Thread With Dr. Chuck Quinley

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 87:06:31
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Thread is a Bible podcast for Christians in Leadership in the family, education, ministry or the marketplace. It's a solid Bible study from a seasoned husband, father of six, church-planter and media producer who has spent his life in Asia seeking to be part of bringing God's light there. We move steadily through entire books, going verse by verse seeking wisdom and encouragement to guide us as agents of change in our generation. Please rate us and write a comment on the iTunes podcast network. Thanks! Where to find it: Android Marketplace: search Thread by Chuck Quinley ITunes: search Thread with Chuck Quinley New! Stitcher! (click:


  • Thread #39: Anointed Speech

    23/07/2010 Duração: 22min

    Jesus ministered each day with the confidence that whatever he said from his mouth would come to pass.  He consciously spoke words with intent.  To some he spoke healing words. Others received a challenge or a diagnosis of what their core issue was. Some received a calling and clear direction. Still others got a question that, if answered truthfully would unlock their life.Play EpisodeSupport the show

  • Thread #38: Your Personal State of Worship

    14/07/2010 Duração: 21min

    Because leaders carry such a heavy load of responsibility it is easy to let the urgency of the day's demands drive you into the battle each morning. Over time your faith will wane and your fears, doubts, and personal insecurities will grow.  Life will become more of a weary battle and you may even hear yourself speaking harshly to and about others.  To be a life-giving leader we need to minister out of our overflow and to do that we need a personal rhythm of worship to our Father God for all He has done for us in Christ and all He is going to do to meet our needs and bring meaning to our life and work.Play EpisodeSupport the show (

  • Thread #37: Standing up to the crowd

    08/07/2010 Duração: 21min

    Do you wilt under criticism or freeze and lower your eyes when someone in public casts a harsh look at you? In this Thread we see one handicapped man's response to the pressure of the crowd as he created a scene in public to attract the attention of Jesus as he passed by surrounded by an adoring public. Bartimaeus was determined to get his breakthrough. Listen to this thread for more.Play EpisodeSupport the show (

  • Thread #36: Conversations on the Road

    18/06/2010 Duração: 19min

    Family trips can be a wonderful time for conversations in the car. You never know when someone will open up a topic that leads to a really important discussion. In this episode of Thread we catch up with Jesus and his team as they journey by foot from the provincial north to the capital city of Jerusalem where Jesus will engage the religious establishment with open prophetic rebuke right in the temple courts. The disciples has a swirl of emotions ranging from panic to excitement. Let's listen in to a teachable moment on the road with Jesus as he moves toward the cross.Play EpisodeSupport the show

  • Thread #35: The Power of Money

    08/06/2010 Duração: 26min

    "Money is morally neutral. It's just what you do with it that makes it have power."  Jesus will not allow us to entertain such a naive view of money.  He even gave it a name as though it is a rival spiritual power at war with God and His work in our hearts. We need money and what it can buy for us, but when we get too much of it money has a way of owning us and filling us with fear.  In business we talk about "golden handcuffs" material benefits that tie people to jobs they hate and can cause them to spend their short life in ways they later may regret.   Hear more on this week's Thread.Play EpisodeSupport the show (

  • Thread #34: On Becoming a good person

    07/06/2010 Duração: 18min

    Do you have a nagging sense of guilt? Is your relationship with God a quest for His approval with you always seeming in your own mind to have come up short. Listen in to the conversation as Jesus answers the most important question he was ever asked.Play EpisodeSupport the show

  • Thread #33: Jesus on Marriage, Divorce and Children

    30/05/2010 Duração: 24min

    Three of the most emotionally impactful topics in one podcast! Yep, listen to Jesus Christ as he takes on the divorce industry of his day.Play EpisodeSupport the show (

  • Thread #32: Doing Whatever it Takes To Avoid Sin

    19/05/2010 Duração: 24min

    How far would you go to avoid sin?  Break off a relationship? Quit your well-paying job? Change your daily habits? Cut off internet at your house?  Jesus says that sometimes extreme measures are needed in the battle for our souls.Play EpisodeSupport the show

  • Thread #31: Sectarianism versus Inclusion

    11/05/2010 Duração: 24min

    Tired of division among Christians? No one hated it more than Jesus. Hear his instruction to the disciples in this week's Thread podcast.Play EpisodeSupport the show

  • Thread #30: On Being the Boss

    02/05/2010 Duração: 31min

    Being the boss is something most of us aspire to.  It sure beats being told what to do by someone who doesn't seem to understand your needs. Being the boss, however, carries its own set of spiritual pitfalls and natural temptations. Even in the church we see failures in using power in a positive way. Let's listen to Jesus as he describes the kind of leaders he endorses.Play EpisodeSupport the show

