New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 126:47:32
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The New Class Rising Podcast was created for the struggling Middle Class who had always followed the "right" path but who now finds itself Downsized by Debt and a failing Economy. Learn about Economic topics that will help you understand how to preserve your wealth and hear from real entrepreneurs who now enjoy living the New Class lifestyle, so that you too, can make the jump!


  • 032: Demo'ing Your Product or Service and Capturing Leads - Sales Page System Pt.3

    28/07/2014 Duração: 36min

    On this episode I am continuing the series that we started back on episode 22 on the 6-Steps to Creating a Sales Page System that Generates Passive Income. Specifically, on this episode I cover the proper way to 'Demo your Product or Service' and "How to Generate or Capture Potential Customers that You can Convert into Paying Customers'. The Sale is in the Product Demo! Are you doing this right? #NewClassRising #032 with @Hector_Avellan [TweetThis]  Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog:  

  • 031: The Dollar Hits a BRICS Wall!

    24/07/2014 Duração: 35min

    The FIFA World Cup is over but the news coming out of Brazil is still hot!  Last week (Jul-2014) the BRICS Nations announced the official establishment of what they are calling the 'New Development Bank'. This Bank was created to rival the IMF and the World Bank that exist today that were created as a result of the Bretton Woods System that enacted the U.S Dollar as Reserve Currency of the World. By doing this the BRICS Nations have made a HUGE statement - they want out of the dollar and they aren't going to wait around for the 'West' to make it happen! This has huge ramifications for the future of the dollar as the Reserve Currency of the World and for those that can see it, the writing is on the wall.  In this episode I am going to explain why you should care! The BRICS Nations are sending a clear message to the World! They want out of the U.S Dollar #NewClassRising #031 with @Hector_Avellan [TweetThis] Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog:

  • 030: Why the Internet Entrepreneur Connection Blog is Down and Where You Can Buy Gold and Silver the Cheapest

    21/07/2014 Duração: 54min

    What is up Rising Class?! Thanks for joining me on today's show. So on this episode I won't be covering any particular topic but I did want to take some time to share with you why the blog is no longer live and available today and why that happened.  For those of you who have been following for some time you know that I've worked on this blog for the last 4-years and this is a big deal for me. I also share what is coming next and why this just has me excited to the bone!  Finally, I finally deliver on some promised content and tell you where you can access it. This is still an awesome show and a great time to spend with your New Class crew! Don't miss this show!  Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog:

  • 029: Anthony Tran: How Working the Night-Shift Pushed Him to Make a Change

    17/07/2014 Duração: 33min

    Anthony was working the night-shift and was barely able to see his family during the day. His wife worked a normal 9-5 and with their offset schedules, Anthony was lucky to see his family for 15-minutes a day while they ate dinner. Anthony was a successful professional and had a great career but the thought of not being able to see his family for more than 15-minutes a day really pushed him to question what he really valued in life.  He started Marketing Access Pass and today his life has changed completely, for the better! Sometimes it takes us asking asking the tough questions to be the change we want to see in our opwn lives #NewClassRising #029 with Hector_Avellan [TweetThis] Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog:

  • 028: Isaac Tobelen: Taking His Wife's Functional Medicine Practice Online and the Leap of Faith that Changed Their Life

    10/07/2014 Duração: 39min

    Isaac Tobelen had grown up around entrepreneurs his entire life. Although he worked with his parents in their business as a young boy, he never really understood or had much of a spark for entrepreneurship - but that all changed one day when his wife, a Functional Medicine Practitioner, pleaded that he join her in her business. Maria, his wife, could no longer handle all of the task of her practice by herself and she was tiring fast! Isaac had a decision to make. He was the primary breadwinner and quitting his job to join his wife's business was going to wipe out their 'salary' safety net. He took a leap of faith and what has transpired has been magical.  Not everyone has what it takes to quit their job and join their wife's business, but this guy did! #NewClassRising #028 with @Hector_Avellan [TweetThis] Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog:

  • 027: Why I'm not Breaking out the Fireworks for the Dow hitting 1700 and the June 2014 Jobs Report

    07/07/2014 Duração: 37min

    The biggest news over the weekend was the Jobs report for the month of June and the fact that the Dow broke 1700 for the first time ever!  On this episode I am going to talk about why this news is not as great as the market experts are making it out to be and why you should still be thinking about putting your currency in Gold versus the stock market. Labor Dept Household Survey shows the while the market lost 593K Full-time jobs in May'14, it ADDED 799K part time jobs #NewClassRising #027 [TweetThis] This is not a good thing! Are Part-time jobs the 'New Normal"? Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog:

  • 026: Eddie Yoon: How a Recent College Grad Built a Maid-Service Business for less than $1,000 and Sold it for 6-Figures

