Legatum Institute Foundation

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  • Editora: Podcast
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The online podcast channel of Legatum Institute Foundation.


  • The Shadow Economy—Impact on Innovation, East and West with Edward Lucas and Jan Svenjar


    The Economist's Edward Lucas and Jan Svenjar of the Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education—Economics Institute (CERGE-EI) discuss the role the shadow economy can play in a country’s prosperity, and the best policies to promote the ‘right kind’ of shadow economic activity.

  • Is There a Future for Ukraine with Yevhen Hlibovytsky


    Yevhen Hlibovytsky, Founder of Pro.Mova and member of the Nestor Group, gave a talk at the Legatum Institute on a strategy for nation building in Ukraine—and how to win the info war against Putin. In this short podcast, Hlibovytsky discusses Ukraine's position now and what should be done to assist the country's utopian transition. Interviewed by Peter Pomerantsev, Senior Fellow to the Transitions Forum at the Legatum Institute.

  • Launch of The Good Right with Michael Gove, MP, Syed Kamall, MEP and Tim Montgomerie


    In conversation with Tim Montgomerie, the Rt. Hon. Michael Gove, MP and Syed Kamall, MEP discussed the importance of making the "positive case for government"; the government's role in Briton's lives; and why we should be embracing and celebrating the society we live in today, rather than hark back to a mythical golden age in the 1950s. The podcast followed a speech by Gove, to launch a new book 'The Good Right', which argues for radical change in how conservative parties and movements think of themselves and how they present themselves to the world.

  • Whatever Happened To Compassionate Conservatism? With the Rt. Hon. Michael Gove, MP


    The Rt. Hon. Michael Gove, Chief Whip, delivered a rousing speech in praise of the Coalition’s record in promoting prosperity. Gove was on hand to launch the new book 'The Good Right', Tim Montgomerie’s and Stephan Shakespeare’s collaborative effort to restore public faith in the Conservative Party. Introduction by Sian Hansen, Executive Director, Legatum Institute.

  • Thieves of State: Why Corruption Threatens Global Security with Sarah Chayes


    Sarah Chayes, veteran reporter and former government advisor, discussed her new book 'Thieves of State: Why Corruption Threatens Global Security'. She was joined in conversation by Peter Pomerantsev, Senior Fellow to the Transitions Forum at the Legatum Institute.

  • Global Trade: The Beginnings with David Abulafia


    David Abulafia, Professor of Mediterranean History at the University of Cambridge, discusses the role of merchants from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance with Hywel Williams, Senior Adviser at the Legatum Institute.

  • Mr Putin: Operative in the Kremlin with Fiona Hill


    Fiona Hill, Director of the Centre on the United States and Europe at the Brookings Institution, discussed her book, 'Mr Putin: Operative in the Kremlin'. She addressed Russia's foreign policy, Putin's background in the KGB and the state of the Russian economy today. Interviewed by Anne Applebaum, Director of the Transitions Forum at the Legatum Institute.

  • You Heard It Here First—A Pollster's General Election Forecast with Ben Page


    Ben Page, Chief Executive of Ipsos-MORI, shared his predictions for the 2015 UK General Election. He also discussed the relevance of the 'youth vote', and whether the UK economy's recent growth-spike will translate into votes. Interviewed by Sian Hansen, Executive Director at the Legatum Institute.

  • The Economics of Prosperity—With Digby, Lord Jones


    Digby Jones, former head of the CBI and Minister of Trade under Gordon Brown, discusses the need for politicians to "change the mood music" surrounding business in Britain today, saying the left—and too many young people—feel hostile to big business and believe 'profit' is a dirty word. He also discussed the "taboo" subject of privatising parts of the "broken" NHS. In conversation with Cristina Odone, Director of Communications at the Legatum Institute.

  • Nothing is True and Everything is Possible: Adventures in Modern Russia


    Peter Pomerantsev,Senior Fellow to the Transitions Forum at the Legatum Institute discusses his new book, 'Nothing is True and Everything is Possible'. In conversation with Anne Applebaum, Director of the Transitions Forum at the Legatum Institute.

  • Character and Values in Society and Education with Sir Anthony Seldon


    Sir Anthony Seldon, Headmaster of Wellington College and political historian and commentator,discusses why academic attainment is only part of the purpose of education. Interviewed by Sian Hansen, Executive Director of the Legatum Institute.

  • The Rt. Hon. Theresa May MP in Conversation with Eve Pollard


    Theresa May, the Home Secretary, discusseschallenges before women politicians, and the support that mentors and groups like Women to Win can offer a would-be female candidate. She also warned about the threat ISIL and other terror groups in the UK still pose. Hosted by the Legatum Institute and the Women2Win campaign group. Interviewed by journalist Eve Pollard.

  • Tackling Iranian Propaganda Through Online Education with Mariam Memarsadeghi


    Mariam Memarsadeghi, Co-Director of Tavaana, an e-learning institute for Iranian civil society, discusses how to tackling Iranian propaganda through online education. In conversation with Anne Applebaum, Director of the Transitions Forum at the Legatum Institute.

  • Would You Employ a Young Person? with Chloe Smith, MP for Norwich North


    Chloe Smith, MP for Norwich North and former Treasury Minister discusses youth unemployment and societal disengagement.

  • Who Was the 'Real' Machiavelli?


    William Connell, historian and Seton Hall University professor, discussed his research into the 'real' Machiavelli. This podcast followed a lecture given by Connell, titled 'Machiavelli’s Utopia: New Light on Machiavelli, Erasmus and More'. Conversation hosted by Hywel Williams,Senior Adviser, Legatum Institute.

  • Rome's Economic Revolution


    In the first of the 2015 History of Capitalism lectures, Philip Kay discussed research into how the expansion of credit contributed to the collapse of the Roman Republic. Kay is Supernumerary Fellow at Wolfson College, University of Oxford and Head of Asia at City Financial. He is the author of 'Rome's Economic Revolution'. In conversation with Stephen Clarke, Research Analyst at the Legatum Institute.

  • The Future of Free Schools with Baroness Evans of Bowes Park


    Natalie Evans (Director of the New Schools Network) discusses the free school movement in the UK, including their achievements so far, early success indicators and the future of the movement after the 2015 General Election. The conversation was hosted by Sian Hansen, Executive Director at the Legatum Institute. More informationwww.li.com/events/the-future-o…evans-of-bowes-park

  • Where is Africa Now? Launch of the 2014 Africa Prosperity Report


    The Legatum Institute hosted the launch of it's 2014 'Africa Prosperity Report', a region-specific index which analyses the overall prosperity of 38 countries. Speakers included Richard Dowden, Director of the Royal African Society and Marieme Jamme, CEO/Founder, Spotone Global Solutions. Cristina Odone, Director of Communications at the Legatum Institute moderated. Introductory remarks were provided by Sian Hansen, Executive Director and Solene Dengler, Research Analyst, both of the Legatum Institute

  • Why Do Societies Prosper? With Martin Vander Weyer, Emma Duncan and Victoria Bateman


    The Legatum Institute's 2014 Charles Street Symposium, an annual forum and essay competition and forum for young researchers, analysed the question ‘Why do societies prosper?’. Here, Martin Vander Weyer (The Spectator), Emma Duncan (The Economist) and Victoria Bateman (University of Cambridge) discuss this theme with the Legatum Institute's Stephen Clarke

  • Ukraine Crisis: What it Means for the West - with Andrew Wilson


    Andrew Wilson in conversation with Anne Applebaum, Director of the Legatum Institute's Transitions Forum.

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