Hatha Yoga Pradipika Recitation

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 2:53:00
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Listen to Recitations from the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika is the main traditional work on Hatha Yoga. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika was composed by Yoga Swatmarama several centuries ago. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika is written in Sanskrit and composed in classical Shloka metre. That's why the recitation of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika is said to be a powerful spiritual practice. Listening to the Hatha Yoga Pradipika is also considered very beneficial. The recitation is done by Sukadev Bretz, founder-director of Yoga Vidya, a network of Yoga Teachers, Yoga Centers and Yoga Ashrams in Germany and Central Europe.


  • I 52 - Recitation of Hatha Yoga Pradipika fifty-second verse first chapter

    18/05/2013 Duração: 17s

    Recitation by Sukadev Bretz from Yoga Vidya Germany: अथ सिंहासनम् गुल्फौ च वृषणस्याधः सीवन्याः पार्श्वयोः क्षिपेत् । दक्षिणे सव्यगुल्फं तु दक्षगुल्फं तु सव्यके ॥५२॥ Listen to the fifty-second verse first chapter of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, one of the main traditional scripture on Hatha Yoga written by Yogi Swatmarama. More details including the Sanskrit text in Devanagari and Roman script, please check out the Hatha Yoga Pradipika page for H

  • I 51 - Recitation of Hatha Yoga Pradipika fifty-first verse first chapter

    16/05/2013 Duração: 13s

    पद्मासने स्थितो योगी नाडीद्वारेण पूरितम् । मारुतं धारयेद् यस् तु स मुक्तो नात्र संशयः ॥५१॥ Listen to the recitation of the fifty-first verse first chapter of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika recited by Sukadev from Yoga Vidya Germany. Text of Hatha Yoga Pradipika is written by Yogi Swatmarama. If you like to to recite along or just read the Sanskrit text (Devanagari and Roman Script) you can visit Hatha Yoga Pradipika I 51.

  • I 50 - Recitation of Hatha Yoga Pradipika fiftieth shloka first chapter

    14/05/2013 Duração: 34s

    Listen to the fiftieth shloka, first chapter of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika: कृत्वा सम्पुटितौ करौ दृढतरं बद्ध्वा तु पद्मासनं गाढं वक्षसि सन्निधाय चिबुकं ध्यायंश् च तच् चेतसि । वारं वारम् अपानम् ऊर्ध्वम् अनिलं प्रोत्सारयन् पूरितं न्य&

  • I 49 - Recitation of Hatha Yoga Pradipika forty-ninth verse first chapter

    12/05/2013 Duração: 13s

    The Hatha Yoga Pradipika is one of the most important classical scripture on the theory and practice of Hatha Yoga written by Yoga master Swatmarama. Listen to the recitation by

  • I 48 - Recitation of Hatha Yoga Pradipika forty-eighth verse first chapter

    09/05/2013 Duração: 14s

    Listen to the recitation by Sukadev Bretz from Yoga Vidya Germany: Hatha Yoga Pradipika chapter one, 48th verse: नासाग्रे विन्यसेद् राजदन्तमूले तु जिह्वया । उत्तम्भ्य चिबुकं वक्षस्य् उत्थाप्य् पवनं शनैः ॥४८॥ More informations about this verse can be found at the Hatha Yoga Pradipika portal. Just go to HYP I 48: Hatha Yoga Pradipika in sanskrit plus a translation into German German translation additional with comments by Swami Brahmananda, Swami Vishnu-devananda and Sukadev in German Hatha Yoga Pradipika Sanskrit text in d

  • I 47 - Recitation of Hatha Yoga Pradipika forty-seventh verse first chapter

    06/05/2013 Duração: 14s

    Listen to the recitation of the forty-seventh verse - first chapter of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika: उत्तानौ चरणौ कृत्वा ऊरुसंस्थौ प्रयत्नतः । ऊरुमध्ये तथोत्तानौ पाणी कृत्वा ततो दृशौ ॥४७॥ The Hatha Yoga Pradipika is written by Yogi Swatmarama. If you like to recite along or just read the Sanskrit text of this verse in devanagari and/or roman script, please click on Hatha Yoga Pradipika Chapter I Verse 47.

