Creative Disturbance

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 217:24:42
  • Mais informações



Creative Disturbance is an international, multilingual network and podcast platform supporting collaboration among the arts, sciences, and new technologies communities.


  • Le Nouveau Terrain des Artistse Pyrotechniciens P A Hubert [FR]

    26/08/2015 Duração: 13min

    L’artiste Pyrotechnicien Pierre-Alain Hubert discute avec Roger Malina de ses performances publiques au milieu d’espaces urbains et naturels et de sa fascination pour les notions d’échelle. Pierre-Alain Hubert a entrepris un échange avec le chercheur en nano sciences Jim Gimzewski au sujet des questions d’échelle et des phénomènes physiques afférents. Hubert lui a notamment fait part des plus petits feux d’artifices créés avec son maître japonais Takeo Shimizu. Gimzewski fut intrigué par cette démonstration qui amena les deux hommes à collaborer pour des projets de feux d’artifices qui explorent ces questions. Hubert s’intéresse tout autant à la physique quantique et cherche à traduire les concepts de cette discipline en des œuvres accessibles (perceptibles) par les sens humains. Pierre-Alain Hubert collabore aussi avec le chercheur Ricardo Lima (CNRS) dans le but de créer des œuvres d’art pour le laboratoire de Jim Gimzewski à l’Université de Californie (UCLA). Lorsque Gimzewski voulut savoir quelles étaient

  • PORTALS: Amar Bakshi discusses Art, the Law, Diplomacy and the Sharing of Linked Virtual Spaces [ENG]

    25/08/2015 Duração: 14min

    Bakshi describes his current project Portals, a series of shipping containers located in Cuba, Iran and other countries- and which are designed as linked shared virtual spaces- and which aim to enable 'bi-directional' encounters. bakshi has worked in the state department, and news agencies and is interested in socially engaged practices that link the arts to foreign relations and the law. He organised a conference on Artists and The Law at Yale in 2015.

  • David Worral [ENG]

    24/08/2015 Duração: 26min

    David Worral is a preeminent scholar regarding sonification. His doctoral thesis on the topic is one of the best resources available for anyone researching this area of study. This is an open and informal discussion of various topics related to sonification. David and Scot have known each other for decades so this an engaging and lively discussion.

  • A Conversation with Sanderia Faye [ENG]

    21/08/2015 Duração: 16min

    Poe Johnson talks to Sanderia Faye about her upcoming novel, Mourner's Bench, and how religion functioned as both a hindrance and help in the Civil Rights Movement.

  • Artiste Pyrotechnicien P A Hubert discute ses feux d’artifice et musique dans les espaces urbains [FR]

    20/08/2015 Duração: 13min

    L’ artificier Pierre Alain Hubert, pionnier des arts, des sciences et des nouvelles technologies s’entretient avec Roger Malina. Il revient sur ses premiers contacts avec l’art cinétique dans les années 70 et sur sa passion pour la création d’œuvres d’art monumentales qui servent aussi d’illuminations dans les espaces publics. Dès son arrivée à Marseille, Pierre-Alain Hubert s’intéresse à des problématiques relatives à l’organisation de l’espace dans la ville et à la distribution de la lumière qu’il conçoit comme des formes d’écriture urbaine. Il a depuis lors développé une carrière internationale qui comprend, entre d’autres, des performances publiques de feux d’artifices avec d’illustres compositeurs tels que Iannis Xenakis et Mikis Theodorakis. Son œuvre Waterworks, , avec Alvin Curran fut notamment montrée à Ars Electronica en 1987.

  • FabCamp, W.Afate, Woelab ! [FR]

    19/08/2015 Duração: 19min

    Labellisé “premier espace africain de démocratie technologique”, le WɔɛLab compte probablement parmi les rares fablabs présents sur le continent. Situé à Lomé, au Togo, le WɔɛLab est un “espace d'innovation partagée où s'élabore au quotidien de nouvelles approches de la collaboration productive vertueuse en contexte africain.” Son équipe est notamment à l’origine de la très remarquée W.Afate, première imprimante 3D (africaine !) créée à partir de déchets électroniques.

  • Art and COP 21: Artist Tara DePorte and her work with Environmental Scientists [ENG]

    18/08/2015 Duração: 16min

    Artist Tara DePorte is in residency in Marseille, France at the IMERA Institute for Advanced Study. She discusses her work with Joel Guyot and local environmental scientists to develop public art projects to create social action around the COP21 Climate Change Conference in Paris in December 2015. She discusses with Roger Malina the ideas of making the invisible visible- not only the science but the people doing the science and making it personal. Roger Malina chimes in with his argument for artists’ role in making science ‘intimate’.

  • The iEAR Startup: Curriculum and Values in Electronic Art Education [ENG]

    17/08/2015 Duração: 16min

    Art and Technology pioneer Neil Rolnick follows up on his podcast in the Pioneers and Pathbreakers channel to discuss the environment at RPI in the 80s that led to the setting up of an MFA in Integrated Electronic Arts. He discusses some of the cultural issues such as involvement of administrative and technical staff ( as opposed to the more hierchical environment when he had been at IRCAM).

  • L'Africaine D'Architecture et le Style Néo-Vernaculaire [FR]

    14/08/2015 Duração: 14min

    Ce podcast est la première partie d’un entretien avec Koffi Sénamé, architecte et anthropologue de nationalité togolaise, fondateur de l’espace de démocratisation technologique Woelab à Lomé, dans lequel nous évoquons des questions liées à l’urbanisme et à l’architecture néo-vernaculaire en particulier.

