Charlotte Chapel
- Autor: Vários
- Narrador: Vários
- Editora: Podcast
- Duração: 748:05:18
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Sermons from Charlotte Chapel, Edinburgh
The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ - 2 Corinthians 13:14 - Mr Philip Doggart
07/10/2012 Duração: 11minDate: 07 October 2012 (Evening)Title: The Grace of our Lord Jesus ChristPassage: 2 Corinthians 13:14Preacher: Philip Doggart
Life in a University City - Daniel 1 -
30/09/2012 Duração: 35minDate: 30 September 2012 (Evening)Title: Life in a University CityPassage: Daniel 1Preacher:
The Pointlessness of Possessions - Ecclesiastes 1:12 - 2:26 - Paul Rees
30/09/2012 Duração: 35minDate: 30 September 2012 (Morning)Title: The Pointlessness of PossessionsPassage: Ecclesiastes 1:12 - 2:26Preacher: Paul Rees
United we stand - 1 Corinthians 1:10-17 - Mr Andy Prime
23/09/2012 Duração: 34minDate: 23 September 2012 (Evening)Title: United we standPassage: 1 Corinthians 1:10-17Preacher: Andy Prime
What's the Point? - Ecclesiastes 1:2-11 - Paul Rees
23/09/2012 Duração: 30minDate: 23 September 2012 (Morning)Title: What's the Point?Passage: Ecclesiastes 1:2-11Preacher: Paul Rees
The Church - It's not about You! - 1 Corinthians 1:1-9 - Rev Liam Garvie
16/09/2012 Duração: 36minDate: 16 September 2012 (Evening)Title: The Church - It's not about You!Passage: 1 Corinthians 1:1-9Preacher: Liam Garvie
The Life Coach - in a Meaningless World - Ecclesiastes 12:8-14 - Paul Rees
16/09/2012 Duração: 31minDate: 16 September 2012 (Morning)Title: The Life Coach - in a Meaningless WorldPassage: Ecclesiastes 12:8-14Preacher: Paul Rees
The King and His Call - Mark 1:9-20 - Rev Liam Garvie
09/09/2012 Duração: 38minDate: 09 September 2012 (Evening)Title: The King and His CallPassage: Mark 1:9-20Preacher: Liam Garvie
Making Disciples of all Nations - Luke 22:44-49 - Paul Rees
09/09/2012 Duração: 16minDate: 09 September 2012 (Morning)Title: Making Disciples of all NationsPassage: Luke 22:44-49Preacher: Paul Rees
For yours is the kingdom - -
02/09/2012 Duração: 10minDate: 02 September 2012 (Evening)Title: For yours is the kingdomPreacher:
Refuge in the Judge - Psalm 7 - Paul Rees
02/09/2012 Duração: 38minDate: 02 September 2012 (Morning)Title: Refuge in the JudgePassage: Psalm 7Preacher: Paul Rees
God's Word in Your Hands: How to Read the Bible - Psalm 1 - Rev Liam Garvie
26/08/2012 Duração: 39minDate: 26 August 2012 (Evening)Title: God's Word in Your Hands: How to Read the BiblePassage: Psalm 1Preacher: Liam Garvie
Preach the Word - 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5 - Paul Rees
26/08/2012 Duração: 35minDate: 26 August 2012 (Morning)Title: Preach the WordPassage: 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5Preacher: Paul Rees
The Bible and Sexuality - Genesis 1:26-2:2; 2:15-25 - Mr Andy Prime
19/08/2012 Duração: 35minDate: 19 August 2012 (Evening)Title: The Bible and SexualityPassage: Genesis 1:26-2:2; 2:15-25Preacher: Andy Prime
It is written... - 2 Timothy 3:15 - Paul Rees
19/08/2012 Duração: 37minDate: 19 August 2012 (Morning)Title: It is written...Passage: 2 Timothy 3:15Preacher: Paul Rees
If I Were God, I'd Make Myself Clearer - - Paul Rees
12/08/2012 Duração: 42minDate: 12 August 2012 (Evening)Title: If I Were God, I'd Make Myself ClearerPreacher: Paul Rees
God Has Spoken - Psalm 19 - Rev Liam Garvie
12/08/2012 Duração: 37minDate: 12 August 2012 (Morning)Title: God Has SpokenPassage: Psalm 19Preacher: Liam Garvie
Lead Us... and Deliver Us... - - Riaz Mohammed
05/08/2012 Duração: 12minDate: 05 August 2012 (Evening)Title: Lead Us... and Deliver Us...Preacher: Riaz Mohammed
A Strategy for Contending for the Faith - Jude 20-25 - Rev Liam Garvie
05/08/2012 Duração: 36minDate: 05 August 2012 (Morning)Title: A Strategy for Contending for the FaithPassage: Jude 20-25Preacher: Liam Garvie
Large Letters - Galatians 6:11-18 - Mr Andy Prime
29/07/2012 Duração: 36minDate: 29 July 2012 (Evening)Title: Large LettersPassage: Galatians 6:11-18Preacher: Andy Prime