  • I 46 - Recitation of Hatha Yoga Pradipika forty-sixth shloka first chapter

    03/05/2013 Duração: 34s

    Listen to the recitation of the 46th shloka, first chapter of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and get the inspiration by the recitation of this shloka: अथ पद्मासनम् वामोरूपरि दक्षिणं च चरणं संस्थाप्य वामं तथा दक्षोरूपरि पश्चिमेन विधिना धृत्वा कराभ्यां दृढम् । अङ्गुष्ठौ हृदये निधाय चिबुकं नासाग

  • I 45 - Recitation of Hatha Yoga Pradipika forty-fifth verse first chapter

    30/04/2013 Duração: 14s

    नासनं सिद्धसदृशं न कुम्भः केवलोपमः । न खेचरीसमा मुद्रा न नादसदृशो लयः ॥४५॥ Listen to the recitation of the forty-fifth verse first chapter of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and recite these Hatha Yoga Pradipika shlokas before practising any Hatha Yoga: na-āsanaṁ siddha-sadṛśaṁ na kumbhaḥ kevalopamaḥ | na khecarī-samā mudrā na nāda-sadṛśo layaḥ ||45|| Hatha Yoga Pradipika is one of the most essential, classical document on the theory and practice of Hatha Yoga.

  • I 44 - Recitation of Hatha Yoga Pradipika forty-forth verse first chapter

    28/04/2013 Duração: 13s

    तथैकास्मिन्न् एव दृढे सिद्धे सिद्धासने सति । बन्धत्रयम् अनायासात् स्वयम् एवोपजायते ॥४४॥ Listen to the recitation of the forty-forth verse, first chapter of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika recited by Sukadev Bretz from Yoga Vidya Germany. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika is an ancient text written by Swatmarama. If you want to recite along or just read the Sanskrit text (Devanagari and Roman Script), please go to Hatha Yoga Chapter I 44.

  • I 43 - Recitation of Hatha Yoga Pradipika forty-third shloka first chapter

    26/04/2013 Duração: 20s

    Listen to the forty-third shloka, first chapter of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika (HYP): किम् अन्यैर् बहुभिः पीठैः सिद्धे सिद्धासने सति । प्राणानिले सावधाने बद्धे केवलकुम्भके । उत्पद्यते निरायासात् स्वयम् एवोन्मनी कला ॥४३॥ Find more informations about this inspiring shloka at HYP I 43. You can recite this Hatha Yoga Pradipika verse bef

  • I 42 - Recitation of Hatha Yoga Pradipika forty-second shloka first chapter

    24/04/2013 Duração: 14s

    Listen to the forty-second shloka first chapter of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Hatha Yoga Pradipika - the main traditional scripture on Hatha Yoga written by Yogi Swatmarama. For more details including the sanskrit text in devanagari and Roman script, please visit the Hatha Yoga Pradipika page on Hatha Yoga Pradipika I 42: आत्मध्यायी मिताहारी यावद् द्वादशवत्सरम् । सदा सिद्धासनाभ्यासाद् योगी निष्पत्तिम् आप्नुयात् ॥४२॥ atma dhyayi mitahari yavad dvadasha vatsaram | sada siddhasanabhyasad yogi nishpattim apnuyat

  • I 41 - Recitation of Hatha Yoga Pradipika of the forty-first verse first chapter

    21/04/2013 Duração: 14s

    Listen how Sukadev, founder and director of Yoga Vidya recitate the forty-first verse in the first chapter of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika is an ancient text written by Swatmarama: चतुरशीतिपीठेषु सिद्धम् एव सदाभ्यसेत् । द्वासप्ततिसहस्राणां नाडीनां मलशोधनम् ॥४१॥ If you want to recite along or just read the Sanskrit text (Devanagari and Roman Script), please click on this link: Hatha Yoga Pradipika I 41.

  • I 40 - Recitation of Hatha Yoga Pradipika 40th verse first chapter

    18/04/2013 Duração: 14s

    Listen to the recitation of the 40th verse, first chapter, of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and find new inspiration by this recitation: यमेष्व् इव मिताहारम् अहिंसा नियमेष्व् इव । मुख्यं सर्वासनेष्व् एकं सिद्धाः सिद्धासनं विदुः ॥४०॥ You can recite this Hatha Yoga Pradipika Shlokas before practising any Hatha Yoga. If you want to recite along or just read the Sanskrit text (Devanagari and Roman Script), just click on Hatha Yoga Pradipika I 40.

