Leid Stories

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 89:19:00
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Stories and news that affect us all


  • Leid Stories - 03.31.22

    31/03/2022 Duração: 54min

    Is the U.S. too deep into the Russia-Ukraine war?  What do you think are Biden's objectives? Why is President Biden not discussing the U.S.'s military and financial commitment? Why is Congress not asking? Shouldn't the nation know? ︎Just Say Sorry: Back home from duty in the Caribbean representing Queen Elizabeth II at ceremonies celebrating ties between Britain and Commonwealth nations, Prince William bemoaned the scourge on Britain that slavery was. Was?  Will Britain ever pay -- or be made to pay -- the debt that is owed to its former -- and current --colonies?  

  • Leid Stories - 03.30.22

    30/03/2022 Duração: 54min

    Is the U.S. too deep into the Russia-Ukraine war?  What do you think are Biden's objectives? Why is he not discussing the U.S.'s financial commitment? Why is Congress not asking? Shouldn't the nation know? ︎Just Say Sorry: Back home from duty in the Caribbean representing Queen Elizabeth II at ceremonies celebrating ties between Britain and Commonwealth nations, Prince William bemoaned the scourge on Britain that slavery was. Was?  Will Britain ever pay the debt that is owed to its former -- and current --colonies? ︎ If you had your druthers and the power to change the American political system, would you? What kind of system would we have?

  • Leid Stories - 03.29.22

    29/03/2022 Duração: 53min

    Is the U.S. already too deep into the Russia-Ukraine war?  What do you think are Biden's objectives? Why is he not discussing the U.S.'s financial commitment? Why is Congress not demanding answers -- unless it approves of loosie-goosie war policies? But under what authority is the Biden administration committing to and engaging in "wartime" policies and actions? Shouldn't the nation know? ︎Just Say Sorry: Back home from duty in the Caribbean representing Queen Elizabeth II at ceremonies celebrating ties between Britain and Commonwealth nations, Prince William bemoaned the scourge on Britain that slavery was. Was?  Will Britain ever pay the debt that is owed to its former -- and current --colonies? ︎ If you had your druthers and the power to change the American political system, would you? What kind of system would we have?

  • Leid Stories - 03.28.22

    28/03/2022 Duração: 56min

    Explain the significance of President Joe Biden's four-day swing through Europe. ︎Is the U.S. too deep into the Russia-Ukraine war? What do you think are Biden's role and objectives? ︎Lots of U.S. money and resources are being directed at helping countries attacked by Russia rebound. Is the burden equally shared, or is the U.S. carrying the lion's share of it? Shouldn't the president brief the nation on this? ︎Explain what you think accounts for President Biden's caustic remarks about President Vladimir Putin.

  • Leid Stories - 03.25.22

    25/03/2022 Duração: 55min

    It's "FYMF" on Leid Stories Here's what what we're talking about on Leid Stories today -- whatever you have a strong, thought-out opinion about and you want to share with others.

  • Leid Stories - 03.24.22

    24/03/2022 Duração: 58min

    Make a prediction about what President Biden will do about massive shortfalls he will soon face.   ︎While we weren't looking, what happened to a slew of programs and initiatives that should be well under way by now?   ︎ Is Biden in over his head? Is he playing into Trump's hands?   ︎ Does Biden get points for involving himself/U.S. in the Russia-Ukrain crisis?   ︎Would Biden be this deeply involved in solving problems in this hemisphere?   ︎ Have you figured out a plan that would help you and your family get through challenging times ahead?  

  • Leid Stories - 03.23.22

    23/03/2022 Duração: 54min

    QUESTIONS & CALLS   ︎Make a prediction about what President Boden will do about massive shortfalls he will soon face.   ︎While we weren't looking, what happened to a slew of programs and initiatives that should be well under way by now?   ︎ Is Biden in over his head? Is he playing into Trump's hands?   ︎ Does Biden get points for involving himself/U.S. in the Russia-Ukrain crisis?   ︎Would Biden be this deeply involved in solving problems in this hemisphere?   ︎ Have you figured out a plan that would help you and your family  get through challenging times ahead?    

  • Leid Stories - 03.22.22

    22/03/2022 Duração: 55min

    Jeremiah made his presentation yesterday, titled, "The Universal Effects of Lockdown." I couldn't be here as planned. I was sidelined by a construction project that seems to have no end. Do you have a question for Jeremiah, based on histopic yesterday,The Universal Effects of Lockdowns?" 

