Learn Japanese Pod
- Autor: Vários
- Narrador: Vários
- Editora: Podcast
- Duração: 58:29:50
- Mais informações
Learn Japanese Pod is a podcast that teaches natural every day Japanese with fun audio dialogs
Podcast 46: Darui (Shorts)
19/12/2022 Duração: 10minIn this podcast you will learn what Darui means and how to use it naturally in conversation in Japanese. This lesson includes the main podcast lesson, PDF show notes and an extra audio drill. You can find all of these resources by going to Learn Japanese Pod
Podcast 46: Just the dialogues (Shorts)
19/12/2022 Duração: 50sIn this lesson, you will learn what Darui means. Check out the example sentences and dialogues to learn how these phrases are naturally used by native Japanese speakers in conversation. Example 1: 怠い – Darui I’m tired Example 2: 天気が悪くて体がだるい – Tenki ga warukute karada ga darui I’m so tired because of the weather. Example 3: […]
Podcast 45: How to agree with people in Japanese
25/11/2022 Duração: 37minIn this lesson you will learn how to agree with people in Japanese. Check out the example sentences and dialogues to learn how these phrases are naturally used by native Japanese speakers in conversation. How to study This lesson includes the main podcast lesson, PDF show notes and an extra audio drill. You can find […]
Podcast 45: Just the dialogues
25/11/2022 Duração: 37sIn this lesson you will learn how to agree with people in Japanese. Check out the example sentences and dialogues to learn how these phrases are naturally used by native Japanese speakers in conversation. Main Dialogue (Japanese) A: 今日めっちゃ暑いよね。 B: だよね。 A: なんか、夏は好きだけど湿気が嫌い。 B: わかる、わかる。 A: 今年の夏は猛暑が続いたよね。 B: 本当だよね。 Main Dialogue (Pronunciation) A: Kyō meccha […]
Podcast 44: What does “Hampa nai” mean? (Short)
30/07/2022 Duração: 12minIn this podcast, Ami Alex tell you the meaning of 半端ない Hanpa nai and how to use it naturally in a conversation in Japanese. For more Japanese language learning podcasts visit Learn Japanese Pod
Podcast 44: Just the dialogues (Shorts)
30/07/2022 Duração: 53sThis post includes only Japanese dialogues and sentence examples from podcast #44 “Hanpa nai”. This lesson focuses on the phrase 半端ないhampa nai which means something like amazing, epic or unbelievable. Here are example sentences from the podcast: Example 1: 半端ないよね – Hampa nai yo ne That’s really awesome Example 2: あの人半端ないよね – Ano hito hampa […]
Podcast 43: Receiving compliments in Japanese
15/07/2022 Duração: 39minThis lesson focuses on how to receive compliments in Japanese. We’ll teach you some useful phrases you can use to respond to people who say nice things to you. We’ll also discuss Japanese attitudes towards compliments, why they make them and what they really mean. Spoiler alert, the cultural mindset in Japan might be quite […]
Podcast 43: Just the dialogues
15/07/2022 Duração: 01minThese are just the Japanese dialogues and example sentences taken from podcast #43 “Receiving compliments in Japanese”. This lesson focuses on how to receive compliments in Japanese. We’ll teach you some useful phrases you can use to respond to people who say nice things to you. We’ll also discuss Japanese attitudes towards compliments, why they […]
Podcast 42: What does Toriaezu mean? (Shorts)
30/06/2022 Duração: 09minIn this podcast, Ami Sensei and Alex teach you the meaning of とりあえず Toriaezu and how to use it naturally in Japanese conversation. For more Japanese podcasts visit Learn Japanese Pod
Podcast 42: Just the dialogues (Shorts)
30/06/2022 Duração: 01minThis lesson focuses on the word Toriaezu, what it means and how to use it naturally in conversation in Japanese. What does Toriaezu mean? とりあえず Toriaezu roughly translates as “for the time being” or “for now we’ll do so and so”. This is a useful phrase to use when you want to make a temporary decision before committing to a more substantial or permanent solution. This phrase is often used when you are ordering food at an Izakaya, which is Japanese style pub. You can use とりあえず Toriaezu to order drinks or small snacks while you are deciding what to order for your main dishes. Let’s look at the example sentences below: Example Sentences Here are some examples of how to use とりあえず Toriaezu naturally in Japanese conversation. You can listen to the following example sentences with the extra listening practice audio file that is included in the podcast feed. 1. とりあえずビールで Toriaezu biiru de We’ll have beer for now 2. とりあえずワインで Toriaezu wain de We’ll have wine for now 3. とりあえずお冷で Toriaezu ohiya de We’ll have water for n
Fun Friday 21: Peter Manthei
23/06/2022 Duração: 01h03minIn this Fun Friday edition of the podcast I interviewed my good friend and fellow student of Japanese Peter Manthei. We talked about various topics including the challenges of studying Japanese outside of Japan, Japanese versus American craft beer, useful methods to improve your Japanese as well as some great travel tips. Peter runs a brewery in Michigan called Beards Brewery and you can find out more about him and his adventures on Instagram and Facebook. For more podcasts on Japan and studying Japanese visit Learn Japanese Pod.
