Dr. Jeff Leinaweaver

  • Autor: Podcast
  • Narrador: Podcast
  • Editora: Podcast
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About Gaialogue RadioGaialogue Radio with host Dr. Jeff LeinaweaverThere is an old belief that the universe is made of stories, not atoms. Gaialogue Radio, with Dr. Jeff, is a show thats about the stories of the universe. When we tell a story, we engage in a creative act. We become the stories we tell. To be at home in the universe is to embrace our narrative DNA. So in an era of going green and sustainability, what do we make when we tell stories of healing the world and transforming ourse ...


  • Investigating the Evolving Story of the Human Sense of Fairness with Alan Honick


    Alan Honick is a writer and filmmaker whose work has won recognition in several categories, with awards for photography, editing, writing, and producing from the Society of Professional Journalists and several national and international film festivals. In this interview, we will be focusing on a project called The Sense of Fairness, in which we're investigating the evolution of the human sense of fairness, from its biological roots among the earliest social living animals through its manifestations in the social, economic, and political institutions of today.

  • Artist as Storyteller with Jerry Wennstrom


    Artist, author Jerry Wennstrom was born in New York on January 13, 1950. He attended Rockland Community College and the State University of New Paltz. After producing a large body of work, at age 29 he set out to discover the rock-bottom truth of his life. For years he questioned the limits of his creative life as a studio painter. After destroying all of his art and giving away everything he owned, Jerry began a life of unconditional trust, allowing life to provide all that was needed. He lived this way for 15 years. In 1998 he moved to Washington State, where he eventually married Marilyn Strong and produced a large new body of art. Marilyn and Jerrys charming Whidbey Island home is now filled with his unique interactive sculptures and paintings. Jerry also built a 40-foot meditation tower on his property, which is featured along with his story in a book by Laura Chester called Holy Personal. Join us as we speak to Jerry about the story of his journey and his leap of faith into life.

  • Tales from Damanhur with Chuck Estin


    With the chaos of the current world, there are those choosing to live in honor and respect of the world around them. Join us as a we speak with Chuck Estin, PhD, a Permaculture Designer, storyteller and adventurer on his recent experience of living at Damanhur, a living laboratory of the future. For almost 40 years, Damanhur has thrived as an eco-village in Northwestern Italy based on ethical and spiritual values, awarded by an agency of the United Nations as a model for a sustainable future.

  • Stories of Transformation with Artist, Author, Photographer and Social Entrepreneur Linda Wolf


    Linda Wolf is an artist, author, photographer and social entrepreneur. As founder of Teen Talking Circles TTC, she has witnessed the incredible transformation of young lives by way of dialogue and the sharing of story. On this show, we will discuss the power of truth in ones life and how that affects every relationship and the stories told and not told. We will explore how the work of TTC impacts families and communities and the courage that it takes to live these principles. Discover her work in creating sustainable, thriving, connected relationships and how it models all that we want to create in the world.

  • Stringing the Harp with Dr. Deborah Milton


    Join Dr. Jeff as he talks with Dr. Deborah Milton and they share stories about cultivating an active, ritual life.

  • Finding One's Voice with Musician and Storyteller Carolyn Graye


    Carolyn Graye is a gifted Jazz musician, educator and performer. We will be discussing the power of music in building personal and social identities, the psychospiritual aspects of music and the inter-relationship of song, dance and storytelling. Join us as we explore the importance of finding your voice in all areas of life.

  • Stories for a Mid-Summer's Day


    Join Dr. Jeff as he tells stories to feed the summer sun, and inspire the medicine of the season.

  • Living by Design - Adventures of a Permaculturalist - A Conversation with Chuck Estin


    Encore Presentation - We are living in a time of great transition for the human story. Movements such as Transition Towns and other communities are embracing new ways to live and be. When we look at patterns of evolution and natural systems, we can make more vibrant, thriving communities. Join us as a we speak with Chuck Estin, PhD, a Permaculture Designer and adventurer.

  • Nature Speaks with Storyteller, Herbalist and Plant Spirit Medicine Practitioner Victoria Reddick


    Victoria Reddick is an Herbalist and Plant Spirit Medicine Practitioner. We will discuss the wisdom of nature and the stories that plants bring to the world. Victoria will help us journey into ancient practices of shamanism, spirituality, and an idea that as humans, we need to take our place as stewards and equal to all other living beings rather than as masters of our surroundings.