    03/07/2014 Duração: 01h09min

    Eddie Yoon graduated from College and went to work in Corporate Finance.  He liked his job but he knew that he wasn't passionate about what he was doing. What he then did for himself completely changed his life. He decided to give himself a challenge - Quit his job and build a successful business in 100 days or go back to the corporate job he knew he wasn't passionate about! He went to work with on his business and a year and half later he was being invited to Dinner Meetings with some of the wealthiest Real Estate tycoons in the Los Angeles area. When he was approached about selling his business for a whopping six-figures he realized he had done some special!  When someone offers you 6-Figures for a Business you've built in a year, you know you've created something special #NewClassRising Pod #026 [TweetThis] Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog:

  • 025: Driving Customers to Your Sales Page - Sales Page System Pt.2

    30/06/2014 Duração: 36min

    On this show I am going to be talking about the 4 easiest and mostly free ways to drive traffic to your online sales page. I briefly touch up on some Economic news - I want to make sure the Rising Class is up to date with what's really going on in the Economy and not listen to the bogus stuff that's told on the daily news. Today's tips are short and easy but the best thing of all is that you will like not have to spend a single dime doing them and they are super effective at getting traffic to your sales page! Implement these 4 traffic hogging strategies to get potential customers to your website! #NewClassRising #025 with @Hector_Avellan [TweetThis] Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog:

  • 024: 7-Elements to a Sales Page that Converts - Sales Page System Pt.1

    26/06/2014 Duração: 01h05min

    Do you have an idea for an eBook or Audiobook that you want to sell on your own Sales Page? Maybe you have a Video Training Course of some kind that you want to offer people in your niche or area of expertise. Well Rising Class, in this episode I am going to share the 7-Elements that make a Sales Page Convert. I start off the epsiode sharing some news on the Economy and then we'll dive deep into what you need to have in your sales page to make sure that when traffic lands on your Sales Page, you guide your potential customers through your content so that they can become real paying customers! Every high Converting Sales Page System has these 7-Elements! Are you implementing these? #NewClassRising #024 with @Hector_Avellan [TweetThis] Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog:

  • 023: John Lee Dumas: From 6-Figure per Year JOB, to 6-Figure Per Month Lifestyle

    23/06/2014 Duração: 35min

    From the battle fields of Iraq to the battle fields of Entrepreneurship, John Lee Dumas knows that Success means arming yourself with the right tools. John hasn't always been an Internet Entrepreneur, in fact, his Entrepreneurial Journey did not start until the age of 32, but John knew that if he was going to live a life full of passion for what he did ever day, he was going to have to FOCUS! And that's exactly what he did. He quit his 6-Figure per year Job and went to work on his Passion - bringing interviews with some of today's most inspiring entrepreneurs to the masses. Today John has built a 6-Figure per month Lifestyle that let's him live a life full of the passion that fuels him every single day. This is an interview not to be missed!  The riskiest thing you can do as an employee is to just be good at ONE THING! #NewClassRising #023 w/ @Hector_Avellan [TweetThis] Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog:

  • 022: 6-Steps to Creating a Sales System that Generates Passive Income - Explaining the Next Series

    19/06/2014 Duração: 33min

    The highest paid internet entrepreneurs know that when it comes to building successful online businesses - Systems are Key! On this episode of the New Class Rising Podcast I discuss the next Series on 6-steps that you absolutely must have in your business Sales Page System to generate true passive income to free-up more of your time. Sales Page Systems are key for earning this Kind of Income! #NewClassRising #022 with @Hector_Avellan [TweetThis] Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog:

  • 021: 5 Steps to Creating and Publishing Your e-Book on Amazon's Kindle Store

    16/06/2014 Duração: 52min

    Have you ever thought about becoming an Author or do you have any idea for the next best-selling novel that you just haven't gotten around to writing? If so, this episode is for you! On this episode I am sharing my secret sauce used while creating my very own e-Book - DeCLASSifed: The Fall of the Middle Class and Rise of the Internet Entrepreneur. After you listen to this episode you should have the right mindset and know exactly how to go about and creating the novel or book that you've always wanted to write. If you've never thought about becoming an author and earning income off your work, this is not for you! #NewClassRising #021 @Hector_Avellan [TweetThis] Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog:

  • 020: Hector Raw, Uncut and Unedited. A Review and Commentary About the Podcast to Date

    12/06/2014 Duração: 54min

    We made it Rising Class!  This is episode number 020 and on this epsiode I wanted to do something outside of the norm. I usually spend quite a deal of time preparing an outline or session flow for each episode, but on this show I literally just got hopped on the Mic and wanted to be as real and as authentic with you as I possibly could be. I jumped around quite a bit but on this episode I cover how I am feeling about the podcast and also add some commentary about some of the economic and business ideas that I've talked about in the past, but I talk a little more freely on this episode. As you can hear, I am not a professional speaker but I am working on improving. My goal is just to be able to bring you the content that you deserve to listen to and to offer the most value possible. I hope you enjoy this episode and now I am off to celebrate! I am literally going to celebrate this milestone of 20 episodes by bitting into a nice, juice Rib-eye! You have to celebrate the small wins and THIS ONE is definitely one

  • 019: Liz Brazier: How Liz went from a Sales Professional to Building Her Dream Lifestyle as an Accountability Coach