Podcast 41: Cheering someone up in Japanese
16/06/2022 Duração: 33minIn this podcast, Ami and Alex teach you some useful phrases to cheer someone up in Japanese. For more Japanese podcasts visit: Learn Japanese Pod
Podcast 41: Just the dialogs
16/06/2022 Duração: 36sThese are the dialogues for podcast 41 “Cheering someone up in Japanese”. In this podcast you will learn some useful phrases to cheer someone up in Japanese. Check out the dialogues below: Main Dialog 1 – Cheering someone up (Japanese) A: もういやだ。 B: どうしたの? A: 仕事がうまくいってなくて。 B: 大丈夫だよ。元気出して。 A: ちょっと自信ないんだよね。 B: 君ならできるよ。頑張って! Main Dialog 1 – Cheering someone up (Pronunciation) A: Mō, iya da. B: Dō shita no? A: Shigoto ga umaku ittenakute. B: Daijōbu yo. Genki dashite. A: Chotto jisshin nain da yo ne. B: Kimi nara dekiru yo. Gambatte! Main Dialog 1 – Cheering someone up (English) A: Ugh, this sucks. B: What’s the matter? A: Work isn’t going well. B: It’s OK. Cheer up! A: I’m kinda losing my confidence. B: You can do it! Do your best! Extra Useful phrases for cheering someone up in Japanese Here are some extra phrases you can use to cheer people up in Japanese 1. 心配しないで – Shinpai shinai de Don’t worry about it 2. 応援してるよ – Ōen shiteru yo I support you / I’ve got your back 3.
Fun Friday 20: Ben and A-Chan Interview
12/05/2022 Duração: 39minIn this Fun Friday edition of the podcast, I sat down with Ben and A-Chan to talk about random things including green tea, ramen, life in Kyoto and more. For more podcasts visit Learn Japanese Pod
Podcast 40: Daily Japanese Onomatopoeia
30/01/2022 Duração: 47minIn this lesson you will learn all about Japanese onomatopoeia which are words that resemble sounds. Some examples in English are splash, bang, zap and beep and you will learn how similar words are used in daily Japanese conversation. Listen to the podcast for dialogue examples as well as vocabulary and grammar explanations. For more podcasts, visit Learn Japanese Pod
Podcast 40: Just the dialogues
30/01/2022 Duração: 01minIn this lesson you will learn all about Japanese onomatopoeia which are words that resemble sounds. Some examples in English are splash, bang, zap and beep and you will learn how similar words are used in daily Japanese conversation. Check out the dialogue and grammar notes below. Main Dialog 1 – Daily Japanese Onomatopoeia (Japanese) A: ね、外見て、雨がザーザー降っているよ。 B: 雷もゴロゴロ鳴ってる。ハラハラする。 A: え?どうしたの?大丈夫? B: 天気が悪くなると頭がクラクラするんだ。 A: ちょっと休んだら? B: うん、そうする。 Main Dialog 1 – Daily Japanese Onomatopoeia (Pronunciation) A: Ne, soto mite, ame ga zaa zaa futteru yo. B: Kaminari mo gorogoro natteru. Hara hara suru. A: E? Dōshita no. Daijōbu? B: Tenki ga waruku naru to atama ga kurakura surun da. A: Chotto yasundara? B: Un, sō suru. Main Dialog 1 – Daily Japanese Onomatopoeia (English) A: Hey, look outside, it’s raining really hard. B: The thunder is rumbling too. I feel kinda nervous. A: Eh? What’s the matter? Are you OK? B: When the weather turns bad my head gets dizzy. A: Why don’t you have a rest? B: Yup, I’ll
Fun Friday 19: Japanese Buzzwords of 2021
30/12/2021 Duração: 49minIn this Fun Friday edition of the podcast, Andy and Alex sit down to talk about the Japanese buzzwords influenced by the major trends in Japan during 2021. For more podcasts visit Learn Japanese Pod
Fun Friday 18: Our favorite Anime
08/10/2021 Duração: 01h10minIn this Fun Friday edition of the podcast, Ami and I talk about some of our favorite Anime, the latest and most popular releases and some old classics that are famous in Japan but not so well known abroad. We are certainly not Anime experts and we couldn’t properly cover all the major Anime even if we wanted to! We simply talk about the Anime we happen to know and love. Enjoy! For more Japanese language learning podcasts visit Learn Japanese Pod
Podcast 39: Calling an ambulance in Japanese
03/10/2021 Duração: 41minIn this podcast Ami Sensei and Alex teach you useful phrases for calling an ambulance and talking to emergency services during a medical emergency. For more Japanese language learning podcasts, visit Learn Japanese Pod
Podcast 39: Just the Dialogues
03/10/2021 Duração: 54sIn this lesson you will learn how to call for an ambulance during a medical emergency. You’ll also learn related phrases for describing people’s physical condition including injuries and illness. Main Dialog 1 – Calling an ambulance (Japanese) A: 119番の消防ですが 火事ですか、救急ですか? B: 救急です。 A: 救急ですね。住所を教えてください。 B: 東京都渋谷区渋谷1丁目12-13。郵便局の前です。 A: 怪我ですか病気ですか B: 病気です。人が倒れています。 A: わかりました。あと5分ほどで救急車が到着します。 Main Dialog 1 – Calling an ambulance (Pronunciation) A: Hyaku juu kyuu ban no shōbō desu ga, kaji desu ka, kyuukyuu desu ka? B: Kyuukyuu desu. A: Kyuukyuu desu ne. Juusho o oshiete kudasai. B: Tōkyō to, Shibuya Ku, icchōme no juuni no juusan. Yuubinkyoku no mae desu. A: Kega desu ka, byōki desu ka. B: Byōki desu. Hito ga taorete imasu. A: Wakarimashita. Ato gofun hodo de kyuukyuusha ga tōchaku shimasu. Main Dialog 1 – Calling an ambulance (English) A: This is 119, Fire Department. Is it fire or a medical emergency? B: Medical emergency. A: Medical emergency. Please tell me your