceived such things.  Through Paul's repeated encounters with people who give him words of personal prophecy we can see Five Key Responses to a spiritual messenger.Play EpisodeSupport the show

  • Thread #124: What Toxic Leaders Hope You Won’t Find Out

    01/09/2015 Duração: 20min

    Jesus told us that one of the chief signs of the last days was to be the multiplication of corrupt, false spiritual leaders. In this episode of Thread, the Apostle Paul outlines four “birthmarks” of a false leader, someone you should run away from as one of God’s sheep. In his day, the Apostle Paul was an excellent gatekeeper and protector of the flock. Listen to his words of caution and learn what toxic leaders hope you won’t find out.Play EpisodeSupport the show (

  • Thread #123: What To Pay Attention To

    18/08/2015 Duração: 14min

    I love technology and I get really excited about the advances that are being made in driverless car technology. Google already has cars driving hundreds of thousands of miles in the United States with no driver. Maybe this didn't mattered before but with the invasion of cell phone and social media use, it just seems like more and more drivers are driving thousands of pounds of automobile at other people at high speed while staring down into their phone texting or playing games. To be a safe pilot you have to pay attention. Your eyes have to be on the most important thing. Everyone is depending upon our diligence just to out all the distractions and keep the main thing in focus.Play EpisodeSupport the show

  • Thread #122: Seven Characteristics of a Spiritual Leader That Changes Your Life Forever

    03/08/2015 Duração: 28min

    Most of us, they say, have 50 ongoing relationships. Most of these are just people with whom we have normal human interactions, but every now and then someone comes along that we admire so much. Not content with our admiration they actively engage us and change our lives forever. Sadly, some people have never met such a person though their heart cries out for it.Play EpisodeSupport the show (

  • Thread #121 : The Secret Suffering Most Leaders Endure

    21/07/2015 Duração: 21min

    I think you’re going to find this episode of Thread to be particularly meaningful especially if you are a leader of a family, church or organization. Today’s Thread is about the secret sufferings most leaders endure in the course of their lifetime of ministry. I know what I’m talking about here. Play EpisodeSupport the show

  • Thread #120: How to leave your ministry in an honorable way

    27/06/2015 Duração: 22min

    Ever had to leave a group or ministry with which you had been deeply committed? It can be awkward, right? Today’s Thread is about leaving a relational and work circle you have been closely connected to because the Lord is calling you to do something new.Play EpisodeSupport the show (

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