  • Authoring Your own Life Script - A Conversation with Author and Metaphysicist Vipin Mehta


    The story of our journey through life often brings questions of spirituality and hope. This week we are joined by Vipin Mehta who is the author of a book trilogy on global healing. He will lead us on a journey of metaphysics as we examine the relationship between mind, body, soul and spirit. We will discuss his idea of the "Elixir of Forgiveness" and shifting mindsets for a more engaged journey of the soul.

  • Storytelling a Socially Just and Sustainable World with film maker Steve Keller


    Steve Keller is the Producer and Director of "Invisible Young," a feature-length documentary film that examines the lives of four homeless teenagers in Seattle, Washington. It takes a revealing look at their families, their day-to-day lives, their likely fates, and explores what options they have for a hopeful, prosperous future. Join us as we discuss how the film is influencing how we view the story of homelessness among the young in our society, how it happens, where it leads and the challenges of transition.

  • Conversations with Deborah Milton - Storyteller, Artist and Echo-Psychologist


    Encore Presentation - On this week's show we will explore the storylines of a self-declared Urban Wild-Woman. Join us as we speak with Deborah Milton, storyteller, artist and echo-psyhcologist, on the importance and ritual of personal and mythic re-invention. She will take us on an a personal adventure story that begins in Philadelphia and leads us to unexpected storylines when she moves to Montana and stumbles upon her truer self. Deborah Milton will be a contributing "positive deviant" for Gaialogue Radio.

  • Spring of Sustainability with Steve Motenko


    Steve Motenko is the co-producer of the "Spring of Sustainability" series which is the largest virtual sustainability education/engagement initiative ever. Join as as we discuss how the Spring of Sustainability series is influencing how we create a new story of sustainability for personal, social and planetary evolution.

  • The Medicine and Mystery of Storytelling, with Brian Rohr, Storyteller


    Encore presentation - Storytelling is more than just a form of communication. It is one of the oldest acts of communion and group healing. As a form of communion, storytelling offers a way for the mystery of the human condition to be cultivated, and allow for a specific medicine to heal the self, society and the living world. Join us as we speak with Brian Rohr, Storyteller, about the art and practice of storytelling as a healing art.

  • Storytelling for Sustainability


    Context brings about understanding. Stories clarify complex information. In the world of sustainability, storytelling for sustainability is crucial when communicating why we need to be green and change our relationship with each other and the planet, Mother Gaia. Strange as it may sound, but in a world of complexity and speed, you just need to tell a good story to influence change. Join Dr. Jeff as he explores the world of stories as ecologies of knowledge with Dr. Alice MacGillivray, a global leader in the field of knowledge ecologies and communities of practice. Today, you will learn how you can begin to learn how to develop your own skills as a storyteller and change agent for a socially just, environmentally sound world.

  • Why Do We Tell Stories?


    Anthropologists tell us that storytelling is central to human existence. That its common to every known culture. That it involves a symbiotic exchange between teller and listener an exchange we learn to negotiate in infancy. What is it about stories, anyway? Join us for an investigation into one of the most basic and important aspects of being human and alive. Join Dr. Jeff as he asks, why do we tell stories?

  • The Power and Promise of Origin Stories


    Hearing and telling origin stories are integral to healing and rooting oneself in the world. Listening to the telling and re-telling of our origin myths and creation stories form the powerful ways in which cultures and communities are formed and cycle through birth, death and re-birth. Join Dr. Jeff for the full hour and engage in the listening and telling of stories to root oneself in the world and live into one's sense of the transformative and mythic.

  • Encore- Storyteller and Mythologist Danny Deardorff


    Encore: Storyteller and Mythologist Danny Deardorff

  • The Medicine and Mystery of Storytelling, with Brian Rohr, Storyteller


    Storytelling is more than just a form of communication. It is one of the oldest acts of communion and group healing. As a form of communion, storytelling offers a way for the mystery of the human condition to be cultivated, and allow for a specific medicine to heal the self, society and the living world. Join us as we speak with Brian Rohr, Storyteller, about the art and practice of storytelling as a healing art.

  • Living by Design - Adventures of a Permaculturalist - A Conversation with Chuck Estin


    We are living in a time of great transition for the human story. Movements such as Transition Towns and other communities are embracing new ways to live and be. When we look at patterns of evolution and natural systems, we can make more vibrant, thriving communities. Join us as a we speak with Chuck Estin, PhD, a Permaculture Designer and adventurer.

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