Vineyard Columbus Sermons

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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Welcome to the Vineyard Columbus podcast! We want to be a relevant church that does not exist for itself, but for Christ and for the world. Here you will find our weekend messages taught by Rich Nathan and others. We hope God blesses you through these messages.


  • A Different Way to be Authentic


    In the ancient Middle East you couldn’t tell the difference between the sheep and the goats. How do you know the difference between authentic Christians and hypocrites? Rich shares how we can be the authentic Christians we are called to be.

  • A Different Understanding of our Talents


    Pastor Rich Nathan continues in the Making A Difference series with the topic "A Different Understanding of our Talents." The call regardless of our situation is to improve upon our talents. No matter our circumstance everyone must improve upon what we’re doing for the sake of Christ.

  • Redefining Greatness


    As we continue our sermon series "Making a Difference," Pastor Shane Huey speaks on how greatness is truly defined.

  • A Different Understanding of Ourselves


    Pastor Rich Nathan launches a new sermon series this weekend entitled Making A Difference. One of the most fundamental ways that we human beings find meaning in life is by making a difference. Every one of us has a need to have our lives count for something. In this series, we’ll talk about how each of us can be difference makers. This sermon is about seeing ourselves as servants. What is our identity? Are we available to God? Service to God is the ultimate freedom. When I put myself under another person, that’s bondage. But when I put myself under the Lord, that’s freeing. There are some things that you gain when you make yourself available to the Lord.

  • Reveal


    Guest speaker Juian Adams speaks a prophetic word on bringing our heavenly dreams to reality through the word of God.

  • Surely God is...Good?


    Pastor Charles Montgomery speaks about overcoming doubt and using text from Psalm 73. The sermon take a tour through radical doubt to the goodness of God.

  • What Do You Do When You Can’t Find God


    Pastor Rich Nathan continues his series, When Life is Unfair. We have three different phases in life: orientation, disorientation, reorientation. Orientation is when everything is going well. When we are disoriented, we often ask ourselves, “How do I get back to place of stability? How do I get out of this pit?” And as we try to reorient our lives, some use spiritual nostalgia – trying to get back to a place in our past. But instead we need to move forward to what God is providing next in our lives.

  • How to Look More Like Jesus


    Pastor Rich Nathan continues into the series, When Life is Unfair, with the sermon topic How to Look More Like Jesus. He will focus on text from James 1:2-4, 12-14. Maturing as Christians is not a given or automatic. The sad truth is that other than in religious practice, Christians are statistically indistinguishable from non-Christian neighbors regarding race, sexual behaviors, divorce, and domestic violence. God uses trials to bring about maturity.

  • How God Comforts People in Pain


    Pastor Rich Nathan continues his sermon series When Life is Unfair with "How God Comforts People in Pain." One of the main ways that God comforts is through his people. Rich will be preaching from 2 Corinthians as well as share stories from our Support for Life ministry where people were able to come alongside others to comfort one another.

  • Lies That Destroy


    Pastor Eric Pickerill looks at how the unfairness of life is compounded by lies that we believe about why life is unfair in the first place. It’s not just that we experience pain in life, but we also believe lies that make that pain worse.

  • Standing Strong in a Time of War


    Pastor Rich Nathan continues his series "When Life is Unfair." Why is life so hard? We are not fighting with flesh and blood. There is real evil. This is a war. We are called to take a stand and put on our full armor. As you might suspect, Rich’s message focuses on Ephesians 6.

  • When a Child of God Suffers


    Pastor Rich Nathan continues in his series, When Life is Unfair. Rich talks about how to live in God’s waiting room – living between the times. He touches on praying, hoping and groaning. We can’t exhaustively explain why things happen the way they do, but we can still live successfully. He will focus on the text from Romans 8:18-27.

  • Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?


    Pastor Rich Nathan starts a new series "When Life is Unfair." What do you do when nothing seems to be going your way? Some of us ask, “Why me?” Or “What is God trying to tell me?” How you choose to respond to the difficult things that can happen to you can mean the difference between a life of anger or joy. Everything happens for a reason, and that reason is your spiritual growth in Christ. In this series, we explore what you can do when life takes a turn that just does not seem fair. We will begin in the book of Job and discover why bad things happen to good people.

  • The Unexpected and Ongoing Call of the Comeback


    Pastor Scott Engebretson brings our Major Lessons from Minor Prophets series to an en with his message from the book of Haggai. There are miracles in life, unexpected comebacks. Scott invites us to build something for the kingdom – for the future.

  • What Does God Require of Us?


    Pastor Andy Saperstein continues our series, Major Lessons from Minor Prophet. Andy teaches about how justice, mercy and walking humbly with our God when demonstrated together make a well-rounded believer.

  • The God of the Underdog


    Pastor Eric Pickerill continues in our series, Major Lessons from Minor Prophets. He speaks on why we love underdogs and how God defines an underdog. Through Nahum, we will take a look at justice for God’s people, God making things right for the weak and vulnerable, and God’s power or evil and darkness.

  • The God of Second Chances


    Pastor Charles Montgomery picks up where Pastor Lorie Kaufman-Rees left off in our Major Lessons from Minor Prophets series. His focus will be coming from the book of Jonah. His three main points of focus are Jonah’s disobedience, Jonah’s downfall and Jonah’s deliverance.

  • How God Deals With Pride


    Have you ever wondered why we call Jonah, Micah, Amos, Obadiah and others the ‘minor’ prophets? Certainly, it’s not because their messages were any less important. Sometimes God used these prophets to proclaim major truths, denounce sin and even predict the future! Other times God used them to show God’s truth through various events in their lives. In this series, we will explore big truths from these little books with big messages.

  • It's the End of the World as We Know It...and the Art of the Impossible


    Have you ever wondered why we call Jonah, Micah, Amos, Obadiah and others the ‘minor’ prophets? Certainly, it’s not because their messages were any less important. Sometimes God used these prophets to proclaim major truths, denounce sin and even predict the future! Other times God used them to show God’s truth through various events in their lives. In this series, we will explore big truths from these little books with big messages.

  • The Promise of the Spirit


    Have you ever wondered why we call Jonah, Micah, Amos, Obadiah and others the ‘minor’ prophets? Certainly, it’s not because their messages were any less important. Sometimes God used these prophets to proclaim major truths, denounce sin and even predict the future! Other times God used them to show God’s truth through various events in their lives. In this series, we will explore big truths from these little books with big messages.

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