  • 10: Analog Synth Master Doug Lynner [ENG]

    13/08/2015 Duração: 17min

    My guest is analog synthesizer master Doug Lynner, who has performed evolving live compositions on the Serge Modular Synthesizer for over 40 years, as well as editing the classic electronic music magazine Synapse.

  • Makers, Crafters, and Stem: A Short Introduction [ENG]

    12/08/2015 Duração: 09min

    Poe Johnson and Stephanie Vasko discuss the intertwining histories of the Maker Movement and the Craft Movement, and how each relates to women within STEAM fields.

  • Artist Tara DePorte discusses how Environmental Artists can Inspire Specific Actions [ENG]

    11/08/2015 Duração: 13min

    Tara DePorte talks with Roger Malina about her work as an artist activist working for social and environmental movements. She founded the NGO Human Impacts Institute. She is currently in residence in IMERA in Marseille working with environmental scientists at Aix Marseille University. She discusses her approaches to public engagement with very diverse audiences from specialists at the UN, to communicating to experts outside of ones field to a variety of civil society audiences. She argues that one needs to embed projects in the end goals of stimulating social action and change.

  • Vers une Empathie Entre les Humains et les Creatures Articifielles [FR]

    10/08/2015 Duração: 15min

    Edmond Couchot, pionnier français des arts numérique, discute en français avec Roger Malina, son implication dans la création de arts hybrides qui lient les arts visuels et les arts sonore, en respectant leur spécificités. Cette hybridations crée les conditions pour l’émergence, et même de l’empathie, entre les formes de vies humaines et numérique, avec les nouvelles générations de créatures artificiels qui sont en développement. Malina note aussi le lien entre les arts numérique et les bio-arts avec les recherches par les artistes sur les formes de symbiose entre humaines et les autres formes de vie. Ce podcast est la suite d’un podcast sur la chaine Pionniers et Précurseurs et une Mémoire publiée dans la revue Leonardo.

  • Neil Rolnick Remembers IRCAM, iEAR and Early Days in Art/Technology [ENG]

    07/08/2015 Duração: 14min

    Art and Technology Pioneer Neil Rolnick discusses his early career in music as a classic composer and then with technology that led him to work at IRCAM soon after its founding , he was hired at Rensselaer Polytechnic Insitute in 1981 and went on to help set up the iEAR and MFA in Integrated Electronic Arts which he discusses in a second podcast on the New Leonardos channel.

  • Taste of Flesh / Bite Me I'm Yours, as Seen by the Curator, Meeting with Jareh Das [ENG]

    06/08/2015 Duração: 22min

    The curator Jareh Das discusses Martin O'Brien's durational performance Taste of Flesh / Bite Me I'm Yours that the artist created in London on April 18th 2015 as part of Trust Me, I'm An Artist, an EU project that is exploring ethical issues in art that engage with biotechnology and medicine. This podcast is linked to the one with Martin O'Brien discussing the same performance from the point of view of the artist.   Jingles et habillage sonore Jean-Yves Leloup, musiques Carl Harms, David James Elliott "The Wire", Sergey Lopoukha "Lull" (Universal Production Music Publishing), Stefanski "Last Light Lament" (Atmos Production Music/UNIPPM)

  • How to make Collaboration Between Artists and Scientists Possible [ENG]

    05/08/2015 Duração: 16min

    Art and Technology pioneer Dan Sandin discusses forty years of setting up projects which involve collaboration between artists and scientists. This is a follow up podcast to his podcast on the pioneers and pathbreakers channel where he discusses his involvement in the analog/digital transition and the video revolutions. He mentions a number of factors which in his experience have caused problems ( eg getting heavy investment from professional scientists because of promotion criteria not taking such work into account) or proved enabling such as artists working with engineering or science students. Sandin is collaborating on the production of the upcoming boom Art Science Collaborations: A Practical Guide for Computer Graphics and Visualization (by CRC Press).

  • Taste of Flesh / Bite Me I'm Yours, as Seen by the Artist, Meeting with Martin O'Brien [ENG]

    04/08/2015 Duração: 25min

    The artist Martin O'Brien discusses his durational performance Taste of Flesh / Bite Me I'm Yours that he created in London on April 18th 2015 as part of Trust Me, I'm An Artist, an EU project that is exploring ethical issues in art that engage with biotechnology and medicine. This podcast is linked to the one with Jareh Das who discusses the same performance from the point of view of the curator.   Jingles et habillage sonore Jean-Yves Leloup, musiques Carl Harms, David James Elliott "The Wire", Sergey Lopoukha "Lull" (Universal Production Music Publishing), Stefanski "Last Light Lament" (Atmos Production Music/UNIPPM)

  • 09: Poly-Stylistic Guitarist John Schott [ENG]

    01/08/2015 Duração: 19min

    I talk with guitarist, composer, bandleader and musical polymath John Schott, whose work spans the genres of jazz, pop, folk and contemporary composition.

  • Security Visualization with Cathryn Ploehn [ENG]

    01/08/2015 Duração: 16min

    In this podcast I discuss online and technology based security with Cathryn Ploehn. Cathryn Ploehn has currently been working to visualize the data on usability and user-error of online security.

  • Sugar Remixing

    29/07/2015 Duração: 04min

    In this podcast Hal Clark and Corey Smart discuss their different approaches to remixing the popular song Sugar by Maroon 5.

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