    09/06/2014 Duração: 53min

    It's Monday and to get the motivational ball rolling this week , once again, we are starting off this week with an Interview.  On this episode we are talking to Liz Brazier from where she helps entrepreneurs "Get the Right Stuff Done". Liz was a corporate sales professional who hated having to travel between New Zealand and the United States for work every year while having to leave her parents behind, who were now seniors. One morning Liz woke up and decided to finally take action on the question she had asked herself many times before and which since then has set-off a ripple effect that has now allowed her to live the life of her dreams! "What Am I waiting For?" This awesome gal asked herself this ONE question, and it completely changed her life! Have you? #NewClassRising #019 @Hector_Avellan [TweetThis] Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog:

  • 018: Starting Your Internet Business Website Pt.4

    05/06/2014 Duração: 49min

    On this episode we are continuing the second half of the 'HOW', when Starting your Internet Business Website. Specifically, in this episode we are discussing the Wordpress Plugin Basics, along with my top 5 absolute MUST HAVE's and we also dive into some Email Marketing Services and How-to's when to setting some of that stuff up. This completes our series on Starting Your Internet Business Website so don't miss it! If you're starting your WordPress website without these 5 Plugins, you may want to reconsider! #NewClassRising #018 with @Hector_Avellan [TweetThis] Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog:

  • 017: Hector Avellaneda: Interview from the Conservative on Fire Podcast

    02/06/2014 Duração: 50min

    On this episode I am sharing the interview that I recorded with Dan Lovallo from the Conservative on Fire Podcast. Although somewhat political at times this interview definitely offers more perspective on my thought progress behind why it is so important for today's middle-class to become self-dependent and join the Rising Class, Why I started the Internet Entrepreneur Connection blog and Why everyone should be listening to this podcast. Did @Hector_Avellan from the #NewClassRising Podcast get a little RED during this Interview? #017 [TweetThis] Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog:

  • 016: Why Now is the Best Time to Convert your Currency into Real Money and Why Gold and Silver Could Skyrocket in July

    29/05/2014 Duração: 38min

    In the first quarter of 2014 the U.S GDP came to a screeching halt! While some experts were expecting GDP in the 3.0% range we actually had 0.1% GDP. Those same experts have also now come out and said that the really low GDP number, while unexpected, was very likely due to the harsh winter weather. In fact, they have come out and said that they also expect 2nd Quarter GDP for 2014 to be back int he 3% range.  Anyone who understands the real economic fundamentals has a very good reason to believe that this will not be the case, and in fact, the opposite will happen. If this is the case, we are officially back in a Recession and Gold and Silver prices would be set to skyrocket, once again. In this episode, I am sharing my thoughts on how and why I believe this could happen and why now is the best time for you to convert at least some of your currency to gold and silver. Now could be the best time to convert your monopoly money into this hard asset! #NewClassRising #016 w/ @Hector_Avellan [TweetThis] Hit Me Up F

  • 015: Tyler Wagner: Why every Entrepreneur Needs to Become a Conference Crusher

    26/05/2014 Duração: 53min

    In this episode we are talking to Tyler Wagner, author of the Best Seller on Amazon - Conference Crushing.  Tyler tells us why he dropped out of college, why he decided to become an internet entrepreneur and why he believes Conference Crushing is the best thing you can do to invest in yourself and maximize your ROI at Conferences. Are you taking this guys advice to CRUSH your next Conference? #NewClassRising #015 with @Hector_Avellan [Tweet This]   Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog:

  • 014: Fabian Calvo: The Economic Global Reset and Why the New Class of Entrepreneurs will Thrive in the Next Economic Crisis

    19/05/2014 Duração: 48min

    These guest today needs to introduction! On this episode we are talking to Fabian Calvo. We Discuss the importance of Internet Entrepreneurship in the modern Economy for the struggling Middle-Class, as well as Economic topics, specifically something that Fabian refers to as the coming 'Global Economic Reset'. The monetary systems have failed before and the next economic crisis that is coming will prove to the biggest that we have even come to know.  Fabian explains what the Economic Global Reset means for the middle-class and how the Rising Class of Entrepreneurs will thrive in this new economy. Do you know what to do right now for the coming Global Economic Reset? @Fabian4Liberty Does! #NewClassRising #014 with @Hector_Avellan [TweetThis]   Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog:

  • 013: Starting Your Internet Business Website Pt.3

    15/05/2014 Duração: 47min

    On this episode of the New Class Rising podcast we are continuing our series on Starting an Internet Business Website and we are talking about the 'HOW'. Specifically, HOW to get your Domain and Hosting account and how you can install or get FREE themes for your website. We are also discussing what software options that you have for Sales Pages for your eBook, eVideo Course or MP3 products you may have available and ready to sell or what kinds of Software options you'll have for your Membership sites. You're really going to need to know these things to understand HOW to set up your business website! #NewClassRising #013 with @Hector_Avellan [TweetThis]   Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog:

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