  • I 39 - Recitation of Hatha Yoga Pradipika thirty-ninth verse first chapter

    15/04/2013 Duração: 13s

    Listen to the thirty-ninth verse, first chapter of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika recited by Sukadev Bretz, founder and director of Yoga Vidya: एतत् सिद्धासनं प्राहुर् अन्ये वज्रासनं विदुः । मुक्तासनं वदन्त्य् एके प्राहुर् गुप्तासनं परे ॥३९॥ For more Information, including the Sanskrit text in Devanagari and Roman script, please click on Hatha Yoga Pradipika I 39.

  • I 38 - Recitation of Hatha Yoga Pradipika thirty-eighth verse first chapter

    12/04/2013 Duração: 11s

    Listen to the thirty-eighth verse, first chapter of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika: मेण्ढ्राद् उपरि विन्यस्य सव्यं गुल्फं तथोउपरि । गुल्फान्तरं च निक्षिप्य सिद्धासनम् इदं भवेत् ॥३८॥ For more Information, including the Sanskrit text in Devanagari and Roman script, please click on Hatha Yoga Pradipika I 38.

  • I 37 - Recitation of Hatha Yoga Pradipika thirty-seventh verse first chapter

    09/04/2013 Duração: 38s

    Listen to the recitation of the thirty-seventh verse - first chapter: अथ सिद्धासनम् योनिस्थानकम् अङ्घ्रिमूलघटितं कृत्वा दृढं विन्यसेत् मेण्ढ्रे पादम् अथैकम् एव हृदये कृत्वा हनुं सुस्थिरम् । स्थाणुः संयमितेन्द्रियोऽचलदृशा 

  • I 36 - Recitation of Hatha Yoga Pradipika thirty-sixth verse first chapter

    06/04/2013 Duração: 14s

    Listen to the recitation of the 30th verse, first chapter, of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and let you be inspired by this recitation: सिद्धं पद्मं तथा सिंहं भद्रं वेति चतुष्टयम् । श्रेष्ठं तत्रापि च सुखे तिष्ठेत् सिद्धासने सदा ॥३६॥ You can recite this Hatha Yoga Pradipika verse before practising any Hatha Yoga. If you want to recite along or just read the Sanskrit text (Devanagari and Roman Script), just click on Hatha Yoga Pradipika I 36.

  • I 35 - Recitation of Hatha Yoga Pradipika thirty-fifth verse first chapter

    04/04/2013 Duração: 14s

    चतुरशीत्य् आसनानि शिवेन कथितानि च । तेभ्यश् चतुष्कम् आदाय सारभूतं ब्रवीम्य् अहम् ॥३५॥ Listen to the thirty-fifth verse first chapter of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika (HYP). For more Information, including the sanskrit text in Devanagari and Roman script, go to the Hatha Yoga Pradipika Page on HYP I 35.

  • I 34 - Recitation of Hatha Yoga Pradipika thirty-forth verse first chapter

    02/04/2013 Duração: 12s

    उत्तानं शबवद् भूमौ शयनं तच्छवासनम् । शवासनं श्रान्तिहरं चित्तविश्रान्तिकारकम् ॥३४॥ Listen to the recitation of the thirty-forth shloka first chapter of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Recitation by Sukadev Bretz from Yoga Vidya Germany. Text of Hatha Yoga Pradipika is by Yogi Swatmarama. If you want to recite along or just read the Sanskrit text (Devanagari and Roman Script), just go to Hatha Yoga Chapter I 34.

  • I 33 - Recitation of Hatha Yoga Pradipika thirty-third verse first chapter

    31/03/2013 Duração: 23s

    Listen to the thirty-third shloka, first chapter of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika: हरति सकलरोगान् आशु गुल्मोदरादीन् अभिभवति च दोषान् आसनं श्रीमयूरम् । बहु कदशनभुक्तं भस्म कुर्याद् अशेषं जनयति जठराग्निं जारयेत् कालकूटम् ॥३३॥ For more Information, including the Sanskrit text in Devanagari and Roman sc

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