  • Leid Stories - 03.17.22

    17/03/2022 Duração: 55min

    Trump loses bid to further delay rape case against him. ︎Are you preparing for a rough road ahead? What are the most significant changes you intend to make? ︎Are you done with two-party politics? Or, does the prospect of starting over with a new party too scary to think about? Will America ever overcome its longstanding problems with race and class?

  • Leid Stories - 03.14.22

    14/03/2022 Duração: 55min

    What do you make of where the situation stands between Russia and Ukrain and the threat of war between them? ︎International volunteers are signing up to fight in an anticipated war between Russia and Ukrain that has not even been declared. If you felt compelled to do likewise, what will have been the compelling reason? ︎President Joe Biden (i.e the United States) has taken a leading role in galvanizing international support behind Ukrain, promising billions in technical, humanitarian and military aid. Is Biden setting up once again the old East-West tug-of-war? 

  • Leid Stories - 03.11.22

    11/03/2022 Duração: 59min

    Here's what we're talking about on Leid Stories today. It's "Free Your Mind Friday," and the entire program is about listeners' opinions on the issues of the day. Choose your own subject or issue, but please have an opinion about it.

  • Leid Stories - 03.09.22

    09/03/2022 Duração: 54min

    Here's what we're talking about on Leid Stories today. ︎Based on media reports you've seen, read, heard and have learned about, what do you think the next phase or major  development in the Russia-Ukraine war is likely to be? ︎Why isn't the United States, a leading nation of the world, not yet beyond its two-party political system, when so many people are looking for other choices? Add your voice and views to the discussion. 

  • Leid Stories - 03.08.22

    09/03/2022 Duração: 52min

    It took 65 years and more than 200 attempts over the last century to get the Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act passed into law. Even so, it's no total victory, as the battle for justice in this and other cases continues.  Are we beyond the two-party political system?  Add your voice and views to the discussion. 

  • Leid Stories - 03.07.22

    07/03/2022 Duração: 55min

    Running his line: Andrew Cuomo, the disgraced ex-governor of New York state, thought he'd test his credibility and appeal himself at -- where else? -- a small Black church in Brooklyn yesterday. God isn't finished with him yet, he told congregants about why he left office. A trial might refresh his memory. Inasmuch as President Joe Biden and his administration are trying to square the ledgers on what Russia owes to European states for war-related damages, should U.S. communities targteted by violent acts of government consider doing the same?  

  • Leid Stories - 03.04.22

    04/03/2022 Duração: 56min

    It's "Free Your Mind Friday."

  • Leid Stories - 03.03.22

    03/03/2022 Duração: 54min

    The "old days" are still here, as U.S. media tells the story of the Russia-Ukraine crisis through a very white lens. So, it was sedition after all, according to prosecutors. But Trump, the ringmaster of the violent, Jan. 6 seditious gathering in Washington, D.C., is not yet charged with inciting the minions to "action" because the election was "stolen" from him?  

  • Leid Stories - 03.02.22

    03/03/2022 Duração: 55min

    Here's what we're talking about on Leid Stories today. Reactions to President Biden's State of the Union address. Share your thoughts on Leid Stories live.

  • Leid Stories - 03.01.22

    01/03/2022 Duração: 57min

    President Joseph R. Biden will deliver his first State of the Union address at 9 p.m. tonight, EST. Each year, the president formally addresses Congress and the people of the United States, outlining critical issues confronting the country and how the administration proposes to deal with them.  Most people, even though they may not have formal credentials as political scientists or policy makers, are keenly aware of the problems we face as a nation and what can be done to solve them. What, would you say is the state of the nation?

  • Leid Stories - 02.28.22

    28/02/2022 Duração: 53min

    This is the first in a series of special talks you'll be hearing on Leid Stories.  Many listeners responded to an open invitation to present their views on an issue or subject that deeply concerns them. They suggested their own topics, and will take questions at the end of their presentations.   INTRO PRESENTER:  Edward Duzant

  • Leid Stories - 02.24.22

    24/02/2022 Duração: 53min

    Our presentations series makes its debut next Monday, Feb. 28. Details.                 What's going on? Tell me the news -- as you see it.    

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