  • Thread #29: Don’t say IF…

    29/03/2010 Duração: 25min

    "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he."  Is your mind full of confidence or muddled by doubt and double-mindedness?  In this episode of Thread we observe the tremendous power of positivity, unwavering childlike faith in God's benevolent sovereignty toward us.  That faith releases the flow of God's miraculous grace and fights back the attacks of the enemy against us.  We will also observe the power of anti-faith, doubt and disbelief, to nullify the creative work God intends for us to receive.  Faith or doubt?  Its up to us.  Listen for more...Play EpisodeSupport the show (

  • Thread #28: The Kingdom Comes in Power

    15/03/2010 Duração: 23min

    One day the Kingdom of God will come in power in a visible, tangible way. Right now, though, we can already experience some of its power--healings, dreams, miracles, and divine direction.  One day the darkness will be totally vanquished and the King will bring perfection to our world and bring God's original creation-dream to reality.This hope is the core of Christian theology and the basis of all our prayer and work. Come quickly Lord Jesus and bring us this Kingdom.Play EpisodeSupport the show

  • Thread #27: The Kilamanjaro Teaching

    05/02/2010 Duração: 24min

    In this episode of Thread we track with Jesus as he takes his mission to a higher plane. Only those willing to pay the price to go with him could continue with him. It reminds me of the experience of our friend, Diane, while climbing Kilamanjaro.. listen to the podcast for more...Play EpisodeSupport the show

  • Thread #26: Thinking Like Mere Men

    31/01/2010 Duração: 22min

    Sometimes God shows you what He wants you to do but it requires the sacrifice of your marriage plans, job or a material possession. Sometimes it places you in perceived danger because you have to insert yourself in a place of serious need. In these times you turn to your friends and family for encouragement and affirmation only to have them attempt to stop you from taking such a dangerous leap. They do it out of love, but they are using only human "security-centric" thinking versus listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit who often calls us into the darkness away from our security and comfort. In this episode Jesus deals with this situation as Peter out of misguided love tries to stop Jesus from talking about God's mission for him requiring his death. Food for thought...Play EpisodeSupport the show

  • Thread #25: The Hinge

    14/01/2010 Duração: 20min

    Mark 8 is the hinge of the entire gospel and the point where Christ's public and private ministry made a dramatic turn. Tune in to this week's Thread to know more.Play EpisodeSupport the show

  • Thread #24: The Ups and Downs of Life in Ministry

    04/01/2010 Duração: 25min

    Ever had a day when you start on an amazing high only to have it crash and burn by late afternoon when something else invades your wonderful day and turns it upside down? Jesus had days like that too. Sometimes you just have to soldier on. Listen to today's podcast for more.Play EpisodeSupport the show (

  • Thread #23: When God Spits on You

    14/12/2009 Duração: 21min

    Ever go to God and not receive what you expected from Him? Maybe it seems like the answer to your prayers is "Take a number..." In today's Thread we learn lessons from two people who were being tormented by the "dark side." Both came to Jesus, but neither received the treatment they might have thought they deserved. Still...Play EpisodeSupport the show (

  • Thread #22: Getting Free From Legalism

    08/12/2009 Duração: 25min

    Legalists mean well. They hope to find a way to minimize the defilement of sin and its power to destroy the beauty in life. It all starts out with naming external things that seem to have a connection to sin, then forbidding them. Over time there have been many forbidden things: pork, sex even in marriage, alcohol, and "worldly occupations" such as the entertainment industry. Women have been stripped of their makeup, jewels, short haircuts and the wearing of pants. Some listen to and play only "Christian" music. What does Jesus say about all of this? What works and what doesn't in helping us find holiness in this life?Play EpisodeSupport the show

  • Thread #21: Praying Leads to Walking on Water

    03/12/2009 Duração: 19min

    What fills you up after you have become emptied out through serving others? For Jesus, it was time alone with God. He seemed to like mountains and night times for seasons of extended praying. His prayers weren't a good work, or something he had to do to be a good person toward God. He honestly and earnestly longed to spend time alone with the Father. Those times aligned his heart with the Father's and allowed the full resources of God to flow into him equipping him to handle whatever circumstances came his way. You and I need places and rhythms of prayer alone. These times will determine our spiritual depth over the course of our lifetimes. Listen to this thread and hear more on this subject as we study the life of Jesus through the gospel of Mark one verse at a time.Play EpisodeSupport the show (

  • Thread #20: A Healthy Rhythm for Ministry Life

    25/11/2009 Duração: 31min

    Have you ever pushed yourself beyond your limits of strength and endurance? Every champion knows the necessity of this during times when "pushing through the pain" is the only way to overcome challenges. The problem comes when we try to live at that state always. We trade sleep for work, exercise for work, and socializing for more work. Our lives need a healthy rhythm especially when much os our lives' energies are directed into caring for the needs of others. If caregivers and ministers burn out everyone suffers. Listen to the wisdom of Jesus as he teaches his disciples about the value of people and about the Father's active care for all of us. God will provide all that you and your sheep need to be fed and healthy. We don't need to take all of this on ourselves. In the end it is God's work. Listen to this thread to hear more.Play EpisodeSupport the show (

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